5 Things You Should Do Now


My Dog Ate a House Lizard |Published 09-22-2022

It’s safe to say that most owners are concerned after discovering that their dogs have eaten a lizard.

This isn’t entirely uncommon, though. After all, dogs tend to put things in their mouths that they aren’t supposed to.

But what is there to be concerned about?

The answer to this will differ depending on the type of gecko or lizard your dog has eaten, something you’ll unlikely have the answer to unless you watch your dog eat it.

A small gecko as a house lizard pet resting in his enclosure

3 Areas of Concern if Your Dog Ate a House Lizard

Here are three things that may cause your dog to get sick from eating a lizard, along with their symptoms.


Salmonella is a bacteria usually carried on some lizard’s skin or guts.

This bacteria can cause diarrhea and vomiting.


While rarer, there are some lizard species out there that are poisonous.

These lizards are commonly found in desert regions and bite to inject their poison, so if you notice bleeding or swelling in your dog, stay alert.

Symptoms include:

  • Lethargy
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Glassy eyes
  • Difficulty breathing


Lizards commonly carry intestinal parasites like Roundworm, Hookworm, and Pinworm, which can be given to your dog.

These parasites can cause many symptoms if they develop in your dog.

Symptoms include:

These symptoms aren’t likely to show right when your dog eats the lizard but will present themselves over time.

5 Things to Do if Your Dog Ate a House Lizard

Now, if you notice these symptoms in your dog, there are five things you should do.

1. Monitor Your Dogs Symptoms

The first thing you’ll need to do is monitor your dog’s symptoms.

As we’ve said before, in most cases, you shouldn’t have to worry too much, and the worst thing that’ll likely happen is that your dog will simply barf up the lizard.

However, you should still monitor your dog’s symptoms. The moment you notice any concerning symptoms, get them to the vet, stat!

2 Keep Them Hydrated and Fed

If your dog has a light case of vomiting or throws up the lizard, a good thing you should do is ensure they’re well-fed and hydrated after the incident.

If your dog only throws up once, feed them bland food after 6 hours and keep water available for them.

However, if they keep throwing up, contact your vet as soon as possible, as something more serious may be afflicting them.

3. Contact Your Vet

Your vet should always be contacted the second you notice your dog’s symptoms worsening.

They’ll be essential to figuring out what’s really wrong with your dog, especially if you don’t know that your dog has eaten a lizard.

They can even help provide the right medication for the problem, whether it be fluids, deworming medication, probiotics, or vomiting induction.

Remember, you should never self-diagnose or self-medicate your dog without talking to a professional. Your guesses will most likely not lead to the right culprit or solution for your dog.

4. Get In Touch With The Pet Poison Hotline (If Needed)

Contact the Pet Poison Hotline immediately if you or your vet believe that the lizard your dog swallowed was poisonous.

It’s actually recommended that you do this if your dog’s gotten sick and you’re unsure of what your dog has eaten or how to approach it.

5. Attempt To Prevent This From Happening Again

It’s impossible to 100% prevent this from happening again.

However, there are ways to attempt to prevent it from happening.

  • Keep your dog on a leash or harness while out walking or in environments outside your home with wild animals like lizards.
  • Be aware of your dog’s location at all times, even when they’re in the backyard.
  • Consider reptile repellent to minimize lizards coming into your yard.
  • Teach your dog the “Leave it” command.


It’s normal to be
concerned when your dog swallows anything they aren’t supposed to, especially
when it’s a wild animal like a reptile.

The symptoms your dogs
will have will depend on the type of lizard they’ve swallowed.

However, there are three
things a lizard can transfer to your dog that will lead to sickness.

You should always do
five things if you suspect your dog has eaten a lizard.

  • Monitor their symptoms: if they get worse, a vet should always be contacted.
  • Keep Them Hydrated and Fed: This is especially the case if they’ve been
    vomiting or having diarrhea.
  • Contact your vet: This should be your first reaction if symptoms worsen.
    Your vet can help pinpoint the problem and provide medications to fix it.
  • Get in touch with the Pet Poison Hotline: If you suspect your dog has swallowed a
    poisonous lizard.
  • Prevent it from happening again: Even though it’s impossible to stop your dog
    from eating lizards, lowering their chances of doing it can lower the
    likelihood of them getting sick again.

Do you keep dogs and lizards as pets?  You might want to check out our article about Dogs and Bearded Dragons

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Author Bio

Robert Thomas is the Managing Editor of Marvelous Dogs. He has spent decades training working dogs and spends most of his spare time studying, reading and learning about their behavior and welfare. Outside of Marvelous Dogs, he enjoys trail running and agility work with his working Labrador Retriever.

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