At the top of that passive ability permanently increases Resistance to all Black Order and Thanos allies. Fortunately, Night Nurse was not forgotten by the Developers and she is now a vital part of the extremely dangerous Shadowland team. He should be equipped with either Raider or Striker ISO-8 class depending on your needs. His passive ability grants him a 20% dodge chance making Spider-Man the hero with the highest dodge chance along with some other Heroes (25%). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Passive ability grants him and all Asgardian allies immunity to Blind and heals him every turn depending on the number of Asgardian allies. The attack then Chains to another target causing up to 300% damage and applying Ability Block and Heal Block. Villain, Global, Bio, Brawler, A.I.M., Minion. When an enemy dies Jubilee fills all Astonishing X-Men allies Speed Bar by up to 25%. Aside of that team, Bishops usefulness is extremely dropping and it is hard to find an appropriate synergy for him. This skill bypasses Heal Block, applies Bleed for 2 turns on all enemies and Regeneration for 2 turns on all allies (Kree allies gain Deflect also). team. In this team, there will be no Fantastic Four ally to assemble a natural synergy with Doctor Doom but the presence of Emma Frost and Doctor Octopus will grant the best possible sustenance, utility, and debuffing potential compared to any other existing combination in my opinion. Improving the damage of his basic means improving the damage of every assist, therefore, the improvement of his basic is mandatory. If you thought that Silver Surfer is a reward for years of loyalty to Marvel Strike Force, Kestrel is even more. Additionally, both attacks have a chance to apply Bleed. He can also benefit from Raider class since almost all his attacks are AOE but the gain is not as with Skirmisher that can remove positive effects in the process. It also fills the Speed Bar for Red Skull and all allies by up to 30% and if in Alliance War Defense, generates 2 ability energy for the caster. . Additionally, it permanently increases Proximas, Thanos and the Black Orders Focus by up to 30%. As one of the crucial members of the new META Infinity Watch team, Moondragon is extremely important regardless of her skills. Also when he is under the effect of Regeneration his Resistance is increased by 1000%. In addition, Yondu has the ability to copy positive effects from the enemy to himself and to clear that effects from the enemy while boosting the damage of his Ravager allies for 5%. Hand Sentry was probably the best minion in the game for a long time. Having a team that can grant you at least one defensive victory is as good as having a team that can grant you offensive victory. She also grants a chance to Revive any fallen ally at the start of each turn. Hero, Global, Skill, Controller, Secret Avenger, Avenger, Saboteur. Cloaks price is 100 shards meaning that he is considered by Devs as a powerful character. In short, she can do everything except summoning and she is undoubtedly a TopGod Tier Hero. Assembling a team for Doctor Doom may seem difficult since he has synergy only with Fantastic Four Heroes and you definitely dont want that main damage dealer in your team, besides Doctor Doom, is Human Torch. As a sole hero, Pyro is nothing special but when he is in the team with Magneto he is a killing machine because Magnetos ultimate brings all enemies together in the first turn making them ideal targets for all of Pyros skills. With the introduction of Squirrel Girl, we got the synergy between Brawlers and Young Avengers so you can use Ms. Marvel, America Chavez, Spider-Man [Miles], Squirrel Girl, and Captain Marvel in an entirely new perspective. Cyclops is a Mutant Blaster who uses devastating X-rays from his eyes to weaken and harm his enemies. Simultaneously Sam places Defense Up on the entire team and Speed Up on all Secret Avenger and Skill allies. His second skill applies up to 3 Charged (maximum of 10) to self and all Chargeable Sinister Six allies and then summons a missing Sinister Six member (Shocker, Vulture, Rhino, Green Goblin, Mysterio). She is a natural counter to all Heroes who provide Healing and on top of that, she can cause some serious damage to single targets. When fully upgraded Defense Down is applied for 2 turns. Currently, Storm can be obtained through Premium Orbs, Milestones Orbs and Mystic Forces Rising 2-3 Campiagn missiin. Elsa Bloodstone is Supernatural Blaster, born in Aristocracy, who uses her shotgun to harass opponents. Furthermore, S.H.I.E.L.D. I am using Striker Class for Phoenix because the rest of my team already have enough heroes who can place Vulnerability but you could use Raider class as well and you will not make a mistake. Star-Lord is a charismatic leader who generates ability energy for allies and distracts enemies. Red Guardians ultimate transfers 1 positive effect (excluding Taunt) from primary target to Red Guardian and all Skill Military allies, It also causes devastating damage (up to 500% Damage) against primary and adjacent targets and places Ability Block on the primary target. minion who infects enemies with negative statuses. His first skill strikes an enemy for a medium amount of damage, copy positive effects, and has a chance to clear all positive effects from the target. invented three deadly devices Cosmic Cube capable of altering reality, Super-Adaptoid capable of mimicking other beings superpowers and MODOK, (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing) human with the gigantic head capable of delivering psionic bolts from his brain. An Inhuman Controller, Karnak uses his power to see his enemies weakness to strike at them with surgical precision. Doctor Strange is Sorcerer Supreme and versatile healer with the ability to remove effects from friends and foes. Doctor Octopus is a Sinister Six Support who leads his Sinister Six allies and summons the ones who are missing at the moment. Wellcome to the unofficial Marvel Strike Force Tier List, all the characters & teams ranked from Tier S (The best of the best) to Tier F (the worst of the game) Above all, the passive ability applies Offense down on any target before their turn if there are no other protectors in Yo-Yos team. In Alliance War Falcon receives 2 bonus attacks instead. Her first skill inflicts medium damage and grants her up to 2 Deflects. Inhuman Protector who protects non-minion S.H.I.E.L.D. Trooper or S.H.I.E.L.D. Assaulter is an aggressive soldier who sacrifices healing for rapid attacks, Villain, Global, Tech, Blaster, A.I.M., Minion. Since he strikes multiple targets with 2 of his skills it is only logical to equip him with Raider ISO-8 class. If we follow logic it would be best to equip Mercenary Riot Guard with Fortifier ISO-8 class but if we look at what is better for the Mercenary team than definitely he should be equipped with Healer ISO-8 class. She should be considered as the first or second option in any defense team in the Arena because her ability to give additional energy and clear all debuffs from the team can decide most of the battles in the Arena. Mercenaries have no nation, they dont worship any God and have only one boss money. I am not sure if is better to use Supernaturals in Offense or in Defense but one thing is certain Supernaturals perform extremely well in AW Defense. At the same time, she attacks her primary target causing up to 400% damage and placing Defense Down. His first skill inflicts medium damage against the single target and grants an assist from an Asgardian ally when it is fully upgraded. Undoubtedly, the A.I.M. Vision is granted 20% Dodge chance from his passive ability and if he has Tech allies they are granted Defense Up on the start of the combat. minion who protects her allies. Gamora is an aggressivewarrior who can attack again after defeating an enemy. Additionally, it clears Counter from the entire enemy team. A.I.M. Cable also has passive ability which can provide allies with Counter. However since he is very slow before introduction of Baron Zemo he was considered as lowest Tier character. If any of the targets have any negative effects, Moon Knight gains a 100% Critical Chance of hitting that target, This attack cannot be blocked but Counter breaks the Chain. Mercenary Lieutenant is kinda expensive. We all know the Mercenary Trait was almost useless before but now some characters like Bullseye, Mercenary Lieutenant, or Mercenary Riot Guard can be pretty useful especially in Alliance War Defense. Rocket Raccoon is a powerful Guardian Blaster who works best when he is in a team with Groot. Additionally in Raid and in Dark Dimension Spider-Man Symbiote, his Spider-Verse allies and his Symbiote allies receives minimum healing every time a negative effect is applied and 100% drain is granted but only for him and his Symbiote allies. His second skill delivers a high amount of damage against primary and adjacent targets and applies slow on each target. Human Torch buffs the entire team and he is capable of delivering enormous AoE damage but unfortunately his ultimate cant be used before the third turn. Infector, A.I.M. All Young Avengers whose Health is below 50% are additionally healed by 15% of her Max Health and after that, she calls the ally with the highest damage to attack the primary target. Multiple Man is an X-Factor Mutant Protector who summons an army of Dupes to draw away any harm from his X-Factor allies. Minions killed by this skilled cannot be revived and this skill cannot be dodged or blocked. It is still early but I feel that they will be capable of beating punch-up teams that are specialized for Alliance War defense like Asgardians or Hydras. All her attacks are single-target based so her team will benefit the most if she is equipped with Skirmisher ISO-8 class. At the top of that, his damage is increased according to the number of Skill enemies and he permanently increases the damage of all Mercenary Villain allies. Pyro price is 45 shards and he is obtainable through Premium Orbs and Alliance War Store. His second skill strikes the primary target for the medium amount of damage and clears positive effects from primary and all adjacent targets. However, there could be other strategies as well as long as she is not equipped with Skirmisher class which is sufficient for her since she already has all virtues Skirmisher offers she cleanses and she has increased focus. This team could be used against original GotG, original Brotherhood and Defenders of similar power. The same case is with Omega Red also. as a spy, Ghost now uses her Quantum phasing powers as an untraceable thief. Jessica Jones is a Defender Controller who provides her allies with additional energy. Besides that, Taskmaster opens the combat by placing Blind on 3 targets and Bleed for 2 turns on all targets which is amazing. If you have Yo-Yo strong enough you could use him instead of Thanos but be sure that your Yo-Yo is strong enough that no one can resist his Offense Down passive ability and dont expect that Ebony Maw will be able to use his skills as often as with Thanos. Invisible Woman is a Bio Protector who shields her allies with an energy barrier and weakens all enemies. Hydra Grenadier is a Hydra special weapons expert who delivers explosive grenade attacks. Best teams for Ultimus 6, Ultimus 7, and other Raids in Marvel Strike Force, End-game Raiding no longer includes Ultimus 7 as the maximum Raiding spot, so assembling the best Raid team depends on Node requirements meaning that you will need specific Heroes for the specific nodes. Additionally, at the start of every turn, Colleen gains Deflect and places Assist Now on Misty Knight. It is kinda hard to explain the current value of Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch team but let us say if Doctor Doom, Silver Surfer, and Kestrel deserved separate Tier on our list, Adam Warlock and his allies deserve a new Tier as well but this Tier should be higher than Kestrels, Silver Surfer or Doctor Dooms. His price is 45 shards which can be obtained through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 1-9 Nexus Campaign mission. Additionally, in Alliance War Offense Namor can apply Offense Up and Deflect to all allies if the passive ability is fully upgraded and the damage is increased even further. His first skill delivers heavy damage with increased critical chance and additional Piercing damage. When an Astonishing X-Men ally drops below 50% Health it fills Beasts Speed Bar by up to 30% and grants him Ability Energy. Colossus does not have serious offensive capabilities but he is almost unkillable and while he is in a team you simply cannot harm any other X-Men beside him. His first skill inflicts massive damage to the single target. However, as he has only 1 attacking ability it might be better to equip him with Healer class to increases the sustenance of his S.H.I.E.L.D. Mercenary Sniper is an expert marksman who can deliver high damage with a single shot. This attack cannot be avoided and it always crits. Iron Fist is a versatile martial artist with healing abilities and a powerful single-target attack. Domino is an X-Force Controller who protects her X-Force allies by transferring all negative effects to Deadpool and providing them with a huge chance to dodge incoming attacks. Doctor Doom is so powerful that he will crucially influence the game balance regardless of his team. He should be used until you open the Punisher. His basic ability prolongs most common debuffs which combined with Trauma makes Symbiotes debuffing (for example) laughable. With this team, you will be able to win against much stronger teams regardless of team composition and you will have problems only against custom Ultron teams and much stronger Asgardians in the Alliance War. After Defenders Update, Luke Cage can buff his DEFENDER allies for 2 turns instead of one, and his abilities are enhanced. Electro should be equipped with either Raider ISO-8 Clar or Striker class depending on the team composition. Morales price is 45 shards obtainable through Premium ORbs, MEga Orbs, and Blitz Supplies. If Magneto is his ally, the ultimate cannot be counterattacked. Ebony Maw is a Black Order Support who grants Thanos and the rest of the Black Order everything they need to rule the World of Marvel Strike Force. He has special synergy with Fantastic Four Heroes but it is not necessary to assemble a full Fantastic Four team around him because bonuses are granted if only 1 Fantastic Four Hero is present. Hand Assassin is a quick attacker who prevents healing on a single target. It is a very interesting strategy of protecting the team but is extremely vulnerable against some Heroes (Carnage, Jubilee) who fill the Speed Bar of all allies on every death. Kree Oracles first skill inflicts medium damage and grants ability energy to his allies. Colleen Wings price is 100 shards for a reason she fully deserves it and as soon as she becomes available for farming by any means you shouldnt wait a second. Red Guardian is a very good Protector, without doubt, one of the best currently available in the game. However, without full X-Factor synergy Longshot is just a decent Hero who will not bring balance changes to the game. His basic attacks are devastating and when he is in full Black Order team he can sustain more damage than any other Protector in the game. Additionally, it has a chance (100% when fully upgraded) to remove the Heal Block from him and all Asgardian allies. Her special skill grants her Charge (first clear Charge if she is already Charged), places Barrier equal to up 20% of her Max Health, clear all negative effects for her and allies, places Immunity to her and all Mutant Villain allies and applies Slow to all enemies (on max Level). Prefers to team up with Groot. It seems that Juggernaut is an average Hero at best if he is not in the same team as Magneto, but if he is he could be a force you can rely on. which you can use to purchase Taskmaster's . I think that Mister Fantastic needs a Striker ISO-8 class to be fully effective/. In the Alliance War, Electros ultimate clears all positive effects on the primary target and up to 2 positive effects on all other targets. Since she is a straight-forward heal any additional healing available for her is most welcomed, so equipping her with Healer ISO-8 class is a natural course of action. Red Skulls ultimate places the Offense Up on the entire team (when fully upgraded), attacks the primary target causing massive damage, and calls for an assist from up to 5 Hydra allies at 50% of their base damage. This team was once a META but that was a long time ago and now all that remains is its usefulness against other custom teams and Defenders. This team is a nightmare to any Villain team except full Brotherhood and can deal with the majority of custom teams. Her passive ability grants her a chance to spread negative effects from each enemy to their adjacent allies. Hero, City, Mystic, Brawler, Supernatural, Trick or Treat. Carnage is a Spider-Verse Villain who shreds through his enemies with ferocious attacks and feeds his anger on their pain and suffering. Agatha Harkness Conjures Up a 'Contest of Chaos' in 'Scarlet Witch Annual' #1, 'Guardians of the Galaxy' #1 Promises No One Is Safe from Grootfall, Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania How Baskin-Robbins Scott Lang Made It into the Quantum Realm, Spider-Gwen: A Dance on the Dark Side with 'Shadow Clones', 'Marvel's Voices' Swings into the Spider-Verse with New Heroes, Returning Stars, and More. Okoyes ultimate grants her Offense Up before performing a full piercing attack to the single target for a high amount of damage that delays the enemys turn. Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Blaster, Inhuman, Latent Potential. Doctor Octopus is a Legendary Hero and you will need 310 shards to unlock him. In addition to all that, she has the ability to heal herself for 15% of her health and grant ability energy for random Kree ally after scoring a critical hit. Brawler team relies on the strength of brawlers from your roster who are not used in other teams combined with Ms.Marvel who grants assists on their every attack increasing the teams total damage output by at least 50%. Thanos ultimate hits all targets for 210% of his base damage and drains 100% of the damage done. Juggernauts price is 100 shards which can be obtained through Gama Raid, Juggernauts Event, and Crimson Crusher orb. Adam Warlocks ultimate attacks primary target causing up to 420% damage and placing Stun before it Chains to another target 2 spaces away causing up to 370% damage and placing Stun. You will probably have to revive Phoenix but it will pay off in the long term because in this way you will lose less healing packs than if you used some other available teams. Passive ability grants Miles Stealth at the start of each battle and applies Defense Down at the start of each turn to the random target. However, since they will need 5th member to assemble a defensive formation in Helicarrier the best possible option is to add them Silver Surfer whose abilities will fit just fine and will grant them an advantage against enemies with Immunities. It also heals all allies for up to 20% of his Max Health and revives a dead Symbiote ally with up 60% base Health. Her first skill inflicts medium Piercing damage and applies 1-2 random negative effects on the target. Drax is an unpredictable, taunting attacker with rapid attacks that drain health. Other members of the team possess all other things needed for dominating against other teams. Vision is an Avenger Controller with high dodge rate who can inflict Ability Block and Offense Down to his enemies. Hero, Global, Mutant, Blaster, X-Men, Latent Potential. It always inflicts critical damage against minions. His first skill attacks the single target causing moderate damage and applying Offense Down for 1 turn and Slow for up to 2 turns. Night Nurse is an excellent healer who is able to deploy a wide variety of health restoration abilities, Hero, City, Skill, Support, Shadowland, Infiltrator. His passive ability grants increased focus and increase his Speed Bar whenever Pyro is under attack. When fully upgraded, passive ability heals Longshot by 20% of his Health every turn. His second skill inflicts blind to the primary target and 3 other random targets and additionally applies Slow to two random targets. Deathpool combines her fathers love of brawling with her mothers incredible supernatural powers. Cyclops should be equipped either with Raider ISO-8 class or with Striker class depending on other existing classes in your X-Man team. Her ultimate can be used in the first turn and that can be decisive in Alliance War fights where she can clear all initial positive effects on enemies. If Colleen Wing is an ally this attack cannot be blocked and Colleen is granted Offense Up in the process. Heimdall is an Asgardian Brawler who protects his Asgardian allies from negative effects like Blind and Heal Block. Passive ability boosts her speed by 10% and provides Offense Up when in stealth. Choosing ISO-8 class for Phoenix can be tricky since buffs or debuffs activated by it can only be used by Phoenix and will not be available when she reborn as Dark Phoenix. Marvel Insider Watch, Earn, Redeem! His first skill delivers medium damage to primary, chains to up to 1 adjacent target and applies Offense Down to TECH targets. Welcome to the Iso-8 guide for Star-Lord, the latest in our series about the popular game Marvel Strike Force.In this series we look at the best Iso-8 enhancements for MSF characters.While some may refer to Iso-8 as simply "mods" like in other mobile games, we will look to stay true to the naming convention of the Marvel universe and the developers over at Scopely/Boundless Entertainment. After the initial strike Toad chains to up to 5 additional targets causing the same effect. Passive skill grants Minn-Erva the ability to heal most injured ally after enemy death and increases her Speed Bar when an ally dies. minions and Nick Fury by 10% per character which means that all members of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Passive ability grants her up to 30% Dodge rate and Stealth for up to 2 turns when Kittys Health drops below 50%. Half mallrat, half fireworks factory, Jubilee uses her explosive plasmoid powers to blind dweebs while her allies totally strike. Regarding ISO-8, in my opinion, Skirmisher is the only viable option for Jubilee because extra focus granted from Skirmisher is essential for Jubilee. However if your Yo-Yo is strong enough you could try to exploit his AOE attacks by giving him Raider ISO-8 class. Deadpool was introduced after the 1.2 update, and he could only be obtained through Deadpool Raid and Deadpool Event at the beginning. members Spider-Man and Spider-Man (Miles). However he needs Longshot to do that, so if you want to use Shatterstar before the full X-Factor team is introduced you will be forced to use Longshot as well. Villain, Global, Tech, Protector, Hydra, Minion, Governed by a technologically advanced alien race with militaristic aspirations. Alliances are tasked with staying organized in their plan of attack with Alliance leaders having the ability to mark certain rooms for attack or as off-limits. His second skill clears Heal Bloc from 2 most injured allies and grants Mister Sinister Offense Up for 2 turns. Her first skill causes medium damage against the single target and fills her Speed Bar by up to 20%.
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