Sirius took refuge around Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest, where he was spotted a few times and mistaken by Harry for the Grim. Sirius and Ron fought alongside one another during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and when Sirius was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, Ron grieved for him, and grew to share Harry's intense hatred of Bellatrix. After graduating from Hogwarts, the group of friends joined the Order of the Phoenix. Eventually, he . Sirius Black III (3 November[1] 1959[16]18 June 1996),[4] also known as Padfoot or Snuffles (in his Animagus form), was an English pure-blood wizard, the older son of Orion and Walburga Black, the older brother of Regulus Black, and godfather of Harry Potter. His outraged mother blasted his name off the family tree, as was the tradition for those who did not support the family's supremacist ideology. As a result, Kreacher grew to harbour a hatred of Sirius, which ultimately proved fatal when Kreacher was easily convinced to reveal the nature of Harry and Sirius's relationship to Bellatrix Lestrange. He was however, unknown to the public, beaten by Barty Crouch Jnr through his mother's sacrifice. The ending of the three Marauders who had stayed true to their friendship to the very end James, Sirius, and Remus was bittersweet: though they all lost their lives to the two wizarding wars, it can be theorised that they were reunited in death, never to be parted again, as seen when Harry summoned the three of them with the Resurrection Stone. After a short duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort, the latter fled, but not before he was seen by Cornelius Fudge himself and several other Ministry officials, finally forcing them to abandon their smear campaign against Dumbledore and Harry and admit the truth to the world. The Muggle authorities were warned that Black was dangerous. Regulus became a Death Eater . Little is known about Sirius's relationship with his younger brother, Regulus, as he never spoke about it. Sirius admitted that it was fishy, but told Harry to focus on the task at hand and leave the mystery surrounding Crouch's "illness" to others. 3 min read. After Lily and James were killed by Lord Voldemort, Sirius was devastated; he attacked their betrayer, Peter Pettigrew, and attempted to kill him. In 1998, Harry used the Resurrection Stone to summon the spirits of Sirius, Remus, and his parents, all four of whom gave him the emotional support he needed to sacrifice himself. Sirius was true to the ideal of a Gryffindor student. Does Sirius Black appear in Goblet of Fire? As Harry explained the night's events Sirius nearly interrupted twice and was greatly angered. Given that Charlie was on his family's side and Percy on the Ministry's, however, it's likely that Sirius would have been friends with Charlie, if he met him, but not Percy; though, considering Percy was practically Sirius's polar opposite, he arguably wouldn't have been particularly close to him in any case. Harry later named his first son James Sirius Potter after him and his father James Potter I. Sirius Black III was born on 3 November 1959, in the London borough of Islington, England, to Orion Black and Walburga Black, both of whom were Dark wizards and second cousins. Sirius Black is a fan favorite for many, and this is a great rendition of it. Sirius was left financially independent by his uncle's generous bequest, and eventually got a place of his own. Sirius is derived from the Ancient Greek , Seirios, meaning "glowing" or "scorcher." It is unknown how his family reacted when he was arrested and thrown in Azkaban, after the public believed he betrayed the Potters to Lord Voldemort. Murdered by the very family he chose to leave, killed after only a short time out of Azkaban, it's devastating that he dies this way. As the portrait of Phineas Nigellus, Black's deceased great-great-grandfather, stated, the direct line of the ancient Black family ended with Sirius's death. Sirius was the last of the family to which he was enslaved, but he felt no true loyalty to him.Kreacher's intense dislike of Sirius. At some point during the First Wizarding War, Sirius came to distrust Remus, suspecting that he might be a spy. Sirius also knew Crouch's demeanour well enough to be suspicious over Crouch's disappearance and the rumours of Crouch's illness, knowing that Crouch would never miss a day of work for any simple reason such as sickness. who did sirius black date at hogwarts . Around 1977, he and James were involved in a motorbike chase with two policemen. "Point me!" If you don't mind me asking, how how did you get out of Azkaban, if you didn't use Dark Magic?Hermione Granger politely addressing Sirius Black in the Shrieking Shack. After joining the Order of the Phoenix, Sirius found himself roiling with mistrust and stress due to the great terror that was Lord Voldemort. However, he trusted Peter Pettigrew implicitly, a decision he would grow to regret for the rest of his life. It could be implied these brands were done to him as a form of a testament to his crimes. Since Dementors have difficulty sensing the less complex emotions of animals, he was able to remain relatively unaffected by them. It was foiled by the Fat Lady, who refused to allow Sirius . sized and colored more accurately and fixed a bug where using lumos causes fps drops. Sirius's relationship with Bill, Charlie, and Percy is unknown; Sirius met Bill during the time of the Second War when the Weasley family were often at Grimmauld Place with the rest of the Order, but whether he met Percy or Charlie was unknown. Harry told Sirius about seeing Barty Crouch when he was working on the second clue on his way to the prefect's bathroom. I think you're getting confused with Phineas Nigellus Black, who is the headmaster of Hogwarts in the game (and ancestor of Sirius Black). Sirius donated his family home at 12 Grimmauld Place in London as Order Headquarters. Teachers respected his intelligence (though not his behaviour) and girls adored his dark handsome looks. Orion's death was from an unknown cause, while Regulus' death was caused when he drank the Drink of Despair while trying to destroy one of Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes, and when he tried to get water to quench his thirst, he was dragged to his death by the Inferi, although Sirius never learned the details of his death. It's one of many "black dog" myths and is the likely source for Sirius's nickname. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 and was sorted into the Slytherin house. Skinny love to james sirius potter dating him; harry potter. Harry also blamed himself for Sirius's death. [22], I COMFORTED THE MURDERIN' TRAITOR!Rubeus Hagrid recollecting his last meeting with Sirius, On Hallowe'en night 1981, Sirius went to Pettigrews hiding place and found him missing. During the match he witnessed Harry's excellent flying skills, which he later commented mirrored James's skills. Unfortunately, as he was still wanted by the authorities, Sirius could never safely leave the house and became quite bitter over his perceived "uselessness". This was due to hearing many different theories regarding why Harry survived Voldemort's attack being made by the confined Death Eaters, the most persistent of which indicating that they believed Pettigrew to have betrayed them since the Dark Lord met his downfall on Peter's information. They later discovered that Remus was a werewolf. During their earlier years at Hogwarts, Lily came to believe that Sirius was nothing more than a common highly arrogant bully, just like his best friend, James, so their relationship was not likely a friendly one. When Hermione voiced her theory that Sirius was attempting to "live through" her, Ron and Harry, both boys snapped at her angrily in Sirius's defence. K. Rowling about Sirius's character. Voldemort knew already, of course, that Sirius was in the Order, that you knew where he was, but Kreacher's information made him realise that the one person whom you would go to any lengths to rescue, was Sirius Black.Sirius and Harry's close relationship. Crookshanks attempted to bring Peter to Sirius, but Ron was very protective of his so-called pet. Did you know Kingsley Shacklebolt did this for Sirius Black?- All Pictures/Clips belong to Warner Bros.#shorts [25] Harry regarded Sirius as a mixture of father and older brother, and Sirius viewed Harry as exceptionally brave and mature for his age, having experienced as much as many adults have. Sirius was briefly recaptured by Snape and was sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss, a fate worse than death. Sirius wasn't equipped to give him that.J. He simultaneously claimed it "served Snape right". Padfoot refers to a spectral Hellhound (Most commonly known as Black Shuck) with glowing red eyes that haunts the moors around Leeds, in Northern England. I thought you'd come and help your friend. In the film versions of the series, Sirius has multiple tattoos, but it is never stated in the books if he has any. With Lord Voldemort restored to his physical form, Dumbledore reinstated the Order of the Phoenix, sending Sirius to gather the "old crowd" and inform them of the situation. In his fifth year[20] at Hogwarts years, Sirius played a potentially lethal practical joke on Snape. To support him, Sirius, James, and Peter secretly and illegally became Animagi. Although he was the heir of the House of Black, Sirius disagreed with his family's belief in blood purity and defied tradition when he was Sorted into Gryffindor House instead of Slytherin at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which he attended from 1971-1978.. What house is Hagrid in? As Sirius's relationship with his relatives deteriorated, he gained a lifelong friendship with James Potter and Remus Lupin. Dumbledore then asked Sirius to retrieve Remus Lupin, Arabella Figg, Mundungus Fletcher, and lie low at Lupin's house until Dumbledore contacted him. Sirius's uncle Alphard, Walburga's brother, sympathised with his young nephew and left him a large inheritance in his will, most likely causing Walburga to blast Alphard's name off, as well. Later, he came to view the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. I'm grateful it will make everything much easier.Sirius Black greeting Harry Potter for the first time in the Shrieking Shack. Ted Tonks collected the debris and sent it to Arthur Weasley, who later repaired the bike. He asked Sirius to resume his human form and make his peace with Snape, although neither was pleased (Sirius also frightened Molly Weasley when she first saw him as she believed him to be a murderer). After Lord Voldemort returned in 1995, Sirius rejoined the Order. It was Sirius Black's first attempt to enter Gryffindor Tower and kill Peter Pettigrew, then hiding out as Ron Weasley's pet rat Scabbers, in revenge for the betrayal of James and Lily Potter. Buckbeak passed back into Rubeus Hagrid's care under the assumed name "Witherwings". Sirius's death was also a factor that led to Dumbledore finally revealing to Harry things that had been kept secret from him, mainly about the true power of his mother's sacrificial protection and the prophecy about him and Voldemort. Sirius's godson Harry honoured Sirius by naming his first-born James Sirius Potter. Unfortunately, by the next spring, his condition deteriorated, and he reverted back to a state that was only slightly better than that which he had been in a year ago: unshaven, with a faint scent of stale drink around him, and he did not bother to change his clothes at night (presumably a result of his "imprisonment" at the home he utterly despised and his conviction of his apparent uselessness). As they Apparate out of the Fifth Year Gryffindor Dormitory he faints. Sirius also met Hermione Granger during the 19931994 school year, following his escape from Azkaban. They all first met on the train to Hogwarts and quickly became best friends. With his mind and heart firmly set on murdering Pettigrew for his treacherous betrayal, Sirius snuck into Hogwarts and approached Ron's bed, knife in hand, with the intention of killing the disguised rat. Unfortunately, soon after they left the Whomping Willow, Lupin transformed under the full moon and, having forgotten to take the Wolfsbane Potion in the wake of discovering Pettigrew, was uncontrollable. Kreacher, forced to serve Harry by Black's will, was sent to work as a Hogwarts house-elf in the school kitchens (an imposition which did nothing to improve Kreacher's hatred of Harry). Sirius was hysterical when the Aurors lead him to jail because James and Lily's death had unhinged him. That his mother's cruelty led to him being kicked out. While Harry craved a paternal figure, Sirius wasn't equipped to be one, and more or less treated Harry like his best friend, the way Harry's father was before him. Sirius would later share this designation and was held in contempt, even hatred, by some members of his family. 1. However, in Sirius's case, it may have been done purposely to help represent how much the trauma he suffered in Azkaban greatly aged him well beyond his actual years. Hermione, like the rest of the wizarding world, initially believed that Sirius was the wizard who betrayed James and Lily Potter to Lord Voldemort. The World's End and Mission: Impossible actor takes the role of Phineas . At age sixteen, Sirius finally broke away from his pure-blood family and took refuge with James Potter and his parents. Padfoot, Prongs, and Wormtail came from their three Animagus forms and Moony after his lycanthropic condition. One man had elegant long black hair thst was tied into a manbun (held together by his wand). These are implied to be prison tattoos that he received while in Azkaban, although it would be almost impossible considering what is known about the conditions in Azkaban. In Arabic, the star is known as al-shira, "the leader," and in Scandinavia, it has been referred to as Lokabrenna, meaning "Loki's torch." I think the only reason I never lost my mind is that I knew I was innocent. However, Sirius made a complete turn-around when the Weasley family and Harry decided to stay at Grimmauld Place over the Christmas holidays for its proximity to St Mungo's, and at one point was heard singing "God Rest Ye, Merry Hippogriffs" at the top of his lungs. From Harry's best friend and future wife, members of the Weasley family play a large role in the overall story. Sirius shared a good deal of information about the First Wizarding War with Harry, much to the disapproval of Molly Weasley, and supported Harry and his friends' efforts to sabotage Dolores Umbridge's dictatorial rule over Hogwarts in their fifth year. Eventually, he was able to enter the Gryffindor common room. By right of primogeniture, then, his heir was either Bellatrix Lestrange (his eldest cousin, but legally invalidated by her murder of Sirius), Andromeda Tonks (his second-eldest cousin, who was disowned), or Draco Malfoy, the next senior male of the Black family through his mother, Narcissa Malfoy (ne Black). Or that he got sent a letter of being kicked out while he was studying at Hogwarts, which led him to live with James Potter. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a member of Slytherin House, later becoming the school's least popular Headmaster. Unsettled by the lack of signs of a struggle, Sirius frantically sped to Godric's Hollow, discovering the Potters' house destroyed and his friends dead; only baby Harry was still alive. Sirius excused his own actions, explaining that he had simply told Snape what he wanted to know about the tunnel while omitting crucial information. Harry thought he looked as a corpse might. He was true-hearted and brave, as shown by his participation in both wars and willingness to die for those he loved. Although Hagrid initially believed that Sirius was a traitor, he understood the real situation after it was explained to him, and it is likely that they resumed their friendship. What House did Sirius Black belong to? target no need to return item. Following his death in 1925, his portrait was hung in the Headmaster's office to offer advice to the current Headmaster. When Harry and the Weasleys arrived at Grimmauld Place just after Arthur was attacked by Nagini, Sirius was unshaven and still in his day clothes late at night. However, the light-hearted exchange becomes more serious when three wizards show up on broomsticks. During Harry's fifth year, some of the adults discredited Sirius's ability to parent Harry and often insinuated that Sirius acted like Harry was James, rather than being a proper father figure to Harry. Sirius fled Europe beyond the Ministry of Magic's jurisdiction. Sirius Black is a character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Such examples are when James Potter points out Snape, and Sirius is described as "perfectly still like a dog smelling a rabbit." Sirius Black III (3 November 1959 - 18 June 1996), also known as Padfoot or Snuffles (in his Animagus form), was an English-French pure-blood wizard, the older son of Orion and Walburga Black, the brother of Regulus Black, and godfather of Harry Potter.Although he was the heir of the House of Black, Sirius disagreed with his family's belief in blood purity and defied tradition when he was . James would become a stag (Prongs) and Peter would become a rat (Wormtail). In the books, Sirius gives Harry an enchanted mirror (by which they should be able to communicate with); however, in the films, this is not shown on-screen. This allowed them to safely accompany Remus during his transformations and keep him under control. Some texture variation in the wand . Simon Pegg joins Harry Potter world as Sirius Black ancestor in Hogwarts Legacy. Feeling partly responsible for Ron's loss, Sirius gave him an owl to replace "Scabbers". He also willingly answered all of Harry's questions about the Order and Voldemort, though most of Harry's mentors felt Harry was too young to handle the burden of the truth. However, due to his use of exotic birds, Harry suspected him of hiding somewhere in the tropics. When Sirius attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the professors were very fond of him, knowing him to be a witty and charming wizard with a good heart. "IT WASN'T A NIGHTMARE! In the books, though, Sirius has the body of a 33-year-old man and the mind of a 21-year-old guy. However, they still had a relatively good relationship and it was Molly who ultimately avenged Sirius's death by killing Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of Hogwarts. That, and he did not want his father's friends to become murderers, as he did not think that would be what his father wanted. Outraged , he stabbed the portrait and fled. He even put permanent-sticking charms of Gryffindor banners, as well as pictures of Muggle girls in bikinis and motorcycles, as well as a picture of himself and his Gryffindor friends on the walls of his room to emphasise his differences from the family and annoy his parents. However, their relationship was soon strained: Dumbledore forced Sirius to stay at 12 Grimmauld Place on account of his being a wanted convict, and because he had a tendency to act rashly, which could lead him to put himself in great danger. The Dementors nearly succeeded in sucking out Sirius's soul until a powerful Patronus resembling a stag warded them off. [19] Harry later gave his first son the middle name Sirius to honour his godfather's memory. It took them the best part of three years to work out how to do it. [17] He also urged Harry to contact him if Professor Snape gave him a hard time during their Occlumency lessons. The name "Sirius Black" is a play on his Animagus form of a black dog since the star Sirius is known as the Dog Star and is the brightest star in Canis Major, the Great Dog constellation. How Sirius Black Escaped From Azkaban. Sirius and James often went out of their way to bully Snape. Harry and Hermione Granger followed, the former intent on confronting Sirius about the supposed betrayal of his parents, despite the obvious differences in their ages and skill levels; Sirius's weakened state (due to being on the run) at that time led to the boy easily, and without a wand, overpowering the older wizard despite Crookshanks' attempts to aid the Animagus. Though Sirius also appeared to be friendly with Mundungus Fletcher, that did not stop Fletcher from stealing Sirius's possessions after his death. In order to protect Harry, Ron, and Hermione from Lupin, Sirius turned back into a dog, giving Pettigrew an opening to escape and flee. Sirius also spent some of his time in the Shrieking Shack planning various ways in which to catch Pettigrew. Black had given Hagrid an enchanted, flying motorbike sixteen years prior at Godric's Hollow after Black discovered the Potters had been killed. At this, Fred and George argued, forcing Sirius to remind them of the importance of maintaining the Order's security, at which point Fred yelled back that Sirius, trapped in Grimmauld Place by his fugitive status, was doing virtually nothing for the Order himself. Once Harry reenters the magical world, he learns that Sirius Black was one of Voldemort's closest supporters. One time Sirius and James physically bully him simply out of boredom. Harry had a hard time dealing with this loss because, as Dumbledore flatly stated, Sirius was the "closest thing to a parent" Harry had ever known. He was sent to Azkaban for Peter's crimes, and Remus initially believed that he was guilty. Sirius and James outright bullied Snape frequently during their years at Hogwarts, sometimes simply out of boredom, even in front of his childhood friend Lily Evans. He was killed by his cousin Bellatrix during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in a duel, during which both taunted each other; Bellatrix laughed after killing her cousin, overjoyed that she had simultaneously killed a "blood traitor" and caused Harry, her beloved master's most hated enemy, unbearable pain and heartbreak. Many teachers regarded him and James as troublemakers or practical jokers. Though Sirius did admit that he and James were "arrogant little berks" and that he was not proud of his behaviour, but had done nothing to rectify it. The bike was in Hagrid's possession until it was needed to bring Harry from Number 4 Privet Drive to Order Headquarters shortly before Harry's seventeenth birthday. Dumbledore was devastated when Sirius was killed by Bellatrix, believing that it was mostly his fault, and he later expressed to Harry his belief that Sirius was a brave, clever, and energetic man, who would never be content with sitting at home in hiding while his loved ones were in danger. However, their rights were superseded by Black's will, which designated Harry Potter as heir to all his worldly possessions. The document listed Sirius's blood status, his status of his family and his security status. Though his intentions were noble, Sirius could not bring himself to appreciate Dumbledore's actions, as he utterly despised the home which brought him many bitter, unhappy memories, and the fact that he was to be alone in the house most of the time with only his house elf for company made it all the more intolerable. They seem to just think, Sirius Black = reckless, and think that's enough character work. Despite this, Sirius assured Molly that Percy would eventually reconcile with them after he fell out with his family, something which ultimately did happen at the Battle of Hogwarts. Kreacher mimicked the family's pure-blood supremacist values, believing he should only serve pure-blood wizards; as such, he accused Sirius of being a "blood-traitor" and "breaking his mother's heart." [22][25], If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.Sirius giving advice to Harry. Two weeks. PROFESSOR, I WOKE UP, AND SIRIUS BLACK WAS STANDING OVER ME, HOLDING A KNIFE!" This break-in took place in 1994 in the Gryffindor Tower which was infiltrated by then-suspected mass-murderer Sirius Black in his search for Peter Pettigrew. He killed thirteen people with a single curse, one of whom was one of his best friends, Peter Pettigrew. Also, in the film version of the Department of Mysteries battle, Sirius is hit in the shoulder and arm with a, The names Sirius and Regulus are also names of two main characters in the video game, There is also a suggestion that Sirius might have done under-age magic. She quickly moved to leave the compartment they were all sharing on the train, with Snape in tow, and literally turned her back on Sirius when she was Sorted with him into Gryffindor House. He also was knowledgeable of Crouch's tactics to catch Death Eaters and other enemies while he was Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, including using the Unforgivable Curses against them. Sirius's other dog-like traits include his need to protect his loved ones, his selfless nature, great sense of loyalty, and his need to be part of something bigger than himself, such as when he helped to plant the seeds of Dumbledore's Army and encouraged and enabled Harry to further the movement against Umbridge's increasingly totalitarian hold over Hogwarts.
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