3. For this to happen, the government will need to guarantee sufficient allocations of foreign exchange. There is considerable room for investment when considering that about 95 percent of Ethiopias crop production is rain fed. Causes and Characteristics of Drought in Ethiopia. The amount of coffee inspected in the fiscal year 20072008 by the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority (ECTA) was 230,247 tons, a decrease of almost 3% from the previous fiscal year's total of 236,714 tons. [9], The population in the lowland peripheries (below 1,500 meters) is nomadic, engaged mainly in livestock raising. landholdings are tiny, fragmented and unsuitable for modern methods of agriculture. Three factors contributed to the decline in the relative importance of pulses and oilseeds. [7], The effect of the Derg's land reform program on food production and its marketing and distribution policies were among two of the major controversies surrounding the revolution. In Ethiopia's lowlands, for example, the presence of malaria kept farmers from settling in many areas. The agricultural production trends throughout the 1980's up to mid-1990's were characterized by wide fluctuations in total output and weak growth, with grain production increasing at rate of 1.37% annually compared to population growth of 2.9 % (World Bank, 2004). Please see below a summary of agricultural focus areas and objectives laid out in Ethiopias ten-year economic development plan (2021-2030). A lock ( A locked padlock ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. [7], Agricultural productivity under the Derg continued to decline. However, information is lacking in Wolaita, Southern Ethiopia. SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF AGRICULTURE 2 2.1. Excluding the Afar and Somali Regions, there were approximately 47.5 million cattle, 26.1 million sheep, 21.7 million goats, 2.1 million horses and mules, 5.6 million donkeys, 1 million camels, and 39.6 million poultry. The Mengistu regime encouraged fruit and vegetable production. Though the raising of livestock always has been largely a subsistence activity,[22] intensive, factory farm facilities are gaining in popularity and are present in Addis Ababa and Debre Zeit, run by Ethiopian agribusiness ELFORA. Researchers found however that, since transhumance takes place in summer, during school holidays, the transhumance in itself does not affect schooling. [27], Most of Ethiopia's estimated 48 million sheep and goats are raised by small farmers who used them as a major source of meat and cash income. [7], Livestock production plays an important role in Ethiopia's economy. UNJP-RWEE was a five-year long initiative with the objective of accelerating the economic empowerment of rural women . The soils of the Great Rift Valley often are conducive to agriculture if water is available for irrigation. In pastoral areas, livestock formed the basis of the economy. As the economy grows and the population expands, consumer demand for certain types of foods is expected to increase. Agriculture is one of the best prospect sectors for growth in Ethiopia. Fresh fruits, including citrus and bananas, as well as fresh and frozen vegetables, became important export items, but their profitability was marginal. Contributions, potentials and characteristics of agriculture in Ethiopia The contributions of agriculture in Ethiopia The Ethiopian economy is an agrarian economy. [7], Cattle in Ethiopia are almost entirely of the zebu type and are poor sources of milk and meat. Resembling the banana but bearing an inedible fruit, the plant produces large quantities of starch in its underground rhizome and an above-ground stem that can reach a height of several meters. In addition, it is hoped that the number of key crops are doubled from 18.1m metric to 39.5m metric tonnes. [7], President Mengistu's 1990 decision to allow free movement of goods, to lift price controls, and to provide farmers with security of tenure was designed to reverse the decline in Ethiopia's agricultural sector. The principal grains in Ethiopia are Teff, Wheat, Barley, Corn, Sorghum, and Millet. [7], By the mid-1960s, many sectors of Ethiopian society favored land reform. The clearing of land for agricultural use and the cutting of trees for fuel gradually changed the scene, and today forest areas have dwindled to less than 4% of Ethiopia's total land. Background and Objective: Detailed characterization of bio-physical resources in agricultural landscapes and documenting locally used soil fertility management practices is required for developing site-specific management scenarios in the study area. To make matters worse, during the 1972-74 drought and famine the imperial government refused to assist rural Ethiopians and tried to cover up the crisis by refusing international aid. [7], Ethiopia's coffee is almost exclusively of the arabica type, which grows best at altitudes between 1,000 and 2,000 meters. Despite the emphasis on state farms, state farm production accounted for only 6% of total agricultural output in 1987 (although meeting 65% of urban needs), leaving peasant farmers responsible for over 90% of production. The existence of so many land tenure systems, coupled with the lack of reliable data, made it difficult to give a comprehensive assessment of landownership in Ethiopia, as well as depressed the ability of peasants to improve themselves. Lithosols, Cambisols, Nitosols, Vertisols, Xerosols, Solonchaks, Fluvisols and Luvisols cover more than 80% of the country, and are the most important soils. Only 15 percent of the roads are paved; this is a problem particularly in the highlands, where there are two rainy seasons causing many roads to be unusable for weeks at a time. @article{Haile1988CausesAC, title={Causes and Characteristics of Drought in Ethiopia. Years of bi-directional causality were found between agriculture and manufacturing and services sectors before 1975. [7] Pulses, grown widely at all altitudes from sea level to about 3,000 meters, are more prevalent in the northern and central highlands. Firstly, various policies that discouraged private sector participation in economic activity were implemented during the socialist era (between 1978 and 1992). According to Infomineo (2016), the key agricultural sectors in Ethiopia are the following: Coffee & tea; Ethiopia has a great potential for coffee production, thanks to the country's abundant rainfall, optimum temperatures, conducive altitude, and fertile soil. TheInternational Trade Administration,U.S. Department of Commerce, manages this global trade site to provide access to ITA information on promoting trade and investment, strengthening the competitiveness of U.S. industry, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements. In the case of the textile and apparel sector, a shortage of locally-produced cotton suggests a need for cotton imports, including from the United States. It is cultivated principally by the Gurage, Sidama, and several other ethnic groups in the region. The AMC was a government agency whose objective was to influence the supply and price of crops. There is a functional relationship between the use of ove. Agriculture, which constituted 46 percent of GDP and more than 80 percent of exports, is by far the most important economic activity in the Ethiopian economy. In chtse area intensive farming is carried on in limited. Principal crops include coffee, pulses (e.g., beans), oilseeds, cereals, potatoes, sugarcane, and vegetables. Local demand for meat, milk and eggs is growing as the economy and population grow. Agriculture accounts for 36% percent of the nation's Gross domestic Product (GDP) as of 2020. <i>Objective</i>. Land Use Distribution and Change in Lake Tana Sub Basin -- 23. Land use function 2 2.2. Taro, yams, and sweet potatoes are commonly grown in the same region as the ensete. The highest concentration of poultry is in Shewa, in central Wollo, and in northwestern Tigray. In the 20062007 EFY hides, skins and leather products made up 7.5% of the total export value; live animals accounted for 3.1% of the total value of exports during the same period. Challenges of Agricultural Production and Productivity in Ethiopia. USA.gov|FOIA|Privacy Program|EEO Policy|Disclaimer|Information Quality Guidelines |Accessibility, Official Website of the International Trade Administration, Comply with U.S. and Foreign Export Regulations. In fact, the soybean crushing and soybean oil refining industry is quickly emerging. Overview. Investments in cotton production, as well as any other agricultural commodity, require considerable due diligence because of a variety of complicated issues, including landownership rights and the potential for conflict. But with proper drainage and conditioning, these soils have excellent agricultural potential. The combined pressure of crop and livestock production and the ever-increasing human f AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS IN ETHIOPIA 285 population on the land in this farming system is high. For the later two Regions, estimated numbers vary greatly between conventional and aerial censuses, but total less than 15% of the non-nomadic Regions. Barley is cultivated mostly between 2,000 and 3,500 meters in Ethiopia. Potential niche market for wheat and soybean exports. Such wide price variations created food shortages because farmers as well as private merchants withheld crops to sell on the black market at higher prices.[7]. Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of the country as the following facts indicate. [15], About 98 percent of the coffee was produced by peasants on smallholdings of less than a hectare, and the remaining 2 percent was produced by state farms. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. [17], Although varying from region to region, the role of livestock in the Ethiopian economy was greater than the figures suggest. Since the 2000s, Ethiopia has emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa. When you select "Accept all cookies," you're agreeing to let your browser store that data on your device so that we can provide you with a better, more relevant experience. Farm Management Practices (Private Peasant Holdings, Meher Season) 2020/21 (2013 E.C.) [16] In 20062007 (the latest year available), exports of oilseeds accounted for 15.78% of export earnings (or million 187.4 Birr) and pulses 5.92% (or 70.3 million Birr). Of the 25 World Reference Base/FAO soil orders, 17 exist in Ethiopia. Contagious diseases and parasitic infections are major causes of death, factors that are exacerbated by malnutrition and starvation. There are also expanding opportunities for grocery sales to retail and wholesale outlets that are starting to spring up all over Addis Ababa. Last edited on 21 February 2023, at 19:04, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor. One way the government is hoping to improve cotton yields is with Genetically Engineered (GE) cotton. The 1977 famine also provided an impetus to promote conservation. Between 198485 and 198687, at the height of the drought, Ethiopia received more than 1.7 million tons of grain, about 14 percent of the total food aid for Africa. Oilseeds of lesser significance include castor beans, rapeseed, peanuts, and safflower and sunflower seeds. The government and the international community are working together to address many of these challenges. In addition, the GOE continues to invest heavily in the expansion of the sugar industry, which is slated to be privatized in the near future with the aim of become one of the top ten sugar producers in the world over the next decade. Depending on international market conditions and local demand factors, there may be opportunities in the future for U.S. wheat and soybean sales to Ethiopia. In EFY 197475, pulses and oilseeds accounted for 34% of export earnings (about 163 million Birr), but this share declined to about 3% (about 30 million Birr) in EFY 198889. Production Efficiency and Agricultural Technologies in the Ethiopian Agriculture Introduction Inability to produce adequate food is the major problem of most less developed countries (LDCS). Public Communication Directorate Tel: +251-116-454441 Fax:+251-116-461294/465412 E-Mail:eiar@eiar.gov.et P.O.Box: 2003 Addis Ababa Ethiopia , Designed & Developed By Yonas T/birhan [23], However, herding cattle is one of the agricultural activities that resorts to indentured labor and particularly child labor according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The farmers continued to utilize their ancient system of production despite changing ecological and population pressures. [7] Since the fall of the Derg, there have been a number of initiatives to improve the food supply, which include research and training by the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research. Ethiopia has an extremely diverse topography, climate, culture, population distribution and market access. Mia MacDonald and Justine Simon (2010) Climate, Food Security, & Growth: Ethiopia's Complex Relationship with Livestock. To evaluate the genetic diversity of Ethiopian potato cultivars, and to assess their relationship with germplasm from North America, Europe and the International Potato Center (CIP), 8303 SNP markers were used to characterize 44 local Ethiopian cultivars, as well as . By African, standard rural development programme has long history in Ethiopia. This method was widely used in Ethiopia and southern Ethiopia because it is recommended for soils requiring more than one ton of lime per acre and soils with a pH of less than 5.8 [15]. Consequently, Ethiopia became a net importer of grain worth about 243 million Birr annually from 198384 to, 198788. The first three are primarily cool-weather crops cultivated at altitudes generally above 1,500 meters. Sandy desert soils cover much of the arid lowlands in the northeast and in the Ogaden of southeastern Ethiopia. More details on the latest grain and oilseeds situation in Ethiopia can be found in our Grain & Feed and our Oilseeds Reports. The mixed agriculture exhibits several subsystems. Livestock and Livestock Characteristics (Private Peasant Holdings) 2020/2021 (2013 E.C.) Demand for vegetables has stimulated truck farming around the main urban areas such as Addis Ababa and Asmera. Explain the main contribution, potentials, characteristics , and problems of Ethiopian agriculture. For instance, in the case of seed, the current varieties are more than 20 years old and are degraded. Put in perspective, Ethiopia's key agricultural sector has grown at an annual . To meet its agro-processing objectives, the GOE is building Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks (IAIP) in four pilot areas: Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and Tigray regional states. [7], The consumption of vegetables and fruits is relatively limited, largely because of their high cost. Prior to the Revolution, urbanization increased the demand for fruit, leading to the establishment of citrus orchards in areas with access to irrigation in Shewa, Arsi, Hararghe, and Eritrea. Under the Homegrown Economic Reform Program,the GOE intends to make the textile and apparel industry one of the economic engines that will propel future growth. Please see below for the market overview and trade data. Growing demand for water supply and drainage systems, pumps, and drilling equipment is expected. 1401 Constitution Ave NW Title. [7], The objectives of villagization included grouping scattered farming communities throughout the country into small village clusters, promoting rational land use, conserving resources, providing access to clean water and to health and education services, and strengthen security. Examining the characteristics of stakeholders in Lake Tana Sub-basin resource use, management and Governance -- 21. Agriculture is the country's most promising resource management. Agriculture as a producer of positive externalities and public goods 2 2.4. [7], Inaccessibility, water shortages, and infestations of disease-causing insects, mainly mosquitoes, prevented the use of large parcels of potentially productive land. [25], Both the imperial and the Marxist governments tried to improve livestock production by instituting programs such as free vaccination, well-digging, construction of feeder roads, and improvement of pastureland, largely through international organizations such as the World Bank and the African Development Bank. The importance of smallholder farming is increasingly recognized in rural areas where increased crop productivity and market participation can effectively improve their dietary diversity and nutrition quality. [7], Of Ethiopia's total land area of 1,221,480 square kilometers, the government estimated in the late 1980s that 15 percent was under cultivation and 51 percent was pasture. As reviewed from different literatures household demographic characteristics, household resource endowments, social, cultural, infrastructural, institutional and economic factors influence the . By 1989, the area covered by the State Farms had grown to a total of 220,000 hectares. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Most of these farmers lived in the Ethiopian Highlands, mainly at elevations of 1,500 to 3,000 meters. In Wollo Province, for example, there were an estimated 111 types of land tenure. The agricultural sector is subject to periodic drought, and poor infrastructure constrains the production and marketing of Ethiopia's products. However, opponents of villagization argued that the scheme was disruptive to agricultural production because the government moved many farmers during the planting and harvesting seasons. Section D. Cookies on OCLC websites. The GOE is focusing on expanding chicken meat production in order to reduce the countrys longstanding dependence on the livestock sector, minimize the sectors environmental footprint, and provide more affordable protein to the masses. To show other various factors (political, policy, cultural, religious, affected crop production and productivity in Ethiopia. Foreign Direct Investment Attraction Events, Services for U.S. Companies New to Exporting, Services for U.S. Companies Currently Exporting, Leading Sectors for US Exports & Investments, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Licensing Requirements for Professional Services, Improve income and livelihood options for farming and pastoral communities through increased productivity and competitiveness, Raise export of agricultural output and substitute imports, Make agriculture a viable and profitable enterprise through value addition, Enhance livestock health access and quality, Preserve animal genetic resources and increase pastoral research, Improve the development of animal feed and access to markets, Develop livestock specific extension package for each livestock type. [7], During the imperial era, the government failed to implement widespread conservation measures, largely because the country's complex land tenure system stymied attempts to halt soil erosion and improve the land. Textile and apparel manufacturing and equipment. [7], Historically, Ethiopia was a rare exception in Sub-Saharan Africa, because of its special environmental circumstances, that enabled Ethiopian farmers to increase their productivity, for example by using ploughs. Potato is an increasingly important crop in Ethiopia, but the origin of local cultivars grown throughout the country is unknown. [7], Imperial government policy permitting investors to import fertilizers, pesticides, tractors and combines, and (until 1973) fuel free of import duties encouraged the rapid expansion of large-scale commercial farming. The manufacturing sector plays a marginal role in employment generation, exports, output, and inter-sectoral linkages. Resultantly there has been significant uptake of resistant wheat varieties among Ethiopian farmers since 2014. Consequently, the country faced a famine that resulted in the death of nearly 1 million people from 1984 to 1986. The program later facilitated the establishment of similar internationally supported and financed projects at Ada'a Chukala (just south of Addis Ababa), Welamo, and Humera. Ethiopia's agricultural sector has developed favourably over the past decade, but rapid population growth, limited access to fertile land, and volatile agricultural outcomes pose problems for the . Ethiopia's agriculture is plagued by periodic drought, soil degradation[1] caused by overgrazing, deforestation, high levels of taxation and poor infrastructure (making it difficult and expensive to get goods to market). The problem became so serious that Mengistu lashed out against the peasantry on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of military rule in September 1978. Increased production as well as imports are required to close this gap. Teff, indigenous to Ethiopia, furnishes the flour for enjera, an sourdough pancake-like bread that is the principal form in which grain is consumed in the highlands and in urban centers throughout the country. [30] These tools includes sickle, pick axe, plough shaft, ploughshare, plow, beam and animal force as a machines. The study sought to assess the role of smallholder farming in crop productivity and market access . Over 60% of Ethiopian coffee is produced as forest coffee . Soil acidity is one of the most important environmental threats to the Ethiopian highlands where the livelihood of the majority of people is reliant on agriculture. This government-led outreach, combined with low labor and electricity costs, has already yielded fruits with a number of Turkish, Indian, Chinese, Indonesian and other foreign firms opening businesses in Ethiopia in recent years. Niger seed is found mostly in the northern and central highlands at elevations between 1,800 and 2,500 meters. Advanced Search Citation Search . In addition to red meat, there are emerging opportunities in chicken, egg, and dairy production and processing. The opportunities and constraints facing Ethiopian agriculture are strongly influenced by conditions which vary across geographical space. Private traders and the Agricultural Marketing Corporation (AMC), established in 1976, marketed Ethiopia's agricultural output. Grain imports are almost exclusively limited to wheat, nearly all of which the GOEs state-trading arm (i.e., Ethiopian Trading Business Corporation) purchases off the international market and later distributes in the local market at a subsidized price. Ethiopias current level of wheat and soybean production is insufficient to satisfy domestic demand. J. According to CSA (2015) report, cereals . International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 11(4): 301-316. The major binding constraints of the sector are insufficient yields due to inefficient provision of inputs and services, unclear land lease rights, limited investment in R&D and irrigation, marketing and logistics related problems, and lack of agriculture-specific financial services. agriculture, poverty and illiteracy are important causes of land and environmental degradation in Ethiopia. Amare Getahun's (1978) paper on agricultural systems in Ethiopia is one of the few attempts to classify agricultural systems in Ethiopia into (a) the highland mixed farming system, (b) low plateaux and valley mixed agriculture, (c) pastoral livestock production of the arid and semi-arid zones and (d) commercial agriculture, and to describe the main characteristics of each system. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute (EIAR), Ethiopian Trading Business Corporation (ETBC). Available data on crop production show that land reform and the various government rural programs had a minimal impact on increasing the food supply, as production levels displayed considerable fluctuations and low growth rates at best. "National Statistical Abstract. Export sales of U.S. cotton are expected as demand increases. Supply and demand characteristics 2 2.3. <i>Methods</i>. [5] Ethiopia's livestock population is believed to be the largest in Africa, and in 20062007 livestock accounted for 10.6% of Ethiopia's export income, with leather and leather products making up 7.5% and live animals 3.1%. Under the current administration, the GOE has renewed its emphasis to develop the agriculture sector, ensure food security, and achieve import substition. The reforms success in supporting Ethiopias economic growth in part depends on the development of the agro-processing sector (e.g. Peasant associations used 361 nurseries to plant 11,000 hectares of land in community forest. Agriculture is defined as the purposeful tending of animals and plants.It provides: basic food supplies for the population; raw materials like cotton, sugar cane, oil seeds, etc. The market for agriculture in Ethiopia is projected to register a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period, 2021-2026). Livestock and Livestock Characteristics (Private Peasant Holdings) 2020/2021 (2013 E.C.) These activities have contributed to higher yields and increased production of both crops and livestock. [7], Wheat stem rust threatens the Ethiopian harvest every year and recently that especially means Ug99. The market is segmented by type into food crops, fruits, and vegetables. NEED FOR A SPECIFIC TREATMENT OF AGRICULTURE . Land tenure rights as well as natural disasters, such as floods, hamper the countrys ability to quickly expand cotton production. The Ethiopian Herald (Addis Ababa) Urban agriculture utilizes resources such as land that have high demand for other urban uses . Practically all animals are range-fed. Although the MPPs improved the agricultural productivity of farmers, particularly in the project areas, there were many problems associated with discrimination against small farmers (because of a restrictive credit system that favored big landowners) and tenant eviction.