Can Dogs Eat Celery? Safe Snack Or Unhealthy Option? –

Dog next to woman chopping celery (caption: Can Dogs Eat Celery?)

Many consider celery a less desirable vegetable because it lacks flavor. But is this crunchy food a healthy and affordable alternative for snacks? Is celery poisonous for dogs? Find out if celery is okay for dogs and how to share your stalks with your pup safely.

Article Overview

Can Dogs Eat Celery?

First and foremost, can dogs have celery? Yes, but with some precautions. We recommend cutting it up into small pieces or cooking it (especially for smaller dogs) so they don’t choke. With any new food, introduce celery to your dog slowly, mixing it in with her food and sharing it with her gradually to avoid upsetting her stomach.

Can Dogs Eat Celery Sticks?

For bigger dogs with intact teeth, celery can replace chew bones to an extent. When fed as a raw stick, the chewing sensation of celery can actually help clean their teeth.

Just be sure and supervise, so they don’t choke on it as it tends to be stringy and hard to swallow. You might try the old peanut butter on celery trick to make it a little tastier. But use peanut butter in moderation as it is high in fat and calories.

Celery leaves

Can Dogs Eat Celery Leaves?

Technically yes, and the leaves are more flavorful. However, it’s best to avoid the leafy part because they’re more prone to pesticides. If you wish to share the stems, wash thoroughly with warm water and remove any excess dirt and chemicals that could be hiding in between the leaves.

Is Celery Good For Dogs?

Now that you know that dogs can eat celery, you might be wondering, are there any nutritional benefits for your pup? Luckily, as with humans, there are many health perks to celery for dogs too.

These are just some of the few reasons to consider including celery in your dog’s daily regimen.

Guide To Feeding Dogs Celery

Chopped celeryIf you want to integrate celery into your dog’s diet, here are a few ideas about feeding it to him.

Check out our homemade dog food recipes for more DIY options

Video: Watch A Dog Eating A Celery Stick

So you want to feed your dog a celery stick? Start by holding it in your hand and letting him take small bites first. This will prevent him from choking and encourage him to eat and digest it slowly.

What Other Vegetables Can Dogs Eat?

Veggies and fruits are excellent sources of vitamins and nutrients and may add additional benefits to your pet’s overall health. But, do you know which are safe? Be sure to educate yourself on which foods are okay for dogs to eat and what to do if your dog has an upset stomach.

Is your dog a fan of celery?

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