How to Make a Homemade Dog Dental Spray

Does your pup give off a stinky breath? Why not try to give him a dog dental spray to get rid off of that nasty smell?

If you’re worried about giving them conventional dental spray, worry no more, for we curated a guide on how to DIY a dog dental spray.

So, if you want to know:

  • how to make a homemade dog dental spray
  • what are other natural remedies for a dog’s bad breath
  • and what causes halitosis in fidos

You came to the right place. We’ll spill the secret to a clean and bacteria-free mouth on dogs. 

But before we get right into it, let’s consider what causes bad breath in dogs to determine the best possible treatment for them.

Causes of bad breath and why dog dental spray is necessary

What Causes Bad Breath in Dogs?

Bad breathe in dogs could be caused by something they ate. But it can also be a sign of a medical problem that necessitates veterinary attention.

Here are the common causes of bad breath or halitosis in dogs.

Cause of bad breath- bad oral hygiene

1. Bad Oral Hygiene and Periodontal Disease 

The main culprit for bad breath is none other than the bacteria from plaque and tartar build-up. 

These plaques build up when the owners don’t brush their dog’s teeth daily and fail to provide regular dental care.

The presence of plaque and tartar may not be alarming at first.

But millions of bacteria nestle in it, and they could multiply quickly, causing bad breath.

It can lead to gingivitis in the long run the condition where the gum gets swollen and the first stage of periodontal or gum disease.

Over 80% of dogs over the age of three suffer from this condition.

The good news is you can quickly reverse gingivitis by daily brushing and constant veterinary checkups.

But, if left untreated, the plaque can harden and turn into a yellow-brown calculus called tartar.

At this stage, you’ll need a professional’s help to remove the tartar. 

What’s worse is bacteria can enter the bloodstream and travel into the kidneys and heart and affect their function and take a toll on the dog’s life.

Dog feeding on garbage

2. Unsupervised Snacking

Of course, if your fido feeds on meals with a foul smell, you can expect that he’ll give off a bad smell, but that’s temporary.

Dogs tend to be gross and feed on garbages, decomposing animals, or cat poop. 

A little fun fact: Most dogs love cat feces. So, if you have cats in your home, it’d be hard for your dog to resist the temptation.

What’s worse is some dogs eat their poop and of other dogs.

This condition known as coprophagia produces terrible breath in canines and mild nausea for their owners.

On top of that, foreign objects stuck in their teeth and throat can also cause an unpleasant smell in their breath. 


3. Kidney Disease

Aside from bacteria, a dog may also have bad breath due to kidney disease

You’ll know when your dog ate a poop since his breath would smell like it.

But, if his breath smells like urine or ammonia, it’s not because he’s been drinking pee; it’s more likely due to kidney disease.

This odor is known as “uremic” in the medical world.

 It is due to the ammonia and nitrogen that build up in a dog’s body when its kidneys fail. 

Changes in weight and appetite, increased or decreased drinking or urination, listlessness, and sadness are other symptoms.

Since kidney disease could be a sign of more severe diseases, we recommend consulting a vet as soon as possible.


4. Liver Disease

If aside from having a foul smell, your dog is vomiting, shows lack of appetite, and has a yellow tinge to his gums, these are signs he’s suffering from liver disease.

According to the American Kennel Club, foul breath caused by liver disease smells musty or like a dead animal.

It’s distinct from bad breath caused by periodontal disease that smells sulfuric.

Similar to kidney disease, a liver problem needs a vet’s attention since it could be lethal.


5. Diabetes

The sweet and fruity smell on a dog’s breath, on the other hand, is a symptom of diabetes

If you notice your dog’s drinking and urinating more or having behavioral changes, those are signs your dog has diabetes.

With the help of a veterinarian, you can treat this condition by examining your dog and providing appropriate treatments.


6. Digestive Issues

According to the Veterinary Centers of America, oral odors can also be caused by stomach and digestive issues like megaesophagus.

Megaesophagus refers to the expansion or stretching of the esophageal tube, which connects the throat to the stomach. 

If you observe any other strange symptoms, such as a change in appetite, nausea, vomiting, or changes in stool, we recommend contacting your veterinarian.


7. Sinusitis or Rhinitis

Humans tend to breathe through the mouth when having a cold or sinus infection. 

This condition also happens to your pup when they’re suffering from respiratory tract infection or sinusitis.

The downside with this way of breathing is it dries out the mouth and causes bad breath. 

Aside from sinusitis and rhinitis or mucous membrane inflammation, nasal infections and tumors can also cause obstructed respiratory tract.

Treatment for bad breath

Treatments for Halitosis or Bad Breath

The treatment for a dog’s bad breath depends on the severity of the condition and its cause.

If it’s due to periodontal diseases, you’ll need to get your dog’s teeth cleaned thoroughly under general anesthesia.

Cleaning can help remove plaque and tartar above and below the gum line.

Then, your vet will examine the dog’s teeth, and he’ll undergo intraoral dental X-rays for a complete oral assessment.

If the periodontal disease is in its severe stage, tooth extraction is necessary.

However, if the cause of halitosis is diseases like kidney and liver problems, you’ll need to consult your vet to ensure he’ll get the appropriate treatment.

But, brushing may be the best solution for his bad breath if the cause is unsupervised snacking on stinky garbages or foods.

If you can’t stand the smell and you don’t have the luxury of time to do the brushing every day,  that’s when a dog dental spray becomes handy.

Why create a dog dental spray

Why Create a Dog Dental Spray

A dental spray can help get rid of the bacteria that lurk in your dog’s teeth and plaque.

But it doesn’t mean that your dog doesn’t brush anymore. 

Dental sprays are the only alternative, and your fido still needs a good brushing at least a few times a week.

You can find many dental sprays for dogs out there, but if you’re worried about giving your dog a conventional dental spray and you prefer a natural remedy, we got your back.

We’ll teach you how to DIY a dog dental spray. 

It’s not rocket science, and you can find the ingredients straight from your kitchen.

So even if you’re not an expert DIY-er, we believe you can do it in no time.

Let’s get started.

homemade dog dental spray

How To Make a Homemade Dog Dental Spray

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a homemade dog dental spray out of organic ingredients.

Parsley dog dental spray

Parsley – An Easy to Prepare Dental Spray 

This fresh garden herb deemed as the “king of garnishes” overloads with vitamins and minerals that can aid immunity, eyesight, and renal function.

On top of that, it’s rich in antioxidants, which explains why it can help decrease swelling and pain from arthritis and other inflammatory illnesses.

It can also as soothe an upset stomach and digestive issues.

What makes parsley a good ingredient for a dog dental spray?

Parsley’s essential oil is an effective antimicrobial agent. 

It helps your dog fight bacteria and toxins while also aiding digestion and giving him fresh breath from the inside out.

Homemade dog dental spray ingredients include:

  • Fresh parsley (curly leaf variety)
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • Glass bowl
  • Spray bottle

The procedure of creating a DIY dog dental spray:

Step 1. Start by pouring one cup of boiling water into the glass bowl.

Step 2. Soak five fresh parsley sprigs to the boiling water for five minutes.

Step 3. Then, get the parsley out of the water and set it aside to cool to room temperature.

Step 4. Lastly, pour the cooled water with parsley extract into a spray bottle and secure the sprayer’s lid into place.

And there you go! Your dental parsley spray is ready for use.

Another way to use parsley as a breath freshener is by adding small amounts to dog food.

You can also blend it with water to create a juice, then pour it into your fido’s water bowl.

Gentle reminder before DIY-ing a dog dental spray: 

Spring parsley that belongs to the member of the carrot family that looks like parsley is poisonous to dogs. 

So, kindly make sure you’re using the curly leaf variety for the dental spray.


Other Alternatives to Dog Dental Spray to Get Rid Of Bad Breath

If the previously mentioned dog dental spray ingredients are not available in your home, these alternatives might work for you.

Carrots and apples

1. Carrots and apples – the wonder fruits

Not all dogs can tolerate getting their teeth brushed every day. 

If that’s the case for you, you can try giving your dog a big carrot or apple to chew as a natural and healthy alternative to brushing. 

Carrots help to remove plaque that is home to millions of bad-smelling bacteria.

Not to mention your dog will enjoy this tasty snack.

Alternative to dog dental spray- coconut oil

2. Coconut oil 

The health benefits of coconut oil aren’t just limited to improving skin and coat health for dogs.

This oil also contains antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties, which means that it’s effective in reducing bacteria in your dog’s mouth. 

Add a few spoonfuls of coconut oil to your furry companion’s food, and you’ll be able to get rid of the bacteria.

Fun fact: You can use coconut oil as a natural toothpaste for your fido too!

Alternative to dog dental spray- apple cider vinegar

3. Apple cider vinegar – an excellent alternative to dog dental spray

This vinegar is not just good for salad dressings; it can also help get rid of that stinky breath in your fido.

Adding half a teaspoon of raw and organic apple cider vinegar to your dog’s water bowl does wonders in their mouth.

This vinegar contains a high concentration of malic and acetic acid that effectively kills bacteria that cause bad breath.

On top of that, it also contains an array of minerals, including calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which are essential for good oral and dental health

Not to mention the piquant taste that’ll surely leave them satisfied.

Alternative to dog dental spray- lemon

4. Lemon 

Citrus fruits like lemon contain high acid concentration too, that are essential in combatting bacteria.

It’s a natural deodorizer straight from nature too.

So, we recommend adding a few drops of lemon into your fido’s water bowl to kill the bacterias lurking on their teeth and gums.

And as simple as that, you can give your dog a fresh smelling breath again.


5. Yogurt

Sulfur compounds secreted by bacteria in your dog’s mouth like hydrogen sulfide are what cause the “rotten egg” odor that produces poor breath. 

Good thing a yogurt can serve as an antidote to this type of bacteria and can help decrease hydrogen sulfide levels.

You can quickly help your dog fight the unpleasant, “rotten egg” smell caused by bacteria by mixing yogurt into his food both morning and night. 

Yogurt also comes with calcium, which is essential for stronger teeth and a healthier mouth!

probiotic foods

6. Probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can help fight against bad dog breath and provide various health advantages when consumed. 

The probiotics’ beneficial bacteria will combat the harmful bacteria in your dog’s mouth, making it smell better and appear healthier.

Adding a probiotic made exclusively for dogs to their daily meal will help balance healthy bacteria in their mouth.

But before giving them probiotics, we recommend consulting your veterinarian to find the best probiotic brand and dosage for your dog.

Alternative to dog dental spray- mint

7. Mint

If your fido’s bad breath is due to indigestion, this solution will work for you.

Mint has been known to promote indigestion.

Furthermore, it soothes the stomach when there’s inflammation, thus preventing the stomach acid that causes bad breath from rising into the mouth.

Similar to parsley, mint contains chlorophyll that is said to have natural healing abilities.

The process is a no-brainer sprinkle some fresh mint leaves into your dog’s meal every morning and night.

That way, your dog can have a pleasant minty fresh breath.


Breeds that Need Dog Dental Spray More

Periodontal disease and bad breath are more prevalent among small and brachycephalic dogs due to the structure of their teeth.

They are so close together, so plaque and tartar can quickly build up and in more significant amounts. 

Thus, they need daily toothbrushing and dog dental spray more.

Small dog breeds that are more prone to bad breath include the following:

  • Dachshund
  • Maltese
  • Yorkshire Terriers
  • Chihuahuas
  • Toy Poodles, etc.

Bearded dog breeds like Schnauzers often suffer from bad breath since their extra hair can trap debris and saliva.

And it causes bacteria to grow and stink.

It doesn’t mean that larger dog breeds are exempted, though. 

As we mentioned earlier, 8 out of 10 dogs develop some form of periodontal disease, which means that large dogs also have a fair chance of having bad breath.


Final Thoughts About Dog Dental Spray

As mentioned earlier, bad breath is a sign of an underlying health issue. 

Therefore, it shouldn’t be overlooked by any dog owner.

If you notice your beloved dog shows signs of bad breath or halitosis, bring out your parsley or mint and start making dental spray for your dog now!

These herbs from nature may do wonders in your dog’s mouth. 

So, what about you? Which homemade remedy for bad breath are you going to try first?

READ NEXT: How To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

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