Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms? Which Are Safe, Poisonous & Toxic, Supplements & More –


Dog walking through nature with mushroom growing in ground (caption: Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms?)

If your dog sees a mushroom growing in your yard, it might look tempting to eat. Or what if your dog nibbles on a mushroom or eats one at the dinner table? Are mushrooms okay for dogs? And when are mushrooms dangerous for dogs? We’ll give you the lowdown on all kinds of safe and unsafe mushrooms and explain what to do if your dog eats a toxic one.

Article Overview

Can You Give Dogs Mushrooms?

First off, can dogs have mushrooms? The answer is, it depends. It’s okay to give a small piece of certain kinds here or there, but don’t get in the habit of feeding mushrooms to your dog regularly. You may accidentally drop a piece while cooking. Or what if your dog gets into a mushroom in the yard? Each situation is unique given what kind of mushroom your dog ate and other factors like your pup’s health. So if you’re questioning, “is it okay for dogs to eat mushrooms?” we’ll get into the types of mushrooms that are safe and toxic below.

Are Dogs Allergic To Mushrooms?

Dog allergy test (caption: Best At-Home Dog Allergy Test Kits)If your dog is sick after eating a mushroom, he might have a mushroom allergy. An at-home allergy test can help you identify any mushroom sensitivities or intolerances.

Are Mushrooms Safe For Dogs?

Can dogs eat mushrooms from the grocery store? Typically yes. Here are the common types of mushrooms available for human consumption and details on whether they are okay or not for dogs. And remember, like any new food, it’s important to introduce a dog slowly to not upset their stomach.

Can Dogs Eat White Mushrooms?

Plain, white button mushrooms are also known as crimini mushrooms and are perfectly safe in small quantities if they are clean and free of chemicals. Whenever possible, buy organic, and don’t season with any sauces or spices, especially onion or garlic. Stay away from canned mushrooms that are full of preservatives and other additives.

Can Dogs Eat Portabella Mushrooms?

Yes, raw, cooked, or steamed portabellas (a more mature type of crimini mushroom), are perfectly safe as long as they are plain, washed, and free of other toxic chemicals or ingredients.

Can Dogs Eat Baby Bella Mushrooms?

Baby Bella mushrooms, another crimini mushroom, are similar to white and portabella mushrooms. As long as they are not sauteed in heavy cream, garlic/onions, or sauce, they are fine for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Shiitake Mushrooms?

Unseasoned shiitake mushrooms are safe for dogs to eat. They’re common in Asian cuisines, so make sure you avoid giving your dog salty or garlic-filled sauces and spices.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Mushrooms?

Mushroom pizzaYes, as long as they are on the list of safe mushrooms above and your dog is not allergic to them.

Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms On Pizza?

It doesn’t hurt if a mushroom falls off your pizza onto the floor, as long as it’s on the safe mushrooms list and not covered in other common pizza ingredients like onion, garlic, or other toxic food that could cause concern.

Are Mushrooms Poisonous To Dogs?

Just because your dog can eat certain types of store-bought, washed mushrooms doesn’t mean that all mushrooms are safe. In fact, some mushrooms are toxic to dogs, possibly contributing to liver or kidney damage. And veterinarians and mushroom experts believe that mushroom toxicity often goes unreported and is a common cause of dog fatalities. Dogs and some kinds of mushrooms can be a deadly combination.

What Mushrooms Are Toxic To Dogs?

In addition to commercially grown mushrooms, you might be wondering, “are lawn mushrooms poisonous to dogs?” These species below are very toxic, if not fatal:

  • Amanita phalloides (death cap)
  • Galerina marginata (deadly Galerina)
  • Amanita gemmata (jeweled death cap)
  • Amanita muscaria (fly agaric)
  • Gyromitra species (false morel)
  • Inocybe species and Clitocybe dealbata mushrooms

Are Wild Mushrooms Bad For Dogs?

Mushroom varieties, particularly those that grow in the wild, can be difficult to identify. And toxic mushroom identification is challenging for dogs as well. For that reason, it’s best to remove them from your yard and avoid them on walks. 

Symptoms Of Mushroom Poisoning In Dogs

Sign About Symptoms of Dog Poisoning (caption: Dog Poison Symptoms)Every mushroom produces different poison symptoms, and each dog can have a different reaction to them. Some potential symptoms that your dog ate a mushroom and is experiencing food poisoning include:

  • Gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhea and vomiting
  • Increased saliva, eye-watering, and urination
  • Neurological reactions, like seizures or acting drunk

Learn more about the symptoms of poisoning in dogs.

What If My Dog Ate A Mushroom In The Grass?

Chat bubbles iconIf your dog ate a mushroom in the yard, you should call your vet immediately. Can’t reach your vet? Contact the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-855-764-7661 or use our “Ask A Vet” feature to chat with a veterinary professional and get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you go to your vet, take a sample of the mushroom your dog ate, if possible. Wrap it in a wet paper towel inside a paper or plastic bag to keep it fresh. This might help your vet identify what type of mushroom he ate and determine the best treatment.

Should I Induce Vomiting If My Dog Ate A Mushroom?

Dog's vomit in grass (caption: Dog Vomiting Causes, Symptoms and Treatment)If the ingestion was recent and the mushroom is still in your dog’s system, your vet may suggest or induce vomiting. In other instances, they may give your dog medication to help absorb and counterbalance the toxins. Either way, keeping your pet comfortable and managing symptoms is a priority to his health and wellbeing.

Other Types Of Mushrooms For Dogs

Let’s discuss a few additional mushroom situations to determine if they are okay for dogs.

Dog Stinkhorn Mushroom

Dog Stinkhorn Mushroom growing in ground
Dog stinkhorn Mushroom

Mutinus caninus is a type of fungus that has the nickname “dog stinkhorn” or “stinkhorn” because it’s shaped like a dog’s phallus and smells like dead animals. While stinkhorns might smell foul, they should not cause serious harm to pets or humans. However, your dog could still get sick if they ingest dog stinkhorn. So, if you come across them, watch closely for symptoms.

Can Dogs Eat Mushroom Soup?

Thinking to yourself, “can dogs eat cream of mushroom soup?” A small amount shouldn’t hurt, but it’s not a good food to give to dogs regularly, if at all. Mushroom soups are typically loaded with cream or dairy which can cause stomach issues in dogs, especially those with lactose intolerance. In addition, cream of mushroom soup is high in salt and contains garlic, both of which can prove harmful to dogs.

Medicinal Mushrooms & Mushroom Supplements For Dogs

Some mushrooms can have a medicinal effect and improve a dog’s immune system to fight cancer and other illnesses. They’re also known to support vital organs and promote long-term health. However, studies are limited, and evidence is not conclusive enough to say how much impact they have or if there are any potential risks or side effects.

Are you looking for the best mushroom supplements for dogs? Medicinal mushrooms come in the form of liquid, capsules, powder, or chewable tablets. Talk to your vet, and if they recommend using a mushroom supplement, then there are several types to consider and ways to administer it to your dog.

The dosage amount will depend on your dog’s health needs and other circumstances like breed, age, and more. As with any medication or supplement, don’t give it to your dog without speaking to your vet first.

It’s not advised to give your dog magic mushrooms or shrooms.

Reishi Mushroom For Dogs

Both dogs and humans may benefit from the medicinal properties of reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum). When given as an anti-inflammatory supplement, there are several health benefits, primarily for reducing allergies and boosting immunity. Reishi mushrooms contain ganoderic acid, which reduces the release of histamines that cause allergic reactions. Reishi mushrooms may also support liver and kidney functions and provide benefits for blood sugar and blood pressure concerns.

Reishi Mushroom Warnings

Reishi mushrooms promote blood thinning. So if your dog has trouble clotting its blood, do not administer this item. It’s also not advised to give to dogs that are nursing or pregnant. As with all supplements and medications, speak to your vet before beginning treatment.

Turkey Tail Mushroom For Dogs

Turkey tail mushrooms get their name because they are shaped like a turkey’s feathery tail. Its scientific name is Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor and is known in the medical world to have some benefits. It contains beta-glucans that can fight off diseases and also works as a probiotic to assist gut health.

It can be especially useful to boost the immune system of dogs undergoing chemotherapy treatment. There are several over-the-counter turkey tail products available, and it comes as a powder, pill, or liquid. Please speak with your vet before giving your dog turkey tail mushrooms. 

Dog Eats Mushrooms And Dies (Video)

Sadly, dogs eating unsafe mushrooms can quickly lead to death. Watch this news story about a Boston Terrier puppy who had a tragic end after eating mushrooms while on a walk outside an apartment complex.

What Other Foods Can Dogs Eat?

Wondering what other foods you can give your dog? Find out which foods are and aren’t safe for dogs to eat and drink and what to do if your dog has an upset stomach.

Does your dog like to eat mushrooms?


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