Jack Russell Puppies Take On A Huge Robotic Spider


Arachnophobia is perhaps one of the most common fears amongst us. I personally have a huge phobia of spiders, so much so that I once requested a different hotel room at 3 am after a rather mean-looking spider skittered across the ceiling. My request was denied because they were full, however, they did send someone up to kill it for me.

But like with all fears, at some point we need to try and overcome them. Much easier said than done for most. And just like humans, some animals can experience fears as well. And a couple of Jack Russell puppies showed that they were a little wary of spiders!

Of course, they weren’t actually coming face to face with a real spider, it was just a giant fake spider. Regardless, these pups were clearly not taking any chances, and they approached with caution.

In the video, you can see a pack of 10-week-old Jack Russell Terrier who came across a scary-looking 8-legged creepy-crawly. What’s worse, is it’s remote-controlled so it actually was able to move like the real thing. Clearly being the stuff of nightmares, these puppies were not wanting to stick around for very long. They ran away from it, barking, yet their natural curiosity would also bring them back. They’d approach as a group, probably knowing there was safety in numbers, but the minute that the spider would move, they’d run away again.

It is hilarious to watch these puppies try to suss out exactly what was going on:

The post Jack Russell Puppies Take On A Huge Robotic Spider appeared first on Cesar's Way.


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