My Q person has been following Charlie Ward for at least a year, I think. Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes are frauds. [The Chinese Communist Party no longer exists.]. Charlie Ward iPhone Video, from Marbella Spain, Saturday Morning March 28, 2020, Charlie said when he began to challenge their message, he was promptly cut off from the cult and his family. Is the Earth Flat or Round Why Do the STARS NEVER MOVE?! Vaccines are thoroughly tested for safety and are given to thousands of volunteers before they are rolled out en masse (here). Charlie on the other hand, looks more shady to me. Im going to put my trust in God Almighty, Yeshua Ha Mashiach! There is hope as ex-QAnon stories and r/ReQovery shows. Explaining Conspiracy In the 2020 US Elections, 10. We have learned far more about what is truly going on from Charlie Ward than from anyone else. All vaccines are tested rigorously to ensure their safety and the coronavirus vaccines are no different. I am a great Charlie Ward fan and I can confirm that he is one if one of the greatest dickhead of the world. She was Valedictorian of her high school graduating class. I dont like that every few minutes on Bitchute his ugly mug pops up as if his opinion or his inside information is paramount. While spreading total BS, I am not sure these guys are in it for the money. Did he own 1 or 2 hotels? The truth is, Charlie Ward isnt a doctor and he admits this. I couldnt agree more about Charlie Ward. You should have listened to that. Hillary Clinton Hangs, about EVIL UNMASKED!! For those who do not know anything about Charlie Ward, he was originally a Hotelier. And from there grew a vocation he designed and has been involved in for more than 15 years, at least. Everything was a smokescreen for the RV, GCR, NESARA, GESARA. Its all about the puzzle pieces. That crazy March thing should suffice. Political Complexities Muddy the Binary Waters, about 11. It either comes from Charlie Ward, who receives daily updates from the White House; or it comes from Colleen and Charlie Freak, who receive daily updates from Q-Team. Enjoy the remains of the time the Maker is pleased to give us. We all want the Deep State and Shadow government destroyed. And a very intelligent person. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, please subscribe via the button below. I dont even try to debate her anymore. At one point they said that children these days can't even go out and play because the risk of being kidnapped is 75%. She still believes Biden was the fake president and that there were signs from Trump and all that. Furthermore, Dr. Charlie Ward got his High School education with remarkable marks. Of course, Dr. Charlie Ward is a married man, and the name of his wifeNurselwho is originally from Turkey. I do not believe Charlie or Simon. The Depopulation Agenda, about Evil UNMASKED!! Although its understood content creators make side money by selling merchandise, these sites, especially Charlie Ward, have been pushing silver sales, book sales and membership sales. Im on it with my transcribing and promise, CH, I will stay on it until we dont need them anymore. They all died within 7 days of having it. He also goes on to claim that the new vaccine is designed for population reduction. My 86 year old mother. But I fear my mother would just say thats the deep state lies. 3 Dec. Charlie had a notification from a bank that they're starting the RV. But, before Charlie became an online sensation, he had a whirlwind 60 years on the planet that saw him go from being a humble English kid brought up in bizarre religious cult in the 1960s to being an international financier and mover of money for the World's governments. He wrote his autobiography. His autobiography, The C. M. Ward Story, was published in 1976. I wanted to remind you that Clif High has filed a suit against Charlie Ward and one of his partners. I do not know. Charlie has said on numerous occasions, People are starving for the truth, which is 100% correct. The Samoan Manifestation, about Evil UNMASKED!! Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. I think its hard to know who to trust nowadays! With thanks and Gods blessings unceasing to Charlie, IDC readers and the mighty victorious Alliance. about The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! and then blow them up so theyll never be used again. The Cover-Up Will Always Get You! Thank you though, for the information you provided. He admits it. The Charlie Ward Show since: February 5th 2021 Connect With Gab to subscribe, follow, and engage with this channel on Gab TV. Source: Read the Art of War and see how Donald Trump really fights. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Advanced Information Warfare, about Evil UNMASKED!! Well, we have no idea about Dr. Charlie Wards net worth at the moment as it is believed that his earnings are under research. A well-known influencer (Phil Godolsky) once lied to the public that Dr. Charlie Ward and Mr. Simon Parks are DS, and unfortunately, there are many people who still believe that lie. Charlie Wards son, Glenn exposed him as a fraud. Charlie Wards son Glenn exposed his father as a fraud. Thats just for starters. They hacked into his database and stole information, reported that information as their own. But Churchill knew what was coming and when he was called, he was ready. All Rights Reserved. Why is it ALWAYS SO MUCH WORSE than I expect. Adam & James and the Banks. A key British YouTube influencer is Charlie Ward, who lives in Spain and began uploading QAnon-themed videos during lockdown. NO WAY THE MILITARY WILL GIVE INTEL TO ANYONE PERIOD RE TAKE DOWN. He said he was a doctor to get out of a parking ticket and the title stuck. Cant stand them. Trust NO ONE especially if you dont know them. Charlie Ward, a well-known business man from Marbella, and Nursel Ward got married in Barbados on February 20, 2016. You'll be safe but stay out of the streets. They areHugo,Alexandro,Lee, andHartley. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Its all going to be OK. Were moving into a far far better world. Bless you, Charlie. I had an arranged marriage at the age of 18 years old and had three children by the age of 22 years old. President Trumps speech at CPAC from feb 28, 2021. It began with some of his wealthier guests who asked him if he could get some of their cash to a different country. Charlie Ward Mental March 2021 Update Video NOTHING HAPPENED. You gotta know theyre naughty boys as well. From Art of war, Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. They had to remain in hiding for their safety and so they could put their plan together and now we are witnessing this genius plan in action. He occasionally will jokingly describe his wife as 95% perfect and 5% terrorist. (LOL. I cannot imagine getting through WWIII without him. I decided in my late 20s to challenge it the British Government said its not brainwashing its indoctrination, which is exactly the same except with a posh name, 1:01 Its a bit like Donald Trump using the word Fake News when we know its Propaganda currently its very interesting about the Mainstream Media complete and utter brainwashing about the coronavirus, 1:18 Now they take their advice, the British Government and the American Government from a guy at the Imperial College London, Professor Neil Ferguson a specialist in his field., 1:40 He told both American and British Authorities that the expected death rate would be around 2.2 MILLION in America and 500k in the U.K. from the coronavirus the governments made their decision based on that, 2:05 The other day another specialist decided to challenge that suddenly Professor Neil Ferguson completely CHANGED HIS PROJECTION probably only 20k in the U.K. and probably 10k will die of Natural Causes anyway so only 10k will die of coronavirus which is less than people dying from influenza in the last couple of years, 3:00 What is very interesting is that Ferguson downgraded these projections 2 days ago and there is absolutely NO MENTION BY THE MEDIA AT ALL about this, 3:49 Since I grew up I was told that the End of the World would be 100% coming before the year 2000 I didnt need to study at school didnt need to do all these things this was the Plymouth Brethrens Teaching which I grew up in, 4:10 When I was 23, having had an arranged marriage from the age of 19 by the age of 23 I had 3 children thats their way of keeping you in reproductive but I started to challenge them and when I started to challenge them and came out of the religion my family completely disowned me from that day to this, 4:23 But you start to challenge things rather than taking things they say for granted and then finding out years down the line it was all a load of BS, 4:35 And as Ive said before, If it looks like sh*t and it smells like sh*t it probably is sh*t, 4:42 And at this moment in time the Media theyre all sponsored by the same people theyve all got the same stuff now youre locked in your houses why dont you start doing a bit of research and going outside the box, 4:58 And youll start to find out stuff and Ive got people watching my little updates with humor and just saying where do you get this information from? and Ive shown it to them, Its interesting. He like many never arrive and keep changing the goal post! Now this is what Ive pieced together so I cant say if its accurate, but it is my surmise that for 30-years Charlie variously sold Time-Shares around the world and was a Hotelier, among other means of employment. Dr Charlie Ward is NO Doctor Dr at all Not even an Engineering Dr never mind Medical that people think and believe, He admits Himself it was a Joke when he was 20yrs old filling out his. THE GREAT AWAKENING TOUR 2023 WITH CHARLIE WARD, SIMON PARKES & DAVID MAHONEY. ]-Gene is aware of 356 DUMBs in the USA and has vetted 349. He led the Florida State Seminoles to their first National Championship in 1993, along the way he collected numerous awards . They all died within 7 days of having it.". He should show his cartoons he drew too of these aliens he was involved with. One very important story in Charlies life is about his daughter. Adam & James and the Banks. The Chinese Dragon family, who were never Communist Chinese but are descended from the Himalayan line, are funding this entire Global transition. We have a full report. MEDIA RELEASE: Barter Tax Avoidance Warning, 34. He wrote the book too. How Evil Works US Election Conspiracy, about 17. Its obvious hes had this same behavior his entire life. Must be the same thing. INSIDE JOB, THE USA UNDER ATTACK WITH LEE DAWSON. A video shared over 2,300 times on Facebook includes false information about COVID-19 vaccines, such as a suggestion that that one hundred volunteers died following a clinical trial. He was a normal low tax/less regulation conservative 4 years ago. Political Complexities Muddy the Binary Waters, 11. Reuters has previously debunked this claim (here , here). I went on his videos and I couldn't even watch one minute. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Charlie is NOT a doctor. Now she's watching videos from Charlie Ward, some middle aged English bloke who lives in Spain who apparently receives intel from the US Army and Secret service - which makes absolute sense of course. I dont know why Simon Parkes talks with him. Since when does Donald Trump or the high Military ever answer to these People. Regardless of what you believe, the 1,000 view says there is much corruption in the world playing out right in front of our eyes; more now so than ever. You saying they lie is old news. Dr. Charlie Ward is an English media personality widely known for his videos, he was born and brought up in a religious cult known as the Playmouth Brethren also known as the Exclusive Brethren. Remember this, Donald Trump, Charlie Ward, Simon Parks and Mel K told all of us, you are watching a show. 650 plane loads of gold, cash and documents were flown out of the Vatican to Fort Knox because all the teams I use to move money for me were hired to clear out the Vatican of its stolen treasure. While he owned a Hotel, he began moving money around the world for his high profile, wealthy guests. First of all, thank you with my whole heart to Dyan, CH, Gaia Chosen One and the Happily Ever After Agency for your beautiful and deeply appreciated thumbs up and messages of encouragement. As an author, he wrote his autobiography entitledIm Just Charlieand the book was published in the year 2020. Will always try to get to the truth of the matter. Hope From US Election Conspiracy, about 19. Simpson's 1,750 point win in 1968. He was raised in the Christian Plymouth Brethren religious cult. Victory to the Light. Doctor Ward is always talking about how much research he has done over the past 2 years. Maybe its wrong? The Charlie Ward Show on Bitchute. Have a friend or loved one taken in by QAnon? Charlie was born in England in 1960. The entire interview is on video, and Dr. Charlie talks about how he became a member and spokesperson for the QFS team . You wouldnt know the truth if it came up and bit you in the ass, A trafikked girl knew him,heard his voice,he denied it said he was on another plane duh took young girls to Jimmy Saville then denied it duh,fat bloke Ward lie after lie,mixes with toe rags in Spain,started go fund me had to give woman her money back,trued to get bloke in Australia to be next King,YOU TELL ME HES NOT MENTALLY UNSTABLE OR AFTER MONEY. Biden was sworn in before Noon while Trump was still the President. As Pfizers vaccine was rolled out across the UK in a world first (here), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) staff said on Dec. 8 there were a total of six deaths in Pfizers 44,000-person trial. In an 8-18-20 video, Charlie said What most people are oblivious to is this whole financial transition from SWIFT to QFS has been funded by the Dragons When the Dragon bonds were valued 6-weeks ago they were estimated in the multi-quadrillions.. From there, we have found out that he was born and raised in Plymouth, England. Charlie Ward Intel Insider's Club - Putin Interview - Kate Shemirani Exposure! Lens Autism, The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! Robert David Steele is a blatant anti-Semite and I have no use for him whatsoever. But in his capacity as a Hotelier he fell into his current job, which is that of moving money around the planet for Governments, billionaires and various VIPs. It sounds so James Bondian to me. If March was a crazy month, we saw nothing of the sort. Charlie ward is a fraudster. The wedding ceremony was held on the beach of Sandy Lane, Barbados, with guests from all around the globe present, including the couple's family and friends from the Marbella region. We are also focused on disclosing our lost ancient origins and extraterrestrial contact. Book Reviews: The Immaculate Deception & The Art of the Steal, about 9. There is a strong spiritual element to this . Click this link for the original source of this article. 20 views. He lives with his Turkish wife and their young son, Justin. Dr. Charlie Ward is well-recognized as an author as well as a businessman. which has gone on since Time Began and its been absolutely rife for the last 30 to 50 years, We know how much it costs to get certain people into power in certain countries to guarantee that position so thats where I came in learning about that side of it so I can tell you first-hand that it happened because I was involved in it, "Charlie Ward and Tara: Theres So Much Wealth for all of us" by Kat - 8.27.20. Not even the Whitehouse is real. Never Before Seen Documents: Las Vegas Shooting Documents Prove multiple shooters LOOK OUT FOR MARCH [] Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here . Currently, he runs his own club namedThe Insiders Club, and if you wish to join it, you can either get an 11/month membership or 99/year membership. by N.Morgan. goodbye 13 demon Bloodline Families, good-bye deep state / illuminati / cabal. This video is 10 years old and has never been more relevant than it is today! My name is Anila. Charlie also said that he moves money to various countries to make sure elections go the way the elite want them to go. Both their routine was t was nice while it lasted. Maybe its not time? In other wordshold on to your God, keep believing in Jesus, you fools. McCain was the top man in ISIS. I know, his expertise is borrowed, so to speak. Late last year, Dr. Charlie Ward had an interview with GEORGE, the magazine founded by JFK Jr. and revived last year in an online edition. The Cover-Up Will Always Get You! If the covert operation was as huge as they say, why would a couple civilians be allowed to spread the word on updates? Who is Dr. Charlie Ward? They will all take a bow when the next election is done. Video is found on May 16 2021. In this capacity as a money-mover Charlie has met all sorts of higher-ups. One of my friends was blabbering on about Italian army intelligence officers stealing the election from a Vatican satellite link or somethingffs. The so called enemy is really very well played Actors. Charlie Ward says The Deep State is losing and March 2021 will be a crazy mental month. Keeping Secrets, The Crewe Murders UNMASKED!! And now it is all about the foreign currencies. without a shadow of a doubt hes [Gods] got his hand on him (President Trump) because hes removing the Trafficking, the drug lords, the pedophile gangs. Is there an off-planet aspect to this Global Reset? Dinesh D'Souza 2000 Mules Exposing The Biggest Election Fraud in US History Chats to Charlie Ward YOUR MONEY IS UNDER ATTACK Follow Charlie on Telegram. However, he lost his sonLeein the year 2009 who died at the early age of 27 years. Evil UNMASKED!! AstraZeneca published its peer-reviewed trial data in British medical journal The Lancet on Dec. 8 for public scrutiny (here, reported by Reuters here). However, many others are increasing day by day as they are updated worldwide.
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