Tips For New Dog Owners

If you are a new pet parent, you need to check out our tips for new dog owners…aka dog obsessed dog moms and dog dads.  We already know that you are ready for the unconditional love and companionship that bringing a dog into you life will fulfill.  But have you thought of all the other little and big details that come with being a dog owner?

Couch Potato Or Running Man

Just like people, dogs have diverse personalities and you should decide what type of dog you want for your family.  One thing you will realize as a new dog owner, you will never be alone. Are you a certified lazy person who’s biggest feat on the weekend is searching for the remote?  Do you like to strut your stuff on the promenade and dine al fresco at the pet friendly restaurants?  Do you want to hike up Kilimanjaro and want a four-legged companion?  Are you a beach babe who wants to throw the ball 1000x into the waves?  Whatever category you fit, some or all, choose a dog breed that fits your lifestyle.  Here are some general tips for dog breeds:

Laziest Dogs: Shih Tzu, French Bulldog, Basset Hound, Great Dane, Saint Bernard

Best Dog for Apartment Living: Bichon Frise, Greyhound, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Pug, Boston Terrier

Most Social Dogs: Golden Retriever, Labrador, Poodle, Border Collie, Beagle, Bull Terrier

Water Loving Dogs: Portugese Water Dog, Poodle, Labrador, Newfoundland, Irish Setter

Extremely Active Dogs: German Shepherd, Border Collie, Siberian Husky, Australian Shepherd, Corgi

The Calm Before The Storm

bringing home a puppy

Before you even bring your bundle of joy home, you must start by preparing your house. Here’s a list of items you will need as a new dog owner:

Baby Gates, Dog Bed, Bowls, Brush, Cleaning Supplies (trust us), Collar, Tags, Leash, Crate, Waste bags, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toys, Healthy Dog Food and of course lots of Dog Treats.

An important tip for new dog owners is to DOG PROOF EVERYTHING.  That tv remote…put it up high.  Your electrical cords? Tape them up and out of the way. Aunt Edna’s gnome collection?  Move it to the closet.

Again. And Again. And Again

Dogs thrive on routines.  Whether you have adopted a puppy or rescued a senior pup…start right away with a routine so your new dog has consistency. Change is difficult on humans and dogs, so settling into a regular pattern will help your dog adjust to their new home.  If you want to start each day with a walk, get into that habit.  It will definitely benefit your dog to get some zoomies out and bonus is you to get exercise with your new best friend.  Meal time, play time, sleep time should all be predictable for your dog.

Patience Is A Virtue

puppy and woman

Chewing. Peeing on the carpet.  Shark teeth bites.  Barking.  All of these are common occurrences for new dog owners.  Extra patience is required while your new dog settles in.  Things will get better with time.  Getting advice on dog training is also a helpful tip.

Social Hour

dog park

Socializing your puppy at a young age is a fine balancing act.  You want them fully vaccinated before you take them out on walks, to the park as well as meet ‘n greets with other dogs. Most dogs are social creatures, they love fun and games. Getting them out for play dates is a healthy and enjoyable way to spend time with your pup.  Here are some great tips to have your dog make friends:

Happy Hour at the local watering hole, Dog Beach, Park Walk, Hiking Trails, Doggy Playdate, Puppy Kindergarten, Agility Courses

Health Care

dog at the vet

Start right away with a trusted veterinarian is a good tip for new dog owners.  You don’t want to wait until 2am on a Saturday to find a reliable vet.  Ask for recommendations from other dog lovers.  You and your dog should feel comfortable with your doggy doctor.  After all they are taking care of your best friend.  Here are some tips of what to look for in a veterinarian:

Compassionate. Personal Skills. Problem Solver.  Good Listener. Close Proximity to Home.

Dog Co-Dependent

dog and woman

Learning about your dog is a life-long adventure that doesn’t end after the first few months.  Your bond with your dog will grow day by day.  As a new dog owner, give your dog time and yourself grace that eventually you will know each other so well that you both will be on the same routine.  Dog lovers universally know how great life is when your are dog co-dependent.

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