It completely blew my mind! Note that this was a single email in a leak from the company of over 5 million emails, and is also the only email obtained by WikiLeaks that references the phrase "deagel" in its entire database. The spreadsheet predicted a major drop in the US population from 332 million in 2019 to only 99 million in 2025 (-70%). Saved 2 screenshots for the UK and USA population forecast on my hard drive. There is a tiny part of data coming from a variety of But WikiLeaks documents revealed that it was legitimately used as a reference material in a Stratfor report on the technological capabilities of the North People's Republic of Korea. Talking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. They are not with the American people but with the new world order pushers. Without a name (also known as a domain name), your website simply cannot function. And while Deagel could be down for a major re-design of their website, to pop up again at some point in time in the future, as Carrie mentioned in her email to us, she thought it very odd that theyd go down for any kind of maintenance again so soon after they totally removed their 2025 forecast and their alarming note which warned of nuclear war in our futures. 490. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. In it, they predict a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population.,,,,,, Oroville Dam Spillway Thread: Quick Links, Debunking New World Order Index by Wake Up America (WORK IN PROGRESS), Using moon viewing angles to demonstrate a distant moon. Deagel Report. In September the site issued an updated forecast based on the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic. This is fucking gold.. Deagel's forecast is shrouded in mystery as to its use by the Government. More on Deagels depopulation predictions is in this Void UK article:, Source by Craig Paardekooper: Russia is preparing right now about 50 new generation ICBMs, each can carry 16 hypersonic nuclear heads, casualties could be more than 200 million in 10 minutes. 4. A light in the darkness! by Jila Ansari. I am curious to see this thread continue and some of the original commenters update their "take" on what is going on and how that relates to the forecasts! Editor's Note: The geopolitical and economic forecasting found on the mysterious website has been discussed by alternative news media for close to a decade. I kept expecting a Lincoln-Reagan ship in there somewhere. The owner seems to have worked on it since it started getting passed around to the CT sites. The collapse of the Western financial system and ultimately the Western civilization has been the major driver in the forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome. Full list of 2025 population forecast for 175 countries. They start with the assumption that any numbers released by the United States Government is a lie, and work from there. (Some of the links in this guide are affiliate links. Sadly many successive Indian Prime Ministers have been implementing this dangerous policy. Documentaries that show the origin of the war in Ukraine, Q&A: a resource on covid-19 and vaccination, SARS-CoV-2 An Aerosolized Prion Disease And Potential Symptomatic Profile, The social contract has been broken by the few of the State, says Neil Oliver, There have been at least 300 deaths from the Pfizer mRNA shots this year in New Zealand, Watch the Water: Resources on snake venom in covid and mRNA vaccines, Xinjiang Police File Hack Why China is Terrified, Most extreme weather events of the past are not on NZ governments database, The US mercenary in Ukraine who defected to Russia. In other words, it's public information that the CIA can access just like anyone else. Hes hedging for sure. 1. I have just ordered a customs made tin foil hat, folks. an expose about them on Doug Caseys International Man, Americas most secret intelligence agency, consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for Americas future, globalists plans to bring in illegal immigrants to all Western nations as a, Dave Kranzler: Will LBMA, COMEX silver be drained by #SilverSqueeze2, Bidens Anti-Eurasian Green Delusion and Americas Race to Irrelevance, Top Russian scientist who created Sputnik V Covid vaccine is strangled to death with a belt in his Moscow apartment in row with intruder, STATISTICAL FACT: Youre far more likely to die from covid vaccines than from covid itself, UKRAINE VS RUSSIA: BUKHMUT SURROUNDED AND MAY RETREAT. Exotic materials to be chemtrailed which would poison the soil and kill all cattle and ruin all crops. Cant wait till he has an ADE reaction or worse then asks dumbfounded whats happening? Lol keep believing the t.v fool, thats funny cuz its ALL THE VACCINATED dying and going to hospital with a million maladies. The Soviet system was less able to deliver goodies to the people than the Western one. Providing exclusive original content and interviews with some of the best known voices in the world of economics and precious metals. 1. This post actually made my day. Dr. John Reizer The information written on the Deagel website has raised tremendous interest from people all over the world. links mass slaughter to vaccines in countries inhabited mainly by White people of European descent. So far, COVID death toll is roughly 1 million people. Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. The list has been put together by the alleged "security firm" Deagel; The article says the following about Deagel: According to their own website,, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. by Doug Casey. FromCaseys expose on Deagelbefore we continue. However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one. Nevertheless, the widespread censorship, hate laws and contradictory signals mean that even that glue is not working any more. I am trying to find out more information about the website which gives population predictions for 2025. 290 million to 285 million. The huge drops . if the owners of even care to do the copy-and-pasting at all. Simple math, if Whitebeard's number is correct then any global depopulation effort must increase the daily global death rate by 350,000 persons. This one is starting to be passed around the conspiracy circles as 'proof that the end is near' or 'proof of depopulation'. (I still have my screenshots and also those saved from messages above.) There have and will be many deaths from the vaccine..but a remedy will be brought out. I have more to say, but ,will save that for another day ,,,thanks Garry . One particular source I have spoken to believes the current COVID-19 genocide will likely reduce Not everybody has to die. Excerpts from theunnerving forecastare provided below: In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. Krave Jerky - United States. provided the 2025 forecast for population of each country. IMF, UN, USG, etc. How do I connect these two faces together? Previously, under the page for their 2025 Forecast was a long note explaining their reasoning for the numbers, the population dropped from approx. Furthermore, if you google. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result. If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. Its now 2022 and though in 2016 it was assumed that the OWO would win at their Depopulation Plan. What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? It does not matter. Talking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. Due to the controversy the prediction created, Deagel deleted the . A.I Claiming To Be Nephilim, A Son Of A Fallen Angel | WATCH! Their claim for economic power shifting to Asia is an imaginary axis that shifted from the Mediterranean into Northern Europe, then in the middle of the Atlantic, before finally settling in the United States, and that it will continue to shift westward, with no sources or reasoning given. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Six years ago the likelihood of a major war was tiny. Performance & security by Cloudflare. So instead of releasing the harvests to the population (year after year) the cadres stored most of it up to give the impression that the 'Great Helmsman's words had come to fruition' and that China was abundant in food. A report, dated Sept. 17, 2010, provides an estimated range of 1,553 mi to 2,485 mi (2,500 to 4,000 km) for the Taepo Dong-X, sufficient to target Japan and Guam. Been hearing they are starting to censor. For instance, in almost all British cities, mortality conditions in the 1860s were no betterand were often worsethan in the 1850s. My brother recommended I might like this web site. Theres no logical business reason for it, especially since it was done before the COVID hysteria gripped the world. International Man: In addition, Deagel included a lengthy disclaimer, which states: "After COVID, we can draw two major conclusions: 1. Your email address will not be published. Many online researchers have erroneously confused this site with "" which is owned by Edwin Deagle. At all as of this moment. Then warning of the possibility of a major war in the 2020s that could lead to BILLIONS of casualties around the world, we find it alarming that a website which has been called by somea secretive intelligence agencythat was warning about the globalists sinister agenda has suddenly beenghosted. According to their own website,, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. This website uses cookies. Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. Cet ouvrage est une rdition numrique d'un livre paru au XXe sicle, dsormais indisponible dans son format d'origine. A single reference to the range of a North Korean IRBM, with data that is freely available online, does not speak well of the quality of's research and reporting. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The Covid scare was blown up to bring in a vaccine that was a bioweapon made to bring about millions or billions of deaths. It seems unlikely that migration would would reduce the US population by over 200 million people. I think it was on Fox Nation. Despite the overwhelming suppression of its significance, Deagel is routinely used by the CIA and other security outfits. By the way I agree about Dr. McCullough and the way he characterizes the motivation for mass vax etc. The homepage states, " For those who might be concerned. Even before the pandemic, none of those predictions had shown any sign of coming true for, any more than the opposite predictions for the US, but 2020 has taken China and India in the opposite direction of the prediction. But most Americans are consumed with Sports, the latest Hollywood distractions, or planning for their next vacation. However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one. 25.09.2015 Unterzeichnung der Agenda 2030 von 193 Lndern. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. A good website is optimized for mobile. One being Agenda 21, which is believed to involve people being forced to live in mega cities (those who survive whatever cull is predicted), and the more mainstream CT that Russia and China are going to crash the US dollar (merged with the Illuminati making their new center in the east)., Asshole satanic pedos and the retarded lizards. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Many online researchers have erroneously confused this site with "" which is owned by Edwin Deagle. all very interesting, but,probaly all true,,,everyone out there, open your eyes, and see whats not written ,then you will be closer to the truth ,than anything thats written or videoed ,theres lots of you out there ,so keep this going ,and all will be wiser for the better ,take care and god bless you all ,thanks Garry. with just a 2.3% predicted reduction in population, from 1.390 billion to 1.358 billion people. The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. Amazing Allicin-C! We will have a Great Awakeningpeace on earthall Nukes destroyedmost have been already taken out. The core ruling elites hope to stay in power which is in effect the only thing that really worries them. Ab 2015 Beginn der gesteuerten Invasion von 90% Mnnern nach Europa (Trojanisches Pferd). People killed themselves because a lot of people were moving to urban areas. A good website loads fast. is not a reliable source of information and has a history of making doom-and-gloom predictions regarding population numbers and GDP levels, dating back at least as far as April 2009. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union's one. Deagel is an intel service with prestigious clients such as the UN, World Bank, and the National Security Agency. : provided the 2025 forecast for population of each country. I think that there is a distinction to be made between "contributed" and "caused.". Fortunately, the predictions on that page are for 2017, the same year as the latest actual data on the Deagel page.
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