Child support may be: Child Support Disregard The first $75 of the total child support collected in a month that is subtracted before determining TANF eligibility or benefits. It could take several weeks for your P-EBT card to arrive after claiming benefits. The Medicaid phone number is 800-252-8263, 2-1-1, or 1-877-541-2190; you can speak with a representative who will assist you in obtaining the answers and services you require. Interview staff Eligibility staff responsible for interviewing applicants and recipients to establish program eligibility. Be receiving disability-related assistance or benefits. Aperson under18 may not be a party to an informal (common law) marriage. Print Type Classification of historical correspondence as the original record or a reprint of the original. Applied Income The countable amount of income for TANF after allowing deductions for tax dependents, child support, alimony and persons a legal parent is legally obligated to support. some eligible members receive TANF or RCA, and all other eligible members receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), including SSI essential persons. Accessibility Date The date that benefits are deposited into an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account. Refugee A person admitted to the U.S. under Section 207 of the INA. Periodic Income Check (PIC) The process to determine whether electronic data indicates that there has been a change in the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) household income that could make the recipient ineligible for certain Medical Programs. Incidentals include normal day-to-day transportation, phone, laundry, medical supplies not paid by Medicaid, home remedies, recreation and household equipment. Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Individual Income The sum of certain income received by aperson in a MAGI household composition, from which certain expenses are subtracted. Advanced Authentication Personal security questions generated by third-party software to perform authentication of an applicant's identity before granting the person an account through (link is external) with Case Visibility. Override A Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) procedure that allows the user to make a change to the system-determined Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) results. Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Household Size The number of people in an applicants or recipients MAGI household composition, including the number of unborn children, if applicable. Power of Attorney (POA) Written legal authorization to represent or act on another's behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matters. Migrant Farmworker Not in the Workstream Farmworkers who travel to work in agriculture or a related industry during part of the year, but who are presently residing at their permanent residence or home base. Benefits. does not include a request for programs different from programs requested on the initial application ; does not include a request for programs different from programs currently received by the applicant; and. Expedited Service Special, faster processing of SNAP applicants who qualify for an emergency food allotment, for active duty military members and their dependents applying for medical coverage and for pregnant women applicants who qualify for current or ongoing medical coverage. Combat Zone The geographic area or country to which a military member is deployed for combat. The exchange of firearms, ammunition, explosives, or controlled substances, defined in Section 802 of Title 21, United States Code, for SNAP benefits. Texas's EBT customer service number is 1-800-777-7328. Self-Service Portal (SSP) A web-based application, Moving Expenses Federal income tax deductible expenses an active duty member of the military may claim for relocating to a new duty station. determining if a medical bill can be counted for spend down; corresponding with the applicant about eligible and ineligible medical bills; determining if and when the applicant meets spend down; and. SeeBatch Processing. CHIP perinatal The mother and child will be certified on a single EDG during the month the child is born. Cost-Sharing Reductions Federal payments toward out-of-pocket costs made for an eligible person enrolled in a qualified health plan (QHP) through the Marketplace. Tax Dependent A person who expects to be claimed by someone else as a dependent on a federal income tax return for the taxable year that Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility is requested. Blocked Time periods that are designated for specific purposes. The marriage must not have been annulled. Appeal A request for a fair hearing concerning an HHSC action. IDAs are generally matched dollar-for-dollar with funds from private citizens, corporations, banks, communities, or charitable organizations. Meal delivery services A non-profit establishment approved by Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) that prepares and delivers meals to elderly people or people who are housebound, have a physical handicap, or otherwise have a disability that prevents the person from adequately preparing all their meals. Unemployment Benefits Services allows individuals to submit new applications for unemployment benefits, submit payment requests, get claim and payment status information, change their benefit payment option, update their address or phone number, view IRS 1099-G information, and respond to work search log requests. Marriage A legally or formally recognized union between two people. Historical Correspondence Records of forms and notices that have been printed. Untimely SNAP application filed after the 15th of the last certification month. You'll get an email or text when there'sa form or notice available online in yourMessage Center. The number is used to record covered wages, track Social Security benefits and for other identification purposes. Payments to Civilians Relocated During Wartime Payments made to Aleuts or people of Japanese ancestry or their heirs who were relocated during World War II. Copyright 2016-2023. Personal Identification Number (PIN) A four-digit numeric code assigned to each cardholder and used to control access to the person's account. You can use it at stores that accept EBT. Those who see several doctors each month and make questionable visits to hospital emergency rooms are limited to seeing one doctor or using one pharmacy for a minimum of six months. Your case visibility account has been disabled because of inactivity. Payments may be either fixed (under which one receives a definite amount) or variable (not fixed). Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) An adult whose needs are included in a TANF grant because the adult is within the required degree of relationship and is financially eligible according to TANF policy. Suspended Benefits The Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) is flagged to prevent the ongoing issuance of benefits until eligibility staff review the EDG. Batch Processing Actions postponed until a later time when they can be processed by the system more efficiently. Unreimbursed Assistance Money paid in prior months in the form of public assistance under the Title IV-A program (that is, under the current Temporary Assistance for Needy Families [TANF] program or the former Aid to Families with Dependent Children [AFDC] program) that has not yet been recovered from collections that are applied to assigned arrears. According to the most recent IRS statistics for the 2017 tax year, the average married couple filing jointly received a tax refund of $2,781. eligible for Medicaid because a responsible person who is not within the degree of relationship required for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) applies on the child's behalf. Types of alternate payees include a court appointed guardian, EBT representative, Financial Management Information System (FMIS) payee, long-term care (LTC) payee, protective payee and representative payee. Certification Date The date that eligibility staff dispose the Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) to certify an applicant. If you are just looking for support services and want to be contacted by programs, you need to create an account. Trust Property held by one person for the benefit of another. Blue Shield of Texas at 1-800-521-2227 or or contact the Texas Department of Insurance, Consumer Protection at 1-800-252-3439 or perform initial self-screening to check for potential eligibility; view general benefit program information. causing serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part. Resident Seasonal Farmworkers Farmworkers who do not leave their permanent home to work in agriculture or a related industry. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) A system that uses electronic technology to complete some of a benefit program's functional requirements. Capital Gains A profit from the sale of property or an investment when the sale price is higher than the initial purchase price. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) A needs-tested program administered by the Social Security Administration. Vested Retirement Account An account to which an employee makes contributions for a specified period of time as defined by the employer. Get help over the phone,from an HHSC benefit officeor community partner. Traditional Medicaid Preschool Children Children who are under six. This process occurs without staff action. ], Title 42, 1396 et seq.) It compares an applicants statement of income against income provided by electronic data sources. These are benefits issued and accessed by EBT cards, card numbers and PINs, or by manual voucher and signature. For non-federal governmental group health plans and church plans that are group health plans, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas at 1-888-907-7880 or or contact the Texas Department of Insurance, Consumer Protection at 1-800-252-3439 or Unemployment Benefits Services allows individuals to submit new applications for unemployment benefits, submit payment requests, get claim and payment status information, change their benefit payment option, update their address or phone number, view IRS 1099-G information, and respond to work search log requests. Make payments to the surviving spouse, children, parents, grandchildren or grandparents when the affected person is deceased. . SOLQ enables state social services to rapidly get information they need to qualify people for programs. Self-Employment Income Earned or unearned income available from one's business, trade or profession rather than from an employer. Eligibility staff access BVS as a source to verify age, relationship and citizenship. Reapplication Date Date the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) receives a new application for redetermination or complete review of eligibility. generate a manual issuance of benefits outside the normal eligibility process. The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) administers unemployment benefits, which provide temporary relief for eligible Texans who find themselves out of work or dealing with severely reduced work hours. HHSC expunges these benefits at the end of each state fiscal year (Aug. 31). A mastectomy bra can provide comfort, support, and security to an individual as they become accustomed to their new normal. You need to pass a few authentication questions. Balance Receipt A paper receipt that shows the available balance in an person's cash or food account. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) a disqualified legal parent, second parent, or a non-parent relative certified as caretaker. A request for an administrative review must be submitted in writing within 30 calendar days from the date of the hearing officer's decision. Fast forward to 2023, and many companies in some cases spurred by massive government subsidies are taking big steps to diversify their supply chains, focusing on reliability and robustness over cost and efficiency. Good Cause A term used to indicate that a person has an acceptable reason for not complying with a program requirement. A special review is conducted in Special Review mode. See Alternate Payee. To login again, click on either "Forgot user name" or "Forgot password" in the login box. Catchment Area The area covered by service. Children's Medicaid Medical coverage for children whose family income is under the applicable income limit. These occupations include beauticians, waiters, valets and food delivery staff. Effective Month The first month benefits can be affected based on the monthly cutoff date or applicable policy for advance and adequate notice of adverse action. This process occurs through a mass update and does not require action. Ongoing Benefits Benefits issued for months after the initial benefit month. Unauthorized access to this site and its information assets is prohibited. Expenses of Reservists Federal income tax deductible expenses for National Guard and military reserve members who traveled more than 100 miles from home for service. intended to inflict emotional harm, including an act of emotional abuse. This is done by intentionally reselling the product purchased with SNAP benefits in exchange for cash or consideration other than eligible food. Medical Support Health insurance that absent parents will be ordered to obtain for their children who receive Medicaid when it is available at reasonable cost. The EDG includes members who are eligible and may include members who are not certified for benefits. You will need to login again. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) A child who lives with either one or both parents, or a parent and step-parent, and one or both parents or step-parent do not receive TANF benefits. All members of a TSAP household must not receive earned income and must be either elderly or disabled as defined by SNAP program rules. The LUW is represented by a set of tabs at the top of a TIERS page. Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) A federal program that pays benefits to help eligible people pay utility costs. See Alternate Payee. Examples include loan foreclosures and canceled credit card debt. Once correspondence is printed, whether in batch or locally, the record of the printing is stored in History Correspondence functional area. Standard Medical Expense A $137 deduction applied to a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) budget. Call us at 1-800-777-7328 if you can't locate it. Priority Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Issuances Expedited SNAP benefits, benefits issued on or after the 25th day from the date of application, and issuances ordered by a hearing officer decision that must be made available in order to meet fair hearing timeliness requirements. Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Medical coverage for children under 19 whose family income exceeds the limits for Children's Medicaid. The persons may or may not be included in EDGs as certified members. It is used to issue Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards and replacements. The primary cardholder is usually the Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) name, but the EDG may have an alternate payee who is the primary cardholder. Judicial Review A review of the fair hearing decision by a district court in Travis County to determine whether the agency decision is correct. The amount the employer pays is counted as part of the person's gross income. Managing Conservator A person designated by a court to have daily legal responsibility for a child. A user can click the plus sign next to a functional area or sub-functional areas to display the pages available within that area. Medicaid Card An identification card issued to people determined eligible for Medicaid that verifies Medicaid coverage. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Penalty on Early WithdrawalA federal income tax deduction for people who withdrew money from a time-deposit savings account before the certificate maturing and who were charged a penalty for early withdrawal. Authorized Representative (AR) A person or organization designated by an applicant or recipient to take the following actions on the applicants behalf: Automated Income Check Process The first step in a periodic income check (PIC). This includes management and medical, at a specified time other than at application or complete action. Summer P-EBT (June-August 2022) is a one-time benefit of $391 for each eligible child. Evaluative Conclusion An advisor's decision, subject to supervisory approval, to accept something other than a birth or hospital certificate or baptismal record as proof of age and relationship. Correspondence The functional area in which system and user-generated notices and forms are processed and stored. The Workforce Information System of Texas (TWIST) The computer system used by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) for intake, eligibility determination, assessment, service tracking, and reporting of TWC-administered programs, such as child care, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Employment and Training, Choices, and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. 4, Disqualified Members, unless that disqualification is due to not meeting citizenship requirements. Adjusting to the physical changes post-surgery can be difficult, and finding the right mastectomy bra is one of the most important steps in the process. The User Guide includes information about numerous TIERS topics. Persons with illnesses that require expensive treatment are not subject to lock-in status. They will become lawful permanent residents (LPRs) upon the removal of their conditions by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). They are not considered inmates of a public institution. lives with another person and they represent themselves to the community as married. Medicaid is also known as the medical assistance program. The notice contains programmed information based on the program, type of assistance, and eligibility result. You'll get the Lone Star Card once you're approved for benefits. The following factors are considered in determining the alien's total income: Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) An account similar to a savings account that enables a person to save earned income for a qualifying purpose. Your application visibility account has been disabled because of inactivity. After 90 days in the same person's residence, the household is no longer considered homeless. When an individual is added, File Clearance can be processed in Application Registration. These are given to a SNAP household that either incurs a heating or cooling cost separate from the rent or received a Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) payment. Print Mode Indicates where historical correspondence was printed. Payments: Indian Tribal Household A household in which at least one household member is recognized as a tribal member by any Indian tribe. Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) Payments from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to people with gross monthly earnings at or below levels established by the IRS. Individual Retirement Account (IRA) An account in which a person contributes an amount of money to supplement retirement income, regardless of their participation in a group retirement plan. Each original correspondence is given a unique Correspondence ID (identifying number). You can check the status of your application or you can start a new one. The 5% down payment is subject to credit approval. After, only the child will be certified on the EDG. *Important: Don't write your PIN on your Lone Star Card. Need help buying food because of recent disasters in your area? Questionable Information Information that is contradictory or incomplete. Alerts A functional area on a navigation bar that allows eligibility staff to request alerts and view outstanding and processed alerts. ), advanced nurse practitioner (A.N.P.) SeeEDBCand Run EDBC. Based on the criteria, TIERS generates a sample list. Commingled Resources Resources of a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipient combined with those of a non-TANF or SSI household member. an applicant or a certified Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)or Medical Program household member or a member who would be certified but is disqualified; or. Escrow An escrow account is an account a mortgage company sets up for the homeowner as part of their monthly mortgage payment. past, present or future payment for the provision of health care to the person. Personal Possessions Possessions that include furniture, appliances, jewelry, clothing, livestock, farm equipment, and other items that an applicant uses to meet personal needs essential for daily living. The PAN is not related to the persons Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) case number. Individually Identifiable Health Information Information that either identifies or could be used to identify a person that relates to the: Ineligible Alien A non-citizen whose alien status makes them ineligible for program benefits. Incidentals include such things as normal day-to-day transportation, phone, laundry, medical supplies not paid by Medicaid, home remedies, recreation, and household equipment. Excess Payment A payment sent to a TANF recipient by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). Liquid Resources Resources that are readily negotiable, such as cash, checking or savings accounts, Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cash account, savings certificates, stocks or bonds. People with Application Visibility accounts may only apply for benefits and view and modify applications created under their username. Authorization Code A code that identifies a retailer as a Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)-participating store. Independent Child A child who does not live with a parent and who is: Independent Living Payments Payments from Title IV-E funds that are distributed by Child Protective Services to certain people when they leave foster care. Tuition or GI Bill Deduction A federal income tax deduction for people who paid qualified tuition fees to eligible post-secondary educational institutions for themselves, their spouse or their dependents. 1-877-541-7905. The benefit is funded by taxes collected from businesses. The intention is to get cash by purposely discarding the product and returning the container for the deposit amount. You have unsaved changes that will be lost if you exit. All rights reserved. A transaction may also be pre-authorized by phone. Fixed Income Unearned income that does not vary. Manual Voucher Transaction A paper-based debit transaction completed by the food retailer when the automated Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system is down or unavailable. 401(k) A retirement plan allowing an employee to postpone receiving a portion of current income until retirement. Alternative Benefit Plans. produces reports that meet Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), state and federal reporting requirements. CEAP replaced the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). The notices and forms processed in this functional area are also called correspondence and linked to a specific case. Payee A person that the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits are issued to if no one in the household qualifies or wants to be a caretaker. Medical Programs that follow modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) rules, except Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) perinatal Only one person is certified on the EDG. minimum service has little or no presence of Choices staff. This coverage is providedtemporarily while the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) determines eligibility for regular Medicaid. Continuous Eligibility A period where a person remains eligible during a continuous eligibility period regardless of any change in circumstances, except for: Convertible Bond A bond that can be converted to cash according to program policy. The Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 limits eligibility for SNAP benefits to U.S. citizens and certain lawfully present non-citizens. For more information, including who is eligible, click HERE. and Texas Human Resources Code, Title 2, Subtitle C, Chapter 32, that pays for certain medical and health care costs for people who qualify. All system-generated correspondence is scheduled for batch printing although it can be retrieved from Pending Correspondence and printed locally. These include Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance Your Texas Benefits, or Form H1205, Texas Streamlined Application. Driver Flow The logical sequence of data collection pages that appear as a case is completed or read. Boarder A person paying reasonable compensation for room and meals. are held under court order as material witnesses or juveniles. past, present or future physical, mental health condition of the person; provision of health care to the person; or. If File Clearance is not processed in Application Registration, the system will perform it in Data Collection. Individual Number A unique nine-digit number that identifies any person known to the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS). Complete Action A data collection interview mode that sets up the driver flow for a complete review of all eligibility requirements in an ongoing case. Nonconvertible bonds are exempt resources. Texas State Profile Page. SeeEDBC. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on an official government site. Your unique Medicaid numberwill be displayed on the Texas Health and Human Services Commission's 'Your Texas Benefits' card. Qualified expenses include purchased books, supplies, equipment and other classroom materials. are received for a minimum of three months. a supervised shelter that provides temporary living quarters; a place not intended for regular sleeping quarters; or. ), osteopathic medical physician (D.O. Parental Control A minor who lives with an adult is under parental control if one of the following conditions applies: Parole The discretionary and conditional release of an eligible offender sentenced to serve the remainder of the sentence under supervision in the community rather than prison. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) applicants and individuals in these counties are not subject to SNAP federal time limits because of the job market. Alternate Payee A person who receives the benefits for the EDG when people on the EDG are unable or ineligible to receive them. Radiation Exposure Payments A program to compensate a person for injury or death from exposure to radiation from nuclear testing and uranium mining. Also benefits issued for the first month of eligibility after a break in eligibility of at least one month. Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) A reimbursement program administered by the Texas Health and Human Services Commissions (HHSCs) Third-Party Resource Unit, which pays for the cost of premiums, coinsurance, and deductibles. The data broker vendor collects and combines information from many data sources. action has been initiated on an Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) in a case (Intake, Complete Action, Change Action, Special Review, Conversion); allthe EDGs in a case are approved (Ongoing); and. Alternative Benefit Plan Eligibility; . Beneficiary The person named to receive benefits. The functional areas that are available to the user are determined by the user's job title and security role(s).