Stewart before his time at Wentworth served as a warder at Long Bay Prison and Walford Prison, in which his time at Walford he had a sexual relationship with Sean Brody. When Sonia is refused a move into Protection, she sets up a plan to discredit Kaz and invalidate her position as Top Dog. In episode three, Vera is standing during the meeting Ann has with the guards. The season comprises 12 episodes. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media . In episode nine Jake inducts Sheila to Wentworth after she is brought in on murder charges. Boomer sets the cat among the pigeons when she implicates Liz. In episode six Vera is present when Cynthia is taken to medical and tells Linda that she will deal with Marie instead of Will. Crime . S4 E6 Vera tells Ann that Judy is dead and so are many people, "innocent people" are dead and several injured. Meanwhile, Franky is preparing for her release. Vera comes in and asks Jake to take her for the night. Rogue. Boomer faces a crisis of courage when she takes on Lou for top dog and Judy convinces Allie to help with her bid for extradition. S3 E3 The final season of the award-winning series begins three weeks after the shivving of Allie. When they have another meeting Jake tells the officers Marie will be in H5 as it had "no prisoners from the siege" Linda retorts back saying "it wasn't just prisoners in the siege". Last appearance: Legacy. Vera runs off for a meeting with Will. After being shot Franky seeks Bridget's help, the police net is tightening. Vera talks with Linda when Joan is with the police, Vera rushes in when a passport with Grace was seized. This ten-part series takes the viewer inside to an uncompromising environment exploring the politics of women in a world without men, and how such a threatening experience both challenges and often changes those confined and working behind the razor wire. What did Jake do to Vera on Wentworth? what?". Vera tells Joan later she has no choice but to see Miller. Seizing on the recent death of her father - that sends Kaz into an inexplicable spiral - Ferguson realises that Kaz was a victim of abuse at his hands. Brody takes the drugs, but decides to keep his most valuable hostage, Vera, as leverage. Added to her troubles is Boomer's lust for revenge, which will not stop at the walls of Wentworth. Franky finds her life unravelling when the man she assaulted, Mike Pennisi, reappears. Vinegar Tits Meanwhile, Fletch is on a downward spiral of self-destructive behaviour as his final day at Wentworth looms. Blood Wedding. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Welcome to Wentworth Centre Extra! The Things We Do, S1 E5 Stewart would begin a relationship with Vera Bennett under the orders of Joan Ferguson. Blood & Fire. In episode ten Vera struggles to settle Grace as she deals with Ferguson's upcoming committal hearing and the stress of the prison. In episode one, Jake is first seen telling Ferguson that she has an appointment with Dr Miller, while he takes her to the appointment Joan fantasizes about snapping his neck. I felt like Allie and Bea's relationship should have continued a lot longer than it did. Vera later rushes to guards after they find Ann bashed in the kitchen. Legacy. Vera earns the nickname 'Vinegar Tits' after a cruel prank meant for Matthew Fletcher backfired. Later when Eve is taken to medical Vera rushes to see what happened. This version of Vera is nothing like the Vera of the original to begin with. Conspiracy to Attempted Murder, Corruption, Illegal Euthanasia, Blackmail, Conspiracy to Evidence Tampering, Assault, Interference with a Corpse, Conspiracy to Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Conspiracy to incite a Riot. Franky's parole hearing is brought forward. Here is my quiz dedicated to the Wentworth TV Series it features questions about characters and plot from series 1-8. Becoming Liz's protector, Kaz also demonstrates a harder, tougher top doggedness. Smitten. Collateral. Rita faces an impossible dilemma, while Kaz gets the better of Marie and Vera learns the gender of her baby, casting doubt over her mothering skills. 8. Let's have a quick recap before looking into the final season of Wentworth. And new arrival Rita Connors has her sights set on reconciliation with someone from her past. Wentworth explores interesting social dynamics in a prison setting. Vera talks with Ann and says that Ann needs to realise that she cannot bare an entire burden on herself. Scars. Vera gets a call from Ann who is crying in the car. Think Inside The Box. Vera undermines Ferguson's "self-defence" plea in Bea Smith's slaying but her victory will come at a cost. before walking out of the staffroom. Happy quizzing and as always please feel free to leave me any comments or suggestions. There are ten episodes included in Season 9. Meanwhile, Kaz faces her toughest challenge when she warns Hutch to stop fight club. On the eve of Vera's birthday, Ferguson puts her plan in motion to take over the prison, instructing an increasingly-conflicted Jake to draw Vera even closer. Vera makes Linda spitbag Ferguson in a last minute attempt to make Ferguson remember who she is. Article continues below advertisement. The pilot episode of the series was broadcast for the first time on SoHo on May 1, 2013, and the show was cancelled after airing its 100th . Allie enacts a do-or-die plan to kill Ferguson and avenge Bea's death, but finds she has to sacrifice more than she bargained for. Jake gets into the prison during the night and talks with Sean and records the conversation about being set up and their days at Walford, as they are short staffed Linda has taken on a few of Jake's shifts and Sean receives a recording sent by Jake of their conversation, he goes outside and tells Sean his threat won't go through, but he reveals he has already told Vera, and that he learned from the best. Vera later tells Judy she can't let her call her dad. Judy makes an enemy of Ann Reynolds, but enables Ruby to finally get in touch with Rita. Vera watches Ferguson and when she hears the code black, she turns off the light and walks away. In episode six, Jake is first seen in a meeting where the officers learn of the changes to the roster and he asks when Jenkins is coming out of the slot, after that he attempts to speak with Ann, but she says to stick it in an email. Jake later finds out a plot to use the workshop to escape, when he checks the workshop after Doug Williams reports an issue to him, Jake checks it out, but is distracted when Sonia Stevens (Wentworth) collapses. In episode eight Vera is present when she learns off of Will that Ann is recovering in hospital and is stable, Vera and Will try to get Allie to cooperate in giving them a name. But can she convince anyone she's a reliable witness? S2 E6 With Bea and Allie finally out as a couple, Kaz forms an alliance with Tina's Asian crew to help take Bea down. Vera returns to work after her mothers funeral with an entirely new personality. Liz prepares for her imminent appearance as Witness X, living in fear Sonia will surely catch her out. Eve tells him boiled onion water. S4 E10 He can only watch helplessly as Vera is crushed, both personally and professionally. Captive, S1 E7 S6 E5 Vera Bennett Vera and Will watch the Protection prisoners go into general and Vera asks Will if he's okay, Will is thankful he is no longer a murderer. "Bea fans won't. There was nowhere else for the character to go. Kaz convinces Allie to talk but is blackmailed by Ferguson through Jake, threatening Franky's sister, Will argues with a naive Vera and is . Marie enacts her plan to bust out of Wentworth while Liz spirals into a psychotic meltdown. Vera runs into Miller and tells him to read several other inmates files on what Ferguson was involved in and Will later stand in the security room and threaten to bring down both Ferguson and Miller. Kate Atkinson, who plays Wentworth's Vera Bennett, says after wearing a fake baby belly for the drama she was glad she decided not to have children in real life. S8 E7 Following the failure of Harry to avenge their daughter's death, Bea hatches a daring plot to lure Brayden Holt to the jail. August 12, 2022. , 3:27 pm. Meg told Vera she needed to stop making friends with the prisoners, and start looking at what was really going on. Ferguson returns from the burns unit and is placed in a medical hold under the supervision of Jake. S5 E3 And it could be fatal. In episode eight Jake is furious when Miller takes Joan to the creche. she later tells him that he is compromised and that Marie manipulated him. Jake is later roaming the corridors when he tells Vera about the vomit on the floor. When Ferguson's pet goldfish dies, she identifies her lack of emotion at the death as a potential weakness, rather than strength. Ferguson is rattled when she discovers that Bea will be supporting Jesper's evidence in court. Since "Wentworth" Season 9 is set to be the final season of the long-running series, it's fairly certain that every major character who's still around will get a moment in the . But when she challenges Franky to talk about her mother, she elicits a confession she wasn't expecting. They meet in a little cafe near Franky's office. Marie enlists Sheila's help to take out Lou, with tragic unforeseen consequences. He later tells Eve that she is needed to clean the conjugal room. Vera talks with Will about Miller and how she knows everything. Bea sets in motion her final, audacious plan to exact revenge on Brayden Holt. 4. Evidence. Ferguson is losing control, and the walls are closing in. Jake gets another officer to escort Eve back to the unit. Jake later leaving the prison, runs into Ann and says that he'll take her home because she's running at night, later the two are at the abandoned train station having sex in the car. S9 E9 Season 5. With her hopes of release fading, Rita is forced to take drastic measures to prevent Ray from wasting his life on her. Joan regains her memory and has urges that she wants to attack the people who wronged her. Jake later sees Sean giving Linda a hard time again, and he asks if she is alright, which Linda replies "she's fine" when she isn't. Later Vera taunts Joan and says that she could've walked free and what her "end game was.". Lombard responds that he doesn't believe in the supernatural. S3 E12 Screw Lover. Jake eventually cuts ties with Turk. Vera stops Ann from hitting Judy anymore and orders Linda to take Judy to medical as a result. Vera served as Deputy Governor under several governors before serving under Meg Jackson, Erica Davidson and Joan Ferguson before receiving . So when Bea uses her standing as Top Dog to hit back, Ferguson takes revenge - she slots Bea and releases Liz from Protection, exposing Liz to a brutal bashing from Boomer. Perhaps the only shining light is that Will (Robbie Magasiva) has finally been vindicated. It has prisoners who weren't involved in the siege..". How does Vera find out about Jake? Wentworth's own Brett Sutton. Boomer blossoms under Sonia's attention. S9 E7 S7 E5 Bridget laughs, "A little.". First Appeared None of us are thanks to you.". The next day Vera is in the education unit and Joan is there when she is about to garrotte her she is stopped by an angry Ann. They could start by setting it when Nash, Brody and Jake were there (season 2 in Wentworth time, 2014ish). Will disagrees and says later that Sheila Bausch was near the unit when the camera was moved, Vera had ignored the clue from Joan to bring Sheila down. Stewart's arrival at Wentworth is overseen by Vera Bennett and shown around the prison by Will Jackson. During what becomes an angry exchange, Bea is left with a shattering notion. However, this attitude to the prisoners didn't go unnoticed, as Meg Jackson observed. Vera first appeared in Episode 1. And as . Jake helps Joan gets into the box in the workshop to be shipped out. S8 E10 Vera is also dealing with her ailing mother and the stresses of looking after her and being demoted back to deputy governor, Vera goes under the wing of Ferguson who teaches Vera all that she knows. Later after the prison explodes, Vera finds Judy, but she is dead. Simmo's attempt to kill Bea ends in tragedy, while Liz faces her greatest dilemma to snitch or not to snitch. The Long Game. What episode does Jake have a baby? Love And Hate. Jake rejects her advances and says he can't do it anymore because he loves Vera. Vera believes that there is some supernatural power controlling this island. Vera asks Jake if he's been sexually assaulted he says that he doesn't know but was hit in the head. Jake also deals with the guilt of killing Nils Jesper for Joan Ferguson (Wentworth), and he attempts to hide the fact that it was him who did it. Vera learns from Will that Ann has found out about Marie and Will's affair, she says to deny everything between the two of the them. 100%. Young British 'Wikileaker', Judy Bryant, is remanded to Wentworth facing charges of stealing secrets from the Australian government, is she a hero of the people or an enemy of the state? Season 8 Part 2 will have 10 episodes and is expected to be the final season of the series. S7 E9 "H5. Allie makes a pact with Vera and Will which has devastating personal consequences while a crucial step in Boomer's quest for motherhood is achieved. Vera later bumps into Rita and tells her something about Ruby, and seen with her again telling Vera that he is seeing Marie go with him all the time, Vera fluffs it off as it happens because she's top dog, but Rita says "during the night though? Vera finds herself under added pressure at work when the press criticise her reopening of the workshop. with prisoners murmuring to themselves as Vera is furious about this, she tells Jake to stop being so protective. No Place Like Home Neither is aware that Ferguson is tracking them carefully. Vera learns off Linda that Ferguson got taken to the psych unit for another 'breakdown' but finds out she is remembering again. Jake later takes care of Grace when Vera goes on a night out with Ann. Vera later makes Ferguson clean up vomit on the prison floor. Judas Kiss. 3. Kaz stages a protest with the women in the yard in an attempt to force Vera's hand on the conjugal visits program. Vera tells Miller she is worried about Linda. Wentworth Season 8 part 2 or "season 9" begins airing on the 24th August 2021 after confirmation that the final twenty episode will be split up over two years. S5 E9 Any video suggestion. Vera later talks with Greg and says she is worried for Linda and it might be related to the siege. Bea's death at the hands of former governor, Joan "The Freak" Ferguson (Pamela Rabe) has enormous . Meanwhile, Bea finds herself at her lowest ebb as she realises the toll the war against Ferguson is having on those closest to her. Although she does become stricter she still a bit lenient as governor. Meanwhile, Bea seems to be losing control of the women so she forces a prison-wide vote to end the debate. With Vera under Jake's spell, Ferguson performs an ultimate act of terror to dethrone Kaz and rule Wentworth. Showdown. "You were right about Jake," Vera says. Vera saves Joan from being lynched by the other prisoners. The Pink Dragon. Meanwhile, Vera is forced to choose between professionalism and her love for Jake. Requiem. Three months after Jacs death, new arrival Joan Ferguson makes an enemy of Franky, while Bea discovers a new purpose. Bea struggles to accept that she had a psychotic episode, despite the CCTV evidence. Kaz is released from the slot and the women soon realise she has profoundly changed. 5. Marie's efforts to have her conviction overturned backfire when her protector attempts to silence her permanently. She smuggles evidence out of the psych unit, understanding she'll need to play the long game if she's going to defeat Ferguson. Happy Birthday, Vera. The siege continues, not everyone will make it out alive. Vera learns off of Linda Miles for the count that 5 officers and 28 prisoners are unaccounted for. Jake Stewart (Bernard Curry) (seasons 4-8) is a senior officer who served as a guard at Walford Prison before being transferred to Wentworth, Stewart shared a sexual relationship with guard Sean Brody. S2 E9 "He was deceiving all of us, except for you. . Jake makes it outside where he is still frantic to find Vera until he sees her come from the distance, he hugs her. Jake is trapped when Ferguson reveals that her lawyers have ensured that the drug money trail leads direct to him. Vera asks where the police found it and they confirm it was in Ferguson's hovel. Jake makes a run for it and tells Vera that Ferguson is awake. The arrival of new inmate Kelly provides Fletch with hope of unmasking Ferguson for what she is. S7 E3 Kate Atkinson has stated in interviews that Vera will get nasty over time, and this has been correctly proven in Episode's 8, 9 and 10. S8 E2 Ironically, Jake's ex Sean Brody shows up to help Marie (further adding to the chaos of Vera's image of Jake). Bea questions whether she has the stamina or desire to be Top Dog for the next forty years of her sentence. Battle Lines. does chris hoy have a knighthood; portaventura live camera; when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. Wentworth Season 9 Release Date 'Wentworth' season 8 premiered in its entirety on September 30, 2020, on Netflix. Franky has commenced her sessions with Bridget, and in a candid moment admits to a desire for revenge against Bea. Vera Bennett's story thoughout Season 7 hinged on her pregnancy and relationship with Jake Stewart. Ferguson continues to manipulate Eve in her revenge plan on Jake and Marie discovers Rita is a cop. The Abyss. With her supply cut and her powerbase decimated, she's on her own when prisoners come after her to claim what they're owed. S8 E1 S2 E2 but Stewart had a plan to flood the prison with gear from Turk whom he ended up in severe debt to. Vera finally tells Jake that Ferguson had a passport with Grace in it. Fox Showcase, who air the show in its native Australia, has announced that the show is coming back for Season 9, which is expected to air Down Under in 2021, will be the final one for the show . Has Franky sacrificed the love of her life? S6 E3 Since wrapping up filming of the cult prison drama in 2020, Kate has . The extent of Bea's plan is revealed as she makes the final moves to avenge Debbie's death. Ferguson psychologically manipulates Vera and she crosses a point of no return whilst Maxine orchestrates a desperate bid to see her spurned lover. Wentworth. Jake is later seen in the security room wanting to take Grace for the night so Vera could get some sleep. Liz has a daunting favour to ask of Kaz S7 E1 The women are out for blood but Vera confines Ferguson to her cell for safety reasons. His behaviour was exposed to Will, Kaz and eventually Vera. When Bea discovers Allie has fallen back into drug addiction, Bea decides to remove Allie from Kaz's control once and for all. Liz panics in the knowledge that Sonia is coming after her and takes desperate measures to protect herself, while Ferguson realises she needs to take drastic steps to avoid paying the ultimate price for her crimes. S9 E1 Vera then later escorts the police to Will's office and learns of the police wanting to talk to Ruby. !' Yes, Jake has done a few pretty nasty things, to Vera and to other people in the prison, but the great thing about this journey for Jake is that hopefully we'll . He is portrayed by Robbie Magasiva. Jake is also present when Ann announces the closure of the protection unit. Wentworth has been . Live Trading Lab; Financial Literacy In episode eight, Jake is first seen talking with Ann where she again wants to have sex with him. "Hi, Franky," Vera says, pushing Grace in a pram. He says that the whole thing probably involved a man. Jake later takes Eve to kitchen duty where zheng isn't happy about it. Allie remembers his death occurring on the day Judy stabbed her, after stealing Reb's surgery funds, because it was on the television . Vera tells Ann that she needs help and Ann just brushes her off and blames Vera for not being there when her daughter died. Righteous Acts. american airlines special assistance desk phone number; bust your knee caps roblox id. Wentworth is a dynamic, often confronting, drama series that begins with Bea's early days in prison. ", this prompts Vera to investigate the security footage. Angel Of Wentworth. Lovers And Fighters. Meanwhile Bea is concerned at the police interest in Will, and shocked when he makes a startling confession. You have not attempted this quiz yet. Born Again. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth FREE COVID TEST anime characters named levi Book Appointment Now. Vera denies it and Lombard doesn't believe her. Vera Bennett is the Industries Manager at Wentworth Correctional Centre. Liz, back inside, clings to the hope that Don will get her perjury charge dropped. Poking Spiders. When Harry visits Bea to ask for a divorce and settlement of their affairs, Bea agrees on one condition - that Harry takes revenge on Brayden. S6 E12 After this he attempted to commit suicide, but failed. As Bea and Franky go to war for control of the prison, Bea makes a daring bid for freedom. Why does Vera always wear a hat . Vera informs Rita that she cannot see Ruby as Will has denied the request, and when Rita goes to jump the fence, she gets caught in it and Vera radios for help telling Rita not to move. But when Jess makes a sudden, drastic move, all plans are thrown out the window and the stage is set for a dramatic showdown. But in the end manage to suspend Miller after setting him up. She is painted as a 'screw-lover', and rapidly begins to lose the support of the women. Marie enlists Sheila's help to take out Lou, with tragic unforeseen consequences. The Velvet Curtain, S1 E6 In episode four, Jake inducts Eve Wilder and immediately asks her questions about how to deal with colic. Vera later goes to get petrol with Ferguson lurking at the bus stop behind, Ferguson runs and Vera leaves. Later he argues with Vera about Grace and he threatens to launch legal action against her for possible joint custody. In episode seven Vera sits in on a meeting where Ann says Ferguson is able to be released into general, when the argument goes on outside Will quits, and Vera tells Ann that if Will leaves so will half the staff. Jake and Vera after the bombing of Wentworth. S3 E8 S9 E8 Vera and Allie conspire against Ferguson. Vera and Rita wait for news as the two talk, Rita informs Vera that the injury was her fault, as the night goes on, Rita and Vera get to know each other better and Rita tells Vera that she'll make a great mum, Vera holds Rita's hand and puts it to her belly to feel the baby kick. pediag > Blog > Uncategorized > when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. Jake is found by Vera when he is reported missing by another officer. When her blood is found to have traces of LSD, she realises that her attacker caused the meltdown. Under Siege (Part One). Jake learns that Vera knows that he killed Jesper and he threatens Will that he will go down with him, so they later dig up Ferguson. S4 E4 S6 E8 Main Menu Boys in the Yard. Plan Bea. Jake with the help of the prisons drug dealers Tina Mercado and her crew manage to flood the prison with gear. Vera confronts Marie about the assault on Rattray and gets radioed as Ferguson has returned to the prison. In episode 6, Jake's jealously again comes to the forefront, as he is pissed off that Vera is close to Miller, and Jake later learns off of Nurse Shen that Liz's medication helps but she had a rocky start to the medication due to a psychotic episode, later Jake sneaks into Miller's office and takes a photo of Liz's file and reports him to the medical board, he also spots Brody handing drugs over to Marie, and when Brody tries to blackmail him, Jake smashes him up against his locker and says that he has been blackmailed by smarter people than him (meaning Ferguson), Jake is later suspended as Brody has falsely accused him of a "sustained campaign of sexual harassment" Jake refuses to believe it but he leaves the room suspended pending an internal investigation. But when it becomes clear that Ferguson wants Franky's head for it, Bea must wonder if, rather than help her cement her position as Top Dog, it may indeed be a ruse to undermine it. As the forces align against Ferguson, she begins to unravel, realising she is in a fight of her life, professionally and personally. Franky's escape plan goes haywire with near-tragic consequences. One Eye Open. It's the worst possible scenario for Jake, who had been willing to risk his own life to save Vera and the baby's. It's a gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by Vera, who shoots him a look that can only be described as devastating. But when the body is revealed to be Kosta's the SOG are sent in to help end the siege. Will discovers something about Meg that sends him on a downward spiral, pushing him dangerously close to the edge. In episode four Vera is present when Ann announces the Protection Unit is to be shut down, and after the meeting she argues the point to Ann saying it not only puts those prisoners at risk but the staff as well. In episode 9 Vera listens to Marie and Will have sex in her office during the night, and in the morning confronts him about it, Will tries to justify his actions but Vera tells him "At least I didn't bury a prisoner alive." Ferguson seizes the opportunity to make a powerful statement and create a sense of fear around her. Mother. In episode 5, Jake sides with Vera and says that the memorial is a bad idea and during the memorial he talks with Linda who holds a fire extinguisher who tells him that the prison "isn't burning down on her watch."
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