Why Do You Need a GPS Tracker for Dogs – Top Dog Tips

Handling our pets is our duty. When it comes to safety, a GPS tracker for dogs comes in handy to help us in all aspects of pet ownership.

As fur parents, our worst nightmare happens when our pets disappear. Statistics show that millions of dogs go missing or run away from home.

Most of them end up in animal shelters. When not retrieved, the dog pound euthanizes them because shelters are too full to rescue all.

Sadly, there are not enough adoptive homes to foster animals. That is enough reason to get a dog tracker – to stop that from happening to our furry friend.

A dog leaves simply because it wants to run free and wander out of the house. There are also abused pets who grab the opportunity to escape.

Even the best-trained dogs run off when scared. Thanks to their keen sense of smell, several lost dogs return home.

But, what if that’s not the case?

ID Tags on Dogs

GPS Tracker for Dogs

There are certain ways a pet owner can do in finding runaway pets.

Wearing ID tags can be of great help in case your dog runs away. However, they tend to fall off.

Not only do they destroy easily, but you are also exposing your personal information to everyone.

So, what do you need to keep your dog safe?

A dog GPS collar is an advanced way to ensure that your pooch is never lost. You will get alerts when he wanders too far.

Anytime he leaves your sight, you will know exactly where your pet is. The dog GPS tracker allows you to track him in real-time.

Dog tracking collars are devices for peace of mind. They are also life-savers.

There is also the microchip implant for identification purposes.

What is the difference between the two? What can microchips and dog tracker collars do?

Let’s get the facts straight to keep your dog safe!

GPS Tracker for Dogs VS Microchip

Do not confuse dog tracking devices with microchips. The dog wears them around the collar while microchips are implanted under the skin.

Microchips are not substitutes for trackers on dogs, nor the other way around. Each is useful in finding a lost dog in different ways.

Microchip on Dogs

Microchip on Dogs

A microchip is a radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip used for identification purposes. It carries a unique ID number transmitted when scanned by a vet or shelter.

There is no need for a battery or power. You will have to register it to a pet recovery service that has access to different microchip databases and technology.

Microchips are permanent because they are inserted into a dog’s skin. It is a simple procedure and not expensive.

Pets with microchips are more likely to reunite with their owners according to AKC Reunite.

However, microchips are not tracking devices. With our current technology, they are too small to have hardware for navigation.

Can a microchip help in finding lost dogs?

Yes, but it will only be helpful if its identification is current. If you’ve chosen to microchip your animal, remember to update your information when you get a new cell number or address.

Putting chips on dogs has been a common practice. Many countries require it as it provides a lasting solution to identifying pets.

Regardless of how efficient it is, it still has its limited use. The only way to make use of a microchip is for someone to find your dog, bring them to a vet and read the chip.

Vets can identify the owner of the dog with the use of a scanner that reads the chip. The identification device is linked to the owner’s contact information and registered in a microchip database.

If your contact information is not up-to-date, you will not get messages when your lost dog is reported found.

While you are on the search for your missing dog, a microchip is of no help.

Fortunately, a tracking collar for dogs provides the solution to trace and retrieve your pet dog in real-time.

GPS Tracking for Dogs

A tracking device for dogs is a technology that allows you to locate any object, in this case, your pet. It interacts with a network of space satellites that can determine one’s whereabouts and course of direction.

GPS trackers for dogs are worn outside unlike the microchip that is placed under the skin. They are preferable over microchips because of their larger range.

This is undeniably the quickest access you have to uncover your pet’s location.

GPS Tracker for Dogs

How does a GPS dog collar work?

Unlike a microchip, it allows you to track pets at once, so you can find your pooch immediately whenever he goes missing. A GPS dog tracker highly increases the chances of retrieving your runaway dog.

It works over any range, in over 150 countries worldwide, and often requires a subscription plan. Easily accessible nowadays, you can even order one online.

Through your smartphone, you will get notifications about your dog’s location even if he is still on the move. This will be a good opportunity for you to get ahead of him.

Pet owners may find the additional features useful as well.

The most essential feature that pet trackers have is their user-friendly mobile application.

Using your smartphone gives the convenience of monitoring your pet’s movement no matter where they are, relieving you of your worries.

Why You Need GPS Trackers for Dogs

If you’re still hesitating on getting a GPS tracker for your dog, here are the reasons why most pet owners have already gotten one.

GPS Tracker for Dogs as a Life-saving Technology

Keeping them safe is our duty. Hence, learning how a tracking device for dogs works will help you understand its benefits.

If you are a busy owner, GPS tracking collar for dogs can be a great investment. You will always know that your pooch is safe even though you may not be with him at all times.

The most obvious reason to get one is that it comes in handy in case your dog runs away. You are able to use your smartphone to discover his exact location.

Although a bit pricey, it pays off considering the labor of searching and fines you get for having a dog on the loose.

It is rather a small cost to pay for the security of your beloved canine companion. Also, there are many options that may fit your budget.

You can view the location of your dog in real-time. This is of great help in retrieving fast dog breeds.

GPS collars prevent pets from being lost as they help owners find their dogs before they become one of the million animals that enter shelters every year.

When not claimed, most of them lose their lives when taken to the pound.

GPS Tracker for Dogs when Hunting

Tracker for Dog when Hunting

Finding it hard to see your dog while out on a hunt?

Investing in the hunting dog tracking system is a good choice in keeping an eye on your dog at ease. Such technology allows you to locate and keep up with your hunting buddy.

In challenging surroundings, the dog GPS tracker will show you your dog’s hunting behavior, time spent in the field, and distance traveled.

There are dog trackers that allow you to train your stubborn dog. You will have the ability to see the direction your dog is heading and control him to stop chasing unwanted quarry.

Regular dog GPS collars are great for tracking companion dogs but not suitable for hunting. They need cellular coverage to work and there are areas that don’t have a reliable mobile service.

In a thick forest or any hunting grounds, there are specific dog GPS trackers designed for monitoring hunting dog breeds.

GPS Tracker for Dogs When in Heat

Dog Couple

Recognize the signs of a dog in heat?

A dog in heat refers to a female that is fertile and ready to breed. This refers to becoming sexually mature and capable of reproducing can happen any time of the year.

When a female dog is open to potential mates, a male dog nearby will pick up her scent. This smell can make your male dog sexually aroused and may put his entire focus on pursuing the neighborhood bitch.

During this time, mating is the ultimate goal of your male dog. It can be helpful to track your furry friend while roaming in the pursuit of a female.

Should he escape from the backyard, the dog tracking collar will help you find your four-legged friend in no time.

Dogs are Escape Artists

Most pups are curious about their surroundings. They can’t help but explore places where they weren’t meant to be there.

If you are asking why you should get a GPS tracker for dogs, having one when you have an escape artist is the best way to catch them in their tracks.

The GPS tracker can help you determine where your pooch is as soon as you realize that they’re already out of your sight.

Having a Virtual Fence Instead of a Physical One

Were you planning on getting a fence to keep your dogs in? How about having a virtual one instead?

You can create a virtual fence and get an alert whenever your pet goes past it. You would know where your dog has wandered off should they escape from the premises.

Monitor Health & Activity with Dog Trackers

With a GPS attached, you will know what your dog has been up to during the day. It will record the time spent playing, resting, and sleeping while you are away.

Some GPS for dogs let you check their health such as the heartbeat and changes in your pet’s typical behavior.

They will notify you when something doesn’t seem right so you can immediately attend to your pet’s medical needs.

Train Them to Stay Within the Designated Area

As mentioned, GPS trackers for dogs have virtual fence features that allow you to set boundaries within the area. Some trackers also have training features to make them stay as they’re told.

Some GPS trackers have vibrations and a sound system to alert the dog whenever they have crossed the designated area. In other cases, they send out a shock to the dog.

However, we recommend using vibrations and sound alerts instead of shock features when training your dogs.

Features of a GPS Tracker for Dogs

The number of features varies but the following are typical factors you can see from a dog tracker collar:

  • Real-time GPS Location
  • Downloadable App
  • Virtual Fence
  • Activity Monitoring
  • Waterproof
  • Motion History
  • Notification Service

FAQs about GPS Tracker for Dogs

Can I track my dog with my phone?

With a downloadable app on either iOS or Android devices, you can check on your dog while you’re at work. You will know your pet’s activity, whether he’s playing or sleeping.

Does my dog need a GPS tracker?

According to a survey by the ASPCA, 15% of pet parents had lost their pets in the past five years.

An estimate of 1 out of 3 dogs goes missing in their lifetime. The number one reason to get a tracking device for dogs is to prevent that from happening to their furry friend.

Why is a tracker dog important?

GPS dog collars are important to prevent losing your pet. This technology finds your runaway dog.

By using GPS tracking for dogs, you can locate him quite quickly. Even if your dog is on the move, you can follow the direction where he is heading before animal control picks him up.

Do you need a GPS if your dog is microchipped?

A microchip is for authentication while a dog tracking device is for locating your pet in real-time.

Trackers on dogs may show their location, but they can’t provide your contact information to those nearby. They also require batteries and can be lost like tags.

Microchips, on the other hand, are permanent. They do not work like GPS systems.

While they can’t guide you to your dog’s location, they provide a way for you to be contacted when your pup is taken to a vet or animal shelter to have the chipped scanned.

Tracker for Dogs

GPS Tracker for Dogs Summary

GPS dog trackers and microchips serve two different functions. A microchip allows us to identify the dogs according to their microchip ID number while GPS for dogs allows us to locate them in real-time.

GPS or Global Positioning System is a satellite-based navigation system of the United States. It is available worldwide, which lets modern trackers have an unlimited range to follow our dogs everywhere they go.

When a dog runs off or goes missing, we can simply track our buddy on our phone screen.

Dogs are escape artists as they go beyond the yard to explore the neighborhood. With pet trackers, we can locate them no matter how near or far.

A tracking device for dogs gives us peace of mind as we are still able to keep an eye on them whenever they go off on an adventure. If they get spooked and take off, we’ll be able to retrieve them quickly.

In keeping the dog in shape, we can set activities to make sure our dogs get enough exercise and see how much rest they get throughout the day.

More importantly, we want our dogs to enjoy nature leash-free to enjoy their freedom. With all the benefits mentioned, we still need to train our furry companions not to wander too far.

GPS tracking collar for dogs is a good safety measure. We may not be able to predict when they bolt, but we can see where they’re off to right away.

Dogs are man’s best friends, and seeing them happy and healthy is well worth investing our money in. It is also a better way than restraining them within the house the whole day.

An animal GPS tracker is important to be one step ahead in ensuring that we get our furry friends back safely.

READ NEXT: 11 Best GPS Trackers for Dogs and Dog Collars in 2022: Review & Cost

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