[7] Fighting at the airport at Loureno Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau rounded a corner and encountered an enemy combatant, armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, at 10 paces (7.5m (25ft)). Portugal had ruled Mozambique for four hundred years, had subsequent deep roots in the country, and was not leaving without a fight. He finished the job with a headshot. The drill was inspired by an incident encountered by Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau during the Mozambican War of Independence (1964 to about 1974). So why not just send the first shot to the head? and opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the page. Mike Rousseau was a white Rhodesian mercenary engaged in combat against FRELIMO guerillas in and around the Mozambique capital of Maputo. These organisations provided recruits for the security forces as well as private industry, including farms, mines and timber companies. [79] Both the main nationalist groups believed that the volunteers' presence indicated that western governments supported the Rhodesian regime. [34] The Rhodesian government paid the airfares of volunteers who were unable to afford to travel until 1977. The Mozambique Drill[1] is a close-quarter shooting technique in which the shooter fires twice into the torso of a target (known as a double tap to the center of mass), momentarily assesses the hits, then follows them up with a carefully aimed shot to the head of the target. Africa has always offered employment opportunities to those with certain skills. Rousseau told his harrowing story to Jeff Cooper, who thought that it made a darn good defensive shooting drill. It is estimated that between 800 and 2,000 foreign volunteers enlisted, with the exact number not being known. A proposal by the mercenary Mike Hoare to establish an international brigade modelled on the French Foreign Legion was also rejected. The sanctions it imposed following UDI banned efforts to entice British citizens to live or work in Rhodesia. Rousseau later related the story to an acquaintance, Jeff Cooper, who incorporated the "triple tap" or "Mozambique Drill" into his practical shooting technique. certified instructor prior to handling any firearm and be sure to read your owners manual. These two additions to the drill could make a world of difference in a real-life self-defense situation. [23] In 1979, the military historian John Keegan noted that foreigners made up between a quarter and a third of the strength of the RLI. FRELIMO was the dominant political party in Mozambique fighting for independence from Portugal. Get the 76th edition of the World's Greatest Gun Book. If youre looking for some variety in your training, one practical application of the drill is to fire the first two shots to the targets center mass (V1), then take two steps back to create distance before the third shot. He also wrote that these men were from 38 different nationalities. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. Historian Michael Raeburn put the figure in 1978 as between 1,500 and 2,000. As he turned a corner, he encountered a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. [67], The large group of Frenchmen who enlisted together were used to form 7 Independent Company. [14] Rhodesia's security situation deteriorated during the mid-1970s when the nationalists were able to establish bases in Mozambique as Portuguese rule faltered and finally ended in 1975. He offered Rhodesia the services of these men after they completed training, though he intended to eventually use them to retake Albania. Hearing this story, Cooper later incorporated this three-shot drill into his program of instruction as a way to end a fight that cannot be immediately stopped with bullets fired into the chest. Rousseau had a pistol. Failure in a gunfight is not an option. Rousseau immediately brought up his Browning . Mike Rousseau was friends with Colonel Jeff Cooper, a legend in the firearms training world and the founder of Gunsite Academy. The reality of the war confronted Rousseau at the airport in Loureno Marques, which has been called Maputo since 1976. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. All other white military personnel, other than members of the Selous Scouts unit that had a reputation for atrocities, were given an assurance that they would not be required to leave the military. Software has been extensively modified by the DU administrators. Rousseauarmed onyl with a pistolturned a corner and encountered an enemy soldier carrying an AK-47. Many could well have been avoided or mitigated, had the perpetrators known their intended victims were equipped with a rifle and twenty bullets apiece, as the Militia Act required here. To guarantee instant incapacitation by impacting the brain and central nervous system, the head shot must be delivered to the area between eyebrows and upper lip, otherwise, various bony areas of the skull could deflect the bullet. You have entered an incorrect email address! The Mozambique Drill, which is also known as the Failure Drill, Failure to Stop drill, the "Djibouti Shooty", or, informally, "two to the chest, one to the head," is a close-quarters shooting technique that supposedly originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau, in the Mozambican War of Independence, hence the name. Engaged in a firefight at an airport in Lourenco Marques, Rousseau encountered a guerilla fighter armed with an AK-47. Editor's Note: This article is an excerpt from Handgun Training for Personal Protection. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [13], Guerrilla activities began in 1966, and mainly involved small groups operating in northern Rhodesia. |-- Editorials & Other Articles The Rhodesian government did not formally reply. In 1977 the pretender to the Albanian throne, Leka I, asked the Rhodesian government to train a battalion of Albanians that he hoped to recruit. [80] Many Africans believed that the inaction of the western governments demonstrated their lack of commitment to combating white minority rule in Rhodesia and South Africa. Click Military historians Paul L. Moorcraft and Peter McLaughlin believe the number was likely around 1,400, but have noted that estimates from other experts range as high as 2,000. The JEWS CAN SHOOT trademarks are owned and controlled by Doris Wise Montrose. Although he aimed for the fighters ocular cavity, the adrenaline coursing through Rousseaus body caused him to miss. [16] The academic Kyle Burke has written that some anti-government paramilitary forces in the United States draw inspiration from the volunteers, and cite them as an example when encouraging violence against African Americans. Got a message for Democratic Underground? [69], Despite the Rhodesian government's claim that it did not recruit mercenaries, the British mercenary Peter McAleese was accepted into the Rhodesian Army during 1976. Silveira v Lockyer, (9th Cir. However, in a dynamic situation, the fraction of a second it takes to assess the threat could put your life in danger. [22] The number of white conscripts in the security forces was also increased by considerably expanding the age groups of men who were required to serve and the periods of active duty reservists needed to undertake. Named for Mike Rousseau, an associate of Jeff Cooper, who, ironically, died during the war in Rhodesia. |-- The DU Lounge Id argue that if the two shots at (and hopefully in) the chest of an aggressor fails to convince him to break off his attack, then youd be better to drop your aim to fire the third shot (and perhaps fourth and fifth shots) at the pelvis next. [4][5][6], According to anecdotal history, the technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau, engaged in the Mozambican War of Independence (19641974). [57] By the end of the war there were around 6,000 SADF personnel in Rhodesia. [38], Most of the foreigners who volunteered to fight for Rhodesia did so individually. The most common motivation was opposition to governments led by black people, but other volunteers were motivated by anti-communism or a desire for adventure. Southern Rhodesia was a self-governing British colony located in southern Africa whose economy and government was dominated by the small white minority of its population. [4] UDI was illegal under British law, and was regarded as such by almost all other countries and the United Nations. [48] The British intelligence agencies also infiltrated agents into the Rhodesian Security Forces.[49]. If you can successfully perform the drill in under five seconds, youre doing better than most law enforcement officers. Two to the body and one to the head became the mantra. The historian Luise White noted in 2004 that "the figure most sources cite is 1,500 foreign soldiers, of whom perhaps 400 were American", though the Rhodesian Army put the number at 1,000 including 100 Americans. In 1976 former Portuguese officials offered 2,000 white soldiers who had served with the UNITA nationalist movement in Angola until that country's independence. [32][33], The Rhodesian Security Forces' recruitment staff responded to people who wrote letters of inquiry after reading the advertisements. Rousseau immediately performed a double tap two shots to the center of the torso. I prefer the original name, but whats in a name? Sometimes shooting a bad guy in the chest just isnt enough. Home The story goes that this technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau. [83] Various approaches were considered to develop legislation to ban recruitment by the Rhodesian Security Forces during the late 1970s, but none eventuated. [91] The American volunteers were generally regarded in the United States as mercenaries. [94], Many of the foreign volunteers opposed the March 1978 Internal Settlement, under which the white Rhodesian government agreed to cede power to moderate black leaders. |-- Latest Breaking News [1][5][8][9], The Mozambique Drill was incorporated in the Gunsite curriculum from the late 1970s. Body armor, extra thick clothing, psychoactive drugs, or even a massive adrenaline dump are all reasons those first two shots may not be effective on your target. No use without the express written permission of Doris Wise Montrose is permitted. [25] Rhodesian recruitment leaflets were also circulated within British Army barracks that year. While catchy mottoes are easy to remember, the technique itself can be difficult to master. The bottom line: Accurate head shots are hard. If a few hundred Jewish fighter in the Warsaw Ghetto could hold off the Wehrmacht for almost a month with only a handful weapons, six million Jews armed with rifles could not so easily have been herded into cattle cars. [86] The United States government did little to slow the flow of volunteers to Rhodesia. The military took steps to prevent material encouraging enlistment with Rhodesia from being circulated in its bases and service newspapers, however. [60] The volunteers also received the same pay as white Rhodesians,[43] between $US 4,000 and $US 7,000 annually. He named it after the country where the incident occurred, dubbing his drill the Mozambique Drill., Practical Variations to the Mozambique Drill, El Presidente Drill Assessing Your Shooting Skills, The Best Self Defense Ammo Ballistic Testing. It is not known how many Vietnam veterans fought in Rhodesia. Volume 9: EDC Digital Magazine. Some years back, Col. Cooper developed what he called the Mozambique Drill for the purposes of dealing with this type of situation. Although two shots to the vitals of an attacker will stop a threat cold in most situations, it doesnt work 100 percent of the time. FRELIMO's Marxist underpinnings earned it support from Russia and China. [99][100], A range of works have provided positive portrayals of the foreign volunteers. However, for reasons lost to history Rousseau was reduced to his sidearm, a GP35 Browning Hi-Power in 9mm. Today, with the proliferation of zombies in our culture, it could be called the zombie drill or zombie check, because a head shot is the only way to kill a zombie. |-- Political Videos FRELIMO was the dominant political party in Mozambique fighting for independence from Portugal. Jews Can Shoot is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals [15], Foreigners with far right beliefs were often sympathetic to the Rhodesian cause during the war. in 1978, he was the final recipient of the Rhodesian civil Independence Commemorative Decoration for services rendered to the country. Let your fellow shooters know share this article using the Facebook, Twitter and other social media icons below. He named it after the country where the incident occurred, dubbing his drill the Mozambique Drill.. Felons can be high on adrenalin or drugs to the point that they do not recognize or respond to pain. Hitting the T-zone is a challenge. Rousseau was fighting at the airport at Loureno Marques, which is now called Maputo. There is evidence that the Departments of Justice and State tacitly encouraged Americans to volunteer for Rhodesia as part of efforts to prevent the country collapsing before a negotiated solution to the war could be finalised. If the target is still advancing and active, apply a third, more surgical shot to the head to shut down the threat. However, since you wont have time to interview your attacker in the heat of the moment, the specific cause of the failure isnt important. Click the Go To Forum Thread link below to jump in! [45] Some American volunteers were attracted by a belief that the war in Rhodesia was comparable to that which had been fought on the American frontier. The. The term refers to his encounter with an AK-47 armed guerilla at an airport in Mozambique where he was armed with a Browning Hi-Power. [106], Foreign volunteers in the Rhodesian Security Forces, Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence, February 1980 Southern Rhodesian general election, "Foreign Fighter Problem: What the War in Rhodesia Means for Ukraine", "Fine-mannered, articulate and urbane: the mercenary as deadly romantic", "Security Council resolution 460 (1979) [Southern Rhodesia]", "Rhodesia: Oral Answers to Questions Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 16th January 1980", "Many Rhodesian Whites Threaten to Quit Jobs", "Rhodesia's Approach to Counterinsurgency: A Preference for Killing", "Mercenary Activity: United States Neutrality Laws and Enforcement", "The White House and White Africa: Presidential Policy on Rhodesia 1965-79", "The 'New Model' Armies of Africa? He is the author of numerous gun books, including 9MM Guide to America's Most Popular Caliber, a #1 New Release on Amazon. [34], American and Australian volunteers who had fought in the Vietnam War were generally well regarded by Rhodesian soldiers, and were often posted to the elite SAS and Selous Scouts. Product prices mentioned in articles and videos are current as of the date of publication. The Australian parliament passed legislation banning Australians from serving with Rhodesia in 1978. articles and videos are considered to be suggestions and not recommendations from Springfield Armory. Fighting at the airport at Loureno Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau rounded a corner and encountered a FRELIMO guerrilla, armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, at 10 paces. LLC. Mike Rousseau was a trained soldier so he instinctively presented his handgun and shot the guerilla twice in the chest, launching both rounds in quick succession. [50] The high proportion of white Rhodesians who were born outside the country or held citizenship of another country also complicates the matter. [63], After completing training, many of the volunteers were assigned to the all-white Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI) and particularly its 3 Commando sub-unit. Forum Categories Get the latest news and reviews from Gundigest.com. During the fighting, he encountered a guerrilla fighter armed with an AK-47 at . [10] This ideology attracted support from many mainstream conservative politicians and military veterans in the United Kingdom and United States, as well as from some far right groups in those countries. Copyright 2023 BearingArms.com/Salem Media. [82] British citizens were prohibited from joining the Rhodesian Security Forces under the terms of an embargo enacted in 1968, with those who did so potentially facing fines or imprisonment. As he turned a corner, he bumped into a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. Sorry, an error occurred and we could not sign you up. [66], Under the terms of the 1979 Lancaster House Agreement that ended the war the British government resumed control over Rhodesia in December 1979, with the country temporarily reverting to the colony of Southern Rhodesia until elections could be held. This was because they believed that it was being fought to sustain white rule and prevent communists from taking over the country. The Rhodesian military also adopted some of the terminology used by Americans in Vietnam, such as referring to guerrillas as 'gooks' and labelling one of their supply lines the 'Ho Chi Minh trail'. 2023 Springfield Armory. [77] Rhodesia attempted to counter the "mercenary" claim by processing the volunteers through the Department of Immigration and framing them as prospective Rhodesian citizens, though few ever applied for citizenship. By 1979 the Rhodesian government was facing defeat and the war was costing 2,000 lives each month. The third shot should be aimed to destroy the brain or brain stem, killing the target and preventing the target from retaliating. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, much of Africa burned. Robert A. Sadowski has written about firearms and hunting for more than fifteen years. One would figure two slugs to the chest would drop the enemy fighter, but no. Although speed is definitely one of the goals of the Mozambique Drill, it isnt nearly as important as accuracy. You can also take two steps to the side to get offline of the attack before making the final head shot. [40] They were recruited by the Rhodesian Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) from a French military base in Djibouti. An accurate shot to the T-zone (the area between the eyebrows and upper lip, also called the ocular cavity) damages the brain and central nervous system and secures instant incapacitation of the target. They generally served alongside Rhodesian personnel in a large number of units, though a group of Frenchmen served together in a separate unit. After a quick assessment of the situation, Rousseau tried for a shot to the mans central nervous system. [89] This law can only be enforced within the United States, meaning that American citizens who enlisted to fight for Rhodesia while overseas could not be prosecuted. Rousseau related the story to an acquaintance, small arms expert Jeff Cooper, founder of the Gunsite Academy shooting school, who incorporated the "Mozambique Drill" into his modern technique shooting method. Its much harder than you may think. He told Cooper the story, and Cooper began to teach what he called the "Mozambique Drill" at Gunsite. These letters were closely scrutinised, as many of the men who had written them were considered "obviously nuts" by the Rhodesian Army's recruitment officer Major Nick Lamprecht. My Forums, Powered by DCForum+ Version 1.1 Copyright 1997-2002 DCScripts.com [2] Rousseau was later killed in action in the Rhodesian War. [22], From the mid-1970s the Rhodesian government began placing advertisements seeking volunteers in the international media. [98], The ZANU won the February 1980 Southern Rhodesian general election. [5] South Africa and Portugal provided Rhodesia with assistance, and it was able to evade the sanctions and covertly trade with many countries. As the story goes, a Rhodesian named Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. [38] The prohibition proved difficult to enforce, as it was not possible to prevent Britons leaving the country. It was also unclear whether serving in the Rhodesian military was illegal under laws that prohibited service in foreign militaries as the British did not recognise Rhodesia's independence. [26][34] Other volunteers were expected to pay their own way. When a double-tap to the chest failed to stop the aggressor, a third shot to the head ended the threat and created the Mozambique Drill. |-- DU Groups Portugal had ruled Mozambique for . The volunteers frequently received a hostile response from Rhodesians in the units they were posted to, and many ended their contracts early as a result. The failure to stop drill is a great drill but it is only a drill, and one of many. Engaged in a firefight at an airport in Lourenco Marques, Rousseau encountered a guerilla fighter armed with an AK-47. [43] The academic Luise White has written that they were commonly opposed to the establishment of governments run by black people and did not have any particular commitment to Rhodesia itself. Even better (although much more difficult), make the final shot as youre moving offline. The Mozambique Drill brings together low-round count that challenges a shooter's speed, accuracy, and fundamentals. This led to a negotiated conclusion to the war that involved a transition to majority rule and the establishment of Zimbabwe in 1980. He is a contributing editor to numerous gun-enthusiast magazines and websites, including Combat Handguns, Black Guns, Gun Tests, Gun Digest, Gun World, Ballistic, range365.com, SHOT Business, and others. Seeing that the guerrilla was still advancing, Rousseau made an attempt at a head shot that hit the guerrilla through the base of his neck, severing the spinal cord. Those who were considered potentially suitable were sent information packs, and asked to supply documentation to support their application; preference was given to applicants who provided notarized documents in their response. Rousseauarmed onyl with a pistolturned a corner and encountered an enemy. In the 1980s, the Los Angeles Police Department began teaching the drill but renamed it the more politically correct Failure Drill. It is commonly known as a" Mozambique Drill" because it comes from a story told to Cooper from Rhodesian Mike Rousseau, a mercenary during the Mozambican War of Independence. [75] The Rhodesian Army only learnt of Lamb's history after his death during an operation in 1976. In a veritable ocean of blood, one otherwise trivial engagement gained lasting notoriety. Oops, there's been an error. Its a port city in southern Mozambique where it can be hot with humidity over 80 percent. [23], The expansion of the security forces, increasing battle casualties and a decline in the white population due to high rates of emigration led to serious shortages of white personnel that greatly hindered the Rhodesian war effort. [51] As a result, there are a range of estimates of the numbers of foreigners who travelled to Rhodesia to serve with the security forces: British citizens made up the majority of the foreign volunteers who served with the Rhodesian Security Forces. [39][40][41] Sources differ on whether these men were paratroopers or members of the French Foreign Legion. There arent a lot of guarantees in a gunfight, but the Failure Drill just might be your best defense in time of need, particularly if you are facing an opponent wearing body armor. [65] Most of the volunteers served under Rhodesian officers. Frankly, I dont know of many shooters who maintain the level of skill to pull this off consistently at 3-5 yards. The latest content straight to your inbox plus an automatic entry to each of our monthly giveaways! The shots should be fired as fast as you are able, however they shouldnt be so fast that you miss your intended target. [46] Economic factors also influenced some of the volunteers, as they believed that the Rhodesian Security Forces offered better career prospects than those available in their home country. [8] The historian Donal Lowry has endorsed Evans' views, noting also that "the Rhodesia Front sought to combine the notion that Rhodesia embodied the best of true Britishness, the notion that white Rhodesians were the sort of people who once made the Great" of Britain, while turning to America as the only remaining champion of the Free World. While engaged in fighting at the airport of Lourenco Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau was armed with only a Browning HP35 pistol. With small arms, mortars, and artillery of predominantly Russian and Chinese origin, guerrilla fighters in places like the Congo and Mozambique engaged in pitiless unconventional warfare that saw widespread atrocities. So how does a Rhodesian mercenary figure into the story? The United Nations General Assembly had adopted a similar motion several days earlier at the behest of several countries in southern Africa. Heads bob around erratically and the effective zone is relatively small. McAleese had previously led a group of British mercenaries in Angola, and was posted to the elite Rhodesian Special Air Service (SAS) after completing training. [105], Modern white supremacist and far-right groups continue to provide a positive portrayal of white rule in Rhodesia. [47], All foreign volunteers were required to complete basic training upon arrival in Rhodesia, even if they had prior military experience.
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