Can Dogs Eat Avocado? A Heart-Healthy Snack Or Cause For Concern? –
Avocados are widely known for being a healthy fruit packed with lots of vitamins and nutrients. But do you know if what’s healthy for humans is also good for your dog?
Before giving this tasty treat to your furry friend, learn more about the dos and don’ts of dogs and avocado.
Article Overview
Is Avocado Safe For Dogs?
It’s tricky to say if avocado is safe for dogs because the answer is yes and no. Avocado contains persin, a toxic chemical that’s potentially dangerous when ingested by dogs. Different parts of the avocado have more or less persin. For instance, the avocado’s pulp or meat contains only traces of persin, so those parts of the fruit are safe in moderation. But in large amounts, avocados can be toxic to your dog. And, the smaller the dog, the smaller amount you should consider feeding.
However, there are some health benefits. Avocado is full of healthy vitamins and nutrients from which both you and your pup can benefit. They include:
- Beta-carotene
- Folate
- Lutein
- Magnesium
- Niacin
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Pantothenic acid
- Potassium
- Riboflavin
- Vitamins C, E, K, and B-6
Can Dogs Eat Avocado? (Infographic)
Avocado And Puppies
Because puppies tend to be smaller and have more sensitive stomachs than older dogs, you’ll want to be extra careful about giving them avocado. They may react negatively to a smaller amount of avocado than an older dog, so don’t assume you know what to give them.
What Types Of Avocado Can I Give My Dog
There are a few different types of avocado you can give to your dog. However, some are a better choice than others.
Safer Options
- Avocado oil: Oil extracted from avocados is in some commercial or homemade dog food. It can be safe in moderation.
- Avocado pulp: The pulp or meat is the fruit’s bright green flesh. It has a limited amount of persin, and dogs can have it in moderation.
- Avocado meal: The meal is dried, ground-up pulp that’s sometimes in dog food, and is safe in moderation.
Not Recommended
- Avocado skin: Since persin is in higher levels in the skin, eating it can be toxic.
- Avocado pit: Not only does the pit contain more persin than any other part of the avocado, but it’s also a choking hazard.
What Are The Side Effects Of Too Much Avocado?
Even if your dog is eating the safe part of an avocado, there’s such a thing as too much. Because the avocado pulp is high in fat and contains small amounts of persin, your pup can experience some side effects. These include:
Can My Dog Be Allergic To Avocado?
Dogs can be allergic or sensitive to almost anything, and avocado is no exception. Try it first in a very minimal amount, and then keep an eye on your pup. Always try new foods one at a time so you can tell which foods cause a problem. If you notice diarrhea or vomiting, check with your vet. If you want to be more certain about your dog’s allergies, try an at-home allergy kit for convenient testing in your home.
My Dog Ate Avocado. Now What?
If you think your dog has eaten an avocado without supervision, here’s what you should do:
Call your vet immediately
- Prepare to tell the vet what part and how much was ingested
- Keep a close eye on your dog for choking or an adverse reaction
Avocados aren’t the only thing in your kitchen or yard you need to keep away from your dog. You can check out what our experts have to say about poisonous plants for dogs.
How Do I Prepare An Avocado?
This minute-and-a half video from LoveOne Today shows you a few different ways to prepare an avocado.
Safe Snacks For Dogs
When dog food gets a bit boring, and you want to give your pup some new treats, be sure you give him a safe snack for munching. Our experts can guide you with recommendations for the best dog treats and help you learn what foods not to feed your dogs.
Which fruits have your dog tried and loved?