7 Most Effective Methods and 7 Best Tools to Use


It may be a little embarrassing when guests leave your home all covered in dog hair. And you’ll find most of it all over the furniture. For the dog, too, shedding can be itchy, uncomfortable, and sometimes even cause skin complications. Deshedding a dog is a necessary part of a dog grooming process and highly recommended.

What is Shedding in Dogs?

All dogs shed to some degree. It’s a natural process that allows the new coat to come in. Some breeds shed all year round, others have a seasonal shed. Some breeds with slow growing hair shed less. Knowing how to deshed a dog will help you deal with the insurmountable amount of pet hair your dog may be leaving around the house.

Shedding in dogs is the removal of a dog’s loose undercoat hair. When you deshed your pet, you’re ridding him of loose dog hair that will eventually end up on your furniture and clothes. Doing this benefits your dog too by making him more comfortable, and keeping the dog coat and skin healthy and clean.

Moreover, regularly deshedding a dog allows you to monitor how much hair is leaving the dog’s body. This is important because excessive shedding can be a sign of certain diseases in dogs. In fact, constant scratching and excessive shedding in dogs is a sign for you to book an appointment with a veterinarian

Do Some Dogs Shed Less?

It’s a biological fact that a dog must shed hair – there’s no way around it. However, some breeds do in fact shed less. So even though there are no completely shed-free dogs out there (it’s a myth), for anybody worried about pet hair, certain breeds may be more acceptable.

The breed will influence how much your dog is going to shed. One of the largest dog genetic studies published in the Nature science journal has confirmed that the sole reason for how much a dog will shed is determined by the dog’s genes, which also influences a dog’s fur length and body size.

Other than picking a breed that sheds less, there are also ways you can reduce or prevent shedding in your dog. Certain tools are effective with dogs that shed either a little or a lot and leave their hair all over your clothes and furniture. Deshedding tools are specifically designed for this purpose, but you have to keep up with your pet’s grooming routine.

7 Effective Ways of Deshedding a Dog

Deshedding a Dog - 7 Most Effective Methods and 7 Best Tools to Use

Method #1: The 4 Bs

Suitable for: Any dog hair length or type.

This is a quick and short lived fix. It will reduce dog hair for a day or two, and keep your shedding dog feeling comfortable until you can really get to work on their coat.

Here’s the order of events:

  1. Brush first to loosen hair and remove tangles;
  2. Bathe to wash out any missed hair;
  3. Blow dry in a sweeping motion;
  4. Brush again to get the remaining loose strands.


Method #2: Slicker Dog Brush or Undercoat Rake

Suitable for: Dogs with long hair, double coat or thick coat.

A slicker dog brush (like Hertzko or Glendan) has fine metal bristles while an undercoat dog rake has narrow teeth.

Both of these dog brushes are designed for removing the undercoat while leaving the top coat untouched, which is one of the best methods for deshedding a dog. The slicker dog brush is also useful for removing tangles.

In the meantime, here’s how to use these brushes for deshedding a dog:

  • Bathe your dog, shampoo and condition your dog’s hair*
  • Brush one area until no more hair comes out
  • Repeat the process over the rest of the body
  • Repeat steps #2 – #4 daily and bathe your dog every 8 weeks.

Tip: If you’re short on time, use a coat spray or leave-in conditioner for dogs. Mist it onto your dog’s coat and brush it through. This reduces static and softens the coat for easier hair removal, which you can follow with a smooth deshedding session.


Method #3: ‘Blade on a Handle’ Metal Comb

Suitable for: Plush or medium length coat.
Not suitable for: Dogs with long top-coats.

Deshedding tools with shedding blades (like the FURminator or DakPets) have very narrow teeth that seek out the fine, soft, fuzzy undercoat and leave the dog’s overcoat alone.

These deshedding combs do a very thorough job, remove a ton of hair from dogs, but also make quite a mess with a pile of dog hair all over the place that you’ll need to vacuum. Usually, this job is best done outside or in the garage.

Here’s what you do with a pet deshedding tool:

  • Like before, shampoo and condition your dog’s hair (same pro tip applies);
  • Use the coarse edge of the blade;
  • Draw the blade along the coat in smooth, firm, light strokes;
  • Perform step #2 weekly to clean and invigorate the coat and maintain its health;
  • Bathe your dog every 8 weeks.

If you need help bathing your dog, we’ve got a full guide to walk you through the process.


Method #4: Bristle Brush

Suitable for: Any hair length or type

The bristle dog brush (like Conair or Hertzko) is a general purpose brush which isn’t designed specifically for shedding dogs. It won’t necessarily attack an undercoat of your dog, but it will help to detangle and stimulate circulation there while also slightly deshedding your canine. It’s not the best solution, but it’s one of them.

Alternatively, you can also explore things like grooming mitts which also aren’t specifically for shedding dogs, but they help a little and also dogs seem to enjoy them more.

Here’s how to use a simple bristle doggy brush:

  • Shampoo and condition your dog’s hair, as normal (use the pro tip from above);
  • Gently brush from front to back, getting the bristles down to the skin;
  • Repeat step #2 weekly and bathe your dog every 8 weeks.

As you can see, the overall process is fairly similar to those mentioned above. The only difference is the tool you use, and how much dog hair you’ll be able to get out of your pet depending on their coat type.


Method #5: Rubber Brush

Suitable for: Short hair

When deshedding a dog, rubber brushes (like ZoomGroom or FurBliss) remove loose hair and dirt while also stimulating circulation. Again, a rubber dog brush is very similar to those bristle brushes and grooming mitts in terms of how much hair you’ll be able to remove from your dog.

These rubber brushes aren’t specifically for shedding dogs, so consider getting those as alternatives or to groom your dog in between your deshedding sessions to simply minimize the amount of hair and stimulate circulation in his skin.

To use it, follow the exact same routine as before:

  • Shampoo and condition your dog’s hair;
  • Gently brush from front to back, getting down to the skin;
  • Repeat step #2 weekly and bathe your dog every 8 weeks.


Method #6: De-shedding Blade

Suitable for: Long and medium hair, heavy undercoat

Deshedding blades (like Safari or SleekEZ) are a type of metal comb, and it isn’t half as scary as it looks or sounds. There’s very little damage you can do to yourself or your dog with this tool – all you need to do is first try it out.

The only issue with a deshedding blade for dogs is that it can sometimes pull on matted hair and tangles, so it’s advisable to always bathe your dog, use a conditioner, and also have a slicker brush on hand to tackle those detangling missions.

Using a blade while deshedding a dog is another method that removes a lot of hair – similar to those deshedding tools with blades on I mentioned above – so I recommend to complete this job outside or in the garage if you can. It’s messy.

Again, using this tool is very similar:

  • Shampoo and condition your dog’s hair (remember the pro tip from above);
  • Moving from front to back, draw the blade along the coat in smooth firm, light strokes;
  • Perform step #2 twice a week and bathe your dog every 8 weeks.


Method #7: Force Dryer

Suitable for: Long hair and heavy undercoat, short hair that constantly sheds.

A force pet dryer (like Shelandy or Flying Pig) is a high powered blow dryer. It breaks up clumps of dog’s matted hair as well as drying the hair and blowing out the loose undercoat. This is the ultimate tool in regimes of deshedding a dog, and it’s the professional groomer’s secret weapon. Of course, it’s also the most expensive solution.

Costing anywhere from $70 and up to $400, it’s not a cheap piece of kit but it will easily pay for itself in a few months if you’ve been using a professional groomer for deshedding a dog. This deshedding vacuum/dryer produces unbelievable results, too. There are many other – some better, some cheaper – dog dryers available as well.

Force drying is a very messy business, however. This is why mostly professional dog groomers use it, or people who can afford to have a in-home grooming station at their house with a grooming table. When using a pet force dryer, it’s advisable to wear googles, a mask and overalls. You will get covered in hair. You can also do this job in the garage, or if it’s a fine day, in your backyard.

Here’s the whole process of using a force dryer for deshedding a dog:

  • Shampoo your dog. Use plenty of soap and clean all the way down to the skin. Wash well, and rinse thoroughly.
  • Detangle the hair. Work in tons of crème rinse or conditioner for dogs. This is what releases the undercoat in the end process. Work it through the entire coat, all the way down to the skin. Rinse very thoroughly to avoid skin irritation.
  • Time to get messy. Attach a lead to your dog’s collar and hold him still, keeping him relaxed and calm.
  • Get comfortable. Drying a dog with a force dryer will take at least half an hour. Turn the dryer on to full power and blow out all the undercoat. Hold the nozzle close to the skin and use a short back and forth motion. You can also combine it with drying your dog using a towel – there are specific dog drying towels that absorb a lot of water.
  • Stay the course. Keep drying your pooch until the dog is COMPLETELY dry. Sometimes the undercoat won’t let go until it is bone dry. However, make sure that your pet is comfortable and safe. Don’t overdo it either.
  • Keep your dog safe. Speaking of safety, take care not to blow dry your dog’s eyes and ears. The head area can be tackled with a dog brush.
  • Wrap this up. Finish the job off with a slicker dog brush, brushing thoroughly all over to remove the last of the loose undercoat. And then you’re done!

READ NEXT: How to Stop Dogs from Shedding

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