Adorable Puppies Jump Into The Pool For Their First Swimming Lesson


Do you know what is more adorable than puppies? Videos of puppies learning to swim. And that is exactly what you get from Rummy’s Beach Club, a private dog pool located just outside of Houston, Texas. The footage that they shared is bound to bring lots of smiles and joy to your face. And given our current lives, that is exactly the kind of positivity that we need.

Rummy’s allows you to rent the pool for your dog or dogs. It’s a pay y the hour set up, but it’s perfect for teaching a young brood of puppies how to get used to the water.

Just like with humans, swimming is a great exercise for dogs of any age. It’s especially good for those older dogs, or dogs recovering from major injuries, to be able to feel some relief in the water while still having fun.

Rummy’s Beach Club is a heated pool, meaning that there are no seasonal limitations – your pooch is free to splash around all year long.

Another great feature of the facility is the acre-long, fenced in dog park which allows your pet to enjoy a wonderful romp either before or after using the pool facilities. For more information, or to just look at more adorable videos of dogs and puppies swimming, check out their Facebook page.

The post Adorable Puppies Jump Into The Pool For Their First Swimming Lesson appeared first on Cesar's Way.


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