Do you feel it demonstrates that you're committed to knowing and supporting a group of people? Answer dates might appear two to three weeks before they were published. If you can, match your strengths to the requirements outlined in the job description and make sure to thoroughly research the position prior to your interview. Are there any resources from Kaiser Permanente that you could subscribe to, and then mention in your interview? ", "Coming on board to the tight-knit team you have here at Kaiser Permanente, my first goal would be to get to know each and every person on the team and find out what I can do to make their job easier and more efficient. I am an attentive listener and a compassionate caregiver. They want to know that your passions align well with what Kaiser Permanente is offering. It sounds as though you lean on a variety of reputable sources, which the interviewer should be happy to hear. ", "I have always been naturally introverted, but I have turned that personality trait into an advantage for me. Why Do You Think You Are A Good Fit For This Company? If you are passionate, you could choose to refer to yourself as expressive, communicative, open, and unreserved. At Kaiser Permanente, there may come a time when you have to calm down a situation with an angered patient, family member, or colleague. Our job requires multi-tasking, so I tackle one patient at a time while giving each patient my full attention. Kaiser Permanente interview details in Atlanta: 95 interview questions and 76 interview reviews posted anonymously by Kaiser Permanente interview candidates. The challenges are learning how each new hire learns and the best approach to teaching each new hire.". This mindset has consistently allowed me to continue with a productive shift no matter the emotions that come my way and I would be able to bring this same level-headedness to work at Kaiser Permanente. It sounds like you handled this matter with utmost urgency and great customer care. Over time, I have learned to be open and honest with people in expressing my views in a nice way and this has really opened my eyes that most people are really very accepting of new ideas. I called McKesson and ask them for a specialty same-day delivery and explained the situation to them, I told the patient we will receive it that night and apologized when she came to pick it up, and I make sure we always have it on stock for her.". Chemotherapy is a very controlled substance, and the pharmacist needs to have the proper paperwork in place to release the drug. As well, a thorough read through of the job description will give you some insight into the type of environment you would be joining at Kaiser Permanente. I believe that building a strong rapport with patients through trust, empathy, and compassion is the key to a successful healthcare organization and I can't wait to bring these qualities to the patients of Kaiser Permanente. We will re-assess in December, but it seems to be working very well. ", Our Professional Interview CoachLauren McCabe Reviewed the Above Answer. Just like when I fill, I make sure the bottles are organized and in their place.". I continue to work on this on a daily basis. Read our Terms of Use for more information. ", "Having worked as an RN for eight years now, my ultimate career goal is to be in a leadership position like a department director. Prior to your interview with Kaiser Permanente, your research into the organization's quality mission and vision will give you great insight into their patient care philosophy. My youngest daughter is involved in volunteering. I understand that it's part of the job. Problem-solving and dispute resolution are critical skills to possess on the team at Kaiser Permanente. Clear communication is vital to the successful functioning of any team, but it is especially important in a medical environment where the consequences of misunderstandings or misinformation can be life or death. Assure the interviewer that you are capable of foreseeing needs, and making the appropriate action. I look at the problem and its potential solutions from multiple angles, and I am not afraid to make a creative decision that might seem off the beaten path. As part of the team, I lead the cause of making sure that we took all factors into account and walked through all solutions that we could imagine. I have been working on it by asking for help; if I'm helping the pharmacist, I ask another tech to fill or input.". Kaiser Permanente expects their employees to stay up-to-date on their respective fields, and today's technology makes this reasonably easy! Be upfront and honest on your career goals with your interviewer and make sure that your interest falls within the realm of the position that you are interviewing for. "A bit about me - I love to travel, read, and conduct research. I am most comfortable, and happy, in this type of environment because it offers me unique learning opportunities. I also help the pharmacist with anything they needed from translating to ringing up customers. This ensures that you give the right amount of information and detail to create a compelling and memorable answer. These go above and beyond what it means to provide compassionate care. As you answer this question with a specific example from your past, reiterate to your interviewer that you have excellent verbal communication skills and listening skills that will help you be a great communicator on their team at Kaiser Permanente. You can be candid in your answer; recognizing that you aren't great at something and acknowledging your need to improve. Deadline: October 5, 2022. Outside of our animals, my family loves to camp around the region and we do so on many weekends each year. When have you had to adapt to change in the workplace? Try to do the best I can for patients and remember always to be compassionate with them and treat them like I want my family members to be treated, and go the extra mile helping them.". "In my current job, I had a team member who would scoff at other co-workers' ideas in meetings. What is the hiring process for remote jobs at Kaiser Permanente? "Since my college days, I have taken great pride in my community service by volunteering at the local food pantries and homeless shelters. You've shared a pertinent example that illustrates you know how to deliver difficult news in a professional setting. While I've listed several general options here, you don't have to stick to standard role divisions (i.e. I need to be able to give the task or a portion of it to another team member or direct report, let go of the control, and know it will be taken care of. I work good under stressful situations, and I'm good at resolving patients' problems.". I love working with like-minded people who set challenging goals for themselves. If posed a question like this during your time with them, your interviewer will be looking to hear that your own patient care philosophy is a great match for Kaiser Permanente. ", "I am so glad you pointed out your need for diversity at Kaiser Permanente. With my coworkers, I am the person that is usually quiet and takes in as much information as possible when we are in a problem-solving environment. Dates shown above are approximate. As you answer, don't hesitate to talk about the things that you enjoy in your free time to show that you have the ability to mentally and physically recharge yourself after a hard day's work. It seems you have found that balance. Highlight your ability to be responsible when it comes to related administrative tasks required for this role with Kaiser Permanente, even if the role you are interviewing for isn't in a clinical setting. Assure the interviewer that you would treat everyone at Kaiser Permanente with great respect and a positive attitude. Your role with the organization could potentially put you in front of patients, vendors, or family members of patients, and all are considered customers of the organization. ", "I am happy with what I do as a pharmacy tech. I am a competitive individual and enjoy keeping fit. "I am a highly detailed person, and I thrive on having a high level of organization in my day. I am very fortunate to be where I am at today, and I think it is vital that people lend their time and efforts to help those that are less fortunate. It is not the ideal situation, but I have always adjusted for the good of the team. During your interview, your interviewer will want to be assured that you would be a champion for D&I if hired for the position. You've answered well by sharing that you face stressful situations head-on. Good example! I consider myself to be a strong relationship builder and take pride in my people skills. Talk to the interviewer about your preference when it comes to teamwork or working individually and be sure to avoid pigeonholing yourself into one particular scenario (ie: I only like to work by myself). The hustle and bustle of any position in healthcare can be very demanding and your interviewer would like to know if you can appropriately handle the stress related to this job. "I find that with the right company, it's pretty simple to balance life and work. Starting from the entry level will allow me to continue to learn and work up the ranks at Kaiser. I am registered at, where I get emails with anything new that happens in the medical field. In the end, we developed a user-friendly inventory and ordering system and we defined what roles in our clinic would be responsible for those duties. ", "I am super focused when I am stressed so I can make sure everything is done and correct. In the end, we awarded those with perfect attendance a $600 bonus. Patient care requires a strong amount of compassion, and Kaiser Permanente strives to provide compassionate care to their patients. No matter if the job you are interviewing for at Kaiser Permanente puts you in direct patient contact or not, the healthcare industry, in general, can be very emotional at times for any staff member. The call was almost one hour in length, but it was worth the time to smooth over an important customer-related situation. I didn't notice we have new 90 tablet bottles instead of the 30 tablet bottles, and I filled 3 of 90 tablets bottle instead of 3 of 30 tablets. You may also excel as an empathetic listener, able to help resolve conflict and build strong relationships. Our interview questions and answers do not represent any organization, school, or company on our site. Talk about how your role at Kaiser Permanente can have an effect on the customers of the organization and how you go about providing excellent service to those customers. ", "Currently, I spend one weekend a month building homes for Habitat for Humanity. There is a balance between allowing normal emotion and allowing it to impact your work. Be sure that some of the skills you mention are a match with what Kaiser Permanente is looking for in the job posting or job description. I love working as part of a team and my colleagues take well to my personality. Are there shared values that you could also mention? I had 2 interviews with kaiser received and offer within a week. My care reflects on the organization as a whole and with the fact that word of mouth travels fast, I want my patients to come back again and again for their healthcare needs. Discuss with the interviewer what you think you will need to deliver exceptional service in this role. Did your team learn how to effectively use PPE and successfully protect themselves and their patients? Staying on a deadline is very helpful, and I will delegate when necessary to alleviate some stress. Currently, I am at a beginner to intermediate level; however, I would be more comfortable at an advanced level. I strive to write complete notes in the EMR and communicate effectively on patient hand-offs to them. By initiating an open conversation with this person, we were able to uncover his need. Wrapping your answer up by talking about something impactful you've learned by working with a diverse team illustrates that you are authentic when you say that you see the value in diversity and inclusion. Tell the interviewer what your impact goal is, should you be the successful candidate for the job. My approach is to tune out the negativity and try to figure out why the personality is difficult. For instance - if we are close to losing a patient, I will focus on the positive memories rather than the illness. Your answer should include your ability to be patient, kind, and confirming to best answer this question. As you answer, talk about how the diverse environment helped you grow and thrive and how you helped foster a culture of inclusion. These are all excellent skills to have, and you sound very talented! "Knowing that the main mission of the organization is improving the health of the communities that Kaiser Permanente serves, my forward-thinking vision will make me a very successful employee in this role. Discuss how you can thrive in this role, even during the most stressful times. My spouse and I are a foster home for abandoned dogs and we love this aspect of our lives. A five minute walk or a quick conversation with a colleague can make a world of difference in breaking up a hectic day. If possible, try to point out your ability to stay calm in an emotional situation on the job by pointing out a time that you had to in the past with great results.Keep in mind - almost everyone is an emotional creature to some degree, but there are other ways that you can describe yourself that have a more positive connotation. Talk to your interviewer about continuing education you have participated in recently, any conferences you regularly attend, or any seminars you have taken in your field. As the manager, I knew I could not let this behavior continue. When the inevitable happens and the schedule runs behind, I don't hesitate to gather the troops and pull together in a team effort. When we become working adults, it is this fact that can help bring many ideas to the table in a work environment. You can improve your response by assuring the interviewer that you have a flexible salary range, but that you'd like to be compensated appropriately based on your experience and performance record. When I am under pressure on the job, I focus on the task at hand and make sure not to get distracted with other tasks. Once he agreed to proceed, I informed the department staff of the urgency and expedited the transfer of the patient, which saved his life. Maybe you are a pen and paper person. I can be funny, but my sense of humor is pretty dry, so people don't always know that about me when they first meet me. In the end, you want to ensure your interviewer that you would join the team at Kaiser Permanente with the utmost integrity and accountability in your work. Last year, we were in a bind and running very short-staffed during a time when our hospital was at full capacity. I value the input and ideas from all members of teams that I work on, and a diverse workforce opens the organization up to many more ideas. I have always been great at working behind the scenes with the result being efficiency for others. Never being complacent, my creative thinking and project leadership skills will serve your organization greatly. Consider strengthening your answer by expanding the example you've chosen to highlight how you worked as part of a team or collaborated with others on the path to becoming the first PA proctor. This is an impactful example that you can make even stronger by more thoroughly explaining what you considered when working to diffuse the situation. "I would describe my personality as approachable, light-hearted, and positive. Not long ago, I received a call on a Friday morning when I was scheduled to be off work and was told that an employee hadn't reported for their shift. I cope with these emotions by telling myself that it's not my story, it's the patient's story. So my wife currently works for Kaiser Permanente as an AAR (aka a membership auditor). That question can start up a great conversation, and you may learn a thing or two as well. Any hiring authority should feel comfortable putting you in front of their valued customer base. The reason was a computer glitz that held the release of his chemotherapy. In looking to start this new position with Kaiser Permanente, it is essential to set a goal on how you will make a positive impact quickly after being hired. Hiring Age. Being newer to my career in healthcare, my biggest goal as of late has been to take as many related courses and workshops as possible. Conversely, you could be relied upon to work solo a majority of the time and need the ability to make quick decisions on your own. 57 questions about Interviews at Kaiser Permanente. ", "The people on the frontlines of a business are vital to the success of any organization. We had in services to help us prepare. In my search for a new position, it was important for me to find a new employer that embraces diversity & inclusion in their workforce and I'm confident I found that here at Kaiser Permanente. Among the early respondents was Dr. Sidney R. Garfield, who began to experiment with innovative ways to put advanced medical ideas into . Your interviewer will be looking for you to own up to your mistake and do what it takes to correct it. We utilized verbal communication and a team-based messaging app on our phones throughout the two-week period. ", "In my current position, we were running into several issues about a year ago that involved the inventory and stocking of supplies in patient rooms. I can see how it would be stressful when you care for your patients' success so much! We hire professional interviewers (people with multiple years of experience interviewing candidates) to help us create our interview questions and write answer examples. What you describe is a good fit for me, reputable vendors value these skills, and I'd like to represent a company that wants to create long-term sustainable partnerships. To do this, we developed a survey where respondents could answer questions on the EHR regarding ease of use, effectiveness, and effect on patient care. Every person I care for has a story. When not at work, I spend many days outdoors with my family and I have found that time in the woods or on the water help refresh my body and prepare me well for the next time I step into my job. I took the role of delegating all of the high-priority work among my team and constant lines of communication were the key to success. Bringing up points of being compensated in relation to experience is important because it shows the interviewer that you understand the basic principles of compensation philosophy. One of the toughest parts of communication can be delivering bad news to people with whom you work. ", "I prefer to focus on the positive, so if it's okay, I would like to share with you what my ideal work environment looks like. ", "I know this will come off as cliche, but it's truthful. In looking to hire you on their team, your interviewer would like to ensure that you are set up for success from the start at Kaiser Permanente. We did that twice a week, and it completely solved our scheduling problem. Click the card to flip . Most interviewers will interpret a cliche response like that as dodging the question. I treat everyone with respect, am a great listener, frequently check in on how everyone is doing, and pride myself on my communication skills. I interviewed at Kaiser Permanente Interview 4 Rounds of interviews: 1) interview with the recruiter 2) panel interview with the team 3) leadership interview 4) case study interview I think the challenge is scheduling- this is a lot of time to go back and forth with one company. Take this as an opportunity to market yourself as a positive employee who can enhance a work environment. I am looking forward to getting into the routine of a career again. Your work history sounds strong, and it seems as though you are very loyal to your work. But I want to be upfront, I have done a full background check before, and there is a possibility you will see a charge for possession of marijuana in the check. If I am unable to understand a team member's personality, I try to be professional and interact in a courteous manner.". Are there specific Kaiser volunteer opportunities you'd be interested in? A career in healthcare can be emotional at times; however, I choose to focus on the positives. In seeking out possible solutions, I also seek feedback and support from others when needed and also plan on how to cope in case of a solution does not go as planned.". Definition. This shows the interviewer that you've done your research and aren't answering vaguely. When working with an organization the size of Kaiser Permanente, working as part of a team is a necessity in any position. I also check what's low and order specialty if it's a fast mover. I make sure to get to know my patients whenever possible and I provide them with the most compassionate care possible. Submit as soon as possible so that you will have more time to gather the required supplemental documents. We all come from different backgrounds, different educations, and different points of view and I truly respect the views of all people to help our team function at its best. I called for one of our CNAs to come and help me get the patient to the bathroom and back to his bed. During my training, I worked with community volunteer organizations in Peru, inner-city Chicago, and Russia. I was nervous that I was not using the proper equipment during high-exposure risk procedures. At the same time, I was going to school to become a tech and got a job at a Wal-Mart pharmacy as a tech in 2010, and I have been working there since.". I also help the pharmacist manager every year when there is inventory and make sure it was done right with nothing missing and control inventory when we come at 9 pm and count all controls.". There are many tools that you could use to excel in your job but remember - the most significant tools you possess are an excellent attitude and a great team backing you. Your interviewer would like to hear a story regarding how you were able to take an uncomfortable, or hostile situation, and turn things around into a positive experience. Learn more about your rights and protections related to the No Surprises Act (HR133) that protects you against surprise medical bills and gives you the right to receive estimates under the new regulation. ", "As I look back on my career and my life outside of work, my greatest weakness has always been my avoidance of conflict. My coworkers and patients always have an easy time talking to me and bouncing new ideas my way. I take time on the weekends to do things for myself and ensure that I regenerate before the work week begins. It's great that you are working on asking for help from a variety of people when needed. ", "I'm human, and of course, I feel sad if one of my patients has bad news if a customer dies or something happens to my coworkers or someone I care about, but I also don't let those feelings affect my job and productivity.". Make sure to avoid speaking negatively of anyone, and be sure to end your response with a positive. In addition to this, I also subscribe to a couple of medical-related journals, including the NEJM. Early in my career, I probably worried too much about the fear of failure with my patients. Patient care is a privilege, and I respect the role I have in clinical care and the part other people have. ", Our Professional Interview CoachKevin Downey Reviewed the Above Answer. We do not have advertisements on our pages but we do try to make money through paid-memberships. Your application includes personal information, transcripts, meaningful experiences, essays, letters of recommendation signed on official letterhead, and MCAT scores. If I am offered a position with Kaiser Permanente, you will never find me to be disorganized! What they're looking to hear by asking this question is that you have the ability to manage your stress in a healthy and productive manner. If possible, avoid extreme responses that include speaking negatively of others or naming people. In asking this question, your interviewer wants you to talk openly and honestly about the types of work environments that you find hard to work in. Also, I am organized, bilingual, and I have pharmaceutical knowledge. ", "In 2006 I started working at Giant Eagle pharmacy as an OTC associate. The reason i chose to continue to pursue nursing is because upon being accepted to the program I loved the patient . Prior to your interview, it will be important for you to research the role you are interviewing for and put some thought into how you will be able to deliver the best service to those you will be working closely with. I follow the rules, I maintain my certifications, and I appreciate the policies and values of whatever site I work. Be sure to talk openly to your interviewer about which areas of your career are the most stressful. While we are all human and make mistakes, the key to this question for your interviewer is how you handle the aftermath of a mistake to make things right. As you talk openly and honestly about your personality traits with your interviewer, try to match your personality traits with the mission and values of Kaiser Permanente. Share your strengths as a problem solver, and the ability that you would come up with innovative solutions on the job at Kaiser Permanente. My approach is to be empathetic, soft-spoken, and truthful. Do you consider yourself a compassionate person? Talk to the interviewer about how you can maintain that appropriate balance for yourself. ", "In looking to further my career in the healthcare field, I know that Kaiser Permanente has the highest of quality standards for the care that they provide. I also keep myself open to my colleagues so that they can know and understand me better as well. I'd be curious to hear if your department had any needs in this area. I've spoken with my current manager about it, and we've developed a system where he can call me out on the behavior since often I'm not aware of it. While sometimes a good thing, there were times when I was fearful of even expressing my own beliefs or thoughts in thought that I would upset someone. ", "When the Covid Pandemic started, there was a rapid learning curve on what and how to use PPE effectively. Consider strengthening this response by clearly stating which new procedures you'd require training for and what kind of workflow or procedural style you'd prefer a technologist be able to adapt to. Maybe you can see opportunity when others can only focus on the issue. Even when times would get tough in this role with Kaiser Permanente, I would be looked upon to bring a contagious positive attitude to your team. ", "Working as part of a large team, there is a need to be extremely accurate in my patient care notes. It sounds like you have a very full personal life, with a fantastic work/life balance. I document all necessary information as soon as possible so that the record is up to date and accurate. While working with patients, the difficulty usually stems from fear of the unknown about their health, I try to be more empathetic and talk to them truthfully about the procedure.
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