Which Has Better Coverage? – CanineJournal.com

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Two puppies in field (caption: Figo vs Healthy Paws)Figo and Healthy Paws are two of the most commonly discussed pet insurance providers, and we put them head to head and choose a clear winner.

While both companies offer thorough coverage, there’s a difference in their reputation and often price. We explain why we rank one better than the other below.

Visit Figo’s Website | Visit Healthy Paws’ Website

Policy Coverage

The table below shows specifically what Figo and Healthy Paws cover. Both companies cover blood tests, MRIs, rehabilitation, surgery, hospitalization, emergency care, specialty care, non-routine dental treatment, chronic conditions, hereditary conditions, congenital conditions, diagnostic treatment, alternative/holistic therapy and prescription medications.

  Figo Healthy Paws
Overall Ranking in our Pet Insurance Reviews 3rd 1st
Hip Dysplasia Waiting Period 14 Days 12 Months*
ACL Waiting Period 6 Months 15 Days
Pre-Existing Conditions
Check Ups, Vaccinations, Spay/Neuter, Teeth Cleaning
Illnesses Waiting Period 14 Days 15 Days
Accidents Waiting Period 3 Days 15 Days
Exam Fees Additional Premium
Enrollment Fee $9.00 $25
30-Day Money Back Guarantee Checkmark Checkmark
Claim Limits $5,000 to Unlimited Unlimited
BBB Rating B+ A+
Underwriter Independence American Insurance Company Westchester Fire Insurance Company/Chubb
A.M. Best Rating A- A++
No Exam Required to Set Baseline for Pet’s Health Checkmark

*Healthy Paws only offers hip dysplasia coverage to dogs enrolled before the age of 6.

We like that Figo has a much shorter waiting period for hip dysplasia at only 14 days. However, its ACL waiting period is 6 months versus Healthy Paws’ 15-day waiting period. Figo also has a shorter accident waiting period at only 3 days (vs 15 days for Healthy Paws). Additionally, Healthy Paws doesn’t accept dogs older than 14 for coverage. Figo wins by a hair in this category because it has shorter waiting periods on average but still offers thorough coverage.Figo logo small

Policy Coverage Winner: Figo

Customer Service & Reputation

Person holding phone next to dog: Customer Service & Reputation Winner

Healthy Paws has one of the best reputations in the pet insurance industry. The majority of Healthy Paws customer complaints are from customers who, unfortunately, didn’t read or understand their policy.

Complaints include the company not paying a claim during a waiting period, not paying as much of a claim due to the deductible and reimbursement level selected, not covering pre-existing conditions, etc. We can’t fault Healthy Paws for these complaints because there are similar complaints about all pet insurance providers.

Instead, we hope to inform pet parents on the terms of pet insurance, so they fully understand what is and is not covered when they purchase. This is something we think all pet insurance providers can help with as well.

Healthy Paws, founded in 2009, has been around a few years longer than Figo (founded in 2012). During that time, Healthy Paws has been more stable with its underwriter and performance than Figo has. Figo’s most recent underwriter change was in December 2019. Underwriter changes can often result in premium changes, which results in an influx of negative feedback about a pet insurance company. We hope this is the last underwriter change at Figo for a while so they can establish a stable partnership and remain a reliable option for customers.

Similar to Healthy Paws, Figo has negative reviews regarding not paying claims. However, these are often claims for pre-existing conditions or wellness-related claims that pet insurance companies don’t cover to begin with (e.g., spaying/neutering, vaccines, etc.).

Figo still has great customer service and is responsive to its customers’ questions and needs. However, Healthy Paws has a better, longer-standing reputation.

Another reason we think Healthy Paws is the winner of this category because Healthy Paws leads pet insurance providers with positive changes. It’s continually leading the pack with exceptional customer service, coverage and claim coverage.

Healthy Paws logo

Timeliness Of Claim Repayment

Doctor's office papers, pen and stethoscope (text in image: claim repayment winner)

Figo typically pays claims within 5 to 7 business days, while Healthy Paws pays 99% of its claims within 2 days — both of which are shorter than other competitors.

Both companies have a history of repaying claims in a timely fashion, with Healthy Paws having a slightly better reputation. So we declare Healthy Paws the winner of this category.

Healthy Paws logo

Price Of Policy

Below are some quotes from June 10, 2020. All information is for pets without a microchip, no multi-pet discount and no pre-existing conditions.

  Breed Birthday Gender Location Deductible Reimbursement % Annual Maximum Price Per Month
Healthy Paws Yorkshire Terrier June 2017 Male Ohio (43205) $100 80% Unlimited $33.52
Figo Yorkshire Terrier June 2017 Male Ohio (43205) $100 80% Unlimited $33.59
Healthy Paws Yorkshire Terrier June 2017 Male Ohio (43205) $100 90% Unlimited $41.88
Figo Yorkshire Terrier June 2017 Male Ohio (43205) $100 90% Unlimited $44.16
Healthy Paws Labrador Retriever April 2016 Female California (90024) $250 80% Unlimited $88.04
Figo Labrador Retriever April 2016 Female California (90024) $250 80% Unlimited $72.35
Healthy Paws Medium Mixed Breed January 2014 Female Illinois (60604) $500 70% Unlimited $47.06
Figo Medium Mixed Breed January 2014 Female Illinois (60604) $500 70% Unlimited $33.57
Healthy Paws American Pit Bull Terrier September 2017 Male New York (10012) $500 70% Unlimited $63.52
Figo American Pit Bull Terrier September 2017 Male New York (10012) $500 70% Unlimited $40.32

Dog laying next to money: (text in image: pricing winner)When we ran additional price quotes, Healthy Paws was consistently among the 4 least expensive, while Figo’s pricing was more sporadic. Depending on your pet, the quotes can be very similar or very different between these two companies.

Additionally, Figo requires a one-time fee of $9 as well as a $2 transaction fee per month, while Healthy Paws requires a one-time fee of $25 with no transaction fee.

Overall, Healthy Paws was most often among the lowest priced options, and it doesn’t require a monthly transaction fee, which can add up quickly in savings. We encourage you to run your own quotes to understand how the pricing stacks up for you and your pet.

Healthy Paws logo



Healthy Paws

What’s The Verdict?

We think Figo and Healthy Paws are both excellent pet insurance providers. Ultimately, it comes down to Healthy Paws’ more established and consistent reputation as well as lower prices.

However, Figo is a company we recommend getting a quote from because it has comprehensive coverage and sometimes comes out with a lower price than other top pet insurance companies. You can learn more about Figo and Healthy Paws by reading our company reviews.

Healthy Paws logo

Do you have an experience with Figo or Healthy Paws you’d like to share?

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