What, When and Why of your Puppy’s First Shots

Puppy Vaccines  by Janice Jones  |Last Updated 02-09-2023

Puppy vaccinations can
prevent deadly diseases but they are not without controversy.  Why is there so much confusion over something
as simple as puppy shots?

Experts know much about
vaccines today, but there are also unknowns. 

There is little agreement
even among veterinarians as to what is best for each dog.  What is worse, many people have heard horror
stories about vaccine reactions in people. 
With such controversy, wouldn’t it just be easier not to vaccinate at
all?  Some think so, but read on.

Puppies are not naturally
immune to diseases.   But, if their mother has been immunized or previously
had the disease, she will pass on her antibodies via the placenta in utero.  Then the puppies will receive more protection
once they have ingested their first milk. 

This first milk or colostrum
is produced by the mother for the first 36 to 48 hours after birth and is rich
in antibodies that the mother may have. 
If the mother has none, she will not pass any protection onto her

Puppy VaccinesPuppy Vaccines

If Puppies are Protected, Why Vaccinate? 

The antibodies do not last
forever.  Eventually, the puppy will not
have the necessary level of antibodies needed to ward off the disease and will
need a shot to protect him. 

If the pups
continue to nurse, the maternal antibodies will protect the baby, but they will
also block the effectiveness of any shots that might be given. 

The idea behind puppy shots is to time them
in such a way so that once the level of antibodies is low enough the vaccine
will work. 

Timing of Puppy Vaccines

There seems to be a wide
window of time when puppies can be immunized successfully.  According to Dr. Fosters and Smith, only 25%
of six week old puppies would have low enough levels of maternal antibodies circulating
in their system to be immunized successfully. 

By nine weeks, the percentage
of maternal antibodies rises to 40%, then 60% by 16 weeks and 95% by 18

Only one shot is needed to
give the puppy protection from these deadly diseases for one year.

The trick is deciding when to
give it.  If the pup receives the shot
too soon, it won’t be effective; too late and the puppy is at risk of getting
the disease.  This is why veterinarians
recommend a serious of 3 shots, spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart. 

What are Puppy Vaccines?

Vaccines contain antigens that
resemble the disease causing organism. 

There are three types of

  • Modified Live Vaccines (MLV)
  • Inactivated or Killed Vaccine
  • Recombinant

Modified live vaccines
contain a weak strain of the disease but since it was modified will not cause
the actual virus.  These vaccines are
considered to be quick and produce a long lasting immunity.

The inactivated or killed
contains the killed whole disease agent.  It is the oldest method and is considered
more stable, with the longest shelf life. 
The immunity achieved is slower than the Modified Live Vaccine
(MLV).  These vaccines require an adjutant to be
effective.  Adjutant are chemicals that
can result in increased risk of vaccine reaction. 

technology is new providing respectable results.  These vaccines
are some of the most advanced vaccines used in veterinary medicine. Recombinant
vaccines use only portions of the selected genetic sequences. 

The vaccine does not expose the dog to the
whole disease causing organism. The best
benefit of Recombinant Technology is that the vaccine cannot become disabled by maternal
antibodies like what happens with the other two types of vaccines.

What Puppy Vaccines Does Your Dog Need?

In 2011, the American Animal
Hospital Association (AAHA) provided updated canine vaccination guidelines
recommending timing of shots.  AAHA
divided vaccines into three categories:  Core,
Non-core, and Not recommended.

Core Puppy Vaccines:  Those Recommended Shots for All Dogs

Core vaccines are those suggested
for all dogs because the disease is highly contagious, very severe or life
threatening or have a chance of being passed onto people.  At present, there are four core vaccines,
three of which are usually administered together in one shot.


Parvovirus is
a contagious disease that can be fatal if not caught early.  It appeared out of nowhere in the early 1970s
causing much suffering and death in dogs who were exposed which was a larger
percentage of the canine population.

Vomiting and profuse, foul
smelling mucus/bloody diarrhea are often the first symptoms seen in dogs, but
fever (greater than 105 degrees F.) and severe lethargy is also common. 

Treatment consists of
medications to control vomiting and diarrhea, IV fluids, and supportive care.

The AAHA recommends that
puppies begin their shots between 6 and 8 weeks of age and then receive
boosters every 3 to 4 weeks.  The last
shot should be given between 14 and 16 weeks. 

Puppies should be vaccinated at one year of age and then about every
three years.  Veterinarians often alter
this schedule, so check with your vet for their recommendations.


Distemper is
a disease that is potentially deadly.   It is caused by a virus similar to the one
that causes measles in people.  An
infected dog will shed the virus in all body secretions making it highly contagious.  Secondary infections and
complications to this disease can occur.

Dogs suffering from distemper
will have a fever, appear listless, stop eating and have a watery discharge
from their eyes and nose.   If you think
these symptoms sound like the common cold, you are right, but soon the nasal
discharge becomes thick, sticky and yellow. 

Soon afterwards, vomiting and diarrhea occur.  The classic symptoms follow and include
seizures, head shaking, chewing behaviors and slobbering.  Death usually follows.

Again, the AAHA recommends
that puppy shots be given between 6 and 8 weeks of age, followed by boosters
every 3 to 4 weeks until the last one is given between 14 and 16 weeks.

vaccine is administered at one year and then every three years thereafter.  Distemper and Parvo vaccines are usually mixed
in the same syringe and give with the Canine Hepatitis or Adenovirus vaccine

Canine Hepatitis (Adenovirus-2)

Canine hepatitis (Adenovirus-2) affects the liver and can cause death.  It is highly contagious, and most cases in
the US involve puppies younger than one year old. 

Symptoms can be mild or
rapidly fatal.  In mild cases, the dog
will lose his appetite and seem lethargic for a day or two.  In severe cases, the dog will develop
diarrhea, high fever, vomiting, and abdominal pain.  The dog may also show signs of tearing or
squinting, bleeding gums and jaundice.    

AAHA recommends that shots be
initiated between 6 and 8 weeks of age, followed by boosters at 3 to 4 week
intervals.  Puppies should receive their
last shots between 14 and 16 weeks of age. 
The vaccine is then administered at one year and then every three years


Rabies is
deadly and can be transmitted to humans through the saliva of an affected
animal. Rabies has been identified in nearly all warm blooded animals.  In the United States, vaccination programs
have reduced the risk to pets and their owners. 

Now, the major reservoir for
this deadly disease is in wild animals– skunks, raccoon, foxes, bats, and

Symptoms of rabies include
disorientation, fever, increased aggression, and seizures.  End stages include paralysis, and frothing at
the mouth.  Everyone agrees that this is an
awful way to die.  If a dog is bitten by
a rabid animal,  treatment consists of
washing the wound with soap and water, and revaccinating the dog within 14 daysof exposure.

Rabies vaccines are mandated by
law in the U.S.  The initial vaccine for
Rabies is given between 12 and 16 weeks of age and then again at one year of
age. The Rabies vaccine is the only shot that must be administered by a
licensed veterinarian. 

All others can be
given by anyone capable of doing so.  After
the one-year booster, local law will decide how often the rabies vaccine must be
given.  Most jurisdictions allow for
rabies shots to be given every three years, but some require one or two year

Non-Core Puppy Vaccines

Non-core vaccines include
those given for a kennel cough (parainfluenza and Bordetella), Lyme disease,
coronavirus, and Leptospirosis.  Non-core
vaccines are those that are only given if your lifestyle or location warrants

Most non core vaccines either
protect against treatable diseases or illnesses that don’t pose a universal


Kennel cough or “canine contagious cough complex and can be caused by as many as ten
different microorganisms, but the two most common are Bordetella and

Dogs get this disease in
places where there are many dogs in confined areas such as a dog show, dog
park, day care or boarding kennel.  It is
spread through the respiratory tract.

Symptoms include a hacking
cough but treatment is easy:  cough
medicine and antibiotics. 

If your dog enters a boarding
kennel or doggie daycare facility, he will likely need a Bordetella
vaccine.  Vaccines are not shots but
drops that are placed in the dog’s nose.


Leptospirosis is a disease affecting the kidneys and liver, and it is contracted
through the contact with the urine of an affected animal such as a rat,
raccoon, cow or pig.  The chance of a dog
passing on Leptospirosis is rare but still considered possible.  That is why it is considered a non-core

One problem with this vaccine
is that it does not provide protection for more than about six or seven
months.  The other problem is that there
are four strains of Leptospirosis so the vaccine must be effective against all
four.  Additionally, some side effects
have been reported.

Read more about Leptospirosis in Small Dogs

Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease is a disease that both dogs
and people can get.  It is caused by the
bite of a tick. In dogs, symptoms can
include lameness, kidney failure, and heart disease.  Sometimes there are no symptoms in dogs.

It is most widespread
in the northeastern states of the United States, especially in New England, but
also occurs in Wisconsin and Michigan.

The vaccine is
administered in two doses, about 2 to 4 weeks apart and must not be given to
puppies younger than 12 weeks of age. 

vaccinations are recommended or given at the beginning of the tick season only
to dogs known to be at risk. These would include dogs living in areas where
Lyme Disease is prevalent or in dogs that regularly hunt, camp or are outdoors
much of the summer months.

Not Recommended Puppy Vaccines

Those vaccines considered by
the American Animal Hospital Association to be not recommended included

  • Corona virus
  • Giardia
  • Adenovirus-1
  • Rattlesnake venom vaccine


Corona is a
rare disease that affects puppies younger than 8 weeks of age.  Symptoms include vomiting and foul smelling
diarrhea accompanied by loss of appetite and lethargy.   

It is considered
to be self-limiting, meaning that the puppies will get better on their own
without any treatment. If treatment is available, it is supportive in
nature,  and includes fluids if necessary
and treatment of the vomiting and diarrhea. 

Dog owners rarely see this
illness, because the puppies that may get the illness are still with the
breeder.  Some veterinarians will still want
to give your young puppy the Corona vaccine and then re-vaccinate in a couple
of weeks.  Generally this is not

Corona virus is no a problem in adult dogs.  Veterinary Immunologists do not think the
vaccine is effective.  The AAHA does not
recommend it either.

This is one vaccine you can say
no to without jeopardizing your puppy’s health.


A Canine Giardia vaccine is
available but not recommended by the AAHA because the disease will respond
quickly to treatment. 

Often worming medicines
will treat this one celled organism along with other intestinal worms. 

If treatment is necessary it is supportive
and includes maintaining hydration and treating any vomiting and diarrhea that
may accompany this parasitic outbreak. 

Furthermore, there are risks
of side effects.  The vaccine may adequately
prevent Giardia infections.

Rattlesnake Venom Vaccine

This vaccine is specifically
designed to produce antibodies against the venom of the western diamondback
rattlesnake. It may also be work against other types of snakes including the Sidewinder,
Copperhead, and Timber rattlesnake. 
There is no protection if the dog is bitten by a  water moccasin or coral snake. 

Dogs require a booster after
one month of the initial dose and then annual thereafter.  Because the positive effects of the vaccine
diminish over time, twice yearly vaccines may be needed. 

If a dog should be bitten, they
still require treatment, but may lessen the pain and amount of antivenin necessary
for treatment. 

The AAHA does not recommend
this vaccine due to the lack of information regarding its efficacy. 

Adult Booster Shots

Dogs will need booster shots
to maintain full immunity from disease. 
The frequency of boosters is very variable and depends on several
factors:  the dog’s own immune system,
the individual vaccine, and if the dog was exposed to the disease. 

Currently, the AAHA
recommends re-vaccinating dogs every three years for most core vaccines. This
does not mean, however, that immunity only last 3 years.  There is evidence that protection might last
much longer, even the life time of the pet. 

Dr. Ron Schultz, professor
and chair of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences at the University of
Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine,  believes no booster is required for dogs
assuming the initial dose is effective.

If vaccinating your adult dog seems like over-kill, you have
a couple of options. 

Many holistic vets will recommend doing titers to determine
the level of antibiotics remaining in the system.   This is a blood test and more expensive than
giving the actual vaccine. 

The advantage
of doing this before any vaccines are given are to protect the health of your

If you believe that too many
vaccines are given today, this is a very safe alternative to submitting to an
arbitrary vaccine schedule that may or may not adequately protect your dog
without serious side effects.

Puppy Vaccines Adverse Reactions

According to Dr. W. Jean
immune-mediated blood disease, bone marrow failure, and organ
dysfunction are rare but serious problems associated with the Modified Live
Vaccines (MLV).  This is especially true
for the distemper virus, adenovirus 1 or 2, and parvovirus. 

“The clinical signs
associated with vaccine reactions typically include fever, stiffness, sore
joints and abdominal tenderness, susceptibility to infections, neurological
disorders and encephalitis, collapse with auto agglutinated red blood cells and
icterus (autoimmune hemolytic anemia, AIHA, also called immune-mediated
hemolytic anemia, IMHA), or generalized petechiae and ecchymotic
 hemorrhages (immune-mediated thrombocytopenia , ITP).  Hepatic
enzymes may be markedly elevated, and liver or kidney failure may occur by
itself or accompany bone marrow suppression.”   

veterinarians are not mandated to report any adverse reactions, so the actual
incidence of problems is unknown.

Schedule for Puppy Vaccines

As a new puppy owner, it is often difficult to know what to do or what to expect when you see the vet.  Take a look at the following vaccine protocol schedules.  According to Pets Mart

DHLPPC (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvo, Parainfluenza and Corona)

  • First vaccination: 6 to 8 weeks
  • Second vaccination: 9 to 11 weeks
  • Third vaccination: 12 to 14 weeks
  • Fourth vaccination: 16 to 17 weeks
  • Booster shots: 12 months


  • First vaccination: 14 weeks
  • Booster shots: 6 months


  • First vaccination: 16 weeks (varies by state)
  • Booster shots: 12-36 months


  • First vaccination: 14 weeks
  • Second vaccination: 17 weeks
  • Booster shots: 12 months


  • First vaccination: 14 weeks
  • Second vaccination: 17 weeks
  • Booster shots: 12 months

Puppy Vaccines Recommendations from AKC

Puppy’s Age Recommended Vaccinations

6 to 8 Weeks:  Distemper, measles, parainfluenza

Optional Bordetella

10 — 12 weeks:  DHPP (vaccines for distemper, adenovirus [hepatitis], parainfluenza, and parvovirus)

Optional:  Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease

12 — 24 weeks Rabies

14 — 16 weeks DHPP

Optional:  Coronavirus, Lyme disease, Leptospirosis

12 — 16 months Rabies, DHPP

Optional:  Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease

Every 1 — 2 years DHPP, Coronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease

Every 1 — 3 years Rabies (as required by law)

As you can see, there is much diversity when it comes to what vaccines to give at what times.  Your best bet is to contact your veterinarian and ask these important questions.

What vaccines are the most important for my puppy living in this area?

Why is it important that I vaccinate for non core disease?  Pros and Cons.

How big of a risk do I take if I choose to not vaccinate?

References and Further Reading for Puppy Vaccines

American Animal Hospital Association:  Canine Vaccination Guidelines

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