Please be sure to credit me (either this channel or my instagram: @mentallybitter)#LifeIsStrangeScenePack---------What is a scene pack? "Estou meio de saco cheio da humanidade hoje Me desculpe por fazer tanto drama." sugerido no, O versculo da Bblia favorito de Kate : "Venham a mim, todos os que esto cansados e sobrecarregados, e eu darei descanso a vocs." Sometime before the events of the LIS, she had very embarassing accident, when she was at Vortex Club's party. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies as part of our overall. If she fails, the montage will instead show a memorial at the steps in front of the dorm. Voc pode encontrar uma garrafa de vinho no quarto dela, escondida atrs da cmoda, apesar de ela ter falado para Max que no bebe lcool. Max is seemingly good friends with Kate and watches out for her during this rough time._________________________________________________________________During the beginning of this episode, Max can again remove the mean comments from Kate's Bedroom slate. Mais tarde, no restaurante com a Chloe Price, Max receber uma ligao de Kate, e ter de escolher entre atender ou no. But she's been extra quiet and introverted the past couple weeks. Lastly as Max nears Kate, she tries to tell her that God has big plans for her, but Kate will say that he put her on the roof, Max can either recite a word from her bible, or convince her that she's not doing the right thing. The relationship between Jefferson and Nathan has evolved into something like a relationship of a father with his son. After class, Max Caulfield investigates the paper thrown at Kate and spies the message, Dear Kate, we loved your porn video. If Kate lives, the sticker graphic that appears implies that she has died ("Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone"). But I replayed the game to get all the photo achievements and correct that one choice. No final do corredor, Juliet Watson est assistindo ao vdeo da Kate em seu celular junto com Brooke Scott. Next up is Kate marsh! Kate Beverly Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. Kate v a propagao do vdeo como forma de punio, forte o suficiente para enfraquecer os fundamentos de sua f. Kate is traumatized by an experience she had at a Vortex Club party on October the 4th[3], in which Nathan Prescott drugged her and promised he would take her to a hospital for help (an act which he did not follow through on). No ptio do Dormitrio dos Prescott, Kate se encontra sentada sozinha em um banco, olhando para o nada. And anything you've done to help Kate (standing up from her. Max pode confortar Kate aps a aula, dizendo que sempre estar ao seu lado quando ela precisar, e tambm pode confrontar Victoria por ter espalhado o vdeo da Kate. Fora do quarto da Kate, Max pode apagar a mensagem maldosa escrita na placa dela, "Will bang 4 Jesus" (Vai rebolar pra Jesus, em portugus). In the Dark Room, Kate's binder is one of the three viewable binders other than Rachel Amber's binder and Victoria's empty one. If Max chooses to find more proof, Kate will be distraught by this. kate marshall life is strangemichigan high school wrestling team rankings 2022. mosquito in french canadian; kate marshall life is strange . I only got the bible quote the first time, but she jumped anyway, the second time I mentioned her mom and that had the same effect, but at the third time I tried I mentioned her dad she came down from the roof and she was safe, not sure if it works always, guess depending on your earlier actions. Ela tem de convencer a Kate a no se jogar sem a ajuda de seu poder de voltar no tempo. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Actually, she understood that there are a lot of people who love her. Those who decided Kate should go straight to the police can't fail, but those who tried to collect evidence on their own first should be cautious. For searching the meaning and symbolism of the colour black, see here: You can find out more about the symbolism of tulips here: Information obtained from an email sent by Blackwell Academy to Chloe. On the End of the World Vortex Club Party, Victoria dedicates her Everyday Hero Contest prize to Kate. No banheiro, Kate pede de volta Max sua cpia do "O Pas do Outubro". Eu gosto de Kate Marsh, ela do mesmo corredor que eu e temos uma aula em comum. On her way outside, she runs past Warren ignoring him, while David Madsen is taking pictures of her. Similar to Alice whose sanity becomes increasingly questionable the more time she spends in Wonderland, Kate becomes increasingly more unstable emotionally as the story goes on to the point where in the end she was willing to kill herself just to make it stop. Approaching her, Max asks her about what she thought of Mr. Jeffersons class. Tulipas amarelas significam pensamentos esperanosos e positivos, e so um presente comum de melhoras. While in the shower, Max witnesses Victoria and Taylor harassing Kate, and writing the link to the viral video on the mirror. After seeing a postcard by Victoria sent offering her help, Max can talk to Kate about Victoria's personality, speculating about either her insecurities or how bitchy she is. When they exited the dorm, they were greeted by the school faculty "like heroes". The email is found on her computer in Episode 3 during the morning Max stays over at her house. She attempts to use her power in order to reverse time, but suffers severe headaches and nosebleeds as a result. I have to make an effort to talk to her more often, maybe invite her to tea or a movie. Ao falar com ela, Max pode encoraj-la a parar de compartilhar o vdeo. I just feel like nobody caressaid to Max in "Out of Time". Victoria Chase and a few of the other girls are constantly haunting Kate Marsh with this viral video; a video she has little-to-no memory of. Ela vem de uma famlia muito religiosa e frequentemente vtima de bullying na Academia Blackwell por sua opinio conservadora sobre sexo e religio. It's very likely that Kate survived the storm in the Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending, since the hospital is a solid brick building that could have been able to withstand the storm as opposed to the destroyed wooden buildings that are shown in this ending. Kate Beverly Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. A sleepy town with a dark secret--and the three kids brave enough to uncover it. Adesivo que aparece por engano na pgina sobre a Kate se ela sobreviver, devido a uma troca de nomes nos arquivos do jogo (Kate_scrapbook_alive). [note 1], Suicdio ao pular do telhado do dormitrio. The rabbit is a symbol of vulnerability, comfort, abundance - it's associated with sentiment, desire and procreation. De acordo com seu arquivo, Kate tem um GPA (mdia de notas) de 3.9, e uma das pessoas que "representam" a Academia Blackwell. It is unknown if a patch will be released that fixes this issue. Aps ver um carto postal mandado pela Victoria em que ela oferece ajuda Kate, Max pode conversar com Kate sobre a personalidade da Victoria, especulando sobre as inseguranas dela ou sobre o quo piranha ela . Kate decide perdo-la, pois acredita em perdo e redeno. Due to her religious background, she is quite meek towards most (if not all) of the people who bully her and doesn't hesitate to give people such as Victoria Chase a second chance. "I think when you're a kid, you're only afraid of the things that can hurt you. Ela fica deprimida aps um vdeo dela apresentando um comportamento sexual fora do comum, devido ter sido drogada por Nathan Prescott (ou possivelmente por Mark Jefferson), viraliza na internet. It's impossible to fail at this stage if Max intervened, but she can still save Kate if she took a photo instead. Once on the roof, however, Max is unable to use her powers due to the pain they are causing her. Depends, everytime you do something against her (Don't step in, telling Kate to wait for more proof and not answering her call) it adds another statement you have to "correctly" respond to. Later, as she is heading for the parking lot to give Warren Graham his flash drive, she spots security guard, David Madsen, is hassling Kate, who tells David to leave her alone. Aps sair do dormitrio para encontrar o Warren, Max v a Kate sendo incomodada pelo David Madsen. Hi everybody! Loiro escuro Seu pai mandou a ela um carto postal para lhe dar esperanas, enquanto sua tia mandou uma carta condenando as atitudes dela no vdeo. O versculo preferido de Kate est destacado em um post-it dentro de sua Bblia; Mateus 11:28 - "Venham a mim, todos os que esto cansados e sobrecarregados, e eu darei descanso a vocs.". Ela ficou amiga da Max em seu primeiro ms na Blackwell e elas passaram a se encontrar regularmente para tomar ch. Os desenhos parecem deix-la com mais esperanas para o futuro. Informaes Bsicas After Max brings her book, Kate asks why Max did or did not help her when she was being bullied by David, after Max answers, Kate tries to explain what happened before her video was put online, saying that she went to a Vortex Club Party and something caused her to make out with a bunch of guys. The cookie is a session cookies and is deleted when all the browser windows are closed. Kate vai ao funeral de Chloe se Max escolher sacrific-la para salvar a cidade. The storm would have been on its way by then, and Kate and her family would most likely have fled the town. People with this totem are usually unpredictable, spontaneous, gentle, nurturing, observational, alert, clever, quick-witted, successful and good advisers. Sometime before the events of LIS, she had very embarassing accident, when she was at Vortex Club's party. Se a Kate morrer, o adesivo que estar no dirio aps esta consequncia ir sugerir que ela ainda est viva (Fique Bem Logo). RELATED: Games With Inclusive LGBTQ+ Romance Options. That's why he has all those photos of everyone else, and nobody was missing. visit a website that links to Kate's video,,, Life is Strange > General Discussions > Topic Details. Queria poder ajud-la, mas mal posso ajudar a mim mesma. Wiki Life is Strange uma comunidade Fandom Jogos. After class, Max Caulfield investigates the paper thrown at Kate and spies the message, "Dear Kate, we loved your porn video . First, she tries to stop the time, but, she is being hurt all the time. Upon arriving, Max sees Kate throw herself off the roof, killing herself. It could also be some grim foreshadowing of Kate's possible suicide, as she attempts to throw herself off a building, mirroring Alice's descent down the rabbit hole (though in Alice's case, her fall was accidental while Kate's was deliberate). [4] Victoria Chase publicou o vdeo na internet e o espalhou para os alunos da Blackwell. Kate decides to forgive her, because she believes in forgiveness and redemption. Ele fala sobre uma reunio organizada em honra a ela, e tenta oferecer sua ajuda. There is a note from a Psycologist, in the dark room, that notes that Nathan's father complely ignores the Psycologist. If Max fails to save Kate in Episode 2, the school flags outside Blackwell Academy remain at full-staff. Marsh (me)Tia Marsh (tia)Lynn Marsh (irm)Irm no identificada I apologised and owned up to it, but too little too late. When she sat on the chair, she saw Kate walking towards the tower. Kate Beverly Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. 12 de Setembro de 1995(Signo Virgem) I did everything I could. what choice did I make that turned out killing her? Max, who is extremely happy to see her, will talk with her, noting that she seems happier since she attempted suicide. In Kate's hospital room in Episode 4, Max can find flowers from Taylor, which are yellow tulips. Richard Marsh (pai)Sra. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! With help the Prescott, Jefferson was able to build a bunker to serve as a secret hideaway. A lot of people are missing the point of the website though. She started attending Blackwell Academy in September, 2013. Dayeanne Hutton (Ingls) Hana Takeda (Japons), 11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante), Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante), Sra. Na Sala Escura, Max pode usar a selfie que tirou no comeo do primeiro episdio para viajar de volta para a aula de Jefferson onde tudo comeou. Following the incident, she consulted the school nurse who, concerned about Kate's current mental state, contacted Principal Wells to keep an eye on her. Kate sits at the table to the right of Max in Jefferson's classroom. The name "Katie" appears in Frank Bowers's client list (codenamed as "Chihuahua"). Kate Marsh is/was (depending on choice) a classmate of Max. Kate's favorite Bible verse is highlighted on a post-it note inside the book; Matthew 11:28 - \"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.\"Max talks to Kate about the events of the Vortex Club Party and the viral video. At the end of the episode, Kate is seen crying in her room during the snowstorm. (Matthew 11:28). Antes da postagem do vdeo viral dela, Kate era uma aluna feliz na Blackwell com um GPA (mdia de notas) de 3.9 e um registro impecvel. Dublador(a) Although she's an adult I bet she's not "allowed" to watch "R" rated films Kate was born into a heavily Christian conservative family and is devoted to the religion. Max Caulfield is seemingly good friends with Kate and watches out for her during this rough time. Parece um zumbi. Kate is one of the attendees at Chloe's funeral in the "Sacrifice Chloe" ending. She attempts to use her power in order to reverse time, but suffers severe headaches and nosebleeds as a result. Kate tells Max that she doesnt remember or care about much of anything from earlier that morning. Max talks to Kate about the events of the Vortex Club Party and the viral video. This is because they refuse to truly listen to the students at a time when they want to be taken seriously. A placa dos quartos dela e de outras garotas no dormitrio foram reescritos por suas respectivas donas em apoio a recuperao de Kate, e a rede social dela est cheia de mensagens de apoio enviadas por vrios alunos da Blackwell, incluindo a Victoria. She became friends with Max during her first month at Blackwell and they met regularly to drink tea together. You only get that for a previous failure. No entanto, h uma inconsistncia nas circunstncias que estes adesivos parecem, devido aos arquivos estarem com os nomes trocados nas configuraes da Unreal Engine (TX_Character_E3_Kate_SF, TX_Character_E4_Kate_SF, e TX_Character_E5_Kate_SF). Her family are now very protective towards Kate, and felt very guilty. No final do episdio, Kate vista chorando em seu quarto durante a nevasca. Kate runs off crying, missing class. As cores mais associadas Kate so o branco e o preto, que compem a maioria de suas roupas.[7]. Max notes that Nathan's name is not on the card from the Blackwell students. Max may comfort Kate after the class and take the first optional photo for the episode. At Blackwell Academy, a distraught Kate will be seen talking to Mr. Jefferson for help, who will dismiss her. The game really focuses on the consequences of your choices and causes the player to really think about the implications of, for example, reporting a violent person to the principal versus keeping quiet about it. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. She becomes depressed when a viral video of her is released containing uncharacteristically sexual behavior as a result of being drugged by Nathan Prescott (or possibly Mark Jefferson). The doodles depict an angel whose face is covered in blood, a tree with gallows as well as the words "WASTE" and "SO LONELY". This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If Max chooses to go to the police, Kate will be easier to deal with at the climax. Kate uma adolescente gentil, simptica e tmida que no gosta de ser o centro das atenes. Ela pede que Max tire as fotografias que estaro no livro dela. Se a Kate morrer, ocorrer uma cerimnia para ela s 14:00 de sbado, 12 de outubro. Iceman Jun 13, 2015 @ 8:00pm. She has to talk Kate down without the assistance of the Rewind. Um novo desenho aparecer no lugar do antigo adesivo com a palavra "VIDA". She is also very grateful towards Max for coming up to the rooftop to talk to her because she was feeling lost and alone all the time, but Max's caring and trying showed her that she wasn't. After a brief conversation, Jefferson tells her that there is nothing he can do and she walks away crying. Her family is now very protective towards Kate, and feel very guilty. There is a poster in the girls' bathroom which reads "Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder", someone has vandalised it with graffiti which says: "Kate twerks for god". O email pode ser visto no computador dela no Episdio 3, durante o tempo que Max passa em sua casa. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. On her way outside, she runs past Warren ignoring him, while David Madsen is taking pictures of her. Pessoas com este esprito animal so normalmente imprevisveis, espontneas, gentis, carinhosas, observadoras, atentas, inteligentes, perspicazes, bem sucedidas e bons conselheiros. No carto de "Melhoras" enviado para a Kate, os nomes "River S." e "Rory W." esto assinados. The drawings seem to make her more hopeful for the future. Defending Kate from David, encouraging Kate in her initial decision to report the matter to the police and answering her phone call earlier are helpful, but she can be saved without making those actions by making the right dialog choices. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club party and seems emotionally traumatized. Regardless of the outcome in Episode 2, Kate doesn't directly appear in this episode. Se Max disser para ela ir polcia, ser mais fcil de salvar a Kate mais tarde. Same goes for Max and Victoria. I got her on the first try.. She looks like she's in zombie mode. Max notes that Nathan's name is not on the card from the Blackwell students. Dayeanne Hutton, VA for Kate Marsh, Alyssa and Juliet begins her playthrough of Life is Strange Remastered! He talks about a rally in her honor, and tries to offer her help. While he likely meant that she was now in Heaven, it could also be yet another reference to Wonderland. You have to choose the M (matheus or how he is called) answer and not the P one. Katie Her family's disappointment combined with the persistent bullying from Vortex Club members and the vicious behavior of her peers leads her to become withdrawn and depressed. In addition, if Kate's suicide is successful, Max will get a text from Kate's Christian father telling her that Kate was in a better world now. The character received a generally positive reception by video game publications, although some labeled her . If Kate dies, the sticker graphic that appears after this consequence implies she is still alive ("Get Well Soon"). Ela mandar uma mensagem para Max com o nmero do quarto dele (111) quando Max visitar o dormitrio masculino mais tarde no mesmo episdio. Se Max fala com ela aps Jefferson fazer-lhe uma pergunta e ela der a resposta errada, ela se mostrar preocupada por ter envergonhado Kate por no saber a resposta. Drawings of nooses and the word "waste" adorn the page. If you get through them all she lives, goof up twice and she jumps. :p this one was a hard one to do, even you are in the production si. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. In the folder, Max discovers photographs of Kate around of the town. A new decal will appear on the page to cover the 'LiFE' graphic that was visible in the previous two episodes. Clique aqui para a lista de todos os registros do dirio relacionados Kate. It is suggested in, Kate's favorite Bible quote is: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." 1,031 ratings201 reviews. Chloe Price (Life is Strange) Warren Graham; Kate Marsh; Victoria Chase (Life is Strange) Rachel Amber; Mark Jefferson; David Madsen; Joyce Price; Sean Prescott; Frank Bowers; Blackwell Academy Students; Homeless Lady (Life is Strange) Original Characters; Caroline Prescott; Kristine Prescott; Slow Build; The site and the video did exist. said to Max in "Out of Time"I don't get wasted. Quando Max descobre que Chloe foi drogada por Nathan Prescott, ela presume que a mesma coisa aconteceu com a Kate, devido ao seu comportamento estranho no vdeo viral. Max, who is extremely happy to see her, will talk with her, noting that she seems happier since her attempted suicide. All rights reserved. Max, que est muito feliz em v-la, conversar com Kate, notando que ela parece mais alegre desde a ltima vez que a viu. Jefferson took advantage of the fact that there was a darkness in the heart of Nathan and used that to manipulate it. Ela revela que no ficou bbada, e aps consumir apenas uma pequena quantidade de vinho, foi aparentemente drogada por Nathan, que no a levou para o hospital como havia prometido. J estou jogando os jogos de drama dela. If Max chooses to find more proof, Kate will be distraught by this.Later, at the diner with Chloe, Max will receive a phone call from Kate, and will have to choose to either answer it or ignore it. Se Max conseguir impedir que ela se jogue, no fim do episdio ela ser mostrada se recuperando em uma cama de hospital. Foi especulado que Kate possa ter comprado drogas com o Frank durante sua fase depressiva, pois Chihuahua seria um tipo de cachorro adequado para Kate e a tal "Katie" comprou um remdio para dormir chamado sonho verde, e uma droga que pode causar a morte (as duas drogas seriam teis para Kate, dado seu estado de insnia e depresso). ), You can find a bottle of wine in her room, hidden behind the drawer, despite the fact she told Max that she doesn't drink. Causa da Morte Adicionalmente, as placas dos quartos foram reescritas com mensagens de "Descanse em Paz" e condolncias Kate, enquanto outros alunos da Blackwell deixaram mensagens de arrependimento na placa do quarto dela e em sua rede social. This may not completely describe Kate, however. The adults in Life is Strange are incompetent because they inspire no trust. Ela e Max at falam sobre fazer uma visita s lojas de ch de Portland. [4] Victoria Chase published the video online and spread the news of the video throughout Blackwell. There is no law that requires a school to seek a local major or Governor of State's permission to half-staff school flags upon the death of a student. Max can unfold it later and it will read: "Dear Kate, we love your porn video - xoxo Blackwell Academy". This is evident through her Blackwell Academy record. Seu quarto no Dormitrio Feminino o 222. Whilst in the Dark Room, Max found a selfie taken at the beginning of the first episode and time travels back to the beginning of the game. I'm not posting very much in these weeks, I'm in the middle of an art block ugh.I know you know the feel! Finally, she exerts her power to the degree that she can stop time, which allows her to make it to the roof.Once on the roof, however, Max is unable to use her powers due to the pain they are causing her. Is Strange, Gary jamroz-palma : concept art for the hospital room used for Chloe and Kate, depending on some of the choices you make. Everything indicates that Nathan felt oppressed by his father and needed psychological treatment, so Jefferson appeared and offered to be his friend. Marsh (me)Tia Marsh (tia)Lynn Marsh (irm)Irm no identificada, Episdio 2: Out of Time Episdio 4: Dark Room (Determinante) Episdio 5: Polarized (Determinante). It's a combination of factors, depending on what you say when shes up there and things you did for her before. She comments that she gave most of the flowers away to other patients, believing they need them more than her. Na mesma noite, seu quarto foi selado com uma fita de isolamento. O Diretor Wells mandou um email para ela desejando-lhe uma rpida recuperao. Most likely you failed the last chance Bible question. Answering it will cause Max to miss a confrontation between Chloe and her mother, which Chloe will chide her about later, but will comfort Kate.At Blackwell Academy, a distraught Kate will be seen talking to Mr. Jefferson for help, who will dismiss her. Here's my next Life is Strange 1 scene pack!! Max comenta que as ilustraes de Kate seriam perfeitas para um livro infantil; ento h a possibilidade de Kate desejar ter uma carreira com seus trabalhos publicados. Encouraging Kate to go to the police about Nathan, or suggesting she look for proof against him first during Episode 2 of Life is Strange directly impacts a huge moment later in the story. I did good, I guess.. There isn't a -real- video. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. Later, Chloe uses the knowledge that David has been keeping tabs on Kate as threat to expose Davids harassment when discovers Max in the Price Household. Isso a torna mais bela que vadias como a Victoria que acham que a beleza apenas o rosto e roupas. Please be sure to credit me (either . Sneaking out to meet Chloe, Max meets a remorseful Dana, and finds out that Victoria and Taylor are still very wrecked after Kate's suicide attempt. Uma foto da Kate com sua famlia. Max tem a opo de apagar o link. Ela tem estado muito quieta e introvertida nas ltimas semanas. In the bathroom, Kate asks Max for her copy of "The October Country" back. No quarto do hospital em que Kate est no Episdio 4, Max pode ver as flores que Taylor mandou para ela, que so tulipas amarelas. Around the room are letters, postcards, and photographs which relate to Kate's family. Principal Wells sent her an email wishing her a speedy recovery. Academia Blackwell Bit of a trigger warning for some of these scenes. Erasing the mean messages written about her and the link to the video, answering her phone call) I think add up to helping to save her. It makes her more beautiful than the beeatches here like Victoria who think beauty is just your face and outfit. A decepo de sua famlia combinada com o constante bullying feito por membros do clube Vortex e o afastamento de seus amigos levaram ela a ficar isolada e depressiva. No h nenhuma lei que exija que uma escola busque a permisso do prefeito local ou do Governador do Estado para iar as bandeiras at meio mastro aps a morte de um aluno. Seu comportamento fora do comum, beijando vrias pessoas e agindo loucamente, pode estar atribudo s drogas, provando a inocncia de Kate. She's so pretty AND sweet and friendly. Ao devolver o livro de Kate, Max pode explorar o quarto dela. Hizzer May 25, 2015 @ 8:05pm. Quando sua famlia tomou conhecimento do vdeo, sua me se mostrou decepcionada com o comportamento dela e com sua falta de adeso aos ensinamentos cristos. As duas conversam por alguns instantes antes de Max ir tomar banho. When Max attempts to ask whether or not she was alright, Kate dismisses her, wanting to be left alone. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Returning Kate's book, Max can look around her bedroom. Kate needs to be built up is she can be convinced to carry on. #050 Kate Marsh (Pyjamas Variant) (Red Variant), #085 Kate Marsh (Rooftop Variant) (Red Variant), #086 Max & Kate (Rooftop Scene) (Red Variant), #050 Kate Marsh (Pyjamas Variant) (Green Variant), #085 Kate Marsh (Rooftop Variant) (Green Variant), #086 Max & Kate (Rooftop Scene) (Green Variant), #050 Kate Marsh (Pyjamas Variant) (Blue Variant), #085 Kate Marsh (Rooftop Variant) (Blue Variant), #086 Max & Kate (Rooftop Scene) (Blue Variant), #050 Kate Marsh (Pyjamas Variant) (Purple Variant), #085 Kate Marsh (Rooftop Variant) (Purple Variant), #086 Max & Kate (Rooftop Scene) (Purple Variant), #050 Kate Marsh (Pyjamas Variant) (Orange Variant), #085 Kate Marsh (Rooftop Variant) (Orange Variant), #086 Max & Kate (Rooftop Scene) (Orange Variant), #050 Kate Marsh (Pyjamas Variant) Gold Variant, #085 Kate Marsh (Rooftop Variant) Gold Variant, #086 Max & Kate (Rooftop Scene) Gold Variant, #050 Kate Marsh (Pyjamas Variant) (Black Variant), #085 Kate Marsh (Rooftop Variant) (Black Variant), #086 Max & Kate (Rooftop Scene) (Black Variant), #012 Concept Art Collection Kate Marsh, #026 Kate Smiling (Polaroid Collection), #077 Kate Marsh (Marsh Mint Variant) (Gold & Color Collection), #078 Kate Marsh (Rooftop Variant) (Marsh Mint Variant) (Gold & Color Collection), #079 Max Saving Kate (Marsh Mint Variant) (Gold & Color Collection), #080 Max & Kate Hugging (Marsh Mint Variant) (Gold & Color Collection), #126 Kate Marsh (Frosted Glass Collection), #170 Kate Marsh (Holographic Collection). Her extracurricular activities include the Meals On Wheels program and a diverse religious studies group.[1]. Here's my next Life is Strange 1 scene pack!! At the time that Max told her about Nathan, Jefferson was determined to kill Kate to silence her as Victoria and almost done with Max. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at a Vortex Club party and seems emotionally traumatized. Morte Ela teve problemas aps um lanamento de um vdeo viral da mesma beijando estranhos em uma festa do Clube Vortex, o que parece ter a abalado psicologicamente.
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