250 Game of Thrones Inspired Dog Names
Do you watch Game of Thrones? If so you’re certainly not alone. I’m a big fan of the series, and more than 17 million people tuned in to watch the season 8 premiere on HBO.
If you’re a fan of Game of Thrones you might be inspired to name your dog after one of the characters, and if that’s the case this list is for you. Whether you’re a fan of House Stark or House Targaryen, this list has you covered. I’m partial to Arya, Syrio and Theon, but there’s so many great sounding names & characters to choose from.
I’ve put together a list of 250 of the most popular Game of Thrones characters (these names are a combination from both the books and the show). Here’s 250 Game of Thrones inspired dog names.
Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you. – Tyrion Lannister
Addam | Aegon |
Aemon | Aeron |
Aerys | Aggar |
Aggo | Allard |
Alliser | Alyce |
Alys | Andrik |
Anguy | Anya |
Areo | Armen |
Arron | Arya |
Baela | Balon |
Belicho | Benjen |
Beric | Biter |
Blackfish | Boros |
Bowen | Bran |
Brandon | Brienne |
Bronn | Brynden |
Catelyn | Cedric |
Cersei | Coldhands |
Crane | Craster |
Daario | Daenerys |
Dagmer | Dagos |
Dany | Davos |
Daxos | Dickon |
Donel | Dontos |
Doran | Doreah |
Drogo | Drogon |
Dunaver | Edd |
Eddard | Eddison |
Edmure | Edric |
Edwyn | Eggon |
Egon | Elia |
Ellaria | Euron |
Gendry | Gerold |
Ghost | Giantsbane |
Gilly | Godric |
Gregor | Grenn |
Grey Wind | Grey Worm |
Harwood | Harys |
Hizdahr | Hodor |
Hoster | Hot Pie |
Hound | Howland |
Illyrio | Ilyn |
Irri | Jaehaerys |
Jamis | Janos |
Jaqen | Jeor |
Jeyne | Jhaqo |
Joffrey | Jojen |
Jon | Jorah |
Jorelle | Jory |
Karl | Karlon |
Karsi | Kevan |
Khal | Khaleesi |
Khrazz | Kovarro |
Kraznys | Lady |
Lancel | Larys |
Leaf | Lem |
Lewyn | Littlefinger |
Locke | Lommy |
Loras | Lothar |
Luwin | Lyanna |
Lynesse | Lysa |
Mace | Maggy |
Mance | Mandon |
Margery | Maris |
Maron | Matthos |
Meera | Melisandre |
Mero | Meryn |
Mirri | Missandei |
Mordane | Moro |
Morros | Mycah |
Myranda | Myrcella |
Nan | Ned |
Nestor | Nymeria |
Obara | Oberyn |
Olenna | Olly |
Olyvar | Orell |
Osha | Osmund |
Othell | Otho |
Pate | Petyr |
Pia | Podrick |
Polliver | Pyat |
Pycelle | Pyp |
Pypar | Qhono |
Qhorin | Qotho |
Quaithe | Quentyn |
Qyburn | Ragnor |
Rakharo | Ramsay |
Randyll | Rast |
Rattleshirt | Raven |
Raven | Ray |
Rayder | Razdal |
Reek | Renly |
Rhaegal | Rhaegon |
Rhaena | Rickard |
Rickon | Robb |
Robert | Robett |
Robin | Rodrik |
Roland | Roose |
Rorge | Ros |
Royce | Salladhor |
Samwell | Sandor |
Sansa | Sarella |
Selmy | Selyse |
Shae | Shagga |
Shaggydog | Shagwell |
Shireen | Smalljon |
Sparrow | Spider |
Stannis | Steffon |
Summer | Syrio |
Talisa | Theon |
Thorne | Thoros |
Tommen | Tormund |
Tristan | Trystane |
Tyene | Tyrek |
Tyrion | Tywin |
Ulf | Unella |
Varys | Viper |
Viserion | Viserys |
Waif | Walda |
Walder | Whalen |
Will | Willow |
Wolkan | Wun Wun |
Wylla | Xaro |
Yara | Ygritte |
Yoren | Zollo |
Didn’t find the Game of Thrones inspired name you were hoping for? Check out this comprehensive list of characters from the books if you’re looking for more Game of Thrones dog name ideas.
Looking For More Dog Name Ideas?
If you’re still looking for dog name ideas be sure to check out the following lists for inspiration:
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