As the others have said I can't believe that we all have been craving Ideal Peanut Butter Logs. Too much cookie, not enough fudge and peanut butter. Over 70% of the cookie aisle from ALL cookie manufacturers is taken up by CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!! THAT'S true love. I don't believe Nabisco would ship them during the summer months, at least here in New England. I wish they would bring them back too! I would say that I am amazed with how many people remember Ideal cookies but I am not. I copied the link above someone posted and left the same story to nabiso, if everone does this, we might have a chance!! The closest thing I found to these are the little Debbie peanut Butter bars that are very simular in shape. I have missed these cookies and have tried with much disappointment to find a replacementPlease, Nabisco, bring them back! 2. Please, Please, meet public demand and produce them again. I would sign a petition to bring them back in a minute. Womens Hairstyles . Nabisco-PLEASE make them again. I was looking up pinwheel cookies and came across Ideal. PLEASE!!!!! I don't buy cookies or pudding any more, but I would buy Ideal Bars and Spoon Candyso would many baby boomers. I'll bet Elvis did too! I'm not sure I am that good a person. Here's the Kraft customer service number: 877-535-5666 or you can email Nabisco: Take a couple of minutes and make the request. The real chocolate coating made them a seasonal cookie. I MISS THEM TO THIS DAY!!! But the shift wasnt enough; in 2001, Kelloggs had bought the Keebler brand, putting Hydrox under yet another corporate owner, and by 2003, it had stopped selling Hydrox altogethersans a brief reprieve in 2008 after enough consumers complained that it briefly changed its mind. These cookies popped into my head the other night, it's unfortunate that they are not made anymore. i would love to have one right now. PLEASE MAKE THEM AGAIN. I know it sounds crazy but all of these comments made me feel better. Oh how I miss that Ideal cookie! They patiently look them up and laugh. Please show me where to sign up. As a matter of fact,they were terrible. Id be willing to guess the cost of a package today would be upwards of $10; I'd pay $15 for a pack! I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. With my father it was always a toss up either the pinwheels or the Ideals, 95% the time it was the Ideals, one of the best of store bought cookies ever. She said they were expensive so we couldn't always get them, but I always tried. "Little Debbie" calls them "Peanut Butter Crunch Bars". The company started as a bakery in Massachusetts in 1792, baking and selling biscuits called "pilot bread" for sailors on sea voyages. Oh my a cold glass of milk and and a few Ideals that is all I asklol. I am willing to attempt another contact with nabisco whatever will work. !I'm 7 years old and I NEED them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was going on about what happened to "his" peanut butter bars. My sisters and I loved them and ordering GS Tagalongs reminds us every year that they've disappeared. What I wouldn't do to just have one more!! Mike Mozart, Flickr // CC BY 2.0. This was a big deal for him since he never packed his own lunch. Ideal coolies will never be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to have experience a different kind of taste of cookie. see the most wonderful cookie ever made! I have been longing for these cookies and although I could not currently eat them like I did when I was young, I would keep them on hand to eat a few daily. Why Nabisco why??? I USED TO GET THE IDEAL COOKIES FROM MY PARENTS AS A GIFT. Wow, I had no idea "THEY" were gone forever, I thought they were just lost. My god we are all correct best damn cookie ever made. If a petition would work, let's get one going! These were the best cookies ever! Everyone that leaveas a comment on this page should go to and tell Nabisco that you want those cookies back!!! When my husband & I were dating we used to sit down & eat a whole package at a time ;). I miss the darn things too. You also need to bring back the Lemon Cooler and Cherry Cooler cookies! Those Ideal bars were so great, maybe the top notch ingredients didn't leave them enough profit. They were the absolute best cookie I ever ate. I also would like to see them brought back. The more they get the more of a chance it will happen! I make something very very similar. I thought they were originally produced by a smaller company than Nabisco, but could be mistaken. I was told way back in the 70's also that they quit making them during the warm months.. and then never started making them again one year. . Nabisco should make them again - the economy is in the dumps, people are depressed, shouldn't Nabisco make ideal bars just to make the country a happier place? I call Nabisco every year and ask them when they are going to start making Ideal Cookie Bars again. OK, so what WAS it about the Ideal bars? I grew up on them as treats and have been looking for them for YEARS!!!!!!! We talk about it often and it still makes us laugh. Please, please, please Nabisco. I agree that they were the best store-bought cookies ever. At this point I knew I had a problem. Bake at 375 degrees F for 10 minutes or until edges are brown. I still see these on the shelf but not the Ideal Bar. Of course Mom would hide them from us and I could not wait until I grew up so I could buy them for myself. Now I found Little Debbies has a larger bar named Crunch that taste like the Ideal cookies. Finaly found on the web, after years of idly searching. like everyone else, Ideal Cookies where the best ever! Thanks to all for the enhancing my belief that the Ideal Chocolate Peanut Butter bar is the best store bought cookie ever made!! Great to see all the Love. I thought that maybe my memory was better than the cookie really was but evidently my memory served me well!!! Still dream about these - anybody ever try to make them at home? I can see the package and taste those things right now. I have NEVER tasted another cookie that was anywhere near as great as Ideals. They were the best. You know that maybe they hadn't really existed. Hopeful!. Ideal Sandwich Cookies were among the "Best of Nabisco"! I thought I was the only one who missed these cookies. to see if I can find these cookies. Please bring them back, Nabisco! It was a special treat when we were growing up, and, between me, my 5 siblings, and my mom, they didn't last an hour. 1970's- When mom said us kids could pick one item during the family once a week trip to the grocery storewe always wanted IDEAL cookies. I can still remember that taste. I remember my mom used to buy the Ideal Bar or I think it was called the whirl. If you are determined to continue to refuse to bring these superior products back into production, then at least make the recipes for them available to the people who love them and grew up on them, people like me. Mondelez International, Nabisco's Chicago-based parent company, makes some of its snacks in Mexico, but it said in a news release that production from Fair Lawn and Atlanta, where it is closing. they really left an impression on me. Wassup Nabisco? We need to bring thse back. I used to ask for them in my Easter basket and in my Christmas stocking! But no kidding -Nothing can substitute for Ideals. I'm so glad that there are others out there.I still can taste them in my dreams! We'd save our allowance to buy them and they didn't last more than a half hour once we got them home. I had often wondered what happened to Ideal Bars. They were hands down THE BEST cookies EVER made!!!! (Two words: Cheez-It.). They get all this old stuff that is hard to find, unfortunately I never heard anything from them. My mom had to hide them because I would sit and eat almost all of them in one sitting. The loss of these cookies was devastating. The absolute best cookie I have ever had. I would beg my mom when she sent me to the store to let me buy a package of Ideal bars, she would always say yes. They were expensive, but worth every penny. All these comments make me want to cry, for i too lost an old friend when the ideal peanutbutter bars were discontinued, i am a diabetic now but i would give a little toe for a pack of those sweet logs, twix has or had a p-butter cookie that was simalur but nothing compares i will boycot nabisco products till they bring back the best cookie in the world!!! The Ideal bar was the best cookie they ever madeperiod. We used to buy those cookies and count them out so that everyone got an equal number. We would all definitely be willing to spend our hard earned money on a package of those awesome ideal bars! I think what made these cookies so incredible was the crunchy cookie portion of it, the peanut butter filling which had finely chopped peanuts in it, and the EXCEPTIONAL quality of the chocolate that enrobed this cookie. Dark chocolate over crunchy peanut butter, I can almost taste them. There is a whole new generation that would love them. It is claimed to be the best-selling U.S. peanut butter sandwich cookie, with around a billion estimated to be eaten every year. I would love to be able to see him try one for the first time! Oh My God do I have a story about these cookies!!! Only it turned out, four years later, to also be a game-changer for Nabiscos Oreo. :}. It was my favorite cookie as a child and I've never found one I liked better since. I'm sorry I just read Pollies comment, trust me Reese doesn't come close, I've looked for years for this cookie, and now that I've remembered it's time to hammer Nabisco. They are so missing the boat on a retro line for all of us who remember these products. You won't be sorry!! "Squeaky wheel gets the IDEAL" Put this in your Header to Nabisco. Giggles were shortbread cookies filled with fudge and vanilla cream, like an Oreo. I have been watching for those Ideal Bars for years and did not realize that Nabisco had quit making them. I would bite off one end and submerge it in a glass of ice cold milk, it would absorb the milk and the center would be soft encased in the crunchy chocolate. . That is absurd in a world where Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are one of Hershey's #1 sale items. Please bring them back! I would buy fact I know my entire family would buy them There were utterly AWESOME. I was a good climber too. There obviously must have been a quiet, well financed deal made for Nabisco to "bow out" of the competition! I'm about 10 years younger than my siblings and they used to have us begging like dogs just to get the cookies. They were great to have on hand whenever company came over. Nabisco/YouTube. The following are comments left about Ideal Cookies from site visitors such as yourself. Discontinuing them to develop a more profitable product may have made some punk executive a bonus but in doing so the Nabisco brand was greatly diminished. These were the best cookies ever and I would give my first born child to have one of these again. The chocolate had hardened by the time I ate mine. ), but they would not last on the shelves. I have thought of these cookies so many times over the years. You know how they sometimes can find the recipes to old stuff and remake they do it. How sad. In an even more fundamental fashion, however, the Oreos form leaps across stylistic boundaries.. I would love to get my hands on them again. evenings watching TV and eating a package of them with Daddy & cold white milk. At the end of their email form, they give a phone number. They were and still are the best cookie I have ever had. I am happy to have finally found the name of my absolutely favorite cookie of my life!! Sorry to say but, "Little Debbie" peanut bars (or whatever they are called) do not even remotely compare with Ideal cookies; not even slightly!
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