Beyond Basic Dog Training – Whole Dog Journal

Basic good manners training (sit, down, come, etc.) is vitally important to help your canine family member learn how to survive in a world full of humans. However, training shouldn’t stop there; it’s just as important to continue training well beyond the basics. 

Our second-level class here at Peaceable Paws is called “Beyond Good Manners,” and after that our students go on to “Super Dog” classes. In these advanced courses, we solidify basic-level skills, generalize them to more real-life applications, and introduce new training challenges for our dog-human teams to master. The addition of these skills improves communication and relationship between dogs and their humans, strengthens the reliability of the dogs’ responses to cues both at home and in public, and helps them to become better canine citizens. 

Here are some of our favorite “Beyond” behaviors:

* DISTANCE WORK.   In basic training we generally teach our dogs to respond to our cues when they are right in front of us (except for “Come” of course!). As a result, many dogs think “Down,” for example, means “Lie down at my human’s feet.” If they are across the room and we ask them to lie down, they come running over and drop to the floor right in front of us. Ideally, however, we might want “Down” to mean “Drop to the ground wherever you are when I give you the cue to lie down.”

This is surprisingly easy to teach if your dog already has a solid “verbal down” – that is if he lies down quickly when you give the verbal cue without having to use a treat, hand signal, or any additional prompts. If not, go back to square one and work on that! (See “The Allure of the Lure, July 2018.) Here’s how to teach a Distance Down:

1. Start with your dog sitting in front of you. Cue the “Down” (just to warm up), click or use your marker word, and treat. 

2. With your dog sitting in front of you, tell her to wait or stay and take a half-step back. Cue the “Down,” then mark, return to her and deliver the treat. If at any time during this protocol your dog doesn’t lie down when you give the cue, return to where she is sitting and prompt, mark, and treat. If she starts to get up to come to you, remind her to wait or stay.

3. Tell her to wait or stay, take a half-step back, and without asking her to “Down,” mark, return, and treat. If you ask her to “Down” every time you step back, she will start to anticipate your cue and will being lying down before you ask her to. She will think you stepping away is the cue to lie down.

4. Gradually increase distance – a full step, two steps, three steps, etc., remembering to intersperse frequent repetitions in which you return without asking her to lie down, until she will lie down on your verbal cue from any distance. Also release her from the wait or stay frequently so she doesn’t have to stay in one place for too long a time without breaks!

You can use the same process for any other cues you want your dog to respond to from a distance. Start with her in front of or next to you, ask her to wait or stay, and gradually increase the distance from which you cue her for the behavior.

You need a mirror or a partner to help you with “blind work”, so you can promptly mark and turn around to give your dog reinforcement when she performs the behavior you cued.

*BLIND WORK. We’re not talking about vision-impaired dogs here, but rather about having your dog respond to cues even if you aren’t looking at each other. Again, you have probably taught your dog to respond to your cues when you are facing each other. But what if your back is turned, or she is facing away from you? What if you are in another room? A well-trained dog will respond to those cues even if you aren’t making eye contact. Here’s how:

1. Have your dog sitting in front of you. Tell her to wait or stay and turn your back to her. Cue her to “Down.” If she lies down, mark, turn around to face her, and feed her a treat. (Since you cannot see if she lies down, you will either need an assistant in front of you who nods or shakes their head to tell you if she did or did not lie down, or you can do it in front of a mirror so you can see if she responded to your cue.) If she does not lie down, turn around, cue again, then mark and treat when she does it.

2. Again, turn around without cueing the down sometimes. As with the Distance Down, intersperse several repetitions in which you turn your back, mark, turn around and treat without cueing the down, so she doesn’t come to think turning your back is the cue to lie down.

3. Repeat Step 1 until she consistently lies down on cue with your back turned. If she seems to be having trouble understanding the concept, try cueing the down from a quarter turn so you are standing sideways to her, and gradually increase the degree of the turn over the course of multiple repetitions until she can do it reliably with your back turned.

4. Now add distance. Combine the Distance Down with the Blind Down for more real-life versatility.

5. Get help. Finally, for an out-of-sight Blind Down, either use a mirror so you can watch your dog, or work with a partner who can tell you if she responds. 

Have your dog sit, tell her to wait or stay, and walk out of the room. Then cue her to “Down.” If she does, mark, return, and treat. If she does not, return, cue again, mark, and treat. Then try again. Remember to intersperse lots of “not-down” trials for every “Down” that you cue!

Teaching a combination of the Blind Down and Distance Down also gives you a valuable Emergency Down with which you can stop your dog in her tracks if she is headed toward danger.

* COME PAST DISTRACTIONS. When you have taught your dog to come to you in non-distracting environments, it’s time to up the ante. (See “Rocket Recalls,” September 2012.) You can do this by continuing to practice your Run Away (Let’s Party!) recall while gradually introducing distractions. 

You can make it even better by introducing the Premack Principle, in which your dog learns that the way to get permission to investigate something she wants is to come to you first. The Premack Principle says that you can use a higher value/more likely behavior to reinforce a lower value/less likely behavior. This is also called “Grandma’s Law” – you have to eat your vegetables before you can have your dessert. 

You can teach this informally in everyday situations. When you are out walking with your dog on leash and you can see that she wants to go investigate something, occasionally (not every time!) happily call her to you, and when she gets to you give a cheerful, “Okay go!” cue and run with her to the object of her attention. 

You can also teach her the Premack concept more formally as follows:

1. Have a helper stand in the center of the room. Tell your dog to wait or stay and walk across the room past the person. 

2. Cheerfully call your dog and run away from her. When she runs past the helper to get to you, pick up her leash, say “Let’s go see (person’s name)!” and quickly run with her back to the person, who then greets the dog with excitement. 

3. Increase the distractions. As she begins to understand that coming to you makes the good stuff accessible, gradually increase the difficulty of distraction – have the helper sit on the floor, lie on the floor, hold treats, puts a plate of food on the floor (with a bowl to cover it if needed). 

This extremely useful protocol teaches your dog to come to you in order to “win” the reward of running to play with another dog, going to visit a person with treats, sniffing a tempting pee spot, or chasing a squirrel.

Teaching your dog to go across a room or yard to touch a named item is an advanced task. This type of brain game is great for tiring out a “busy” dog who has too much energy – and who otherwise gets into trouble when she’s lacking enough interaction or stimulation!

* TARGETING TO OBJECTS. In basic training, we teach our dogs to touch their nose to our hand in a behavior known as “targeting.” If your dog loves the “touch” behavior, you can use the hand-target as an alternative to your recall cue, as she must come to you in order to target to (touch) your hand. 

You can build on this behavior by teaching her to nose-target to a variety of other objects, which you can then use to send her away from you to an object or location, and as part of your repertoire of cognition games. Here’s how:

1. Start with your dog facing you, standing or sitting, and ask her to “Wait.” Hold the object you want her to touch in your hand and say its designated “name” out loud (Stuffy, Ball, Squeaky, or whatever you want to call it). If she starts to move toward it, tell her to “Wait” again. You want her to not touch it until you give your “Touch” cue.

2. Say “Touch,” and present the item several inches away from her (at first), at nose level or slightly below. When she touches the item, mark and treat. She may hesitate and be a bit confused at first since she was previously accustomed to touching your hand. Make it easy for her to reach and touch the item.

3. Add distance. When she reliably touches the named object with the two-word cue (“Squeaky! Touch!), start presenting it in your hand at a greater distance. Mark and treat every success.

4. Separate yourself from the item. Now place the object on a chair or on the floor, with your hand behind it, and ask for the touch. Mark and treat each successful touch!

5. Increase distance. Gradually move your hand farther away from the object over several repetitions, until she no longer needs your hand there to respond reliably to your “Object! Touch!” cue.

6. Vary the starting point. Gradually move away from the object with your dog and vary your starting point before asking for the touch, until you can send her away from you to touch the object from increasing distances.

7. Vary the  location of the item. Next, randomly place the object in different locations so you can send her to touch it from various distances at various locations from different starting points.

8. Finally, generalize. Repeat the sequence with different objects at new locations (outdoors, on walks, at friends’ houses, etc.).

For a useful application of this behavior, you can teach her to target to the lid from a cottage cheese or yogurt tub; tape the lid to a wall, send her away from you to touch it, and then cue your Distance Down.

For more cognition games where you can use this behavior, see “Are Canines Cognitive?” October 2017.

* GENERALIZE A “WAIT.” We teach a basic “Wait” behavior using the dog’s food bowl, which instills polite behavior at mealtimes. 

But “Wait” has many more useful real-life applications, including “Wait at the door until I tell you that you can go out.” This an important life-saving behavior, as it helps prevent door-darting and keeps your dog safely in your car, even with doors open, until you tell her she can get out. You can do this with your dog sitting or standing – whichever you prefer (I prefer sitting, as they are more “parked” in a sit):

1. At the door, tell your dog “Wait” in a cheerful tone of voice. Reach toward the doorknob but don’t touch it. If your dog starts to move, remind her to wait, then reach again, but not as close to the knob. Mark and treat when she holds that position for the several seconds that it takes to reach for the door and withdraw your hand.

2. Get closer to turning the doorknob. Do multiple repetitions, gradually reaching closer to the knob, marking and treating each time your dog holds the wait, until you can touch and rattle the knob without your dog getting up.

3. Begin to open the door very slightly. If your dog starts to move to go out, remind her to wait and close the door (be sure your dog won’t get caught by the door!). Repeat your “Wait” cue and try opening the door again. Begin opening the door a little bit, then gradually open it more and more. Mark and treat each repetition. Frequently release her from the “Wait” with your release cue (“Free!” “Break,” or whatever) as you do multiple repetitions.

4. Practice until it’s reliable. Continue cueing your dog to wait and opening the door until you’re able to open it completely and your dog reliably waits. 

5. Have her wait while you go out and then right back in. Now cue her to “Wait!” while you step outside the door and return.  

6. Mix it up. Once she’s able to wait reliably as you walk out the door, sometimes say your release word after you walk out and let her go out with you, sometimes close the door while you are inside with her, and sometimes close the door with her still inside while you are outside. (You can call your release cue through the door when you are outside since you won’t expect her to “Wait” when you are gone and the door closing when you are outside will eventually become an automatic release cue.)

7. Cue your dog to “Wait” every time the door opens. Consistency is the key to helping your dog learn quickly! This behavior will easily generalize to other situations, such as waiting when the car door opens, when she’s getting too far away from you on an off-leash hike, and if you want her to pause when she’s approaching someone or something.

*“TEMPTATION ALLEY.” Our basic “Leave It!” teaches your dog to ignore something in proximity to you, starting with a forbidden treat you place under your foot to prevent her from being able to eat it. In our world, “Leave it!” means she never gets to have that treat, at least not in that location. Once your dog has mastered the basic “Leave It,” she is ready for Temptation Alley, which generalizes the behavior to the real world:

1. Set up the alley of alluring items. Place a half-dozen or so items that your dog likes in a line, about four to six feet apart. The items should range from slightly tempting to seriously alluring – a box, a ball, a stuffed toy, a chew-treat, a piece of chicken, and so on. The goal is to walk alongside the line of items in a parallel path, about four feet away from the items. 

2. Start walking parallel to the row of items but don’t let your dog reach any of them. With your dog on leash, start walking along the line, in a parallel path about four feet away from the items. Your leash should be short enough so your dog can’t reach the items. It’s critical to have a good grip and not allow yourself to have “bungee cord arms,” so your dog does not reach and get any of the items. (If she does, she unintentionally has been reinforced for pulling toward something you didn’t want her to have – and she will likely pull harder or more suddenly next time!)

3. As soon as she glances at one of the objects, cheerfully tell her to “Leave it!” I want to emphasize the “cheerful” part of this. We’re not trying to sternly warn the dog or intimidate her; we’re trying to teach her a cue for a specific behavior.

If she looks away from the item, mark the behavior (click or “Yes!”) and give her a treat and keep walking. Repeat for each of the objects she looks at (and away from). 

4. If she continues to look at any of the items after your “Leave it!” cue, or tries to pull toward an item, just stop, and, keeping a firm grip on the leash and no stretchy arms, stand still and wait until she eventually looks away; do not repeat your cue, or use any “no reward” markers or admonishments such as “Eh eh!” or “No!” When she looks away from the item, mark, treat and continue with Step 3 until you have passed the whole row of items. Then turn around and do it again.

5. Move closer to the line and repeat. When she will reliably pass all the items, either not looking at them or immediately looking away when you give the cue, you can walk in a line that is closer to the Alley and repeat.

It’s easy to see how useful this behavior is in real life. The aromatic bag of fast-food remains on the sidewalk, the tempting pile of kitty poop in the flower bed, the cookie in the hand of the toddler – the applications are endless! When your dog is a star at Temptation Alley, occasionally use your “Leave It” cue on your walks until she can do it anywhere, anytime, for anything.

For more about teaching your dog to “Leave It,” see “Leaving for Good,” June 2018.

Different things tempt different dogs. Nova walked right by the bowl of food and even the bag of McDonald’s food, but nearly put on the brakes for a favorite toy. The leash never so much as tightened, though, as Jessie was ready with a cheery “Leave it!” cue, followed by a mark (“Yes!”) and a treat.


These are just a few of the many Beyond Good Manners that will serve you and your dog well in daily life. If you’re not already working with one, search out a good, force-free trainer in your community who can help you and your dog have fun as you journey together through a lifetime of learning together. 

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109 thoughts on “Beyond Basic Dog Training – Whole Dog Journal

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  • November 2, 2022 at 8:43 pm

    I intended to create you a very little observation to be able to give thanks over again about the marvelous principles you have shared on this page. It has been tremendously generous of you to present publicly precisely what a lot of folks would’ve offered for an e book to generate some dough on their own, particularly considering that you might have tried it if you decided. These secrets additionally served to be the fantastic way to fully grasp most people have a similar passion the same as mine to see very much more concerning this matter. I’m sure there are numerous more pleasant occasions ahead for individuals who looked at your website.

  • November 2, 2022 at 8:44 pm

    My wife and i felt quite thankful Raymond could do his research using the ideas he had from your very own web page. It is now and again perplexing to just continually be giving away tips and tricks which usually a number of people have been trying to sell. And now we do understand we now have the writer to be grateful to because of that. The type of explanations you’ve made, the straightforward website menu, the relationships you will make it easier to instill – it’s all remarkable, and it’s letting our son and us imagine that this idea is exciting, and that’s wonderfully mandatory. Many thanks for everything!

  • November 3, 2022 at 8:14 am

    My spouse and i have been really more than happy when Albert could round up his inquiry from your precious recommendations he received in your site. It is now and again perplexing just to happen to be giving away steps which some people could have been making money from. So we understand we have got the website owner to appreciate because of that. Those explanations you made, the straightforward blog navigation, the relationships you can aid to instill – it is most astounding, and it’s really assisting our son and us recognize that the subject is entertaining, and that is exceedingly important. Thank you for the whole thing!

  • November 3, 2022 at 8:14 am

    I wanted to jot down a quick note in order to say thanks to you for these fabulous techniques you are placing at this website. My extensive internet search has at the end been paid with good quality facts and techniques to exchange with my family. I would suppose that most of us website visitors actually are really endowed to exist in a notable site with so many lovely people with interesting tricks. I feel really lucky to have seen the web pages and look forward to so many more enjoyable moments reading here. Thanks a lot once more for all the details.

  • November 3, 2022 at 9:38 pm

    My spouse and i felt satisfied Michael managed to conclude his reports through the precious recommendations he discovered through your web pages. It is now and again perplexing just to always be giving freely helpful hints some people could have been making money from. We really know we need the website owner to give thanks to for this. The type of illustrations you made, the straightforward site navigation, the friendships you will help to instill – it’s got everything wonderful, and it’s aiding our son in addition to us reckon that the idea is interesting, which is certainly extremely important. Thank you for the whole thing!

  • November 3, 2022 at 9:38 pm

    My husband and i got very joyful when Jordan managed to finish off his analysis through the precious recommendations he got when using the web page. It’s not at all simplistic to simply always be giving freely steps which most people might have been selling. So we figure out we have the website owner to give thanks to because of that. The entire illustrations you have made, the simple website navigation, the relationships you give support to engender – it’s got mostly extraordinary, and it’s really assisting our son and the family imagine that the subject is satisfying, and that’s unbelievably important. Thank you for all the pieces!

  • November 3, 2022 at 9:39 pm

    I enjoy you because of all your labor on this web page. My aunt takes pleasure in carrying out investigation and it is easy to understand why. We all hear all relating to the powerful means you make informative things on this website and therefore strongly encourage response from visitors about this subject matter while our own child is really becoming educated a lot. Take pleasure in the rest of the new year. You’re doing a superb job.

  • November 4, 2022 at 9:14 am

    I must point out my respect for your generosity giving support to visitors who have the need for assistance with in this area of interest. Your real dedication to getting the message all around became extraordinarily effective and has consistently allowed ladies much like me to reach their targets. Your important publication means this much a person like me and extremely more to my peers. Best wishes; from each one of us.

  • November 4, 2022 at 10:51 pm

    I in addition to my friends have been checking out the best pointers found on the blog and all of the sudden developed an awful feeling I never thanked the website owner for those strategies. The ladies became totally excited to read all of them and have now extremely been using these things. Appreciation for getting really considerate and then for picking these kinds of extraordinary things most people are really wanting to learn about. Our own sincere regret for not expressing appreciation to earlier.

  • November 4, 2022 at 10:52 pm

    I really wanted to write down a brief word to express gratitude to you for these unique pointers you are showing on this website. My prolonged internet investigation has now been honored with wonderful knowledge to share with my best friends. I would claim that we website visitors actually are very much fortunate to be in a fantastic place with so many wonderful professionals with good solutions. I feel pretty lucky to have used your entire web pages and look forward to tons of more amazing moments reading here. Thank you once again for a lot of things.

  • November 5, 2022 at 10:47 am

    I and my pals ended up reading through the good recommendations from your web site and so instantly developed an awful suspicion I never thanked the web blog owner for those secrets. Those young boys are already as a consequence joyful to see them and already have in truth been enjoying those things. Many thanks for indeed being really kind and for picking out this kind of exceptional subject matter most people are really needing to understand about. My very own honest apologies for not expressing appreciation to you earlier.

  • November 5, 2022 at 10:47 am

    I simply wanted to thank you so much again. I’m not certain the things that I would’ve used without these pointers provided by you on such a area. It previously was an absolute difficult setting in my circumstances, but noticing the professional way you managed that made me to cry for gladness. Now i am happier for the service and as well , sincerely hope you are aware of a great job your are getting into training other individuals via a blog. Most likely you’ve never got to know all of us.

  • November 5, 2022 at 11:37 pm

    I needed to post you the little bit of word in order to thank you so much again about the breathtaking opinions you have documented on this website. It has been incredibly open-handed with people like you to offer without restraint just what a few individuals could have offered for an electronic book to end up making some cash on their own, primarily now that you could have tried it if you considered necessary. The advice additionally worked to provide a great way to recognize that some people have similar eagerness just like my very own to grasp way more in terms of this condition. Certainly there are thousands of more pleasant periods ahead for many who scan through your site.

  • November 5, 2022 at 11:38 pm

    I want to point out my love for your generosity giving support to persons that actually need assistance with in this idea. Your personal commitment to getting the solution throughout appeared to be exceptionally invaluable and have without exception helped folks like me to get to their ambitions. Your personal interesting tutorial signifies a whole lot to me and somewhat more to my fellow workers. Regards; from each one of us.

  • November 6, 2022 at 11:44 am

    I together with my buddies appeared to be going through the great strategies found on your website and at once I got an awful feeling I had not thanked the site owner for those tips. Those people ended up so excited to see them and have now definitely been tapping into those things. Thanks for turning out to be really helpful and also for using these kinds of perfect information most people are really wanting to know about. Our honest apologies for not expressing gratitude to you sooner.

  • November 6, 2022 at 11:45 am

    Thank you for all of the hard work on this web site. Ellie takes pleasure in carrying out investigation and it’s really simple to grasp why. A lot of people notice all regarding the lively form you deliver simple steps on your web site and encourage participation from other people on that area while our simple princess is without question starting to learn so much. Have fun with the remaining portion of the new year. You have been doing a terrific job.

  • November 7, 2022 at 12:36 am

    I wish to express my appreciation to you just for bailing me out of this type of crisis. Just after surfing around through the world wide web and obtaining solutions which were not pleasant, I was thinking my life was well over. Being alive without the presence of answers to the problems you’ve resolved through your entire site is a critical case, and ones which might have negatively affected my entire career if I had not discovered your blog. Your good know-how and kindness in controlling everything was excellent. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t discovered such a stuff like this. It’s possible to at this time look forward to my future. Thank you very much for the specialized and amazing help. I won’t hesitate to suggest your web blog to anyone who would need recommendations about this subject matter.

  • November 7, 2022 at 12:37 am

    I actually wanted to construct a word in order to appreciate you for some of the marvelous tips and tricks you are sharing on this site. My time-consuming internet research has now been paid with reputable facts and techniques to exchange with my great friends. I ‘d believe that we visitors actually are definitely fortunate to dwell in a fabulous network with very many wonderful individuals with beneficial tips and hints. I feel rather lucky to have encountered your webpage and look forward to really more excellent minutes reading here. Thanks once again for a lot of things.

  • November 7, 2022 at 1:31 pm

    I precisely had to say thanks once more. I’m not certain the things that I would have tried in the absence of those creative concepts documented by you regarding that theme. Entirely was a scary issue in my view, but noticing a new expert mode you treated it took me to leap over happiness. Now i’m grateful for your guidance and as well , sincerely hope you recognize what a powerful job you are always doing teaching some other people thru your website. I am certain you’ve never encountered all of us.

  • November 7, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    I not to mention my friends have been going through the good ideas found on your web blog and all of a sudden I got a horrible suspicion I never thanked the web blog owner for those strategies. All of the guys were for this reason happy to learn them and now have simply been tapping into them. Thank you for indeed being simply thoughtful and for going for some marvelous areas most people are really desirous to learn about. My personal honest apologies for not saying thanks to you sooner.

  • November 8, 2022 at 1:47 am

    I must get across my love for your kind-heartedness for all those that require help on this particular concept. Your personal commitment to getting the solution along came to be remarkably significant and has empowered folks just like me to achieve their ambitions. Your personal valuable guideline indicates a lot to me and additionally to my mates. With thanks; from each one of us.

  • November 8, 2022 at 1:47 am

    Needed to write you the tiny word to help thank you as before for the pretty ideas you’ve shared at this time. It is quite incredibly open-handed of you giving freely exactly what numerous people could have offered for sale as an e book to make some cash for their own end, most importantly seeing that you could possibly have done it if you ever wanted. Those advice also served to be a good way to comprehend someone else have the identical fervor the same as my own to see significantly more around this problem. I am certain there are many more pleasant sessions ahead for folks who read carefully your blog post.

  • November 9, 2022 at 2:39 am

    I am only writing to make you understand of the impressive encounter my friend’s daughter experienced reading through your blog. She mastered so many pieces, including what it is like to have an excellent teaching character to let other individuals clearly thoroughly grasp selected impossible topics. You actually exceeded my expectations. Thank you for giving those necessary, trusted, educational as well as unique tips about the topic to Jane.

  • November 9, 2022 at 2:40 am

    Needed to put you one bit of observation in order to thank you as before on the pleasing views you have featured in this article. This is simply generous of people like you to deliver unreservedly what exactly a few people might have made available as an electronic book to earn some money for their own end, principally considering the fact that you might well have tried it in case you decided. Those secrets as well served to become good way to recognize that many people have a similar keenness just like mine to see way more pertaining to this problem. Certainly there are numerous more pleasurable opportunities in the future for individuals that read carefully your website.

  • November 10, 2022 at 4:52 pm

    I as well as my buddies appeared to be digesting the good information and facts found on the blog and instantly developed a terrible feeling I had not expressed respect to the website owner for those secrets. The ladies appeared to be as a consequence very interested to learn all of them and have really been using them. Appreciation for being really helpful and also for finding some fantastic guides millions of individuals are really eager to discover. My sincere apologies for not saying thanks to you sooner.

  • November 11, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    I wanted to create you one very little remark so as to thank you very much as before for the spectacular tips you’ve discussed in this article. It’s so tremendously generous of people like you to present publicly what exactly a lot of people would have sold as an electronic book to get some cash for themselves, even more so considering that you could have done it in the event you wanted. The advice additionally served to become easy way to be aware that some people have a similar eagerness similar to my very own to see lots more on the subject of this matter. I’m certain there are several more pleasurable instances ahead for individuals that looked at your blog.

  • November 11, 2022 at 7:29 pm

    My husband and i were now joyful Raymond managed to do his preliminary research because of the precious recommendations he came across when using the web pages. It’s not at all simplistic just to possibly be giving away methods men and women have been making money from. And we fully grasp we have got the website owner to thank for this. The specific illustrations you have made, the easy website navigation, the friendships you assist to foster – it’s mostly great, and it is helping our son and our family feel that that issue is amusing, which is certainly tremendously mandatory. Many thanks for the whole thing!

  • November 11, 2022 at 7:29 pm

    I want to show my respect for your kindness giving support to men who have the need for assistance with this important matter. Your personal dedication to passing the solution along appears to be unbelievably informative and have without exception empowered others much like me to realize their ambitions. Your personal invaluable suggestions signifies a whole lot a person like me and even further to my colleagues. Thanks a lot; from each one of us.

  • November 12, 2022 at 7:30 am

    My wife and i ended up being very fulfilled Jordan managed to finish off his survey through the entire precious recommendations he came across in your web page. It is now and again perplexing just to always be offering thoughts that many people could have been making money from. And now we remember we now have you to be grateful to for that. All of the illustrations you made, the easy web site navigation, the friendships your site make it possible to instill – it’s got many unbelievable, and it is making our son and our family do think this subject matter is enjoyable, which is certainly quite important. Thanks for all the pieces!

  • November 15, 2022 at 11:13 am

    Needed to put you the very small remark to finally give thanks yet again for your personal precious tricks you have documented in this case. This has been really unbelievably open-handed with people like you to give easily precisely what most of us would’ve marketed for an e book in making some profit for themselves, precisely now that you might have tried it if you wanted. These thoughts additionally worked like a easy way to comprehend other individuals have the identical keenness just as my own to understand a lot more with respect to this issue. I am certain there are some more pleasant sessions up front for individuals that view your site.

  • November 15, 2022 at 11:13 am

    I intended to post you the tiny note so as to give many thanks yet again for the striking guidelines you’ve shared on this website. It was really shockingly generous with people like you to give unhampered precisely what a lot of people would have advertised for an ebook to end up making some bucks on their own, certainly considering that you could have done it if you considered necessary. The things as well worked like a fantastic way to fully grasp other people online have similar passion similar to mine to see much more concerning this problem. I am certain there are numerous more pleasant situations up front for individuals that scan through your website.

  • November 15, 2022 at 11:41 pm

    I’m also writing to let you know what a outstanding discovery my wife’s princess developed using your webblog. She noticed a lot of issues, which include how it is like to possess an awesome coaching spirit to get the mediocre ones completely learn specified complex subject areas. You really surpassed our own expected results. Many thanks for rendering those necessary, safe, edifying not to mention fun tips about your topic to Ethel.

  • November 16, 2022 at 11:27 am

    I would like to get across my appreciation for your kindness supporting those individuals that actually need assistance with the theme. Your very own commitment to getting the solution throughout has been unbelievably interesting and has truly encouraged people like me to attain their targets. Your amazing useful useful information signifies this much a person like me and especially to my mates. With thanks; from everyone of us.

  • November 16, 2022 at 11:28 am

    I in addition to my buddies were found to be reviewing the good helpful tips from your web site and then unexpectedly came up with a horrible suspicion I never expressed respect to the web site owner for those secrets. These boys were certainly joyful to see them and have now in truth been enjoying them. Thank you for indeed being considerably thoughtful and for making a choice on varieties of incredible issues most people are really eager to be aware of. My very own honest apologies for not saying thanks to you sooner.

  • November 17, 2022 at 12:26 am

    I’m just writing to make you know what a fine discovery my cousin’s daughter enjoyed visiting your web page. She discovered some pieces, not to mention what it is like to possess an incredible teaching mood to make many people really easily know just exactly specified very confusing matters. You really surpassed my expected results. Thank you for distributing those interesting, healthy, informative and also fun tips about that topic to Kate.

  • November 17, 2022 at 4:00 pm

    I truly wanted to type a quick word to thank you for all of the stunning instructions you are giving out at this website. My extensive internet look up has finally been honored with beneficial insight to share with my best friends. I would express that many of us website visitors are rather fortunate to exist in a great place with many marvellous individuals with interesting tips and hints. I feel very much lucky to have discovered your weblog and look forward to so many more exciting moments reading here. Thanks once more for a lot of things.

  • November 17, 2022 at 4:01 pm

    Needed to put you the very small word to be able to thank you very much once again regarding the spectacular pointers you have documented on this site. This is certainly remarkably generous of you to supply unreservedly all a number of people could have offered for sale for an e-book in making some money on their own, chiefly given that you could have tried it if you ever decided. Those tips additionally served to be the easy way to fully grasp some people have the same fervor just as mine to see a lot more concerning this condition. I think there are thousands of more pleasant occasions up front for individuals who examine your site.

  • November 18, 2022 at 4:42 am

    Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an exceptionally superb chance to discover important secrets from here. It’s always very enjoyable and as well , full of a great time for me and my office peers to visit the blog no less than thrice in a week to learn the newest secrets you have. And definitely, I’m at all times motivated concerning the eye-popping methods you give. Some 4 tips in this post are truly the most beneficial I’ve ever had.

  • November 18, 2022 at 4:42 am

    I simply needed to appreciate you yet again. I’m not certain what I would’ve used in the absence of those creative concepts contributed by you regarding such industry. It has been an absolute alarming difficulty in my circumstances, but coming across the very specialised tactic you handled that made me to weep for joy. Extremely thankful for the help and even expect you are aware of a great job that you are carrying out instructing the mediocre ones using your websites. I know that you haven’t encountered all of us.

  • November 18, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I must show thanks to the writer for bailing me out of such a issue. Right after looking out throughout the the web and coming across solutions which are not helpful, I believed my entire life was done. Living minus the answers to the issues you have resolved by means of your website is a crucial case, and the ones which may have adversely affected my entire career if I hadn’t noticed the blog. The know-how and kindness in touching almost everything was vital. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come across such a point like this. I can also at this moment relish my future. Thanks for your time so much for the skilled and result oriented help. I will not hesitate to recommend your web page to any individual who needs to have assistance about this topic.

  • November 18, 2022 at 7:12 pm

    Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an extraordinarily wonderful chance to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It is always so kind and also full of amusement for me and my office acquaintances to visit your blog at the very least three times in a week to read the fresh secrets you have. And indeed, we’re usually happy with all the striking tricks served by you. Certain two facts in this article are ultimately the most suitable we have ever had.

  • November 19, 2022 at 6:41 am

    I have to show my thanks to you just for rescuing me from this dilemma. After looking throughout the the web and coming across tips that were not productive, I figured my life was over. Being alive without the answers to the problems you have solved as a result of this site is a critical case, as well as those that would have in a negative way affected my career if I had not noticed your web blog. Your primary mastery and kindness in dealing with all things was invaluable. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I had not encountered such a point like this. I am able to now look ahead to my future. Thank you so much for this impressive and amazing guide. I won’t hesitate to refer the blog to any person who will need counselling about this subject.

  • November 19, 2022 at 8:56 pm

    Thank you for all of your work on this blog. My mum delights in making time for investigations and it’s really easy to see why. Most people learn all relating to the dynamic ways you produce powerful tips and tricks through your website and in addition attract contribution from some other people on this idea while our princess is undoubtedly studying a great deal. Take pleasure in the rest of the year. You are always carrying out a brilliant job.

  • November 20, 2022 at 10:37 pm

    A lot of thanks for each of your work on this site. Debby delights in setting aside time for research and it’s easy to understand why. A lot of people hear all regarding the dynamic form you make worthwhile guides on your blog and therefore attract participation from other people on the situation and our simple princess is always understanding a lot of things. Have fun with the remaining portion of the year. Your carrying out a really great job.

  • November 20, 2022 at 10:38 pm

    My spouse and i were now fulfilled Albert could deal with his survey out of the precious recommendations he received from your very own blog. It is now and again perplexing just to choose to be giving out tips which often some others might have been selling. And we also acknowledge we’ve got the website owner to thank for that. The entire illustrations you made, the straightforward site menu, the friendships you make it easier to engender – it’s all great, and it’s helping our son and the family believe that the idea is enjoyable, which is seriously vital. Thank you for everything!

  • November 21, 2022 at 9:55 am

    I want to express my appreciation to you for rescuing me from this problem. Because of browsing through the the net and getting ways which were not pleasant, I thought my entire life was over. Being alive without the presence of approaches to the problems you’ve solved through your good write-up is a critical case, as well as the kind that might have negatively affected my entire career if I had not discovered your website. The mastery and kindness in handling every part was vital. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a subject like this. I can at this point look ahead to my future. Thank you so much for this impressive and sensible guide. I will not be reluctant to endorse the blog to anybody who would need support on this matter.

  • November 21, 2022 at 10:47 pm

    I precisely desired to appreciate you again. I do not know the things I could possibly have used in the absence of the type of creative ideas revealed by you relating to this topic. It had become a challenging setting in my opinion, nevertheless considering this professional fashion you managed it forced me to cry with fulfillment. I will be happier for your advice and in addition expect you really know what a powerful job you have been undertaking teaching people through the use of your blog post. I know that you’ve never got to know any of us.

  • November 22, 2022 at 10:46 am

    I happen to be writing to make you know what a awesome experience my wife’s daughter found viewing your blog. She figured out such a lot of pieces, which include what it is like to possess an awesome giving heart to let a number of people clearly thoroughly grasp certain hard to do things. You actually surpassed my desires. Thanks for providing these warm and friendly, healthy, revealing and cool thoughts on that topic to Evelyn.

  • November 22, 2022 at 10:46 am

    I not to mention my pals ended up studying the excellent secrets located on your website and then all of the sudden developed a terrible feeling I never thanked the web blog owner for those secrets. All of the boys happened to be totally warmed to see them and now have sincerely been making the most of them. Thank you for genuinely very accommodating and also for making a decision on certain marvelous areas most people are really needing to be aware of. My very own honest apologies for not expressing gratitude to sooner.

  • November 23, 2022 at 12:42 am

    Thanks for all of the effort on this website. Kate really likes engaging in internet research and it’s easy to see why. A lot of people notice all of the lively tactic you produce important solutions via this web blog and as well strongly encourage response from some others on this matter then our own simple princess is really being taught so much. Have fun with the rest of the new year. Your performing a fantastic job.

  • November 23, 2022 at 12:43 am

    My wife and i ended up being very thankful when John could conclude his research through the ideas he acquired from your very own web site. It’s not at all simplistic to just continually be freely giving steps that many some other people could have been making money from. And we all do know we have you to appreciate for this. All the illustrations you made, the simple web site navigation, the relationships you can help instill – it is most astounding, and it’s aiding our son and our family consider that the matter is amusing, and that is particularly serious. Thanks for all!

  • November 23, 2022 at 1:41 pm

    A lot of thanks for all your valuable labor on this website. My daughter really likes setting aside time for investigations and it is simple to grasp why. A number of us learn all of the powerful way you deliver worthwhile strategies on your website and as well as increase participation from the others on this concept so our own child is now studying a great deal. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the new year. You’re carrying out a pretty cool job.

  • November 24, 2022 at 2:24 am

    I simply had to say thanks all over again. I’m not certain the things that I could possibly have undertaken without the entire creative ideas shared by you about that question. It absolutely was the distressing condition in my opinion, however , noticing a new specialised mode you managed it forced me to leap for happiness. I’m happy for this work and even sincerely hope you recognize what an amazing job you are putting in educating men and women using your web site. I know that you’ve never met all of us.

  • November 25, 2022 at 4:22 am

    I truly wanted to jot down a small note to be able to say thanks to you for those marvelous advice you are writing here. My particularly long internet look up has now been recognized with excellent points to go over with my classmates and friends. I would claim that most of us website visitors are truly lucky to live in a really good website with very many special individuals with good solutions. I feel pretty blessed to have come across your website page and look forward to tons of more awesome times reading here. Thanks once again for everything.

  • November 25, 2022 at 4:22 am

    I must show some appreciation to the writer just for bailing me out of this particular setting. Because of exploring through the the web and meeting thoughts that were not beneficial, I believed my life was done. Being alive without the approaches to the difficulties you have resolved as a result of the article is a critical case, and the ones that would have adversely damaged my career if I had not discovered your web blog. Your own talents and kindness in playing with all the details was invaluable. I’m not sure what I would have done if I had not come upon such a point like this. I’m able to at this moment look forward to my future. Thanks so much for your expert and effective help. I will not think twice to recommend your site to any person who should have tips on this issue.

  • November 25, 2022 at 7:06 pm

    I would like to show thanks to this writer just for rescuing me from this crisis. Because of exploring through the the net and obtaining thoughts which were not productive, I figured my entire life was over. Being alive devoid of the approaches to the difficulties you have solved as a result of your site is a crucial case, as well as the kind which could have adversely damaged my entire career if I hadn’t noticed your website. Your own personal expertise and kindness in touching the whole lot was tremendous. I am not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t discovered such a step like this. It’s possible to now look forward to my future. Thank you so much for your professional and result oriented help. I will not be reluctant to suggest your web site to anybody who ought to have recommendations about this matter.

  • November 25, 2022 at 7:07 pm

    I needed to create you this bit of observation just to thank you very much over again on the unique pointers you’ve provided at this time. This is really surprisingly generous of you to convey unhampered all many individuals would’ve made available as an e book to earn some dough for themselves, most notably given that you could have done it if you desired. Those pointers additionally acted like the easy way to fully grasp other individuals have the identical dreams the same as my very own to figure out a lot more around this problem. I am sure there are millions of more pleasurable occasions up front for individuals that see your blog post.

  • November 26, 2022 at 7:29 am

    My husband and i ended up being joyous Peter managed to do his reports through the entire precious recommendations he grabbed using your weblog. It’s not at all simplistic just to continually be giving freely secrets and techniques that the rest may have been selling. And now we do know we need the writer to appreciate for that. The specific illustrations you have made, the straightforward web site menu, the relationships you will give support to foster – it’s got mostly wonderful, and it’s really letting our son in addition to our family understand this issue is entertaining, which is rather mandatory. Thank you for all!

  • November 26, 2022 at 10:21 pm

    My spouse and i got absolutely contented that Raymond managed to finish off his analysis through the ideas he acquired from your web site. It is now and again perplexing to simply always be making a gift of techniques which usually the rest may have been making money from. So we remember we have got the blog owner to be grateful to because of that. The entire illustrations you made, the straightforward web site menu, the relationships you will aid to foster – it’s mostly awesome, and it is helping our son and the family feel that that theme is pleasurable, and that’s rather mandatory. Thank you for all!

  • November 27, 2022 at 12:22 pm

    I wanted to draft you a little bit of note just to say thank you as before over the remarkable strategies you have featured above. It is simply generous with you in giving easily what exactly many individuals might have distributed for an e-book to generate some profit for their own end, certainly seeing that you might well have done it in the event you wanted. Those techniques additionally worked like the good way to be aware that other people have the same desire similar to my own to know more and more on the topic of this condition. I am sure there are many more enjoyable occasions ahead for individuals who take a look at your blog post.

  • November 27, 2022 at 12:22 pm

    I simply had to thank you so much yet again. I am not sure the things that I would’ve undertaken without the type of pointers revealed by you directly on this concern. It absolutely was a very frustrating concern for me personally, however , looking at the skilled approach you resolved the issue made me to jump for contentment. I am just happy for your assistance and even hope that you really know what an amazing job you are getting into instructing most people all through your websites. Most probably you’ve never encountered any of us.

  • November 29, 2022 at 3:14 am

    I wanted to create you the tiny word just to thank you once again relating to the precious views you’ve contributed in this article. This is certainly seriously generous with you to supply unhampered precisely what a number of people might have sold for an e-book to get some bucks for their own end, primarily now that you might have done it if you ever decided. These pointers likewise served to become a fantastic way to know that other individuals have a similar dreams similar to mine to learn way more pertaining to this condition. I am certain there are numerous more enjoyable sessions ahead for people who browse through your blog post.

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