But you lost me where you said Irish slaves were treated worse than African slaves. Again get creditable sources!!!!!!!! However, Ireland considers itself a dual speaking country, so visitors can expect to see both English and Irish on public service signs and announcements. I totally agree with you that all Irish were not slaves. In short, when enslaving Christians became illegal in North America, some of the newly freed white slave became slave owners and overseers. I was investigating the origin of my very Irish name FRAN MCCARTHY! 1) A good number of slave masters were Scotch-Irish. There are many variants of the name such as. They could understand the Irish. With this, Irish people and families began to associate with the collective surname of ODubhghaill. Ryan is another popular Irish family name across the world. Cromwells cruelty was a race and ethnic cleansing..ridding the Kingdom of the remnants of its ancient Black population. What may be a mytth, however, is the numbers posited in the original article. At this point eyes are cast around for new slaves, from somewhere that isnt yet a taboo source. Ryan (30795) It is said that the first family of Black were converted to Christianity by Paulinus, the head of the family being Prefect of Lincoln, about 628. As far as the name changes it was probably due to pronunciations not so much of stripping the names, doubt the traders/owners cared either way, whatever would be easiest. Thank you Gary Dingleloved reading your response. They resented having to serve in the civil war and dis honored black soldiers but they fly Confederate flags proudly. From Irish Deoradhin meaning "descendant of Deoradhn", where Deoradhn is a given name meaning "exile, wanderer". The Irish were indentured servants, similar to Africans in the 1600s. She was so angry, thats not what Jesus looks like, so I said how do you know,? Brown is another common Irish surname. Others you may not be as familiar with outside of Ireland are Whelan ( Faolin in Gaelic) and OKeeffe ( Caoimh in Gaelic). How so? Did they feel they had a moral obligation to not support slavery? The most famous people with the surname Hayes were Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th president of the United States, and retired basketball player Elvin Hayes. Basketball player Blake Griffin and comedian Kathy Griffin are two of the most well-known people with the surname Griffin. It depend ends on how you look at it!!!!!!! Thats the type of history that should be taught in schools. The Irish people are native to the island country. The large wave of Irish immigrants to the US in the 19th century has no direct lineage with the Barbados group, were granted the status of whiteness very early, and were actively involved in violent attacks on Blacks, Asians and other ethnic groups competing for jobs. They were INDENTURED SERVANTS as were the very first Africans brought to the colonies that became the USA which meant 1) they entered a voluntary agreement to exchange their time for passage to the USA or for some type of apprenticeship or training, 2) after a period of time their SERVICE ended usually about 7 years. THe Irish slavery myth is a white supremacists push back against the very real phenomenon of southern slavery. In fact, many Norman invasion families grew to amend their family names (surnames) to reflect this. White people can treat their own quite horribly, history tells. Then they faced the Nina signs( no irish need apply) etc etc..basically, the irish tried so hard to fit in, after 800 years of oppression,real oppressionthey wanted to fit in bad..they wanted to be white!! Blacks could not blend in to normal society because most Blacks where slaves and most were not educated and they were not accepted in major segments of the country as entirely human. It generally refers to racial, ethnic or cultural roots. If I had to hazard a guess, Id say familiarity. It doesnt matter how well you claim they were treated nor what advantage you say they had by the color of their skin. now what were we to do not fight back the ira would never of been invented had the brits not tortured us and refused us basic human rights. Saying that she believes Ireland - her homeland - is the most enchanting place she has ever been and is passionate about documenting the Emerald Isle. Were Irelands Viking invaders high on hallucinogenic herbal tea? Maybe wealthy Irish werent common, but they they did exist. Paris Donnatella is an avid writer and traveller. When someone thinks of American culture they think of Scots-Irish. But you will find out the truth when JESUS comes back to reign for a thousand years to teach his people the truth, because they have been believing a lie about a rapture theory. One of the most notable people with the surname Dunne is Irish entrepreneur and former director of Dunnes Stores Ben Dunne. It appears that everyone, including you, completely ignored my comment where I pointed out that the British would hire pirates, specifically Barbary Pirates from North Africa and the Middle eatern areas, to raid entire Irish villages with the intent of wiping out said village so the British could take over the land and do with it as they wish. There were NO WHITE OR IRISH SLAVES IN THE US. Im curious to know how/why the Irish slaves were able to keep their Irish last names?Traditionally slaves had to take on their owners last name. British politician, writer, and broadcaster Bryan Magee is one of the most well-known Magees. There has been slavery of some form for as long as humans have been homosapiens. Keiran is an Irish and Scottish name that literally means black or dark. It is commonly found in County Tipperary and neighbouring counties. The name Gallagher is "O Gallchobhair" which translates as "foreign help." I added the Facebook icon to my blog so you can share the link. Ever heard of Spartacus? As far as calling them slaves for working while serving their sentence (BS). Please do your own research to find out about white slavery in the Americas. It continues in use. 10. Blog where a high school dropout or even a liam hogan can go and change irish slavery to irish indentured servitude on a daily basis lolto those who used him as your source grow up!!!!!! Rarely youll find them listed by age, gender and a first name NEVER A LAST NAME. Copyright 2023 Irish Studio LLC All rights reserved. And the traditional double-standard was upheld even there, because as long as it was circumspect and everyone turned a blind eye, it was still common, un-punished behavior for White males to rape or copulate with African females, but a blasphemous abomination for a white woman to voluntarily have relations with an African man, and could result in death for both. This regard of history and overall attitude only serves to further perpetuate the divide between skin color and bigotry. McClure here and I am proud of my black and Irish ancestry. Weird! There are a number of different claims as to the origin of the term Black Irish, none of which are possible to entirely prove or disprove. The term "Black Irish" has been in circulation among Irish emigrants and their descendants for centuries. http://www.irelandseye.com/irish/traditional/names/first/dudley.shtm, The name Dudley in Ireland is often of immigrant origin having been introduced into Ulster Province by settlers from England and Scotland, especially during the seventeenth century. Famous owners of the name include actresses Debby Ryan and Meg Ryan, and comedian Katherine Ryan. Learn more. Gallagher is one of the most common hereditary surnames in County Mayo. The Normans were dark in complexion, often with dark hair and eyes. Byrne 8. Ill make no apologies for White supremacy. There is little question that the Irish experienced the horrors of slavery as much (if not more in the 17th Century) as the Africans did. Chattel is another form, but we dont call it chattel servitude, on the other hand slavery and servitude has been used interchangeably with indentured, mostly semantics in regards to an individual vs a people. The Healy familiar is a wonderful exemplar. So when the Irish were sold off in the West Indies, Jamaica, America, Australia and these other countries. Thank you. My grandmother was an indentured servant who came over here from Ireland to work with an English family later on my grandfather saw her or met her and decided to purchase her freedom from that English family so she so she was actually a slave / indentured servant herself, I was under the impressionthat the Irish came to America as indenture slaves. This is an ignorant recitation of a much more complicated history than Chloe suggest. This is the most recent history and this is, what Id argue, is the reason why Blacks are accredited as being the slave race. They became very wealthy and powerful at the expense of their foes and rivals. Anyway, this was a great read. Learn more. What Oliver Cromwell did in Ireland was a genocide. Something to keep in mind as you read. Read it again. My ancestors were lucky to survive this part of history. The phrase "Black Irish" has been in use for hundreds of years, and several brands of Irish whiskey. But I digress; apparently what Chloes real point is by this previous statement is that, when/if Whites talk about how a part of their race was oppressed and enslaved at one point in history that it somehow diminishes and lessens the Blacks slave history and only serves to to make Whites feel better about them-selves. Like, Im confused. We got our hands on slave ledgers. Truth is, there was and is a huge ethnic and national diversity in Africa, and between those groups some had conquered others. "Can't beat a good Irish pub" - David Beckham celebrates son's birthday in Dublin, UPDATE: Alex Murdaugh sentenced to life in prison for murdering wife and son, WATCH: Irish bishop's funeral held in Los Angeles today, Liam Neeson, Michael D Higgins and Bono among voices featured on "Patrick Kavanagh Almost Everything'", Rita OHare passes a mighty voice for justice is stilled, Brian Donnelly, Irish American visa hero, has died. No need to compare the two as slavery in any form or fashion is wrongno matter to what extent it was practiced. Unique and like no other, a mere uttering of an Irish family name and youre sure to know they hail from the Emerald Isle. To pick on Chloe (Admittedly, I Enjoy picking on ignorant bigots); she mentions how Whites suppressed Blacks and sites example after example and doesnt fail to continue to mention color over and over again. Were these apprentices chattel? You are full of hate just as the Brits have planned, well done you have fallen for the divide and just by giving us the label of white you are empowering us. We need to revisit the discussion from a fresh perspective. Where they were made to feel unwelcome, they headed for the hills, which is why we have the Appalachian populations, and others like them, populating those hills to this day. Over the centuries, Ireland has seen much change, with invasion by the Anglo-Normans in the 12th century, followed by British colonisation in the 16th/17th century moments which significantly shaped our history. Located off the western shores of Great Britain, the small island nation packs quite a punch when it comes to its heritage. Liam Hogan does a pretty good job of refuting this pseudohistory. The Huns and Mongols did it. Famous people with the surname Connolly include comedian Billy Connolly and musician Brian Connolly. As poor people in the same boat, yes there were relationships, marriages etc. Follow the links below to find out more about Irish last names. After Cromwell there was such a situation, that later was deemed less desirable in a cost/benefit calculation, because of Irish poverty they could get the same benefit by using indentured servitude.*footnote. One of the most famous people with the surname Maguire is actor Tobey Maguire. The notion that plantation owners fathered most mixed children is also false. The latter he did not. No, most were poor and fought because their homeland was invaded, and not for some big ideological reason. Chances are, you can find her drinking coffee in some hidden gem cafe in Dublin, planning her next big trip. Read Deuteronomy Chapter 28 and visit http://www.israelunite.org to learn more. The truth is African-American is not your true nationality. If you have not already, you need to do some actual genealogical research on your family to see if you are indeed genetically Irish and if so, if that occurred due to your ancestors being enslaved by an Irish family or the Scots-Irish (they both come up on DNA tests as Irish). I can trace my Ancestry on my Maternal Grandmothers (Fathers) side of the Family Tree back to Ireland. Famous Doyles include writer and creator of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle, and novelist and screenwriter Roddy Doyle. Scottish poet and lyricist Robbie Burns is one of the most well-known people called Burns. It would be the same with people. One man and two kids made it. Debating its distinctions is appalling and only has in place in academia and never in culture or politics. They could be biological descendants of an Irish or Scottish family. What happened to 6 million of them? Once they were accepted as white around the Depression, they quickly became as racist as any other white person during that time and hurriedly left the neighborhoods they were living in with Blacks. The Romans were very efficient slave masters and after brutally conquering most of Europe and enslaved people to build roads and cities where did gladiators come from? X-Factor winner Shane Ward is one of the most well-known Wards. Actor, director, and screenwriter Scott Foley is the most famous person by the name Foley. Second, there was intermarriage in the caribbean with descendents from the cromwellian slave trade of the Irish and African slaves. For example, Barack Obama has Irish ancestors on his white mothers side. Protestants believed that all Races came from one source. http://glc.yale.edu/master-samuel-symonds-against-irish-slaves, https://www.ewtn.com/library/HUMANITY/SLAVES.TXT, http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-irish-slave-trade-the-forgotten-white-slaves/31076. It derives from the Gaelic word Ciarn, ciar meaning black, and -an being a diminutive suffix. No one could understand the African language. The truth is African-American is not your true nationality. I am a Kyle from Scotland I am scotch-Irish they were indentured servants and free men. Presbyterian freeholders? I wonder if the Irish will be told to get over it already the same way African Americans and Canadians are told. The term cracker refers to a poor white overseer. Why would you even mention those in the same breath? Paris Donnatella is an avid writer and traveller. The intention of this was to divulge their cultural stance and tell of their intentions to bring force and darkness upon Ireland. Idiotic! Television host Dermot OLeary is one of the most famous bearers of the name. Lets not forget the Red vs White; Yellow vs White; and Brown vs White. Still, you probably ask your colleague or friend its meaning, and theyre likely to draw a blank. As with the Vikings, these were viewed as a people of "dark intentions" who ultimately colonized much of the Eastern part of the country and several larger towns. Yet, many often state that the first Celts arrived on the island of Ireland around 500 BC. Saying that she believes Ireland - her homeland - is the most enchanting place she has ever been and is passionate about documenting the Emerald Isle. We were dwelling in Africa before being sold to the so-called white man (Edomites) by the hands of Africans (Hamites, specifically Tyre and Sidon) and Arabs (Palestine). Since the black slavery prevailed, likely it was worse. As far as Slavery in jail(BS) They can do their time sitting in their cells doing nothing or they can work to earn money for the commissary or to help pay money they owe to the people or places on which they committed their crimes. Actress Kristen Bell is one of the most famous people with this name. slaves thus we have Irish names like McFadden, McDonalds ~ I think you will find McDonals is a Scottish name. The Irish were never slaves, they were indentured servants. Thanks for sharing. The English masters quickly began breeding the Irish women for both their own personal pleasure and for greater profit. It is thought that this Irish last name might, in fact, be the oldest surname in Europe! And most defintely not at the numbers cited in this article. Interesting. They can still go back to Ireland and see where they came from and even meet distant cousins. The English Welsh and Scottish peoples all suffered by the hands of the elitist British.
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