Best Home Remedies for Dog Gas – Top Dog Tips


We aren’t the only ones that suffer with excessive gas. Like humans, dogs experience issues with flatulence, too. It’s usually noting to be concerned about, but it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. Before trying home remedies for dog gas, be sure to check in with your veterinarian.

Just like humans, a dog’s digestive tract forms gas because of bacterial fermentation of nutrients. This sometimes results in gases being released. Gas can also be formed by dogs swallowing too much air, which happens more frequently than bacterial fermentation.

When it is caused by bacterial fermentation, it is usually a result of a change in diet that does not agree with their stomach. This can be from the addition of “gas-positive” foods such as soybeans, beans, peas, spoiled foods, milk, spices, and many other high-fiber foods. Most of these are difficult for the dog to digest, making it necessary for the body to expend the excess gas.

Best Home Remedies for Dog Gas

dog farting

Slow Feeders

As most gas does originate from a dog taking in too much air, it is important to understand and be able to identify situations that may be causing it. The main cause is eating too quickly. The easiest way to slow down a dog that eats too fast is by providing a slow feeder.


Your dog’s gut contains both “good” and “bad” bacteria. There must be a balance between the good and bad bacteria in order for your dog’s digestive tract to stay healthy.

Prebiotics are comprised of fiber that cannot be digested. Since they cannot be digested, these prebiotics are carried to the dog’s colon. They help to fuel a healthy environment by feeding the good bacteria that reside there.

Think of prebiotics like fertilizer that you would spread on your garden to help it grow. Prebiotics do the same for the good bacteria already present in your dog’s digestive tract so that they can keep “bad” bacteria in check.

Probiotics repopulate the good bacteria that are missing from your dog’s system. If prebiotics are the fertilizer for the good bacteria in your dog’s gut, think of probiotics as reseeding your garden after it has been destroyed in a storm.

A healthy digestive tract will not only reduce your dog’s gas, it will aid in his overall health and well-being. Better yet, prebiotics and probiotics are very unlikely to cause any negative side effects in a healthy dog. To be sure, check with your veterinarian before adding them to your pet’s diet.

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dog eating from a slow feederHigh Quality Diet

The most common cause of flatulence in dogs is a poorly digested diet. The poorly digested food causes excessive fermentation in the digestive tract. In most cases, it’s easy to fix this issue with a change in diet.

You should be sure to check with your veterinarian to ensure your dog doesn’t have any food allergies or sensitivities. They can also help you select a higher quality dog food that will meet you dog’s nutritional needs and fit into your budget.

NO Human Food

We all like to give our dogs a treat from time to time. If your dog has excessive gas, it’s best to cut all people food out of his diet. Feed him high quality dog treats or raw dog-friendly vegetables instead of snacks from your plate.

Following these tips should help reduce gas in most dogs. If the issue doesn’t clear up within 7-10 days, you may want to make an appointment with your veterinarian. It’s unlikely, but there could be an underlying issue that is causing the flatulence.

READ NEXT: How To Massage Gas Out Of a Dog


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