7 Of The Most Common Signs That Your Dog May Be Sick

Nobody knows your dog better than you. That is why you will always be the first to know that something is up with your dog. So what should you be looking for? Well, pretty much anything that is out of character for your dog’s normal behavior. Some signs can even be subtle, or things that you mistake for other causes.

So let’s look at some of the behaviors that you shouldn’t ignore if your dog begins to exhibit these:

1. Being Grumpy Or “Snappy”

If it seems like your dog has been a little more grouchy than usual, or if they suddenly have turned into a grouch, then it could be a sign of pain. There have been plenty of stories of dog owners who have their dogs expressing aggression only to take them to a vet and discover that there is an underlying issue.

2. Keeping To Themselves

If your normally playful and active dog is suddenly not as jovial then it’s a sign that they could be sick or unwell. It also could be a sign of illness if they’re hiding and refusing to come out, then it could be because of pain. It is best to get your pet to a vet.

3. Lying Around Or Not Getting Up

If your pet is sluggish then it could be a sign of a fever. If the symptoms persist for more than two days, take your pet to the vet – especially if your dog is still a puppy. In puppies, chronic sluggish behavior might be a sign of them fighting an infection like parvo, which requires immediate medical attention.

4. Lack Of Food Interest

Sometimes a lack of interest in food can be a sign of a picky eater. But more often than not, it can be a sign of something more serious if they’re not interested in food. If that persists for more than 24 hours, then you should get them to the vet.

5. Excessive Thirst Or Urinating in House

Given a dog’s age and previous record of cleanliness, if your dog suddenly begins to soil inside the house it might be an early sign of something being wrong. It is important to get your dog to a vet in order to rule out kidney problems, urinary tract infections, and other problems. Diabetes can also cause irregular urination, as well as excessive thirst. In addition, female puppies can have an inverted vulva, which is difficult for them to clean, meaning that if it gets infected it’ll cause them to want to urinate more often.

6. Excessive Scratching

There are a number of reasons for excessive scratching. It could be anything from a skin condition to boredom. Some of the more common reasons for excessive scratching can come from food allergies, environmental allergies, pain from a wound, or parasites like fleas and ticks. It can also be a case of very dry skin.

7. Scooting Or Dragging their Bottom

If your dog begins to scoot or drag their bottom along the ground it can be a sign that they have worms, blocked or infected anal glands, urinary tract infection, or a case of diarrhea.

Like I said before, you know your dog best. If they begin to show any of the signs above then definitely get them to the vet. As pet parents, we just want what is best for our pets and sometimes that means taking them for a visit at the vet.

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