Pet Owners Will Send An Important Request to FDA About Dangerous Corn Ingredients – Truth about Pet Food


Add your name to our message to FDA.

Based on the dramatic increase of aflatoxin pet food recalls – in four months more than 60 million pounds recalled and more than 100 pet deaths – pet owners are sending FDA a formal request for action.

We will ask FDA to fully investigate how serious aflatoxin in pet food actually is, but more importantly – we will ask the agency to take preventive measures to make sure more pets don’t die from this contaminant. And, this message will come from all of us – not just consumer advocates. We are encouraging pet owners to ‘sign’ the request (below).

Our request

To: FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine
Attention: Dr. Steven Solomon, Director

Pet owners are asking FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine to fully investigate the recent dramatic increase of aflatoxin contaminated pet food. In addition to your investigation, pet owners are asking FDA to promptly:

  • issue a consumer alert detailing the symptoms of aflatoxin poisoning;
  • issue a press release requesting veterinarians and pet owners to report any pet illness or death from the past year to the agency for pets fed any type of corn ingredient pet product – this includes corn, corn starch, corn gluten meal, yellow corn, etc;
  • identify the corn suppliers and trace all the suppliers’ customers and brands who purchased corn from them in the last 24 months;
  • implement a random mycotoxin testing program for all pet foods and treats that contain a corn ingredient. This program should at least be ongoing for the next 12 months; and
  • issue monthly updates to pet owners providing the number of aflatoxin/mycotoxin adverse events received (illnesses and death cases) and publicly provide testing results.

Aflatoxin is one of the most dangerous threats to our pets, simply because corn is such a common ingredient – and the mold is basically indestructible. Immediate, consistent, and transparent action needs to be taken by the FDA. Pets are dying, and voluntary recalls are not enough.


To add your name to our request to FDA, type in the box below (full name or first name, last initial) – then click on ‘Add my name’.

All names submitted will be compiled and included in our request to FDA.

Signatures are needed soon – we believe this concerning issue needs to be immediately addressed by FDA.

Please share this request for signatures with other pet owners.

Thank you –

Susan Thixton


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