I COPIED HIS SUIT. And I answer to Uncle Sam, you know, with the I.R.S.. His masters at the SBC called him on the carpet over it. They told their followers that God had told them that Trump would win. r/EpicClusterfuck Trump: "Only guilty people plead the fith." r/EpicClusterfuck Tesla driver behind several road-rage attacks in Southern California has been arrested Pat Robertson: Net Worth $100 Million. ), In the days following the 2020 election, it became clear, even to many of his closest allies, that Trump had indeed lost. Many are also politically outspoken, which means that they can potentially influence election outcomes. If a single prediction failed to come true, the one who spoke it was a fraud. With Trump standing behind him, Copeland, 86, spoke to the audience members about George Washington, voting, and the need for energy independence in America. This is not about politics. And if you dont vote, hush., Copeland noted how he has lived through a lot of presidents, beginning with FDR. He said Trump is the only president he has ever seen who wears red, white, and blue to the office., Copeland also prayed from the podium, calling America the greatest nation in history.. (I personally do believe the election was stolen, Mr. Strang said. From the now-infamous Access Hollywood leaked tape to actions that may have directly contributed to a violent attack on the United States Capitol, it has long appeared that there is nothing former president Donald Trump could do to lose support among white evangelicals. No wonder the Jewish prophet Micah warned against those prophets who tell fortunes for money, and the Jewish prophet Jeremiah warned of those who proclaim delusions and speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of God.. Copeland also supports Donald Trump and participated in a lay on hands ceremony with him at Trump Tower in 2015, and currently serves as one of his most prominent spiritual advisors (along with Robert Jeffress and Jerry Falwell Jr.) According to former staff members, in 2020 there were about 60 employees, with fewer than 10 in editorial. The implications of Trump's defeat for prophecy were minimised: "Oftentimes when things happen like this, the spirit of fear tries to grip . Trump lost. Pastor Shawn Bolz, for example, admits that he once told a family that a member who had been diagnosed with cancer would survive, but she died months later. pleading with donors for cash to pay for a private jet to avoid flying with "demons," served on President Donald Trump's evangelical advisory board. Marky Mark Driscoll hasnt said a word about the Trumpistas attempted coup. fools, Take note! As archaic as it may sound to the non-religious ear, there are many Christians in 21st century America who believe in prophetic gifts, and a good number of false prophets delivering Gods word to them. His feed today has contained only plugs for his books. . (Back when I was evangelical myself, my tribematesalldespised Donald Trump. Evangelical leader and longtime Trump supporter Kenneth Copeland shared a hearty laugh with his congregation about Joe Biden winning the presidency. Like his attempt to exhale the coronavirus into oblivion, the level of delusion was hard to comprehend. So today was the day that the votes of the electoral college were to be certified as valid by Congress. Today, let me show you some reactions evangelicals had regarding the Capitol attack today and explore what they mean. Wallnau was among those present last month when over 30 members of the clergy met with Trump [including David Jeremiah] at his New York City tower and laid hands on him to pray for his potential presidency. Mr. Strang wrote three more glowing books about the president, including God, Donald Trump and the 2020 Election. In one chapter, the book explored the possibility that Mr. Trump could lose, but it came down squarely on the side of a preordained victory. Strang became the ultimate Pentecostal businessman, said John Fea, a historian of evangelicalism at Messiah University. TheNew York Times printed that statement in their running live coverage of the Capitol attack: This is what the president has caused today, this insurrection.. Every respectable poll forecasted that Trump would get trounced in the general election by Hillary Clinton. KENNETH COPELAND, JESSIE DUPLATIS and other PROSPERITY NITWITS As a senior associate minister at Californias 11,000-member Bethel Church, a swarm of eager believers received the pastors prophecy as Gods unshakeable will. (File). Today, they either avoided the topic of the Capitol attack entirely, or else they condemned it in the mealiest-mouthed ways possible. Kenneth Max Copeland (born December 6, 1936) is an American televangelist associated with the charismatic movement. Referring to him as one of the great men of our country, Trump invited Copeland to the podium to offer a prayer. Belarusian partisans are involved in sabotage at the Machulishchy airbase in Belarus, as a result of which a Russian military aircraft was damaged. Greear has been carefully flirting with Trump criticism for a while now. Therefore, voting is a sacred trust. Yet with division still lingering in the prophecy crowd, Mr. Strang ultimately seems to have decided to sidestep the question of 2020 and what was stolen or divinely ordained and simply to move on to boogeymen the whole family can agree on: the new administration, virus health mandates, what he has cast as liberal cultural censorship of conservative views and, most broadly, societys diabolical scheme against Christianity. I had three dreams in one night.. First, I found a number of them were quiet about it. He tries hard to avoid direct questions about Donald Trump, because thats not his brand. I wondered what evangelical leaders would say about the Capitol attack. We rely on our journalists to be independent observers. On Saturday, he told thousands of his followers that God hates the policies of Mr Biden. That was 25 years ago. For months now, evangelicals Orange Calf Idol, Donald Trump, has been bellowing and screeching about electoral fraud in the 2020 national election. Sproul called out Copeland for teaching heresy. On 4 April 2017, the web site Democratize US published a post . And for all of his hagiographic overtures, Mr. Strangs love for Mr. Trump appears to always have been lopsidedly unrequited. A 12-hour Twitter timeout hardly seems like enough for an asshat who actively fomented rebellion against his country for two solid months.). Such is the influence of Kenneth Copeland. Self-awareness is not an evangelicals strong suit on a good day. Kenneth Copeland's wife, Gloria, is a preacher herself. Former President Trump gave remarks at a rally supporting Republicans running in Pennsylvanias 2022 midterm elections, including The Victory Channel was founded by Kenneth Copeland and belongs to the "word of faith" prosperity gospel faction. But they made sure to officially condemn the violence today on Twitter, in between fighting against human rights using rhetoric guaranteed to inflame culture-warriors aggressive impulses. Distancing themselves as far as possible from their own tribes rhetoric and conspiracy theories. Follow our coverage of the ongoing fallout from the US election live here. If the Lord gave me this word about President Obama I would stand here and give it and I have done so before. And their process looks a lot likecover your ass (CYA). And I prophesied Trump would not be impeached [and removed from office]. And Robertson is still broadcasting. I prophesied he would become president four days after he declared his candidacy [in 2015]. Evangelical Reform: Who's Gonna FORCE Accountability on Pastors? Advocacy groups that monitor the religious right tracked Charismas influence with alarm, concerned about the combination of divisive politics with divine prophecy. Still, he remained a dutiful fan. As exit polls were trickling in, Mr. Strang donned a . He was reacting as all the major networks called the election for Biden as he passed the key 270 electoral vote threshold to win. Kenneth Copeland threw a fit over the announcement that Biden had won the election. The supernatural and mass media have long been fused in the story of Pentecostalism. Kenneth Copeland laughs in this screenshot of a clip of his sermon posted online on Nov. 8, 2020. They werecarefulto avoid showing disloyalty to their Dear Leader. These prophets werent exactly playing the odds. As H.W. When Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States, these prophets predictions became verifiably false. And theres a label for those who wrongly predict the future in Gods name: false prophets. Well, sorta. By the time the clock struck noon on Jan. 20, the moment of reckoning had arrived. ThatTimesarticle contains a lot of criticism from a whole lot of Republicans, but that stood out to me. I dont know what hed make of the attack on the Capitol, though Im sure itd involve lots of praise for Trumps weak, halfhearted exhortations for peace. Others held out hope that somehow Trump would find a way to win in order to save Americas future, not to mention their public reputations. Charisma disputed those figures but declined to provide any information about its finances or number of employees. Hacking group REvil claim to have stolen 1.2tb from Kenneth Copeland . . Following her sermon, White was joined on stage by Terri Pearsons, who is . And so, on Election Day 2020, Mr. Strang flew to Texas to appear on the livestream of one of his friends, the televangelist Kenneth Copeland. The next morning, Mr. Strang was surprised to find that, though ballots were still being tallied, a Biden victory seemed likely, and he would not accept the outcome for some time. Neither has Joel Osteen. And oh boy, yall, narcissists like Trump can truly lose their spaghetti when theyre denied anything they want. And predicted in 1990 that it would end in 2007. At any given time, she's running out of bookcase space. Mike Huckabee, who similarly supported Trump, managed to work in a dig at his tribal enemies while evading responsibility for his own politics: Oh, where would right-wing nutbars be without their false equivalences and their DARVO tactics? (AlsoInstagram, where I mostly post cat pictures.). like the Trump campaign attorney Kenneth Chesebro and the Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark. I went to the White House zero times.. Dont be disturbed when people accuse you of thinking youre God, Copeland claimed Jesus prophesied through him. So, go figure this would be the man Trump parades out at his rally, calling him "one of the great men of our country." He was not alone among church leaders in predicting a second term for Mr Trump, with the Republican enjoying strong support among evangelical Christians. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Televangelist Kenneth Copeland, a former Trump faith adviser, laughed maniacally at the media for calling the election for Biden. Thank you. And if you dont vote, hush for at least two years. YOU are nothing more but a bunch of airplane flying Former President Trump gave remarks at a rally supporting Republicans running in Pennsylvania's 2022 midterm . That last bit about his loyalty being first to God and then to country really irks me. THERE ARE THINGS THIS GREAT STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, LIBERTY WAS BORN HERE. She needed these invisible African warrior angels to fight invisible battles against invisible enemies to ensure that Donald Trump would somehow win the election that hed already lost. Prosperity preachers Kenneth Copeland, Paula White and TBN's Jan Crouch were also present. Weve mentioned him in the past.). Mr. Strangs boosters and critics often portray the company as a large and influential entity, and by most available metrics it does command a relatively large audience for a religious publisher. For a solid 40 seconds, Copeland laughed maniacally on stage during a sermon, and then began laughing hysterically for no . Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Subscribe to our mailing list and receive updates direct to your inbox! Its not about politics. We wont back off from the prophets.. Yet the world is still spinning. Reactions to Kenneth Copeland at Trump Rally, DeSanctimonious Comment Indicate Growing Divide From the now-infamous Access Hollywood leaked tape to actions that may have directly contributed to a. , it has long appeared that there is nothing former president Donald Trump could do to lose support among white evangelicals. By 2015, when Mr. Trump began his quest for the White House, Charisma, like much of the media industry, was dealing with declines in print advertising, revenue and circulation. At 70, he is a C.E.O., publisher and seasoned author in his own right. Thats an unforgiving standard, but I didnt make the rules, which allow for no mulligans, no gimmes, no grace period, no excuses, no wiggle room, and no appeals process. I felt spiritually obligated to watch at least a little porn in Kenneth Copeland's backstage. In this revolutionary speech, He finally unveils some of his life-saving spells, which should grant Evangelists imperviousness to demons whilst being unprotected . While she was stabbing at air, she screamed repeatedly at the top of her lungs, STRIKE AND STRIKE AND STRIKE AND STRIKE!. Wolff noted in his respected book Confrontations with Prophets, The false prophet makes things easier for his listeners.. Unlike the names that have already danced across your perception today, they made their opinionscrystal-clear and got a few digs in as well. It was White who arranged a meeting at the Trump Tower for fellow televangelists (including Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, David Jeremiah, and Jan Crouch) to anoint him in prayer back in 2015. But I didnt claim I was God., Later that year, on July 19, 1987, Copeland made remarks during a nationally televised crusade which caused more concern among evangelicals: I say this and repeat it so it dont upset you too badWhen I read in the Bible where he (Jesus) says, I am, yes, I am, too!. In 2019, one poll found that more than half of white Pentecostals believed Mr. Trump to be divinely anointed, with additional research pointing to the importance of so-called prophecy voters in the 2016 election. Kenneth Copeland (December 6, 1936-) is a televangelist and faith healer from Texas. (C-SPAN). Also please check out our Graceful Atheist podcast interview! Hes gonna bring it to a close. The Dallas-based Kenneth Copeland Ministries is one. I have a love-hate relationship with Thanksgiving Day. Pro-Trump evangelical Copeland's strange performance has gone viral, being viewed more than 9million times on Twitter. Evangelical leader and huge Donald Trump supporter Kenneth Copeland had . Pentecostalism, of which the prophetic movement is a part, is one of the fastest-growing streams of Christianity in the world. At one point, the president was pictured smiling and holding Mr. Strangs 2017 book, God and Donald Trump.. I answer to God, he said. Former President Trump hints that he will make an announcement regarding a 2024 presidential run, but says he wants to, Introductory speakers at former President Donald Trumps rally supporting Republicans running in Pennsylvanias 2022, Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Republican nominee in Pennsylvanias 2022 U.S. Senate race, made remarks at a rally in Latrobe, PA,, Former President Trump spoke at a rally supporting Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), who was running for reelection in, Dr. Mehmet Oz (R) said he believed he would win the 2022 U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania when all the ballots are counted., https://ximage.c-spanvideo.org/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJwaWN0dXJlcy5jLXNwYW52aWRlby5vcmciLCJrZXkiOiJGaWxlc1wvNjZmXC8wMDFcLzE2Njc2OTEzNDlfMDAxLmpwZyIsImVkaXRzIjp7InJlc2l6ZSI6eyJmaXQiOiJjb3ZlciIsImhlaWdodCI6NTA2fX19. Don't miss Kat Kerr's "vision" of God walking into her bedroom. Billy Joe Daugherty, Kenneth Copeland, and Kenneth Hagin Sr. . But apparently even his rhetoric has limits. along with that of another charismatic Trump adviser, Kenneth Copeland, . After organizing on social media, especially on right-wing platforms like Parler, a large group of armed protesters swarmed into the Capitol Building. In an email exchange afterward, Mr. Strang ventured a cheery, if tentative, prediction of his own: He might have another hit. I believe Trump is going to win, he told viewers. She specified that these angels needed to hailfrom Africabecause I guess African angels are extra-fighty; dont send her none of them quiet monk-like angels from somewhere like, I dunno, Ireland. It was a step too far for them. Gloria Was Voted Christian Woman of the Year. He capitulated, his job was saved, and he walked a careful line ever afterward. 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Or perhaps God told them one thing, and then changed His mind. close. Yeah, shetotallydenounces violence, lawlessness, and anarchy. She co-founded Kenneth Copeland Ministries with her husband and served as one of President Donald Trump's evangelical ministers. Their cooing over every burp and bellow their idol emitted was nauseating to behold. In the interim, Charisma gave a platform both to people who questioned the results and those who accepted that Mr. Biden was the president-elect. The list goes on and on. The duo Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker mastered the flashy style of prime time talk shows.
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