The Puppy Effect – Dog is Good

I had just said my good byes to the wonderful faculty at Leader Dogs for the Blind.  Now in my care was an adorable, bundle of yellow fur. She had a busy day, saying goodbye to the staff and her siblings who would soon be departing as well to the homes of their volunteer puppy raisers. She laid her little head on my shoulder and I relished the quiet breath along my neck and the intoxicating smell that puppies exude.

Fortunately, a dear friend had joined me on this trip to retrieve BOLO and bring her to California. Transporting a puppy was a new endeavor for me and I wanted to make sure it went off without a hitch. We stopped at a local store before heading to the airport. This is where I got my first glimpse of what I would later call “BOLO- MANIA”. 

As we walked into the store, I carried this sweet yellow lab in my arms. People noticed her immediately, smiling and asking if they could pet her. They ooooohhhhed and ahhhhhhhed as they touched her. The instant shift in their mood was immediately apparent. This phenomenon continued once we arrived at the airport. People stopped us in our tracks to touch BOLO, others ran backwards on the moving conveyor belts to connect with her. In every instance, the reaction was the same and lasting effect of having been with her, even for a moment, was visibly obvious. For months during my care, people would constantly fall over themselves for the opportunity to marvel at her cuteness, get a whiff of her puppy breath, or practice their training skills. 

Puppies have a power-  they attract everything to them. Humans can experience the puppy effect in their own lives too. With the right approach, you can attract anything you want. It all starts with energy and your vibrational state. Nothing is more important than feeling good.  The state of feeling good opens up a channel that makes it possible for good things to flow from you and to you. You know that feeling… you hit every green light as you are driving to a destination, ideas present themselves easily, you find yourself at the right place at the right time, and the people you need to connect with suddenly show up by phone or in person. 

How you feel is the result of the thoughts that float around your head. Your energetic state is dependent on where you choose to focus your attention. If you are constantly focusing on lack, challenge, fear, or negativity the law of attraction states you will bring more of that into your life. Everything you want is available for the taking. When facing a very real challenge, this can seem impossible. Abundance is not something you acquire, it is something you tune into. Practice self-awareness and notice when your thoughts pull you out of alignment with a positive energy.

Some strategies to tune into a more positive and productive way of thinking include: 

  1.  Be in a state of gratitude for all things, big and small, in your life
  2.  Take the attention off of yourself and seek to serve someone else
  3. Focus on what you do want and expand your thinking in this area
  4. Connect with your dog-  let them remind you how to feel good and easily shift your thoughts from lack to abundance, making it possible for you to fetch everything you desire. 


If you are seeking guidance on attracting the life you want to live …then come join our Fur Covered Wisdom FB community.


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