In Sweden it is illegal to be found buying the services of a prostitute, even though prostitution is legal. No spitting (it's a public nuisance) Donkeys may not sleep in bathtubs. The second one constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by fines or jail time. 26. 15. Anyone deemed to be overweight is given three months to shape up. Talking in church is a serious offense, at least in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. There, swearing in public is against the law. It got to the point that it became a massive traffic jam and an ongoing driving hazard, so the town forbade parking there at all. Since 1986, US authorities have had the legal right to access any 180-day old email, without a warrant. The governor of Phnom Penh has banned the sale, import, and possession of all water pistols in the city. According to the 1986 Salmon Act, Section 32, if he handles a salmon in a "suspicious manner," he will be subject to prosecution and a fine of up to 800. There are truly some wacky laws out there There are truly some wacky laws out there. However, you can swap out the trough for a wastebasket if the swine are raised for your own consumption, according to Arizona State Legislature. 11. In Greenland the only month where the temperature manages to reach above freezing point is July. University Centre in Svalbard, part of the University of the Arctic, photo credit. In Britain, it is illegal to carry a plank along the pavement. There, even whispering in church is considered a disturbance of worship and can result in an annoying fine. In public swimming pools in France, men are only allowed to wear extremely tight-fitting swimming trunks in the swimming pool. Another obligatory rule of the Italians takes part on the list of the dumbest laws around. Background. You may think that this law is completely made up, but the regional police in York have confirmed that it is illegal to drag a dead horse along Yonge Street in Toronto. The national colours of Iceland are red, white and blue. Final verdict: Amended most recently in 1999, this weird U.S. law forbids criminals from protecting themselves from bullets with a body vest while committing crimes. 5. Seems unfair to the little critters, but they do have an annoying habit of going through the trash. Who stole enough seafood for this to be worth making a weird law about? This is a not so surprising fact about Canada. It is a thrilling natural phenomenon that can be experienced only when there is no midnight sun. 7 Getting Drunk In A BarAlaska, US. 31. They dont like that in Australia. 3. It was built by Norse settlers who migrated here from Scandinavia and Iceland. 17. It's illegal to drive while your dog is tethered to your car in Alaska. The poor bears were also subjected to inhumane practices, like removing their claws and teeth, to prevent them from killing their human opponents. The statute does explain why though: to avoid congestion during emergencies, like fires. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. It's a bear, it's a moose it's a Sasquatch! But don't worry unless you're in the habit of taking naps in cheese factories or wrestling bears, you're probably not breaking any of these weird laws in the U.S. In Hong Kong, theres a law that allows a wife to kill her husband if she finds him cheating. Bear hugs for all - the one that we wish there was video footage of. This is one of the most well preserved churches and is definitely one of the 10 interesting facts about Greenland. In Rhode Island, a union can be considered invalid under the grounds that the party is deemed to be, collectively, an idiot or a lunatic. As long as we get that sweet, sweet cheddar. If you think only big gestures count, you are wrong my "To Travel is to Live" ~ Hans Christian Andersen View the Best Chili in Austin. According to Alaska State Legislature, the statute says an intoxicated person may not "knowingly" enter or camp out where alcohol is sold. Horses can't be kept in . 34. Tons of people flocked to the city in search of gold, but few struck it rich. Law or not, that's a pretty good rule of thumb to follow. Hello everybody this is Ethan welcome back to another episode of Unique Facts And Weird Laws. The law is still upheld today. 11. Why not outlaw idiotic drivers, while youre at it, New Mexico? Leave Your Creativity For the Weekdays. Wait, I cant wear a bulletproof vest? Even though they dont really specify what qualifies as dirty talk. This includes a selection of both past and current laws. One of the popular-but-fake-sounding weird laws for Pennsylvania is that you can't catch a fish with your mouth. However, these weird or outlandish laws are actually on the books, whether they're enforced or not. The three national colours of Iceland that also appear on the country's flag represent the elements that the land is made up of. Among native New Hampshire mammals are the white-tailed deer, muskrat, beaver, porcupine, and snowshoe hare. 39. There is a law in South Carolina called the no mock proposal law, which states that anybody above the age of 16-years-old is not allowed to perform a proposal if they do not mean it. Final verdict: Technically, it was Wisconsins downright war against margarine that began in 1895. To prevent any old Joe from masquerading as one, though, Massachusetts requires fortune-tellers to live in the state for a minimum of a year before applying for a license. Unfortunately, when a local dam broke, the house flooded, and the bathtub floated away, donkey and all. Final verdict: In 2012, Illinois decided it was OK for culinary students to sample alcoholic beverages as part of their education, as long as they spit it out instead of actually drinking it. Where this law exists: San Francisco, California. You just can't terrorize the town by walking around it in a creepy clown costume at midnight on a random Tuesday. In Athens-Clarke County, adult bookstores may not sell alcohol. Nevertheless, the Chinese government is determined to participate in the process of choosing the next Dalai Lama and thus in just how he intends to help humanity. Below are 51 absurdly ridiculous laws to keep in mind next time you travel to Europe. What kind of nut eats fried chicken with a knife and fork? 1 Being in a Bar While Drunk. Sometimes, these laws border on the seriously ridiculous, and other times they point to important cultural values that might be different than your own. Weird Laws What are Strange Laws? He said, If the police are fair dinkum about protecting people in pubs and clubs, why dont they target the real issues instead?. Who knows, but it was enough of an annoyance to pass a law about it. Netflix. 19. Except for the absence of sun, and the harsh temperatures, the locals, face also some weird legal enforcement. Because, you know, when you turn 65 youre known to have impeccable judgment. Just run and hide. That's 75-plus salamanders, according to fair market value. That begs the question: Who had tires so muddy that people took the issue to city hall? In 2016, the state Supreme Court scrapped the archaic law from the books, effectively dismantling this ridiculous law, according to Sante Fe New Mexican. However, her spokesman suggested that the police concentrate on more serious crimes. We're not sure why its any safer if youre sleeping standing up, but well go with it. 7. Good to know. According to the Wisconsin State Legislature, non-tasty cheese is technically punishable by law. The first coal-fired power plant of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. The law is apparently tied to an 80-year-old tradition called the Frog Jumping Jubilee in a mining town and was enacted many years ago to prevent people from eating unsanitary frogs. In Britain it is illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances. A major part of Greenland is covered by fjords, which prevent the construction of roads for travelling to another city or town. In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday. So, if you don't want to pay a fine of up to $200 then please keep a safe distance from electrical wires and don't die because of them. Bangladeshi children of 15 and older can be sent to jail for cheating on their final exams. You're not allowed to drive a black car on a Sunday in Denver, Colorado. In Turin, Italy, dog owners must take their dogs on a walk at least three times a day. It was probably written in the 1800's and forgotten since. In Vermont, a wife needs the husbands permission to wear false teeth. For some reason, she elected not to appear in court in person. Men With Moustaches Can't Kissing Women. No pun intended. These games require a license from the Kansspelcommissie or no-one wins any financial gain. "Dumb Laws" Across the United States It Is Prohibited To Harass Big Foot (Washington) In the US state of Washington, it is a crime punishable by either a fine or a jail term to harass big foot, Sasquatch, or any other undiscovered species. No one under 16 was allowed to smooch or show public displays of affectionthe horror (for the teens, that is). Even though the country doesnt have a large obesity problem, Japan decided to take a proactive approach to the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight. If a person litters three times, they must clean the streets wearing a bib that reads Im a litterer. Even pharmacists who sell the medical gum and forget to ID get two years in jail. Operated since 1924. 27. We've all heard urban legends and rumors about absurd laws in America, but you can't believe everything you read on the internet. In Britain it is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the monarchs head upside down on an envelope. Top 10 Most Ridiculous Alcohol Laws In USA. 1. For his part, the Dalai Lama has said that he refuses to reincarnate in Tibet as long as Tibet remains under Chinese control. 30. Its considered harassment, as it should be. Even though it is a land covered mostly by sheets of ice, there are numerous interesting aspects to explore around this naturally attractive location. Final verdict: Where else would he sleep? 1) No liquor served on Sundays before 12 noon! This is one weird law we're very thankful for. So far, the metabo scheme has cut obesity by 3.5 percent, which certainly seems impressive in a country with already low obesity rates. Local officials decided that bouncy pickles were fresher than those that just flopped onto the ground when dropped, and so the law was born. Acworth retaliated saying all of their citizens needed a rake. In Arkansas there still exists a law that was instated in the 1800s that states a husband is allowed to beat his wife, but only once a month. When Hawaii joined the United States in 1900, it still had its own coinage. 56. Yes, it's illegal for a drunk person to enter a bar in Alaska. Few peculiarities are associated with this urban area, such as the fact that almost for a third of the year round, there isnt any sun around, because of the geographical position of the islands. It makes sense to require people to stay in control of their animals, but its not like there were lawless horses breaking the speed limit before they made this funky law. A second clause specifies that passengers cant position themselves in such a way that it impedes the drivers peripheral vision. In France it's illegal to name your pig Napoleon. Can You Believe These Weird Laws? Not So Crazy Eboli is a small town in Italy, and kissing in a moving vehicle is banned here.
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