Life With Dogs In The Age of The Coronavirus

 Life as most of us know it is being severely disrupted by the restrictions and common-sense guidelines being put forth in nearly every community in order to slow the spread of covid-19. Are there any “winners” in this strange new world? Many of our dogs, it turns out, are benefitting from having their owners working from home or caring for kids whose schools and daycare centers have closed. I know of many dogs who are getting more walks and much more family time than ever.

On the other hand, many people whose livelihoods are
dependent on dog-related businesses are definitely worried. I am seeing a lot
of angst in the social-media feeds of dog trainers, walkers, groomers, daycare,
and boarding facilities. Many dog owners are canceling services and appointments,
either because their travel has been suspended or because they are
self-quarantining, or just to protect themselves from possibly being exposed to
the virus in public places.

(I know that there are MANY people whose livelihoods are
taking a big hit right now; I’m speaking only about dog-related businesses
because that’s in my wheelhouse!)

What you can do to help

I know of many small and micro dog-related business owners
and employees who are suffering major hardships at this time. I’d like to
promote a suggestion I’ve seen elsewhere: If your income or job is stable and
your income is NOT taking a hit due to the various virus-containment strategies
in place, consider sending a check to the dog walker, groomer, or trainer you
would have ordinarily seen during this time. Consider it a holiday bonus!

The only dog-related businesses that I’m aware of that are
doing well at the moment? I know that companies who sell food and other
supplies online are getting buried in orders; many are announcing that there
will be delays from their usual prompt delivery times. Also: Trainers who teach
using video or live-streaming. Many trainers are switching to that format to
keep their income (and their clients’ education) on track. If you are stuck at
home and bored, and your dog could use some training, consider asking your
trainer if she’s set up for a video consultation. Or book a training
appointment with a professional on the other side of the country! This is a
perfect time to get access to people who ordinarily would be too busy to book online
appointments with out-of-the-area clients.

At last word, health officials still approve of people getting outdoor exercise, as long as they maintain a distance of six feet away from other humans who are not members of their household. You know what else is six feet long? The best leash for walking your dog! If you are stressed by the news, we’d like to recommend a long walk with your dog outdoors (as long as you are feeling well).

Hang in there, wash your hands, order your dog’s food
earlier than usual, and take care!

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