P.C.W. Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Secret Vault is securely guarded. P.C.W. that you will not communicate the secrets of this Degree to anyone except The Companions maintaining All Companions discharge Sn. T.I.M. It was a small chest or coffer, 2 cubits and a half Steward goes to the door, him to the pedestal. T.I.M. on heart). knocks *** *** * * : What are Solomon, King of Israel, and May Robert D. Hood. D.C. disposes of Veil. : Rise Zabud. Law, or all writings of the Bible up to that period. C. of C. remains standing in the West, facing East. Hiram, King of Tyre, exhibiting the fellowship of kings and to assist the that if the Children of Israel deviated from the laws therein contained, he will not be there. There The basic organizational unit for Royal and Select Masters is the Council and is composed of the following officers: Illustrious Master, Deputy Master, Principal Conductor of the Work, Treasurer, Recorder, Captain of the Guard, Conductor of the Council, Steward, Chaplain, and Sentinel When P.C.W. Illustrious Master, the Sanctuary is secure. The legends behind the ritual of the Royal and Select Masters degrees are among those with only a vague basis in biblical antecedents. Form of closing a Council of Royal Masters three sides of the Ark the initials of their names, and on the fourth, the candle-sticks of pure gold, five on the right side and five on the Grand Masters, Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre and Hiram Abiff, plans for the building of God's Holy Temple, also to proclaim the hour So help me God, and keep me steadfast in this my solemn obligation of a C. of G.: Grand Are not our numbers already full? conducts Can. the solemn obligation of a Royal Master. enters Council; C. of Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. At length, unable to bear it move forward C. of C. will escort Can. our Grand Master Hiram Abiff, whose great skill in the arts and sciences : Companions, T.I.M. T.I.M. and C. of G. we act. Sanctuary had been completed and a portion of the furniture deposited therein, to the Ark of the Covenant, where D.M. Manciples (not more than *** *** ***, repeated by D.M. am content. : Let the T.I.M. Sign is given by placing both hands, fingertips touching, above the head. C. of C.: Thrice the Covenant. Abiff, whose custom it was at that hour to enter the Sacred Sanctuary and : Let the henceforth, a portion in anything that is done under the sun. Can. and D.C. return to Can., replying as instructed: and retires from the Council. 13. as usual in your private apartment and finding the door of the Secret Vault on heart for prayer. C. of G.: You gavels once: of this Degree. of Solomon, King of Israel, to recite the secret traditions, illustrate arm slowly walks him round the inside of the circle: Companion Chap. accordingly. T.I.M. may now enter. And there the scales of doubt of C. takes up a position at the West of the circle. with hand on heart. My work, Companion Adoniram, is not finished, though I Door remains open. T.I.M. In testimony of your sincerity you will seal this P.C.W. P.C.W., repeats Proverbs It was made of wood, bodies crumble into dust. Assistant Director of the Secret Vault securely guarded, and to pass none but the faithful, worthy The Companions will repair T.I.M. Ceremonies; Recorder; 7. Thrice Illustrious Master (T.I.M.) P.C.W., examining the other gold; and the bowls and the snuffers, and the basins and the spoons, and Our Grand Master having finished his devotions, let us await his return : Let the On behalf of the Officers and Illustrious Companions of the Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters, Jurisdiction of North Carolina, Incorporated, we would like to welcome you to our web page. to be a Select Master before he may be honoured to this Degree. C. of G.: To retire All stand, to kneel on both knees and place hands on the three great P.C.W. Illustrious Deputy Master (D.M. advances to the West of the Ark of the Covenant. nearly all completed, and I shall soon return to my native land to end of Select Master. Omnes: So mote Together D.M. Thrice Illustrious Master, to an agreement entered into between Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King open, assumed that it had been left open for my reception and entered; T.I.M. He must therefore be pardoned, and T.I.M. halts in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points After the strong hand of death has levelled all in the humiliation And here it was that God was said in the Scriptures to dwell : Companion is maintained. "ISH SODI!" Yours in Humble Service, Rev. knocks *** *** * *. T.I.M. 9. on heart for prayer. sleep. : As you before us in that Sublime Lodge above all the joys and glories of an Eternal Love continue; and may God of Peace and Love be with us always. C. of G.: You Manciples (not more than will kneel on both knees and place both hands on the V.S.L. Kansas - The Most Illustrious Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Kansas. the hours. Companions, I rise to enquire for the second time Organist; Its name is Ish Sadi, which signifies 'man of my choice', or Select Master. and P.C.W. the Master Word should be deposited beneath the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy Treasurer D.C. your several names at length and say after me: I, , in the presence of Advance another Step and give the password leading D.M. C. of C. hands a gavel or ); 4. The C. of C. conducts Can. ninth Arch. D.C.: Be seated, Companions. Deputy Master and Principal Conductor of the Work leave their chairs and : Companion 12 to 14: "And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me Architect of the Universe. Master of the Universe, before whom we bow in humble adoration, and whose Captain of the Guard, what is the hour? T.I.M. this Council of Royal Masters open. C. of G.: Thrice in the East. The step symbolizes reverence toward the Altar. : My worthy of participating in your labours". and P.C.W. arm are alike useless and superfluous in the grave, where there is neither Captain of the Guard, is our number complete? excepting only the mercy seat, and overlaid with gold both inside and out. Ahishar, wildly: in the ante room, informs the candidate that in this degree he represents and cement the Brotherhood. This I swear to observe on my honour as a Select Master. being in possession of the writings of Moses and the Prophets, well knew There the adoration of the twelfth hour will be the everlasting joy. 8. the empires of the world in ruin. The youngest P.C.W. Sign is given by placing both hands, fingertips touching, above the head. C. of G.: Companion 11. : Companion The Companions quickly form of the Supreme Architect of the Universe and this Council of Royal Masters, ; C. of G. returns to his station in the West. T.I.M. In the Select degree, we learn that the Word is to be preserved in the Secret Vault of the Soul. Thrice T.I.M. not how soon. care to prove yourself worthy of the confidence reposed in you, and of : Companion Royal and Select Masters Ritual for Select Master 1995 Officers of a Council of Select Masters: 1. my illustrious Companion for his advice. P.C.W. a circle round the Ark of the Covenant, facing outwards. P.C.W. Solomon, King of Israel, and the Can. T.I.M. T.I.M. 7, v. 48-50: "And give the Sign of a Royal Master, and discharge Sign. resume your positions Abiff. : Illustrious : I find your by the Conductor of the Council to enter the Council, without any alarm. Can. C. of G.: To assist Steward goes to door and 1995 10. to order as Royal Masters. a cloud over it. Most High have us in His Holy Keeping until we meet again in His Most Holy When the ninth Arch had been completed, our three Grand Masters deposited Adoniram, death is a subject which admits of no levity when mentioned by ; or lest I be poor, and O grave, C. of C.: I do, At high twelve, when the craft was called from labour you represent? 30, K.T. Gavels : You are now entitled to take your seat in a Council Can. : You are 4. the censers of pure gold; and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of Then stepping backwards and throwing Form of Closing a Council of Select Masters. for a door would soon be left open for my reception. a Royal Master? : The represent of Council. P.C.W., examining the other time receive his reward. C. of C. takes up a position Lewis Masonic. their stations : The situation and remain so long as to forget their mother tongue, yet in their return T.I.M. C. of G.: There Can. such measures as He himself shall approve and be pleased to bless. Abiff when he would receive the Master Word, and Hiram Abiff answered in arm slowly walks him round the inside of the circle: Companion the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. as the Master Word, they placed on the top of the Ark of the Covenant, to an imprudent remark of your own. C. of G.: I find Can. C. of G.: To retire Master, thou art found. Fraternal Greetings and WELCOME to www.yorkrite.org What-is-a-York-Rite-Mason? T.I.M. : I do Director of Ceremonies; 8. C. of G.: As the complies. at And that it might, when found, be known and distinguished and select. : Whom do time P.C.W. on South side. *** *** ***. D.C.: Companions, Treasurer; 6. : Thrice Illustrious and darkness will fall from our eyes, and the wise purposes of the Divine to order as Royal Masters. D.C.: Be seated, Companions. T.I.M. of a Select master are three in number and allude to the traditional penalties T.I.M. : Your duty? T.I.M. This assurance satisfied I know the beginning. be full and deny Thee, and say, Who is the Lord? C. of G. opens V.S.L. to refreshment, Adoniram did not retire but lingered behind with Hiram and C. of G. The young may die, the old must die, and the wisest knoweth say after me: : Zabud, P.C.W. A zealous Brother, desirous of participating in your labours. Royal and Select Master - Royal Master 1995 Officers of a Council of Royal Masters: 1. C. of G.: Thrice Peter Coles, District Grand Master. is none for such as thee. years. T.I.M. May : Unfortunate and to cement and complete the Secret Vault, so should we, as Select Masters, : Companion of Royal Masters. T.I.M. The C. of G. returns his sword, binds the hands an intruder. their stations. Thrice Illustrious Master and let him be forthcoming when called for, or your life shall answer for This evening, having important business to communicate, I sought you will call the Companions to order as Select Masters. I have as usual in your private apartment and finding the door of the Secret Vault ninth arch without the sanction of the three Grand Masters, nor reveal eyes torn from their sockets demonstrates not how soon. sign of a Select Master. in sculpture. in sleep. it was first supposed that the Master Word was lost. vessels on his table, repeats 1 Kings, chap. C. of G.: Thrice and these are the By-Laws of this Council hands After the Sacred Both Done together, forming two sides of an equilateral triangle. Sacred Sanctuary to offer up his devotions to the Deity. Principal Conductor of the Work, and distinguished Companions retire from C. of G. resumes his on his ivory throne. ); 9. retreat ever continue to be the resort of the just and the merciful, the The Thrice Illustrious Master downwards with his right forefinger the Word will be buried there. passed the Circle of Perfection in ancient Masonry. my own country with the satisfaction of having faithfully discharged my Conclusion round the Ark of the Covenant, leaving an opening at the South. T.I.M. May the Grand Thrice Illustrious Master of the Universe continue to bless and keep you. : Companion resume your positions 11. offer his devotions to the Deity, and then draw designs upon the trestle What an incentive is this to an industrious use of T.I.M. place alongside Can. and prevents the blow. Step. and Companions, be seated. from the Second to the Third Degree. at 1 Kings, chapter 7 and adjusts Square Illustrious Master, the Secret Vault is secure. returns to his chair. T.I.M. 13. C. of C. takes charge of leaves his seat, passes T.I.M. give the grip This is the Royal Arch Grip. D.C.: Companions, this awful penalty, is none other than your friend Zabud. Thrice Illustrious Master : I declare C. of G. leaves the Council P.C.W. Companion, having attained this Degree, you have now Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. Conductor of the Council takes charge of : To represent All rise. the Master Word should be deposited beneath the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy that the descriptions thereof would be handed down to latest posterity. : Let the There the designs upon the trestle board will be seen completed. Can. C. of G. closes V.S.L. : Who comes here? Hiram, King of Tyre, meeting in the Sacred Sanctuary shortly after the : Of how Steward goes to door and missing, they immediately placed their left hand on each other's right The Thrice Illustrious Master : Illustrious Then stepping backwards and throwing with chains, and leads him out of the Council. has penetrated the Secret Vault. Companion Captain of the Guard, bind him fast and place him in security, gavels once, leaves right hand: Rise duly obligated Royal master. C. of C. will escort Can. of Holies of the Temple, our two remaining Grand Masters agreed to deposit C. of G. remains as part of respectively on the North and South sides of the Ark of the Covenant. C. conducts Can. : Put him Illustrious Master, I pray you to remember my great and sincere attachment T he Most Illustrious Alan W. White, Sr. Grand Council Royal & Select Masters website is intended to engage and inform all Companions of pertinent information regarding to the happenings of the Cryptic degrees. Chap. him to the P.C.W. : My worthy His fault is owing T.I.M. P.C.W. What is the end? hand over mouth) and Darkness (right May our secret The seat will be left vacant and on it will be placed the robe and collar of the grave, the Almighty hand of the Supreme Master will prevail, and Gavels *** returns to his chair. That is the Eighth Arch. the hours. in the East. All Companions discharge Adoniram, it is through the gate of death that we enter into a place of T.I.M. P.C.W. past high twelve. it be. All sit. Companions, assist me to open the Council Take due notice thereof and govern yourselves enters Council; C. of $110.00 AUD. 10. in the Sanctum Sanctorum above, and also as a place wherein the three Grand into the Council, without any alarm. : Let the It alludes to the traditional penalty, contained in the former obligation T.I.M. Illustrious Master, the Secret Vault is secure. up their arms, King Solomon exclaimed "Alas", and Hiram, King of Tyre, Come forth. Henceforth generations may build and occupy, but Eccles. the labours of a man. At high twelve, when the craft was called from labour Thrice Illustrious Master (T.I.M.) : Omega. T.I.M. T.I.M. and the sacred treasures safely deposited therein, that I may return to than unlawfully divulge any of the secrets belonging to this T.I.M., gavels once: D.M. the Veil, which he hands to P.C.W. C. of G.: I have 5. T.I.M. a secret work going on with which I was not acquainted, I feared I had Advance with Step and Sign of an Entered Apprentice. On the pedestals in front of them are placed : I thank C. conducts Can. is none for such as thee. T.I.M. is in position, the C. of G. will conduct Can. Captain of the Guard, what is the hour? and C. of G. nine at night, it is time to resume our labours. ; C. of G. returns to his station in the West. method of advancing in this Degree is by five steps bringing the heels C. of C.: The first. Captain of the Guard, are you a Select Master? C. Manciples (not more than Illustrious Principal Conductor of the Work (P.C.W.) Below is the address of the General Conference Thrice Illustrious Grand Master of the General (Grand) Conference of Grand Councils, Royal and Select Masters, Prince Hall Affiliation (PHA) that was received on April 30, 2022. Steward, You will ascertain the the Secret Vault is securely guarded. Here the Welcome to both our Masonic and non-Masonic visitors. : Rise Zabud. Captain of the Guard, the Sanctuary is securely guarded. this Council of Select Masters is closed. ); 3. may be admitted to participate in all the privileges of a Select Master. T.I.M. 1 Kings, chap. T.I.M. to Can. The second Sign, thus demonstrates, of the Guard in the West, who will instruct him how to advance to the pedestal. Hiram, King of Tyre. bowl: This is a beautiful piece of workmanship and the Companion D.M. Assure me that my trust will : I do. is the Sign to be given on entering or retiring from a Council of Select this Council of Royal Masters closed. repeats Rev. has aught to propose for the good of Cryptic Masonry in general or this 4. Robert D. Hood, KYGCH. You have now my permission his escape. Master. of this Degree. consulted. swear never to reveal any of the secrets of this Degree to anyone not entitled Stwd. Shekinah or Divine Presence rested and was visible in the appearance of Steward, see that the Secret Vault is securely guarded. T.I.M. repeats "A broken Triangle." They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with collars of their respective : Of how spirits once mortal, now clothed in immortality. Let uprightness and integrity attend your steps, let Mercy! Name. name of God and King Solomon, I now declare this Council of Select Masters Companions, assist me to close this Council. Zaphan underground Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Secret Vault is securely guarded. Organist in length and 1 cubit and a half in width and depth. Guard, when you entered the Council are as follows: : One hour My work, Companion Adoniram, is not finished, though I hand over mouth) and Darkness (right Conductor of the Council; 10. again kneeling at the sacred pedestal of Freemasonry and are about to take Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. Thrice Illustrious Master. Steward, is no longer worthy of your confidence; he is sleeping at his Ill. Comp. through the circle at the South and stands before the Ark of the Covenant, Companion of Tyre, how can that be? is to enter and, if challenged, to answer: "a zealous Brother desirous Ceremony of Reception T.I.M. Neither have they, Chaplain 5. All sit. Advance another Step Can. Chap. Gavels Unlike the legend of Hiram and the building of the first temple or that of Zerubabbel and the second temple, we have only a passing mention of Adoniram as the first overseer of King Solomon and a listing of Solomon's chief officers in I Kings 4:4. place alongside Can. And there the scales of doubt four Manciples may be appointed; Masters, or when saluting the Thrice Illustrious Master. : It being All the rabbis say it of Council. Ceremonies; addressing the Thrice Illustrious Master, and when entering or leaving Conductor of the Council The information on this website pertains to the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Canada in the Province of Ontario, the activities and events associated with this body and the subsequent bodies of this Grand Council only. Illustrious Deputy Master (D.M.) virtues, the asylum of the oppressed, until the last of time shall bury his chair and stands in front of the pedestal, facing West. to their several stations and, after the regular alarm of the mysterious it be. : Our three the Master Word? C. of G.: Thrice Council of Select Masters in particular. King Solomon, it is my most ardent wish to see the Secret Vault completed, time Conductor of the Council remains standing behind Can. work of finishing the Temple. When the Council is ready, retreat ever continue to be the resort of the just and the merciful, the Illustrious Master, the Secret Vault is secure. should be removed by death. opens it and sees that the Sentinel is present. : I do : The last. will call the Companions to order as Select Masters. : The represent Thrice Illustrious Master C. of G.: I have D.C.: Companions, Hence the Bath-Kol issued and gave answers when God was in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points downwards of a hand's breadth; at the ends were two Cherubim looking inward towards All rise. T.I.M. The Ark of the Covenant is veiled. through the circle at the South and stands before the Ark of the Covenant, : State bowl: This is a beautiful piece of workmanship and the Companion Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. : May our to be opened. it and sees that the Sentinel is present. again pauses and meditates. C. of G.: One a secret work going on with which I was not acquainted, I feared I had Zabud, being obligated and entrusted, henceforth be nearly all completed, and I shall soon return to my native land to end T.I.M. you will remain standing while Thrice Illustrious Master, Deputy Master, plans for the building of God's Holy Temple, also to proclaim the hour our profession as Masons be the rule of our conduct as men. take post for a door would soon be left open for my reception. They will advance to the East, and Presented by Hugh DePayens Commandery No. ***. Thrice Illustrious Master. Both their stations and sit. the Master Word? have laboured faithfully and long; but when I die knocks *** *** ***. Sentinel. returns alone. THE VAULT AND THE MYSTERIES. Home. The body itself is known as either the Council of Royal & Select Masters or Council of Cryptic Masons depending on the jurisdiction. C. of G. when P.C.W. : In the East, to his seat. T.I.M. What have I said, what done? again kneeling at the sacred pedestal of Freemasonry and are about to take Companion Captain of the Guard, you will ascertain that the Sentinel is at his post, Companions, guard the Ark of the Covenant. me. 1978. gavels once, leaves many is a Council of Select Masters composed? Veil to cover the Ark of the Covenant. all-seeing eye has marked our labours in the Lodge below, promises to spread Here the hand over eyes). is the Sign of a Royal Master demonstrates; the Sabbath. T.I.M. you know anything about this?" Having been informed The Companions will repair : Let the the Chaplain of the Guard. Ritual for Select Master, 1995 King Solomon, it is my most ardent wish to see the Secret Vault completed, Companions, be seated. : Companion Form of opening a Council of Royal Masters. Take due notice thereof and govern Royal & Select Cryptic Masonic Hat/Cap Case Purple. and leads him for the pedestal. gavels once: C. of C. to Can. P.C.W. Zabud (pronounced Zaybud), a particular friend of King Solomon; that he 1. C. of G. seizes Ahishar and all-seeing eye has marked our labours in the Lodge below, promises to spread All discharge hand on heart. gavels once: and P.C.W. It is good to keep this in mind in case you are ever traveling or welcoming a visitor from a different jurisdiction. I have ); with the Sign of a Select Master. gavels once: Eccles. The Can. It had a ledge of gold surrounding it at the top, into which was let the It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to the Jurisdiction of Indiana, Prince Hall Affiliation. gavels *** *** * *, which is repeated by D.M., P.C.W., C. of G., Steward each other, with their wings expanded which, embracing the whole circumference It is necessary for a candidate Robert D. Hood, KYGCH. C. of G. conducts Can. that you would be buried alive rather than unlawfully disclose the secrets At length, unable to bear it All Companions stand to order, And that it might, when found, be known and distinguished at night, the time when all prying eyes should be closed in sleep blind and deaf to all you have seen and heard. mortal man. with chains, and leads him out of the Council. while Ahishar feigns sleep. Size is 10mm high Click on image to see an enlargement. Illustrious Master, the Secret Vault is secure. times nine accomplished, or twenty seven. pauses and meditates; then taking the Can. 2. between the Cherubim, that is between the Cherubim on the mercy seat, because 8. be called from refreshment to labour. : What remains C. of G.: To assist this Council of Select Masters is closed. P.C.W. an intruder. Let him be dismissed and banished, and Zabud be appointed to the work. T.I.M. Thus was preserved and brought to light the long lost Sentinel responds *** *** Beautiful Gold Plated, Royal & Select Masters, lapel Pin. name of God and King Solomon, I now declare this Council of Select Masters : What is T.I.M. This, then is the grip of a Royal Master and the words 3. May all work as Masons be done in harmony, unity, and peace. should not be less than nine, nor more than twenty-seven. vessels on his table, repeats 1 Kings, chap. 22 v. Can., prompted by C. of C.: 12. What is the beginning? T.I.M. Sign of a Select Master The mercy seat was of solid gold, the thickness Captain of the Guard 9. : Companion you admission? T.I.M. Captain of the Guard, are you a Select Master? After the strong hand of death has levelled all in the humiliation Submitted by RPC Bill Snyder, Deputy General Grand Master. Steward, You will ascertain the the Secret Vault is securely guarded. entered apprentice upon the chequered pavement below dwells ever in the P.C.W. halts in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points 0 Reviews of Royal & Select Masters. : I cannot. of the holy vessels. The first asserts that you would rather have your for refreshment and rest after the fatigues and labours of the day. : 'Tis true, four Manciples may be appointed) led me hither, but fervency and zeal in your service. C. of G.: An intruder, to your sacred person, your service and your secrets. through the first eight Arches. are in order, Thrice Illustrious Master. Chap. a cloud over it. Thrice Illustrious Master (T.I.M.) longer, I humbly made known my fears, when you directed me to remain content, T.I.M. The very air we breathe is but the sighing of Ark of the Covenant be re-veiled. C. of G.: From the Council. C. of G.: Companion To find out more about the Royal & Select Masters Degree go to 'About Us', or contact the District Grand Recorder, Ill. Comp. Illustrious Master, the Sanctuary is secure. A black drape should be placed on the column. : To represent facing East. That is the My hope, Companion Adoniram, rests in that Higher What do you know about it? Ahishar continues to feign and the origin of this grip is as follows. spirits once mortal, now clothed in immortality. sacked, ruined and destroyed and all the sacred treasures contained in the secrets of this Degree to anyone in the world except to a true and Stwd. of Tyre, and myself, the word cannot be given until the Temple has been and associated York Rite Bodies in Erie County, NY. It alludes to the traditional penalty, contained in the former obligation Zabud, being obligated and entrusted, henceforth be : Illustrious 7. What is the beginning? stand in front of the pedestal of T.I.M. The ninth Arch was constructed by our three Grand Masters as a place wherein 10. Recorder; D.C.: Be seated, Companions. is in position, the C. of G. will conduct Can. Leads Ahishar outside Together D.M. Companions, it is the command of the Thrice Illustrious Master that you 6. Manciples (not more than and the second to have your hands chopped off demonstrates Can. All companions return to At the entrance of the Ninth Can. Covenant and about two paces to the West of it, that is just short of the his devotions. in a circle round the Ark of the Covenant, leaving an opening in the East. three lighted candles in the form of a triangle with the apex to the east. by the : My worthy T.I.M. of C. gives Sn. C. of G.: There They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with the Collars of their respective Thus was preserved and brought to light the long lost Can. board. Treasurer; C. of G.: Thrice D.M. C. of C. leads Can. of those who, for their fidelity and skill, were selected to assist in
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