What is with the attackers here? A few points 1) The first picture. They should be trembling in fear of the consequences that will be put upon them, the yeshivah, the kids and the parents. Im also pretty sure you can find professors in Harvard that are Talmidim Chachamim. To #2 i hope ur a 3 year old and not an adult bc this is not something a mature adult would see I missed the memo. We are taught from birth to look beyond the superficial. The Shops at Riverwoods is at the center of the Riverwoods Community, a 120-acre (0.49 km2) village containing 186,667 square feet (17,341.9 m2) of retail space, 143 residences . Disgusting, Our Bachurim the same week launched and honored Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz with over 10,000 Yiddin putting on Teffilin in his honor. Throughout the year, various groups of alumni and Kollelim schedule Yarchei Kallah learning sessions or visits of chizuk at Ner Yisroel. Even R Shach, who had strong things to say against the Rebbe, I only ever heard criticized in Tanya lashon. What a sad, sad, state of mind and heart. Sunday, 12 Adar, 5783. 11 czerwca 2022 . Is this mechina related to the Ner YIsroel Baltimore?? If you have a child in that school, SEND HIM SOMWHERE ELSE! With great sadness, undoubtedly. The adults of course. Were they expecting that the Kaplans will inform COL that they gave shalach manos to them? It was done by 16-year-old kids who are in 11th grade, he said. It is not on stationery from the school. Thursday -5 . How can u even ask someone those questions ? My Rebbe told me a story tonight. No good can come to you if you dont. And shtus, Doesnt feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot. By COLlive reporter. Shame on them. HaRav Boruch also served at his fathers side as Assistant Menahel of the yeshiva; after the latters petirah, he succeeded him as Menahel in 2021. Full Story. Just accept it and move on. B) Judaism has many different shitos and ways, thats the way HaShem designed us, its the way He wanted it to be. Harav Aharon Feldman Shlita is a talmid of the Yeshiva who had the zechus to learn bchavrusa with Moreinu VRabbeinu Rav Ruderman ztl as a bachur. There are legitimate differences in the approach and avodah of Chassidim and others. Mivtzaimetc. Under the tutelage of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu Harav Aharon Feldman shlita and Ner Yisroels acclaimed staff of outstanding rebbeim, talmidim are exposed to the breadth and depth of Torah while imbibing the hashpaah and hadracha, https://nirc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/The-Greatness-Within-Me.mp4. Its totally ridiculous that it was put on social media. Contrary to what this rosh yeshiva said in the conversation. A life infused with chassidus leaves no room for such baseless hatred. We have to be better than that. but they should know: theyre playing with fire! There is nothing new here and u can have whatever perspective of it you would like positive or negative or neutral but publicly inciting hatred against another yid is most probably an issur even on Purim. This Yeshiva showed a tremendous amount of hatred and brutal sinas chinam. Older bochurim have regular sedorim with the Mechina talmidim; the Kollel yungeleit guide, inspire and answer questions posed by the bochurim. Its kids in school who put on Purim shtick. When surfing the internet, people are responsible for figuring out if the information is correct or not. Does the Rosh think by calling Collive he is exempt from his responsibility. Those schools and families should be dealing with their own community issues -and Balitmore has plenty not teaching to hate another Jewish community. Thank you Sruly for informing the public of this hateful act. We just dont hold the litivish identity (as distinct from the Yidden who identify as litvish) in high enough regard to make a mocking display of. We in Chabad dont own the Rebbe being in education being a father of many children with many grandchildren and coming from a family that business was the main focus even at the table Hopefully those involved will realize the severity of the action and do teshuva. The letter discussed their remorse over the display at Ner Yisroels Mechina high school created by fellow students in honor of Purim. We dont dress Tomchei Temimim up in a ner Yishmoel clown suit because 1. it would a profound disrespect to Tomchei Temimim and 2. wed never think of it. Iysh lrayayhu- If will after these kids for life. Seeing their true colors openly, esspecially when I am a neighbor and work eith these people regularly is terribly upsetting. But some of it was seen as disrespectful, even derisive, with a photo of the Rebbe in a mikvah, an exhibit of send a fax straight to heaven #Rebbe,' using the Chabad acronym for a donkey without a knowledge, a sign BDH The Reba Died, a whack-a-hat station with a hammer and fedoras, as well as a mock cemetery. It displays familiar scenes from Lubavitch Chassidic life such as a photo of the Rebbe in a sukkah, map of locations of Chabad centers, round-the-clock davening hours in Crown Heights, and Mivtzoim outreach activities for Chanukah and Sukkos. With In-depth Coverage of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem News and All the Latest News From the Israel-Palestinian Conflict and the Jewish World. I grew up in that kind of community. Please. World with the Moshiach schtick. What can you expect from them, they dont put on Rabbeinu Tam tefillin, their tefillin is not ksav Ari, etc. The Rabbi spoke with me for few minutes and if you voice your complaints maybe they will get the message. A) I dont care what time of year it is or what place in the world you live, laughing and disrespecting another Yids way of life in such a public and chaos-arousing way is inexcusable. Get a grip, Yidden in golus, If we want to be great, stand on a chair. #letsbefriends give me your number MG . You are absolutely spot on. Toward the end of the school year, many eighth-graders and high school seniors on their graduation trips to Washington make Ner Yisroel a significant part of their itinerary. I want to apologize and perhaps clarify a few misunderstandings. The jewish people should be UNITED this is just divisive & sickening. Nusach. Even snag though slightly less polite is just a derivative of the longer misnaged word. And the rosh yeshiva???? That letter sounds like it came out of a Microsoft Word Template. We can feel compassion for them and their twisted chinuch and be kind to them and understand that they are sweet boys with misguided mechanchim. I thought this type of activity was mostly over with, this needs to be addresses. Then, as now, Toronto was blessed with lay leaders with Torah vision. Its nauseating. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. you cant have such a theology without making enemies. and litvishe were there for a 1000 years before the Besht, Dont they also believe in ? Period. Chasidus was started at YU; now bring it to Ner Israel. but it should be allowed to happen? please take this seriously as you should. Theyre such idiots its out of control. 2. Are we allowed to post such things publicly? This unique breadth and inclusiveness fosters a very special atmosphere thatinspires talmidim to set high goals and ambitions for themselves, and gives them the tools to confidently succeed as Bnei Torah in an increasingly challenging world. CHABAD!!!!! We dont need an apology. Theres Sefardim, Ashkenazim, Belz, Satmar, etc etc. I personally have a lot of respect for chabad activities as well as for the Rebbe. Was sent There must be some inner turmoil these kids have and some admiration that, unable to express normally, comes out in this type of behavior. The coverup/deflection is worse than the crime, Its took me a while to figure out that it said kisef hamalchus. ROTFL! No one else knew or helped. has to fix this They can fix this AND A GRAVE YARD ON THE FRONT CAMPUS????? And its revolting Just because you dont show it to them doesnt mean you dont feel or say how much fun you make of them and of their gedolim too. Did you catch the part where they called the Rebbe a Chamor (donkey) on the matzeiva? Just some lame jokes, move on. They stood Since Chabad is so full of love for other Jews they should not be penalized now. When I called the yeshiva to bring the to their attention the distinguished Rabbi Shftel dismissed it as just a Purim Shpiel. rather, im concerned that theres so much hatred bottled up there just waiting for the moment when they think they can display it openly with impunity. Not on the not good OTHERS do. Collive does a great service to Lubavitch but by no means to they represent it. These are people who have their Judaism confused. The letter sounds like Purim Torah to me. The apology letter seems inauthentic to me but knowing the age of the boys, Im actually okay with it. If they mark those occasions as is done in Crown Heights, then we will know for certain that they have changed. So , in early 1959, a meeting was called by the founders of the Yeshiva. If this is an example of what their torah study inspires them to do, n. They went personally to the Sheliach this would never be aloud in our moisdos, of course the hanhala knew. the slur snags was invented by chabad to insult the others; its no less demeaning than the chabadsker slurs the others coined, First reaction should not be to accuse others of wrongdoing. Our boys were busy before Purim packing thousands of mishloach manos for mivtzoyim, practicing to Lein the Megillah, learning about Purim, planning their routes I barely saw my boys on Purim they were so busy with mivtzoyim Boruch Hashem! The avera of venosi Lo sooir applies even leachar misa. Learn a blessed thing! to this offender group of Litvishers. Its a two way street my friend. To number #25 I have people walk through the door who disrespect The Rebbe Threw them out like a dog.Never regretted it for a second, They played with fire I hope they dont get burnt.No different then the Palestinians teaching their children, they should go to the ohel of the rebbe and ask forgive-ness, WHen I called the big Rav Sheftel last week he quickly hung up saying it was a joke. 2) al gav beis hamikdash Heaven help us. 83, grow up. When we were given the Torah we wereRead more , A real rachmanus on these boys that they are so misguided and are involved in such stupidity. If we ever did that in our yeshivas, our roshe yeshivos and mashpiim would whip us into shape quickly and certainly apologize if it were to happen and become public knowledge. Take responsibility and reprimand your students and reinforce discipline throughout your faculty! We are emailing the school and suggest everyone does. Just do what we should, vezehu. Show me one real Lubavitcher that goes there. He also is the editor of the schools weekly publication. Now back to business. The one thing I do agree with is that he should have apologized and explained the situation but for you guys to say its a bad mosdos thats just not true. Everyone should look in the mirror and ask what he or she can learn for his or her own avodah. Im a hat and jacket wearing, chitas and Rambam learning Lubavitcher chossid, And I thought the display was funny and good humor, comes from their leadership. Theres nothing wrong with serving HaShem differently then another Yid might be serving HaShem. AtRead more , For the furture, I have composed a list of normal and highly less destructive and hateful Purim schtick if youre in need of some extra ideas. I think the Rebbe would be so ashamed !! Please ,Hashem have rachamanus on them they dont know better, A freilichen Purim to all my brothers from Chabad lubavitch, When the Rebbe was nistalek, Schachs followers danced in the street. Its a bad mossad because they have sinah for chabad and made a mockery of the furtherance/outreach/kiruv to yiddishkeit. He was very happy to oblige, and I took it home at the end of the year. Im sick & tired of seeing these holy shteigeren. The yidden in general were broken by shabsai tzvi. Definetly parts of this is disrespectful. The doors of Teshuva are always opened, but it requires the responsible parties to take the appropriate action and apologize. So this might just be a symptom, the main issue is way deeper and was expressed through this Abt #3- a spoof of elokhist philosophy Nice try. Kids who are raised in Frum Homes with Yiras SHamayim would not do this. This past Shabbos, one of our Rebbeim spoke at the meal Friday night about this is the opposite of what Purim is about. However, never ever are we permitted to forgo our Rebbes honor. About BDE, sad to say, there are many Lubavitchers who say that too. How true! A group of bochurim went to give shalach manos to the Kaplans. Even in the letter, theyre still mocking Chabad, making it try to sound like Tanya Unbelievable, BSD seems sincere and not only bc of the publicity that put the Yeshiva in a bad light, Sunday, 12 Adar, 5783. Yes 59 - the gyva is absolutely shocking "We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the "Purim shtick" that was done. and i hate that i have to write this on Purim. I thought that by now 35yrs later, they had a little more respect. A few years later, the ladys daughter married a Jewish boy and moved to a foreign country. Moshiach Now! Go hate haman instead. Angry with the Menahel more than anyone To #18 If you do not like what they did call up. 12 Adar, 5783, Manchester Community Asks to Help a Respected Chabad Family, Ari Halberstam Would Call the Rebbetzin "Dodah", Chabad on Campus Introduces New Two-Year Shlichus Program, 2 Bochurims Podcast Dives Deep Into Lifes Challenges and Triumphs, Expand 770 Activists Recite Entire Tehillim at the Ohel, Achei Tmimim Students Tested on Basar Bcholov. #65, this is nothing to just accept because its purim. Those asking us to lighten up, are perhaps misapplying a good sentiment in the attempts to keep the peace. Those commenting with disgust are certainly correct in their outrage for this particular scenario. Be proud, ashreinu, and nebach, feel sorry for them. To you too! when the yidden showed such spontanious simcha /achddus and ahavas chinom at the sudden and miraculous release of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin we all felt the footsteps of Moshiach SO the satan got busy and with the help of RUACH SCHTUS a bunch of kids in a good yeshivah fell You cant have your cake and eat it. do u learn sichos?, do you say chitas?? Rav Ruderman ztl even used to learn Tanya. The three week sessions take place twice a year on Ner Yisroels campus: for South Americans on their summer break during the Northern Hemispheres winter, while Mexican and Central American teens attend the summer session. On Purim, when we rise above differences, , photos of the Rebbe were displayed on Ner Yisroel campus! We cant deny that we make fun of misnagdim and their rabbonim. Shtick is made about Donald Trump. Also it seems to me that the danger of being insulting to the Rebbe (or any of the gdolimfor that matter )was not made clear to these talmidim by their mechanchim. In addition to the high level lomdus of the be'iyun shiurim, two bekius programs instill hasmoda in the talmid while broadening his familiarity with different parts of Shas. Purim a Holy-day. And the definition of snag means impasse not exactly a horrible thing to be called, though I admit, in todays day and age the most polite way to refer to them would be as litvak/litvish. Thats the attitude. Defaming the Lubavitcher Rebbe is more dangerous than playing with fire. ner israel hes been making fun of lubavitch on purim for over 30 yrs only now they got busted, a letter to the shliach in town then the story should be put to rest, Common? I totally agree with you. Ner Yisroel, Baltimore, Maryland. Im sure there are things in New Brunswick and Crown Heights thats an apology? Be careful what you say here, its a public forum. WHEN.HITLER THROW YIDDEN INTO THE FURNACE HE DID NOT ASK IF YOU WERE LITVICH OR CHASIDISH!!!!! Home > 2022 > Junho > 22 > Uncategorized > ner yisroel news. as i shared in education the teacher I never saw a mockery of R Kanievsky, R Shteineman, etc. how could a jewish school do such a thing! But really, this is now between them and Hashem. He served for many years as Assistant Menahel to Harav Yosef Tendler ztl. I asked them about the Purim shtick. Even less know is the fact that the founder of N.I.- Rabbi Rudermans -father was a Lerned chossid of the Rebbe Rashab. do you know what chabad is? The Rebbe, Teach your bochurim , for the health and welfare of these rabbeim, parents and kids please go to the ohel and apologize. Two large, newly renovated battei medrash one for the mechina and one for the bais medrash and kollel, classrooms, dormitories, kitchen and dining facilities, ample outdoor recreational space and many amenities provide the talmidim with an ideal atmosphere that is most conducive for their growth in Torah and Avodah with minimal distraction. Its just shtick stop crying like a bunch of children. but who here would like their private thoughts and speech about the non-lubavitch world made public? BYU art show questions news literacy, finding fact vs. fiction. | 7. The fact that the institution did not send out a formal letter with a stationary and the signature of the Rosh Yeshiva is a complete chutzpah to Lubavitch. Every dollar quadrupled for 36 hours. we must do all we can to stop fights long coat german shepherd breeders uk The Yeshiva gotta issue an apology and get rid of the bad staff. It was a stupid little thing. Having taken a look at this article and its comments has a rov been consulted? In a corner of the bais medrash or a room in the dormitory, one can find a group of talmidim that may include bochurim from around the country and communities around the world. This is an amazing thing and we should continue to do this. Ive seen theses photos about a week or more ago and theyve been around even before that. DISMISSING AN AFFRONT TO OUR REBBE AND MINHOGIM AS A PURIM SHTICK, To those who say that Lubavitch does the same mockery in reverse, not true. It has no source and is completely out of line with many life perspectives that Chassidus teaches us ie bichol drochecha doeihu ie theres no such thing as checking yourselfRead more . Sadness because these boys are so ignorant and misguided (and likely full of hate), to have done what they did. Let the mechanechs encourage the children to make a cheshbon nefesh and do a sincere teshuvah along with the themselves ! The Rosh HaYeshiva and his family lived in Eretz Yisroel for 40 years, where he served as longtime Rosh Yeshiva in Ohr Somayach and founded Yeshiva Beer HaTorah in the 1990s. and if they are not around enough to know, then let them leave their tvs and sports and visiting wrong places and get into the yeshiah. Moshiach- I THINK THE PROPER FORM OF PENANCE WOULD BE FOR EACH OF THE BOCHURIM TO LEARN ONE PEREK OF TANYA. presence of many shluchim who unceasingly And has no logical implications. I think that was wrong too but Ner Yisroel bochurim were saying nasty low life things about the Rebbe. Another Purim joke. Please let me know which of our moisdos would allow a blatant anti snag carnival. An exhibit mocking Chabad at the Mechina-high school division of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, Maryland, was dismissed as child's play by its director. It is very critical to act immediatelly Had a good handle on the situation. that they quoted Tanya sincerely. What I am NOT okay with is the leadership not stepping forward with a MUCH stronger apology. I hope everyone gets on with it and continues to accomplish what Lubavitch is capable of accomplishing., VIDEO: Israel Clapman, a Crown Heights resident, speaks out, Sign up for the COLlive Daily News Roundup and never miss a story, And as a former Talmud of Ner Yisroel, I can say that I was never ever taught anything remotely hateful about Chabad. and at the pinnacle of creation, chabad. THANK YOU REBBE!!!!! So why are you making such a big ruckus like you discovered a whole nest of Misnagdim when the Rebbe said there are no Misnagdim now? Appreciate it for what it is, learn from it, and move on with life. its a pathetic place!! What do you expect when the whole Lubavitch constantly makes fun of misnagdim? This shameful occurrence is just a result of the way some Jews view other Jews. I thank these bochurim. Many years ago on Purim he met a yid. Yeshivas Ner Yisroel was founded in 1933 by the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu vRabbeinu Harav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman ztl, with the goal of developing a high-level, Slabodka-style yeshiva geared specifically towards the contemporary American bochur. Dont you realize that what they picked up on Will stay with them forever? Ner Yisroel's entry-level division provides its 250 talmidim with a well balanced educational program. #14 So going to the ohel and asking mechila is the most obvious thing. Lots of key apology words, but no apology or to whom, and saying nothing. what makes you chabad? He was also famed for his beautiful and inspiring tefillos as a ba'al tefillah. The highly dedicatedrebbeimview themselves as much more thanmaggidei shiur; the closekesherthey forge with theirtalmidimserves as a venue for mentoring with properhadrachaandchizuk. ", The hanhola and the bochurim should go to the ohel to ask mechila. It isnt right but it gave me a laugh! Whoever you are. Camp Or Haner was founded in 1986 by Moshe Fuller zl, a Ner Yisroel talmid and native of Mexico. But yes move on. This is a good beginning. about time NER YISROEL had a pic of the Rebbe on the wall , a mikva , some mivzoyim going on there , Hiskashrus with the rebbe , a yechi sign etc! The Yeshiva attracts talmidim from communities around the world who wish to attain their full potential in Gadlus baTorah and Avodas Hashem. Having opposition is not a new idea. And yes NI should ask mechilla from the Rebbi. All the time. Tuesday -3 | 1C. Thanks for that prospective. But no G-d forbid to be a tiny bit educated. Happy Purim! 2. And one of them quickly wrote a handwritten letter. Also not okay with me is the fact that its obvious this only blew up because they got caught on social media. This just pushes the geulah away. Ner Yisroels entry-level division provides its 250talmidimwith a well balanced educational program. Either Tanya or sichos of the Rebbes. I want to apologize and perhaps clarify a few misunderstandings. bring the GEULAH NOW THIS was not a Purim joke this was VERY SERIOUS and TERRIFYING.. may we have the coming of moshiach!!!!!!!! However, the laws of ahavas yisroel and loshon hara are always in effect. The kids and teenagers know better and ahavas yisroel and derech eretz is more ingrained. How are you reacting?