The Persian Cat Breed: A Whiskerrific Overview


Like dogs, there are many different variations of cats out there. Take the Persian Cat, for example, one of the oldest purebreds in existence.

Cats are one of the most popular pets in America. As a matter of fact, 43 million households own at least two cats in their family. 

You have a cat, and it has fur, and you’re pretty sure it doesn’t have any other distinguishing features. But does that mean your cat is like every other typical house pet?

Persian cats are well known for their distinctive long hair that can be straight or curly.

They are also famous for being the most gentle fastidious cats globally, with their natural slender body and eyes set far apart.

Their sleek and shiny fur comes in various colors, from white to tortoiseshell to ginger and black.

These cats are also unique for the internal clock that tells them when to be active and restful.

Many people choose a Persian cat for its unique looks and tranquil nature. Plus, you can train them without difficulty.

This article will cover the basics of Persian cats, which include their physical features, health and diet, and other helpful resources.

If you want to know more about this breed, read on to continue. 

The Persian Breed of Cats: A Whiskerrific Overview

The History of the Persian Cat

The term “Persian cat” refers to several breeds related to the various modern Persian breeds in Europe: the Bombay, Angora, and Exotic-types.

The Persian cat inhabits all areas of Earth today and is responsible for several breeds.

Persian Cats’ history and heritage reveal why this breed has had such a significant impact on humans. It also shares some misconceptions about these cats.

“Persian cat” originates from the word “Persia,” which refers to the ancient country, modern-day Iran. These cats first arrived in Europe during the 16th century and were prized for their exquisite fur. 

The Persian cat’s first appearance in America was during the mid 19th century. However, development and breeding continued through the early 20th century. 

The breed was not popular until after World War II, when a rescue effort restored the species to its fullest extent.

The history of the Persian cat intertwines with that of the European cat, particularly in the British Isles. 

This domestic cat is also a descendant of the wildcat that roamed Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Persian Cat’s Personality

A Persian Cat’s Personality

Persian cats are very social and interactive and are keenly aware of their owner’s movements. These traits are perfect for families who want a companion for their children

Persian kittens love to play with youngsters and get along famously with other pets in the household. 

However, it is essential to note that Persian cats do not like dogs and are better suited for households with other cats or non-canine pets.

Today, Persian cats have become very popular because they cost less than their usual counterparts. 

Persian Cat Types

How does a Persian Cat look?

Persian cats come in a variety of colors and patterns (both solid colored and patterned). They also have some tabby markings on their coat that can be red, brown, or black.

Furthermore, their coat tends to be longer and thicker than other breeds. Thus the need for regular grooming to avoid matting and tangling. 

Persian cats are generally hypoallergenic. They produce little to no Fel D1 protein, a substance that causes an allergic reaction in humans and other animals.

Their nose comes in white or pink with dark spots on end. The tip of their ears can also be black or brown, and sometimes white.

Their eyes are usually light blue, green, gold, and hazel, with unique pupils that range from round to slanted based on their genetic history. 

They may weigh anywhere from 7 to 20 pounds and can stretch from 14 to 18 inches long.

They are relatively quiet as they mature, but kittens can be pretty vocal for the first year of their lives.

These cats can also live from 20 to 15 years.

Overall, there are four popular types of Persian cats:

  • Cream Persians: Cream-colored coats with blue eyes and black tipping on their tails. They have a bit less exotic look compared to other Persians.
  • Platinum Gray Persians: Cream-colored coats with gray fur undertones. They have very light blue eyes.
  • Chocolate Persians: Chocolate-colored coats with dark brown eyes. They have a bit more exotic look than cream Persians because of their darker color and brown eyes.
  • White Persians: White-colored coats with blue eyes. They look akin to that of the platinum gray Persian cats, but they are much more popular. As a bonus, white Persians are hypoallergenic, which is excellent news for people who suffer from allergies.

Persian Cat Grooming

Persian Cat Grooming

Persian cats are known for their long but thick and luxurious fur. Sometimes it can be too thick for its good; thus, taking more time to groom them.

However, this breed tends to groom itself a lot. In fact, they despise the idea of having someone else grooming for them.

Thus, whenever you bathe them, they might fly into a rage and try to run away from the water as soon as possible. 

Although dog grooming services are now readily available, grooming Persian cats by yourself can be a very stressful task. 

If you’re planning to have this breed as a pet, you should now start learning how to groom them properly.

Furthermore, avoid putting your Persian at risk by only using the products (e.g., shampoo and conditioner) meant for their breed.

Using human products on them can cause several damages to their hair or skin, especially their overall health.

Risks to Your Persian’s Health

Risks to Your Persian’s Health

Although Persian cats are healthy animals, there are several reasons why these cats are more prone to illness than others. 

According to the Royal Veterinary College, Persian cats can suffer from severe illnesses and complications. That is because the Persian cat breed is known for its desire to express itself through biting, clawing, and romping around the house, which can cause them to injure themselves or their owners. 

The Persian cat breed is susceptible to a variety of genetic conditions, including:

  • Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD);
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA);
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM);
  • Bladder stones; 
  • Cystitis (bladder infections), and; 
  • Liver Shunts.

Keeping the Persian with the right weight is one of the easiest ways of protecting his health overall. Make use of your preventive skills to ensure a healthier life for your cat.

Persian Cat's Diet

Your Persian Cat’s Diet

A Persian cat’s diet must include the daily nutrients that its body needs. As a responsible owner, you must ensure that your new long-haired, fluffy friend is healthy and stays happy.

Persian cats need to be fed a special diet for different reasons. The main reason is that they shed too much hair and are not good candidates for a diet that may result in weight fluctuations. 

Their hair is the leading cause of their body odor and several skin problems, particularly when they bathe themselves frequently.

Furthermore, they might also be suffering from cat dander.

To treat this, most veterinarians recommend using medicine balls. Medicine balls are available at some pet stores and can run between $7-$10. 

Persian cats are also prone to becoming overweight. This is because they have less muscle mass in their bodies due to their uniquely made genes. 

As a result, their activities must be limited and their diets controlled to avoid serious health problems as they age.

The most important thing to know about a Persian cat diet is that you must avoid “free feeding” or leaving a bowl of food out 24/7. This practice will not only put your cats at risk for obesity but also with diabetes, arthritis, and other health problems.

A better option for this breed of cat is to practice with a strict feeding schedule. 

Persian Cat Training

How Should I Train My Persian Cat?

It has been a common misunderstanding that cats are not trainable animals. Although cats seem unresponsive to training, they are actually smart and perceptive.

On the other hand, Persian cats are not one of the most energetic and cooperative cats. Although these cats prefer to be left alone, training them is worth the shot. 

Cats are generally independent and free; therefore, training them will be tricky indeed. However, your kitten’s training is not just about giving them treats and tricks; but this will also help us understand them better and be the best owners for them

Use Plenty of Treats

An effective technique to train your kitten might be food-based rewards. You may start the training procedure by establishing which treatments your kitten is eye-catching when you mingle with humans and other animals.

Use positive reinforcement to train your kitten. Verbal affirmations and spoken cues are efficient strategies to lead your cat to the action you wish while reinforcing their favorite reward.

Clicker Training

Cats and kittens are responsive to clickers. Clickers can even help cats focus on stressful settings such as shelters.

In shelters, clicker training allows cats to acquire positive behavior fast and finally adopt them more quickly.

To commence clicker training, you must follow these steps:

  • Click to indicate reward. If your kitty does the right thing, click straight away and give them their favorite treat. When combined with a treat, the click gives a clear indication that your kitten is on the proper course.
  • Repeat. Kittens learn by repetition, just like any learner. Be constant in applying the clicker with the treat reward to build a positive clicker relationship with your kitten.
  • Keep it short. Clicker training should be short, like with any activity. If you drill your kitten too much, the clicker will lose its impact.

Avoid Punishment

You will have to be creative in your training plan if cats springing on your counter is a problem in your household.

Cats and kittens do not react well to punishment. Instead, planning to prevent undesired behavior is more effective.

To stop unwanted behaviors, try these techniques:

  • Creating unpleasant associations. You may help to discourage unwanted behavior by applying innovative techniques.

For example, placing a double-sided tape or an object on the counter that the cat hates can prevent the kitten from springing up. With time, your cat quits the habit of jumping onto the counter.

  • Using rewards. It would be best to keep an eye on opportunities to reward positive behavior while attempting to stop negative behavior.

Place treats on your cat trees or encourages your kitty to use the goodies instead of jumping. This particular practice will create positive habits and trump bad habits.

Kitten training is no easy task, but it has many rewarding perks. You have time to connect and to understand your kitten more deeply through training.

In addition, you keep your mind committed to nurturing your kitten’s health.

The earlier start of your training allows you to train your kitten to avoid negative behaviors and boost that can raise your mood.


Persian cats are a “special breed.” Like any other breed of cats, no one can deny that they are very charming due to their unique but adorable appearance.

Besides, their silky and shiny fur is quite an attention seeker. You cannot just help but to caress it in between your fingers. 

In addition, unlike any other cat breed, Persians are very affectionate cats. They like to be around or be with you 24/7, asking to be pet and stroked. 

They are also great for people who suffer from allergies or asthma since these felines produce fewer allergens compared to other cat breeds.

Persian cats live up to 20 years old. So in case, you are planning to adopt one, remember that Persian cats can grow old very well.

A Persian cat or kitten can be a perfect choice for your daughter, son, or niece as a birthday gift. These beautiful felines make the happiest kids and bring lots of joy to the entire family!

READ NEXT: How Long Do Cats Live? — Feline Average Life Expectancy 


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