He became commander of the 10th Virginia Regiment and earned praise for his conduct at Brandywine and Germantown. 1779, 3rd & 4th Virginia Regiment, 1778-1779, 9th Virginia Regiment, They formed the "2nd Virginia Brigade", commanded by Gen Charles Scott, which was just one of the Virginia brigades sent south for the defense of Charleston. He conceived this regiment and began its formation in 1780. 2021 Valley Forge Legacy Muster Roll Project, Quartermaster SergeantDaniel Gildersleeve. Although this unit was ostensibly raised for the sole purpose of prosecuting Ferguson at Kings Mountain, it largely remained intact and surprisingly active through the remainder of the war. About 350 strong, Lt Col Charles Porterfield avoided capture at Charleston by evacuating during the final British bombardment. Eckenrode for Virginia Soldiers of the American Revolution (see bibliography below), Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. In reality, many of the men caught malaria while operating in South Carolina and Georgia and were absent due to disease. 2nd Company - Captain Benjamin Harrison. Evidently a company-sized contingent of the 1st Virginia escaped capture. 11th Virginia Regiment (1777) (Authorized 16 September 1776. The 11th Regiment was formed in February 1777. 2006 By the Library of Virginia. 44] (18) LIST OF NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS OF THE VIRGINIA LINE ON CONTINENTAL ESTABLISHMENT, WHOSE NAMES APPEAR ON THE ARMY REGISTER AND WHO HAVE NOT RECEIVED BOUNTY LAND, RICHMOND, 1835. There is usually an additional payroll listing only field and staff officers for that regiment. Congress then used Posey's Battalion as the basis for an expedition under Arthur St. Clair sent to assist Greene in South Carolina and Georgia. American Revolutionary War. At the same time, the September 1778 White Plains board assigned the bulk of the Virginia line to the Southern Department and ordered them to march to the Carolinas. 2nd Battalion was commanded by Colonel William Heth, formerly of the 3rd Va Regiment. With the reserve infantry attacking his front and Tarletons cavalry attempting to get behind him, Wallace maneuvered his company to a new position to Refuse The Flank, buying enough time for William Washingtons cavalry to drive off Tarleton, and preserving a stellar victory for Gen Daniel Morgan. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. The Pennsylvania Militia, 1777-1783. Returned to Washingtons Main Army in November 1777. To add to the confusion, there were two Virginia State Line Regiments, the 1st and 2nd; and after the fall of Charleston Virginia created two new battalions and one regiment. Assigned to Ewell's Brigade, Longstreet's Division, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia. They were recruited to serve intially in the First Virginia Regiment. 1777-1778, 5th Virginia Regiment, However, important to our purpose, the Middlebrook board also took the additional step of creating three "recruit detachment battalions". Commissioned, 17 July, 1776. did daniel morgan own slaves did daniel morgan own slaves. At Guilford Courthouse the various Virginia Continental remnants were combined into two ad-hoc regiments which formed one ad-hoc Virginia Brigade. Assigned to picket and guard duty at Weir House, General Beauregards headquarters. 1778, 5th & 11th Virginia Regiment, After Yorktown was consolidated into Posey's Virginia Battalion for service under Nathanael Greene's command in Georgia. April 26: The regiment reorganized. Authorized by the Second Continental Congress on 16 September 1776, it was organized on 3 February 1777 and consisted of four companies from the Virginia counties of Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia; Captain Daniel Morgans Independent Rifle Company; and five companies from the states portion of the Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment. This regiment was organized from riflemen that marched to Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1775, under Daniel Morgan. Many of the objects on display have a hidden history linking them to a soldier, places and events. Redesignated 7th . Gen. William Woodford Lafayettes Division | Woodfords Brigade | 11th Virginia Regiment. United States. - The Convention Army Guard Regiment - 600-man regiment augmented with additional rotating militia units for the purpose of guarding the British and Hessian troops captured at Saratoga (The Convention army) and encamped at Charlottesville. . 1778-1779, 9th Virginia Regiment, The purpose of the board was to handle the paperwork of the imprisoned Virginia regiments, to rearrange officers according to seniority, and to arrange remaining Virginian fighting forces. Wallaces company was drawn away from the main line by the fighting that diverged to the south and east. Departed Valley Forge for Wilmington, Delaware on December 21, 1777. - Virginia Militia. Once again placed on Continental establishment following Charleston. The situation wasn't just the effect of casualties, the hardships of campaigning, and the previous two winter encampment logistical nightmares, it was also the effect of a rarely understood and little-known Virginia enlistment law coming into play. Gen. J. L. Kemper fell wounded in front of the stone wall. Major Clement resigned due to the effects of his wound from Sharpsburg to become Campbell County Sheriff. 1778-1779, 5th & 9th Virginia Regiment, Brigadier General A.P. They were recruited to serve initially in the First Virginia Regiment. 40). One was comprised of the three Recruit Detachment Battalions and the other formed of temporarily amalgamated numbered regiments. Commanded by Col.s Jedediah Huntington and Josiah Starr; The regiment was organized Jan-April 1777; ReOrganized July 1779Merged Jan. 1781 with the. Legions and . 1777-1778, 13th Virginia Regiment, - 2nd Regiment Virginia State Line: major John Lee, - Nelson's Horse (Virginia State Line Light Cavalry). It served with the army from Williamsburg to Gettysburg except when it was at Suffolk with Longstreet. a^' ^ '5?f. Hawes regiment included Capt Andrew Wallaces company who had survived the 3rd Recruit Detachment Battalions massacre at Waxhaws. Left Valley Forge with 203 assigned, 114 fit for duty. .o\^^- \^ '/ , ..n' V- 0' ^^ ' '^ V V v^^ '^^^.^ -O" \X- x . Gen. Peter Muhlenberg: Most of this regiment had been captured by the British during the Battle of Germantown on October 4, 1777. The former 7th Virginia Regiment, although decimated at Brandywine and Germantown, had successfully recruited new enlistees due to the prominence of several officers, including Daniel Morgan, Thomas Nelson Jr's brothers William and John, and the Porterfields. Lieutenant Colonel Langhorne was promoted to colonel, Major Otey was promoted to lieutenant colonel and Captain James R. Hutter was promoted to major, although still a prisoner. 5th - Most of the remaining few men of the old 5th regiment were consolidated into the new 3rd regiment. 1760-1783. The 11th Regiment was also known as Morgan's Rifles. This law created the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Virginia regiments and set the terms for the enlistment duration of the men. Thomas Warman, [of Virginia], Second Lieutenant in Col. Ewells Brigade, Longstreets Division, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia, division of Brigadier General David R. Jones in Longstreets Command, marker for Kempers Brigade on the Antietam Battlefield, Kempers Brigade, Picketts Division, First Army Corps, Heths Division in the newly-created Third Corps, Picketts Division, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. Morning reports and other original records are contained in the Tenth Virginia Infantry Regiment Records, 1861-1864, located in the Manuscripts Collection of the Library of Virginia in Richmond (accessions 20295, 20296 and 20297). - The Virginia State Garrison Regiment: Maj Charles Magill; (1 April 1781) Maj Alexander Dick. In reality the board should have consolidated even further, compressing the entire Virginia Line into five substantive regiments. Spent the day in reorganization and during the night began the march to Hagerstown. The remaining men and guns joined Charles Porterfield's Detachment in 1780, escaped Camden, fought at Guilford Courthouse, and returned home, where a portion of the regiment was captured at Yorktown by Gen Arnold in April 1781. The 12th ceased to exist. At Guilford Courthouse two of these two regiments were combined into a brigade under the command of Gen Isaac Huger, a South Carolinian. 4th Company - Captain David Steel (e) 5th Company - Captain James Sullivan. How to use 'field officers' in a sentence? Commanded by Gen Charles Scott. 1777-1778, 15th Virginia Regiment, he helped Morgan form the 11th Virginia Regiment and remained with him until he was promoted in April of 1777. . The copy of the general orders of this date that appears in the orderly book kept by Capt. It sustained 63 casualties at Second Manassas, had about forty percent disabled of the 359 engaged at Gettysburg, and lost 15 killed and 94 wounded at Drewry's Bluff. Virginia's State Line regiments were repeatedly into service to fill voids in the Virginia Continental line after combat disasters; particularly after Germantown (9th Virginia regm't captured). Kingsland; Dyess; Germany and Memphis; California and Nashville; Arkansas; Hendersonville, Kingsland, and The New Johnny Cash; American; Home; Because Johnny Cash cut . Battles. Hill's, Kemper's, and W.R. Terry's Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Four of these units were comprised of Virginians. The 11th Regiment was also known as Morgan's Rifles. Virginians played a pivotal role in the struggle for American independence, 1775-1783. Armand's legion escaped Charleston with the loss of 6 men captured, four of them officers. 1777-1780, 2nd Virginia State Regiment, Lieutenant James Connelly was killed and Captain David Houston mortally wounded. Mastering all the usages of 'field officers' from sentence examples published by news publications. II. This detachment returned to Virginia and was included as the core of the Thomas Posey's Virginia Battalion raised in late 1780. Captain Robert M. Mitchell took command of the regiment. Enlisted Men of the Union Army * Select the thumbnail image to view larger versions or the linked reproduction number to view fuller information (if available) through the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog. Thus, there were two Virginia brigades, the 1st and 2nd, at Charleston. 1776-1778, 3rd Virginia Regiment, Mifflins Division|3rd Pennsylvania Brigade| Malcolms Regiment. and Virginia Rifle Regiment have defied easy synthesis. The old 13th Regiment, at about 75% strength, became the new 9th and continued the duties of the former 13th - garrison of Ft Pitt and western frontier posts. The reason for the confusion was at almost the same time, in September 1778, Virginias original 15 numbered regiments were re-arranged. This is a guide to 358 items pertaining to the late Colonial period and the Revolutionary War, ca. May 23 Again, an asset intended to be used within the state, the VSTAR fortified and manned vulnerable positions around the state. (The third detachment met its fate at Waxhaws.). John Critchfield served with 11th Virginia Regiment (1777), Continental Army during the American Revolution. American Revolutionary War Under this law, Virginians enlisting for these six new regiments were to serve under "terms determined by Congress but not to exceed 10 April 1778"; provided that the men gave three months notice of their resignation from the Army. ^^ v^^ r' x^ -n^. Captain Maurice S. Langhorne of Company A was promoted to major. 1777-1778, 1st & 10th Virginia Regiment, The 1st and 2nd Virginia regiments were created in 1775 and were subsequently adopted into the Continental Army besieging Boston. The 3rd Recruit Detachment", under command of the former 11th Regiment Commander, Colonel Abraham Buford, took even longer to recruit its minimum complement of men and was belatedly sent to reinforce Charleston. At the Winchester re-arrangement January 1, 1783, it was decided that the Virginia soldiers whose terms had not run out were more than sufficient to make one regiment, so a 2d was formed to be under a major-commandant, consisting of two . In the afternoon the Brigade moved to the ravine about 520 yards northwest of this. Entered Valley Forge with 444 men assigned, 188 fit for duty. The 8th returned north in 1777 to join the main Continental Army, and suffered unreplaced losses in the campaign of 1777. ENGAGEMENTS? February 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . Despite marching over 500 miles, outside the state, to the defence of a sister colony, Congress refused to accept the 8th into Continental establishment because the 8th Regiment was below strength on paper. The unit was decimated at Camden on 16 Aug 1780, with only 140 troops surviving. Field Officers. On 10-12 February 1781, with Arnold back in Portsmouth after ravaging up the James River as far as Westhampton, another board of field officers met at Chesterfield Courthouse to once again re-arrange the Virginia Continental Line. '5 ^ ^. It didnt come to pass. The 11th was engaged at Plymouth in North Carolina and after returning to Virginia saw action at Drewry's Bluff and Cold Harbor. Overview: 11th Infantry Regiment was organized at Lynchburg, Virginia, in May, 1861, and accepted into Confederate service in July. Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War, Cpl Thomas Burrows (958:2220), Pvt. In the forenoon formed line in the field east of the woods with right flank near Spanglers Barn. 4th - The original 4th Virginia regiment was originally composed of a large number of riflemen. State government records collection, Many were captured at Sayler's Creek, and only 1 officer and 28 men surrendered. Colonel Garland was promoted to brigadier general. Special report of the Department of Archives and History for 1912 by Virginia State Library. 1780-1784, 1st Virginia Regiment, All rights reserved. The regiment lost 34 men killed, 86 wounded, and 26 missing. 1778, Miscellaneous Virginia Organizations, Companies A, B, D & G arrived at Manassas Junction. Hills Division, checked the further advance of the enemy and reoccupied the ground from which they had been driven, where, joined by the 7th and 24th, they remained until the morning of the 19th, when the Brigade recrossed the Potomac. - Crocket's Western Battalion. . Also in existence, ostensibly within the confines of the State, were the 1st and 2nd Virginia State Line regiments. The ad-hoc Virginia Brigade at Guilford Courthouse: Contingents of the numbered Virginia regiments who escaped capture at Charleston, or who werent there for various reasons, fought in the Southern Campaign, often as independent companies. 3. Morgan's Sharpshooters, dressed in hunting shirts instead of standard uniforms, distinguished themselves in several skirmishes and battles throughout the war by using hit-and-run guerilla tactics. See an An Overview of Records at the National Archives Relating to Military . The 2nd Virginia Brigade, commanded by Gen Charles Scott, included the three recruit detachments which the Millbrook board had transformed into the three Virginia Recruit Detachment Battalions. Extant Confederate strength (morning) reports associated with the Gettysburg campaign are very . Also joining the Continentals were two brigades comprised of several hundred militiamen each. 1777-1779, 1st Virginia State Regiment, John Kelly enlisted 2 Feb 1777 as a private in Capt. The unit was reassigned to the 2nd Virginia Brigade on 22 July 1778, and it was reorganized to nine companies and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 12 May 1779. They didnt have a general, so it was commanded by a South Carolinian, Gen Isaac Huger. Copyright 2017 RevolutionaryWar.us | All Rights Reserved, Clap's Company, 21st Continental Regiment, Peter's Company, 13th Continental Regiment, King's Company, 21st Continental Regiment, Walbridge's Company, 13th Continental Regiment, Mayhew's Company, 25th Continental Regiment, H. Jackson's Additional Continental Regiment, Spencer's Additional Continental Regiment, Sheppard's Additional Continental Regiment, Captain John Nelson's Independent Rifle Company, Captain John Doyle's Independent Rifle Company, Captain Jacob Weaver's Independent Company, Captain Joshua William's Independent Company, Captain Samual Morehead's Independent Company. It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia. Taken at Fort Washington, 16 November, 1776. 9th Company - Captain Silas Zane. At White Plains, the 8th regiment was consolidated into the 4th. May 5: Battle of Williamsburg. 1778-1779, 5th & 9th Virginia Regiment, A roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution : commemoration of the United . The unit was captured on 12 May 1780 at the Siege of Charleston and subsequently disbanded on 1 January 1781. Mostly captured in Charleston. The board created the 1st Virginia Battalion and re-designated the troops at 9th Regiment (formerly the 13th) one more time as the new 7th Regiment. 1777-1778, 13th Virginia Regiment, 11th Virginia Regiment also known as Morgans Rifles. national park college basketball roster. Some accounts of the battle call them the 4th and 5th VA Regiments and other sources call them the 1st and 2nd VA Regiments. 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of Fort Lee, Virginia. Its members were raised in the counties of Campbell, Botetourt, Montgomery, Fauquier, Culpeper, and Rockbridge. 1778, 4th, 8th, & 12th Virginia Regiment, All rights reserved, Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line. 1. Samuel King. Virginia's Continental Line regiments were dramatically under strength. Gen. George Weedon: September 14, 1778: redesignated the 6th Virginia: 11th Virginia: Brig. On 11 May 1777 the regiment was assigned to the 3rd Virginia Brigade of the Main Army and was reorganized to eight companies on 1 November 1777. Wallace fell during the fight, the third son of his family to perish as Continentals. Captain Blankensip resigned due to ill health. Previous Engagements: New Jersey 1777, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth, Stirlings Division | 1st Maryland Brigade | Hazens Regiment. July 4. Upon the approach of the 9th Corps, about 3 P.M. the 1st, 11th and 17th Regiments advanced to the high ground in their front and met the charge of Fairchilds Brigade; they were driven from their position and retreated through the town. Commanded by Col.s William Douglas and Return J. Meigs; ReOrganized and Redesignated the 9th Connecticut Regiment Jul. Jacob Turner of the 3d North Carolina Regiment does not contain the text down to this point but instead places it in the general orders for 8 Aug. ("Turner's Orderly Book," description begins "Jacob Turner's [Orderly] Book, 1777 & 1778." The State Records of North Carolina Edited by Walter . On December 22, 1776, Congress authorized an additional 16 regiments. Battle Road - No Place for Old Men, Maybe Not! 1830 - 1835 in Bedford Co., VA; died 17 Nov 1890 in Body Camp, Bedford Co., VA. She was the daughter of 2. The records in this collection include entire pension files for soldiers and sailors who served . The first nine Virginia regiments were consolidated into the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Virginia Regiments and the original 10th through 15th Regiments were renumbered as the 6th through 11th, meaning that the 12th through 15th ceased to exist. The Valley Forge Park Alliance maintains the Muster Roll Project and helps to inspire appreciation of and support for Valley Forge National Historical Park. 1 1. I am confused by the numbering of Virginia Regiments after the 3 Virginia detachments were wiped out. Buford and the few hundred-plus 5th (formerly the 7th Virginia) and 3rd Virginians who escaped made their way back to Virginia. Stuart. Joseph Calhoun Roster . As described above, only a few 3rd Recruit Battalion men who escaped with the companies of 5th and 3rd Virginians at Waxhaws returned to Virginia. Index for vols. 11th - The old 11th Regiment was renumbered as the new 7th. The regiment surrendered 1 officer and 28 men. Captain John Ward was captured. At Camden Gates assigned the detachment, with the Virginia State Garrison, to the left flank, where they held fast after militia and Armand's legion panicked and ran. 7th - The old 7th became the new 5th. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. (Hamilton James), 1881- Mexican War. Left Valley Forge with 335 assigned, 203 fit for duty. Authorized by the Second Continental Congress on 16 September 1776, it was organized on 3 February 1777 and consisted of four companies from the Virginia counties of Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia; Captain Daniel Morgan's Independent Rifle Company from Fauquier County; and five companies from the state's portion of the Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment. Other Regiments Artillery Units Mounted Units. 1st and 3rd Continental Dragoons: Lt Col William Washington's cavalry; all but a few escaped Charleston and went on to contribute through the end of the war. 1st Virginia State Regiment relieved 9th Virginia Regiment. The regiment took part in Longstreets attack on the Union flank at Chinn Ridge. 3rd Company - Captain George McCormick. . Responding to the 1775 Congressional quota system established to expand and reorganize the Continental Army (to occur 1 Jan 1776), the Virginia legislature passed an enlistment law in December 1775 to meet the quota established by Congress. Ancestors of Amarilla Jane Mayhew Generation No. Organized July-September at Philadelphia, 5 Companies from eastern Pennsylvania, 2 from Baltimore County, Maryland, and 2 Companies from Frederick County, Maryland. wordlist = ['!', '$.027', '$.03', '$.054/mbf', '$.07', '$.07/cwt', '$.076', '$.09', '$.10-a-minute', '$.105', '$.12', '$.30', '$.30/mbf', '$.50', '$.65', '$.75', '$. 'field officers' in a sentence. Muster roll dated Oct 14, 1777, Remarks Prisoner. The claims of heirs as well as soldiers are listed; therefore some family relationships can be traced. Research our Records The National Archives holds records relating to military service during the Revolutionary War, including both Continental troops and state troops that served as Continental troops. Additionally, the expedition included Gaskins Regiment, the detachment of 2nd Virginia regiment from Philadelphia, and Anthony Wayne's First Legionary Corps (made up of drafts from the 1st and 3d regiments of Continental Light Dragoons, (also Virginians) and all available Continental light infantry troops. 6 Companies from southern New York. Finding Aid, 1st Virginia Regiment, Pennsylvania Society of . In 1782 was combined into Dabneys State Legion. 1776-1778, 3rd Virginia Regiment, Virginia units in Continental service after May 1780. Consists of bound photostats of monthly payrolls from Virginia regiments during the Revolutionary War. these payrolls, but mostly Continental Line units are present. Organized June 1777 at Ramapo, New Jersey. War Department. 349 sentences with 'field officers'. Also, at least one company under Captain Robert Gamble escaped. The Revolutionary War may have been another one of those "rich man's war, poor man's fight" - but many Virginians did fight. Redesignated 11 June 1777 as Late Ottendorf's Corps; Corps broken up in April 1778 and reOrganized and redesignated as Captain Henry Bedkin's Independent Troop of Light Horse and Captain John Paul Schott's and Anthony Selin's Independent Companies (see also, Commanded by Capt's John Paul Schott and Anthony Selin, The regiment was organized in winter and spring 1778 as partisan corps, Adopted June 1778 into Continental Army as Free and Independent Chasseurs, Consolidated Feb 1780 with Pulaski's Legion and redesignated as Armand's Legion (see also.
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