What To Ask and What To Know – Topic #2: Medications


Welcome back to our second post in a series about things to consider if you’re leaving your dog with somebody while you’re away on an extended vacation, or for a weekend, an overnight trip, or even for a few hours one afternoon or evening.

Image credit.

You can check out our first post in the series, on food, here.

We’re keeping up the dual-perspective of the owner and the person looking after the dog (let’s call that person the “host”) in this post, posing questions that both parties should consider for maximum benefit and enjoyment all around: for the people and the dogs.

Today’s topic: medications for the dog.

Here we go:

  • Is the dog on any medications? If not, great, nothing more to worry about! Stay tuned for our next post, and enjoy your trip or time with the dog!

If the dog is on medication, however, here are some questions to consider:

  • Does the medication need to be administered during the owner’s absence?
  • If so, what is the dosage?
  • When does it need to be administered?
  • Does it need to be administered with food, or water, or both?
  • What is the method of administration? (e.g., pill that can be mixed in with food, vs. mouth syringe, vs. topical application, etc.).
  • Before, during, or after a meal?
  • Any interactions to consider with other foods or medications if more than one medication needs to be administered?
  • Timings between doses?
  • What to do if there’s an adverse reaction?
  • Common side-effects you should be aware of?
  • Does the medication need to be stored in particular way? (e.g., refrigerated or at a specific temperature).

As a care provider, we feel it’s important for people to have considered these questions and have the answers on hand to maximize the comfort and well-being (and health) of all parties involved: owner, host, and dog.

Anything we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments!

As always, thanks for reading. We’re glad to have you with us.

Stay tuned for our next post in the series coming up soon!

Twitter: @LifeInDogLane  @adamgemackenzie


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