Billie Eilish Adopts Adorable Puppy She Was Fostering While Social Distancing


18-year-old Billie Eilish is now a proud dog mama to the adorable puppy that she was fostering at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since fostering the pup, it would seem that the “Ocean Eyes” singer caved and the little puppy became her foster fail.

As she shared on her Instagram Stories, the singer posted a picture of the puppy along with the caption, “As for this little nameless monkey… you are miiiiiiiiiiiine!!!”


The timing couldn’t be better since most of the world is being forced to stay indoors, which means that Eilish will have loads of companionship with this puppy while social distancing from others at her parents’ home in Los Angeles.

But Eilish doesn’t seem to be taking the stay-at-home order too badly, as she shared during a recent German Telekom Electronic Beats podcast interview, “It sounds so introverted and loner-ish, but I’ve been really enjoying being alone.”


She followed up on the alone time, saying, “It’s been nice. I feel like everybody on the Internet has been talking about, like, they’ve been on FaceTime all day long with their friends.”

Eilish continued, explaining that the downtime has been a nice change to her normally busy schedule.

She added, “I love my friends, I can’t wait to see them, I do miss them a lot, but at the same time, I’m good. I’m good being alone — I like being alone … I haven’t had this much time off since I was 12.”

Eilish also spoke about her two foster puppies, urging “more people” to consider doing fostering during the public health crisis.


Eilish said in regards to helping animals through fostering, “They need it.”

However, it would seem that the two puppies were previously named for characters in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

She said, “I didn’t do it. It’s cute though!”

But she’s currently looking for a new name for her new pup.

But not all hope was lost for the other puppy though, Eilish shared some good news about the other pup on her Instagram Stories as well – the little puppy “also got a different forever home!! & is going to live the happiest life.”

So it would seem that all is well in the world.


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