5 Easy-to-Make DIY Dog Toys


Dog toys provide entertainment and mental stimulation. Every dog needs toys, but not every toy will be right for your pet. Once you figure out what your dog likes, you can learn how to make dog toys that will entice him and provide him with hours of enjoyment.

Why Make DIY Dog Toys?

Even though most good dog toys are cheap, you can still make your own DIY dog toys out of many different materials which you already own, therefore it’s even cheaper. But one of my personal favorite reasons for making my own dog toys is because I can recycle old clothing, bottles, and other items and turn them into something new. Another reason to make DIY toys for dogs is because they’re cheap to replace and easier to wash.

The right dog toy that’s safe will keep your dog entertained for long periods of time. The best thing to do is figure out what your pet likes to play with. For example, if your dog likes to fetch, create toys that will fly through the air. If the dog enjoys a game of tug-of-war, make very strong and durable toys that will survive tugging.

Studies show that dogs get bored with old toys. Therefore, variety is important to ensure that your pooch is mentally stimulated and entertained, and that he keeps playing with his toys. Learning how to make dog toys the DIY way is easy, and you probably have the necessary supplies on hand already. Make lots of these DIY Dog toys with different styles and textures to keep your pet interested and save yourself some money.

How to Make Dog Toys – Cheap DIY Approach

dog chewaHow to Make Dog Toys - Cheap DIY Approaching on bottle

1. Old Clothes

You can reuse old clothes to make braided or knotted DIY dog toys for very cheap. Just cut old t-shirts, sweatpants or towels into strips. Braid the strips or tie them together with a bunch of tight knots, and you’ve got your pooch a new toy.

If your dog is a “shredder”, destructive or power chewer, I recommend using the material from a pair of old jeans. Jeans are more durable, so they’ll hold up better to dogs with strong jaws and are less likely to be shredded quickly.

2. Plastic Bottles

For whatever reason, plastic bottles are enticing to a lot of dogs. The crinkly sound they make attracts dogs that love to chew; however, letting your dog to chew on the bottle is dangerous. You can do it, but you need to supervise your pet closely and remove the cap. Dogs can break off and swallow small pieces of plastic.

To be safer, the best thing you can do is slide the bottle into an old tube sock and tie off the end of the sock. I demonstrate how to do this in my video above. The sock provides a soft layer that prevents small pieces of the bottle from breaking off. Just remember that eventually, the dog is likely to chew through this still, so you’ll need to replace the toy.

3. Tennis Balls

Tennis balls are fun toys for dogs on their own, but they’re even more fun when you stuff them with treats. You can cut an ‘X’ in the top of a tennis ball and push treats inside. It will have the enticing smell for the dog and it will take him some time to figure out how to manipulate the ball and get his reward. This is a great mentally stimulating DIY puzzle toy for dogs that doesn’t cost much to make.

4. Cereal Boxes

Similar to tennis balls, empty cereal boxes are another great hiding place for treats that’s not going to cost you extra money. You can place a few dog treats inside, tape the box closed and let your dog have fun trying to retrieve them. Just be sure to watch your dog closely to make sure he doesn’t eat any of the cardboard. This is more of a temporary new DIY dog toy to play with while under your supervision than a long-term toy.

5. Tube Socks

I’ve already mentioned putting water bottles inside tube socks like these. You can also tie tube socks together with a bunch of different knots. These toys are great for dogs that like to chew and tug. The more knots you tie, the more chewing fun you will provide for your dog.

You can also soak these DIY sock dog toys in water and freeze them. Frozen toys offer a great way for your dog to beat the heat in summer, and they’re also a good option for teething puppies.

READ NEXT: 10 Ideas for Homemade Dog Toys


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