Why Does My Dog Hump? – Top Dog Tips


In this article, we’ll tackle everything you need to know about dog humping. Sometimes, it is indeed hilarious when there’s a video of a dog humping a leg or humping people in general.

Below, we’ll discuss why dogs hump and ways to help them stop humping. But first, let’s discuss what is dog humping?

Veterinary professionals refer to humping as mounting behavior. This occurs when a dog wraps its front legs around another dog before repeatedly thrusting its pelvis.

Both male and female dogs, even if they are spayed or neutered or not, can do humping. So why do they do this in the first place?

Humping in dogs

Dog Humping: Why Do Dogs Hump?

Humping is an inherently sexual action in nature. But sometimes, it’s not always the case. Humping is half instinct and half learned behavior, and it is also normal for dogs.

Below, we list down a few of the different reasons why dogs hump:


First on the list is Excitement. Most of the time, dogs are not mimicking mating manners when they hump.

Sometimes, it’s a way for dogs to burn off excess energy or relieve some stress.

For instance, some dogs bark, some run, some jump, and some hump. Humping is normal for dogs.

However, if it becomes more frequent than usual, training may help you by redirecting your dog to another outlet for their energy.


If your dog is intact (not spayed or neutered), it can hump other dogs due to hormones and sexual attraction. In some cases, if both dogs are intact, they usually end up mating.

That’s why it’s necessary to keep intact dogs of the opposite sex separate if you don’t want them mating.

Also, keep in mind that female dogs hump too. It sometimes is sexual, sometimes it’s not.

Furthermore, it can also be a form of masturbation when you see your female dog hump objects or people. In these cases, spaying or neutering your pups can help.


You’ve heard of play fighting, right?

Well, in dogs, there’s also play humping and it’s completely normal and acceptable it doesn’t upset one of the dogs.

In some playful dogs, they play hump each other back and forth, and they’re both happy.

As the dog owner, it’s your job to break it up if one of the dogs is irritated by the humping.

Why do dogs hump people?

When you see your dog humping towards a person when a dog is excited, this can be a sign of mental or emotional arousal.

This mounting behavior can be their way of seeking attention from that person.

Why do dogs hump at nothing or the air?

When a dog is mentally or emotionally aroused but has been punished for humping before, it may begin humping the air.

This happens because they do not know if they should make physical contact or not.

Why do dogs hump cats?

This might be a weird thing to see, but when your dog is humping your cat, it can be a sign of excitement. Also, it can be a part of their playtime.

However, some small dogs sometimes mount cats if there is a social conflict between them.

Dog Humping

When Is Dog Humping a Problem?

Above, we’ve talked about how dog humping is natural, okay, and somewhat not weird. However, there comes a time when humping can be a problem for dogs.

You’ll be able to tell if humping is a problem when your dog spends most of its day doing this behavior.

This can be a sign of compulsive behavior, especially if you can’t distract them from doing it or when you can’t redirect your dog from other activities.

Male dogs can develop dermatitis over their foreskins when they hump too much.

This is a serious health condition that happens when a dog humps an object frequently enough that it causes a lesion to form on the tip of the penis.

This condition can be painful and it can also cause scarring at the tip of the penis, forming a urinary blockage. If ever this happens to your dog, contact your vet immediately.

Excessive humping or mounting can also be painful in some conditions. For instance, if the dog is suffering from degenerative disc disease or arthritis.

dog humping a ball

How to Stop Dog Humping?

Calming Them Down

Inevitably pets can become overly excited and they tend to hump anything in response to this uncontrollable emotion.

Try calming your dog down if they hump out of excitement. You can either try to soothe it by becoming calmer or not entertaining their need for attention.

When the dogs observe the calmer and puzzling atmosphere, their excitement will halt and get distracted elsewhere.

This is possible if all of the party does the same. The absolute definition is a key to a dog’s understanding.


Dogs who are not able to get their essential mental and physical stimulation may become destructive.

Humping is one way of expressing their frustration and their restlessness. Owners must try, if not yet, to expose their dog to more exercise, training, or even playtime.

If the dog can release the excess energy, they would not feel the need to do direful activities. Instead, have their remaining energy released elsewhere.

It’s important to provide proper training and exercise for your dogs as it helps them understand their lifestyle as well.

Some dogs live in routines and others in spontaneity, but all dogs need to enhance their body’s condition for better health in mind and body.

Neutering Your Dog 

Neutering can help modify your pet’s behavior but will not ultimately stop the humping habit. Animals have an instinct to prolong their bloodline as a survival mechanism.

If the dog does not feel satisfied with not being able to carry out the activity, it will resort to humping out of frustration.

Neutering the dog will help change its behavior and its desire to mate or hump.

If the dog does feel it, it wouldn’t look for it nor desire it. So it’s the best option for owners too if they do not plan to have their dog have a litter.

With millions of stray cats and dogs worldwide, neutering may be the best option for cats and dogs.

Training Your Dog

Owners must remember their basic training with their dogs. A simple instruction as having their dog sit after mounting on them will immediately halt the activity.

Since in a certain position they won’t be able to do the action, their shift is focused on the command or treat.

Owners can train their dogs not to mount on people or other dogs as well. It may require extended effort and patience but it may show results in no time.

Make sure to use treats for the first training, treats can help engage the dog with the training more.

Correctional Training

Correctional training is a great way to modify behavior in dogs.

By creating an unpleasant sound or image when the dog does the behavior, they immediately shift their attention to the unpleasant thing.

This must be done repeatedly until the dog understands that a certain action has a negative consequence.

With the uncomfortable and sudden shift, they will be distracted. Although they may repeat the same action, one must simply repeat the same consequence.

For example, creating an unpleasant loud sound when they hump will immediately call out their attention and have them stop the activity.

Owners can use their voice or a small horn or whistle to do so. 

Hire a Professional

Dog humping may be a symptom of a disease or a behavioral issue. Either way, if it heavily affects their daily function, a professional should be inquired.

Asking for proper diagnosis and treatment for behavioral problems is important. 

Some conditions may require and disallow certain requirements and owners need to remember for it may affect the prognosis of the treatment.

dog humping

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Humping

Why do dogs hump a certain person?

Dogs may hump a certain person when they like the person. Mounting behavior can happen when they see their favorite dog friend or person.

What age do male puppies hump?

Once again, you have to keep in mind that dog humping is natural and it is an instinctive behavior. On the other hand, dog humping can happen in puppies 3-6 weeks of age.

Usually, puppies hump during play. Both male and female dogs can mount each other during play.

How do I stop my dog from arousal-biting me?

Redirect them to some other physical activities. Encourage them to do running, rugging, fetching, jumping, and any other activities that can burn off excess energy.

Reward them with treats once they comply or give them their favorite toy so that they can focus on other stuff rather than arousal biting or humping you.

dog humping a dog

Dog Humping Final Thoughts

In conclusion, dog humping is a natural and instinctive behavior in dogs after all. You’ll also need to remember that there are plenty of reasons why your dog is humping or mounting.

A few of the reasons why are they humping people is to release excessive energy.

In some cases, humping a person’s leg can be a form of excitement. They’ll experience emotional or mental arousal toward the dog or the person.

However, excessive dog humping can be a sign of compulsive behavior that needs to be stopped.

If you’ve noticed that your dog has been humping more frequently than usual, you’ll be the one responsible for calming them down.

You can also stop excessive dog humping through exercise. Redirect them to doing other physical activities like running and jumping.

Moreover, if your dog is intact, it also helps to neuter or spay your pup.

And if all of these things fail, you can always hire a professional.

Hiring a dog trainer can help you not just stop them from humping, but you can also learn a lot more about your dog.



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