To get the HTML element by id in Cypress, use the following command: cy.get('#user_email_login') In this command, # is used as a prefix to id inside cy.get () Once you are able to find the HTML element, you can perform operations on the elements such as type, click, etc., as seen in the example below: cy.get('#user_email_login').type('myid98788'); Then, the should is retried for a few seconds. if it is not. The most used technology by developers is not Javascript. If you are still struggling with checking visibility, let me know on Twitter or LinkedIn. A selector used to filter matching descendent DOM elements. Join the subscribers who stay ahead of the pack. In other words you tried every strategy Then, the should is retried for a few seconds. close the wizard in case it's shown, and ignore it when it's not? thanks @DurkoMatko This should be the correct answer. different based on which A/B campaign your server decides to send. We don't spam. One of the first things you might want to test in your app with Cypress is element presence. However if null, the code exits at the return code block. testing on the DOM! I want to test correct SSR behaviour, meaning that the app should not be in "loading" state: Here, I specifically mean an element that never existed in the first place. For example: Run the test: Run the test in the Cypress Test Runner to see if the element exists. The